Author has written 8 stories for iCarly, Twilight, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Teen Wolf. Name: Scottish word for werewolf Likes: Ketchup(it goes with pretty much everything...except cereal. never put it on cereal) oranges the color orange reading writing(even if I haven't in a while) League of Legends World of Warcraft Dislikes: Ron Weasley bashing stories(which people really seem to enjoy writing) yelling(not really sure why, it just makes me really uncomfortable) mayonaise(that stuff is just disgusting) when a book or fic ends(this isn't so much a dislike as I just get really sad because I know there won't be anything else) Slash and FemSlash fics(got nothing against the gay community[the way I see it is if their happy, I have no right to tread on said happiness]. I'm just getting tired of seeing completely STRAIGHT main characters[some of whom are already in committed relationships] being turned to play for the other team. It's annoying when you search up a charater and 80% of the stories are slash.) Sections I read from: Harry Potter Avatar Teen Titans Twilight Percy Jackson Teen Wolf(tv series) Buffy the Vampire Slayer DBZ Things I don't understand: Women(I mean no offense by this. I just can't comprehend them to save my life.) Weasley bashing in general(who decided that they were all just a bunch of backstabbing, greedy bastards that make DEs look like pansies minus Fred and George for some unknown reason) People who think the author ended a series wrong(this is normally due to a main character or a well liked one who didn't end up with the 'right person') Why perfectly good shows get cancelled(over the pass couple years I've had like 4 to 5 shows have this happen) Ron bashing(I know this is already in Dislike but really, how can so many people hate him sooooo much?) My irrational sports anger(I started watching sports a lot this past year and everytime I watch a game I basically go into a drunken rage!) Randoms facts about me: My eyes are extremely sensative to light(I like to think I'm part mogwai) I can make the sound of one hand clapping According to an thealmightyguru quiz, I am a Hufflepuff(or a Ravenclaw. there was a tie but I guess my answers leaned more towards badgers) I can whistle through my teeth and sound like a kitten(if I do it right a litter of them) I always sleep 7 hours within a 10-15 minute degree and never more If you look at my intitials you get the drug PCP(high school sounds like it was fun for me, doesn't it?) I have involuntary loud, echo-y single hiccups(that my family seems to think I can control) I've just learned that Microsoft Word can auto-correct kyrptonite correctly(I am quite pleased with this for some reason) Extras: Erased by Time and Blockbusters-The Cautionary Tale of Ron Weasley by Emily Asher-Perrin(If you are a Ron Weasley fan look this up. You won't regret it) |
Fictions of Legends (14) Foxy'sGirl (2) Froggy-slice (22) HolyOrdersOtaku (30) Inner Nobody (3) jazziisms (130) Kouri Arashi (26) | Melancholy's Sunshine (111) Nature9000 (176) Newbourne5 (9) Nyx6 (65) PanteraIchigo (9) peroxidepest17 (412) Phalanx (11) | RockaRoller88 (10) singingzombies (5) splash1998 (22) Streggae (10) Windschild8178 (14) yugiohfan163 (76) |