He was going to murder me.

He was going to cut me up into little pieces and when the Cops ask him how he lured me to his creepy secret lair he would laugh and tell them all he convinced me I was a werewolf. They would all have a good laugh on my expense. My dad would be forced to move out of shame and my brothers would pretend they didn't have such a stupid sister that went and voluntary walked into an abandoned dark and creepy old building with somebody who was wanted for questioning by the fucking cops for murder.

Murder that was my first clue to high tail the fuck out of there, maybe I could go hide under my bed or, you know jump in my car and go visit my aunt in Louisiana. I would totally take a week or two of vegan food and passive aggressiveness over this whole about to become a 6 o'clock news story about the perils of not being an idiot.

I mean, werewolf's didn't exist, there had to be some sort of explanation. Possibly, I have two options…. One, is I didn't come out of that jog in the forest as well as I should, and this is all some kind of elaborate coma dream forcing me to face some kind of hidden trauma that his holding me back in life, or two… I'm crazy.

Not, 'oh ha-ha, Ria. Oh yeah she's so crazy.' But holy shit keep that bitch away from me, Lock her up and throw away the key, type of crazy. It seemed pretty possible. Maybe I had some kind of break down, that is manifesting itself into this super crazy werewolf problem.

'Thanks brain, points for creativity'.

"Are you lost?" I screamed, my heart leaping from its rightful place in my chest to somewhere far in the distance.

"Holy shit dude, try breathing." I yelled holding my hand to my chest "God make a noise or something." The taller boy shrugged "Sorry, you seemed to be having some kind of inner dilemma, I didn't want to get in the middle of."

'Oh, cheekbones, you have no idea'.

"Well, you did so…" I gestured him away in a shooing motion "Get going, leave me to my dilemma in peace." If his eyebrows could go any further into his hairline they would have been part of his curls "I'm sorry, who are you." He asked "Cause, it looks to me like you and I are going to the same place." I turned to him, eying him up. "You too, are going to visit the attractive but obviously crazy 20 something that has somehow convinced me to make my way down a dark alley to an abandoned building after the sun had gone down."

"Yeah." The boy grinned "I'm Issac."

I could take him, if shit started getting serious, and I needed to make a getaway. I could so put my two weeks of self-defence training to good use and severely hider his ability to have children in the future. I would only need to take one down. I could so do this, Yeah… I could. It would be alright, if not. I'd just run, use my track skills. I could sprint the fuck out of this nightmare, get to a public place and scream like Freddy Kruger himself was chasing me.

It occurred to me, that I could just take off now, leave. Go to my car and drive home, I'm pretty sure that neither of them knows where I live. I'm pretty sure in all my years of being best friends with Drew, Derek never once came to my house.

I'm sure Miss Morrell would have something to say about my need to constantly put myself into dangerous situations. I'm pretty sure I need to be medicated. We should discuss this at my next session

"…So, you're coming in or…" Issac trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck "Because you're kind of blocking the door."

"Oh." I turned, oh hell. Even the door looked like I would need a tetanus shot after I used it. Still I shuffled out of the way; let the kid cut his hand open.

Issac smiled before he moved past me into the depot, maybe it was to calm me down. Maybe to reassure me that he wasn't going to murder me (Jokes on you buddy. I have two weeks of self-defence training down my belt. Kick and run bitch.) He looked like an okay kid.

Plus, really. How bad could it be?

"Hey, Issac. Wait up." I called after the taller boy, he paused just before the room opened up, I could see the beginnings of a rusted old train. Seriously, was everything trying to kill me?

He glanced at me curiously, before making his way across the room, throwing himself on one of the beat up old couches; obviously he had done this before. "Your late." The gruff voice called from the train. Derek emerged a moment later. He was looking more and more like the grumpy cat meme every time I saw him.

"I wasn't, I was just contemplating if I was crazy enough to walk through the door." she shrugged "Apparently, you are." Derek spared me a glance before stalking over to Issac, who had taken his feet off the couch and was sitting upright. What, an ass kisser.

"Did anybody see you." He asked Issac nodded. He looked a lot like an eager puppy, ready to please his master. Derek gestured Issac to the train "Get some rest, I need you strong for tomorrow." Issac was on his feet in an instant, sparing a glance to her, he offered another smile before disappearing into the train.

"Wait, do you live here." I asked sparing an glace around the old building, old as balls really. It looked like it was one rain storm away from falling to pieces. I was sure I passed a condemned sign on my way in.

"You didn't come here to talk about my living conditions." He invaded her question gesturing for her to sit. I frowned, but did as he said. Squirming until I found a comfortable position, I waited for his explanation with baited breath.

"This was going to be good". I thought to myself as I settled into the seat. Derek seemed to be rallying himself. He took a breath before he began.

"Drew was a werewolf." He started. "So was Laura, Cora, my mom and dad, Uncle Peter and about everybody you met at birthdays, dinners and basically anytime you were at the house, were werewolves."

My thoughts shuffled through the Hale family in my mind, compared with what I had learnt about werewolves from TV and by going at least two pages in on google. I couldn't connect the happy Hale family with the pictures and articles google offered.

But, as I thought back, some instances of strange behaviour, Drew had always been pretty mellow and non-conformational, but there was this one incident. Somebody pushed me, it was no big. Just some kid in a hurry to get to class, they offered a shouted apology as they rushed down the corridor. Drew had freaked out. She had never seen him so angry. It had scared her. In the end, the high school and the middle school were only across the road from each other. Laura had rushed over and bundled him into the back seat of Derek's car. He wasn't at school the rest of the week.

Laura had rolled her eyes when I asked "Boys." She grinned. Laura, at that time was my go to for everything. Her word was pretty solid, especially to a motherless 12 year old girl.

"Can you prove it?" I eyed him curiously "Because all you have done is talk and talk, but I've yet to see physical evidence." Derek's eyebrows rose "I tell you my entire family were werewolves, and you want proof."

I nodded "Yeah, that's about right." Derek huffed, muttering to himself before he took a breath. Before his face…changed.

I noticed the eyes before anything else. How could I miss them? Bright red eyes that had been terrifying my nightmares. My eyes skipped across the raised skin, moving to the pointed ears, downwards to the sharp fangs. My hand moved on its own accord, raising to touch him, before I realised what I was doing, I let my hand drop to my side. Nibbling at my bottom lip, I turned away.

Holy Shit, Holy fucking shit balls. "This cannot be happening." I shook my head, blowing wisps of dark hair that had fallen from Shell's hastily tied braid "Werewolf's." I turned to him thankful he looked more like himself. "Fucking werewolf's."

Derek to his credit looked pretty calm "Your freaking out." He informed me casually,

"Oh, am I. Thank you caption fucking obvious." I stood, and began pacing the room. This was a lot to take in. Werewolves. "Issac he's…" I trailed off as Derek gave a firm nod "Anybody else." I squeaked Derek nodded "One other." I got from his tone that was not a conversation he was willing to have.

"I need to go." I told him, the urge to bolt was overwhelming. "Were not done here." Derek growled "There is more you need to know." I waved him off "Another time. I need to process."

Derek, growled a loud and rumbling sort of roar. A warning, it sent shivers down my spine and I was pretty sure my blood pressure rose a few points. But if anything, it quickened my pace. "I'll find you when I'm ready." I slammed the door completely missing the look of surprise that flashed across Derek Hales face.

Issac was out in an instant. "She didn't listen." He asked "Why". Derek frowned "Because I'm not her Alpha."

Guess who's back, Back again.

So, hello it's been a year. How have you all been? Me, I've been about the same. Same job, same house same procrastination problem. Totally out of the blue I got a review for this story. Crazy lol, I thought why the hell not and gave it a bit of a read. I read like a million mistakes lol. I sort of forgot all about this story, and the first half of this chapter had been sitting in my Microsoft word for a year. I wrote it just after I posted the last chapter lol.

So, I feel like this chapter started off alright. But as it progressed It sort of lost steam. I'm sleepy and have the early shift tonight. So, I will post this to show that I will keep updating. I will work on the next chapter tomorrow.