A/N; Truth be told, I just copied this exact author's note from Creative, because I'm lazy like that. So if you already read that one or vice versa, just skim or whatever you want.
um… Two years. Two years? TWO YEARS?! That is a lot longer than some marriages… And pizza delivery...
Sorry literally is not cool at this point, am I right? I am literally trying to start a mob against myself.
I hope to finish but i will not give a definite time frame or date as I am terrible with dates and promises.
I am however, rewriting some or a majority of this story. In two years I have matured more and feel I have improved my writing style and wish to incorporate this into My Friend's Cousin's Baby. In two years I am ashamed to admit I have stopped watching Teen Wolf, yet the complicated part is I still love it. I loved, loved, LOVED the first two seasons and part of season three, I don't know about y'all, but I did not really like the darker turn the show was taking and I never had time to sort of commit to the show like I did the afore mentioned seasons. That is completely fine if you are still a Teen Wolfer full force and whatnot, just to be clear. This story though, will be 'frozen' in time of the first two to early third seasons, when the show had more lovey-dovey teen romance instead of 'ah shit more mythical creatures and legends'. Do not get me wrong I love any and all kinds of mythology, I'm actually in love with it, like sit me down and tell me for an hour of the celtic rituals and shit, I love it. But, at least to me, the show throws in twenty different religions, cultures, myths, legends, etc, in reality that really is the real world, but I like to be centered on one thing and concentrate efforts to one.
So back to my story. I will repost edited chapters as I finish rewriting them, but I will still keep the old ones until I get to updating them. Re-reading as I upload is most likely a very good idea, but you don't have to. Even though it will make a lot more sense because just reading the original then the new chapters to come after editing will be like retelling a war story to a dog while the dog only speaks latin. Maybe an extreme analogy, but….*shrug*. Just my way of bribing you to rereading.
The story will hopefully be longer, more descriptive, advanced, etc. Like I mentioned earlier, I have matured and changed, meaning my story will too. Ahem, *blush* like the rating will change for language, sexual content, and realism, to be honest. You are pre-warned. Set your own standards.
So in short;
1.)Continuing the story and hopefully finishing.
2.)Editing and rewriting.
3.)'Frozen' in time, at least in means of the show and maybe just running my own 'calendar'
4.)Keeping unedited chapters until edited.
5.)More mature content
6.)Luv ya guys :*
Same goes for Creative, but with nearly same author's note, so if you are reading it currently or going to, pop over there and check that A/N.
***********IMPORTANT NOTE************
I will probably change My Friend's Cousin's Baby a lot more than Creative, for the fact that I wrote Creative first and sort of transferred quite a bit of details from there to here. Which majorly means names will be changed, so you will definitely want to reread.