Alright, I've sat this out long enough. It's been a while since I've written a lot of fics, given how much shifts I have. So without further adu, here's the first chapter of a reboot of my old fic, "Beast Boy and the Titans North Girls." But now this is simply called "Titans North."

I don't own anything from the DC Universe, enjoy the fic.


Chapter 1: North Chicago

Chicago, IL

Chicago, one of the best cities in America. The jazz music, the entertainment theaters, and the best location for 80s tv cop shows. Beneath Chicago there lies an area over by the Union Court Yard, a place where misfits, nobodies, mutants, and metahumans lives, a gated community of has-been heroes and villains: the Netherworld.

There, a small minimum crowd of misfits, metahumans and other bizarre outsiders come to a seedy place. A lot of them come and go to place their bets on the bowl for the cage fight. Soon, one costumed guy is dragged out of the ring after the sound of beating, he is recognized as Evil Star, who's now all beaten.

"Damn, I thought Evil Star was to last longer."

"What to expect? He got his ass handed by that grizzly green guy."

"And that was Evil Star!" spoke the Asian woman with bun-style purple hair, glasses, and wears a red qipao dress with a chest window, a slit on her dress showing a green dragon tattoo on her right thigh, and red boots. She is known as Roulette, "Of all the winnings earned for the night, you have the running champ of the Meta-Brawl!"

By the corner of the cage, there lies a green, muscular young man. Shirtless and wearing blue jeans and black boots. His dark green long spiky hair.

"Place your bets, cause I'm sending in one more for the night! If he's gonna beat his streak, then he's the champion for the night!" Roulette announced as another opponent comes in. This time it's an armored man wearing some kind of cannon located down on his…crotch area, "Let's see if the Codpiece has this in the bag!"

"I'll be blasting that boy until he begs!" Codpiece declares as he whispers "That came out wrong."

"Whatever you do, don't hit him in the balls." Roulette advised him.

"I thought everything goes around here?" Codpiece asks her.

"I did, but him there and he'll take it personally," Roulette respond as she exits out of the caged ring, followed by the bell ring.

Codpiece looks at the green young man as he comments "You're nothing special, boy. My cock-cannon is bigger than yours!" he declares as he shoots out balls out of his crotch cannon which shoots up spikes. The green man looks at the spike balls, as he narrowly dodges them as he swings his boot to kick the cannon, bending it upward. "NO! MY CROTCH CANNON!" Codpiece cries out, as he receives a punch to the face by his green opponent, knocking him out to hit the fence.


"Codpiece's out of the ring! The winner is the Beast!" Roulette announced, as the champ known as the Beast, looks up while breathing heavily, all the while grabbing a beer from the ice bucket to drink it.


In the city, there's a house on fire and the firemen are trying to put it out. But it really burning up inside as some still inside.

"Sir, I don't think we can make it!" one of the firemen shout

"We need to keep going, there's people-What the?" Chief said sees in the sky.

Someone is floating in the sky happens to be Supergirl; a girl with long blond hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. She wears the iconic blue long-sleeve shirt with the red S shield logo, red cape, red skirt, and red boots.

Supergirl takes a deep breath and blow out huge wind into the building, making the fire going out. Even some fireman inside are getting out now with the people who trap inside.

The crowd cheered as Supergirl lower herself on the street. The fire chief spoke to her "Thanks for putting out the fire, Supergirl."

"Anytime, Fire Chief Sandler." she replied, "Now if I may ask, have you seen a green-skinned guy around?"

"Well I don't know about that, but if you're looking around for metas, go to the old Union Court Yard. A lot of strange stuff happens there." Sandler responds, "The boys call that area the Netherworld, we don't go there much since there's rarely any fires in that area."

"The Netherworld?" Supergirl repeats as she nodded to the Chief "Thanks, sir." she said as she flies off on her search.


Beast came by at Roulette's office who's counting money.

"Here's your pay, Logan." Roulette said as she gave him the money.

"Thanks anyway," he replied as he gets the cash. "I'll be going," he said as he's walking away.

"Hold on there, Logan." Roulette stops him as he pauses "Tomorrow's fight I need you to take a dive. Once more bet on you to win, you'll lose and their betting money can go into your pay, more than you did tonight."

"Whatever," Beast said as he turns and walks away.

Once he gets out of the Meta-Brawl ring he went home. During the long walk, he walks through the strange town full of metas, mutants, misfits and those that don't feel like belonging to society.


He makes it to his home at an apartment building. He digs into his pocket as he uses the keys to open the door. Opening it is an apartment that's not at all proper.

The place is full of trash in the corner, dishes piled up in the sink, and dirty clothes all over on the couch. Garfield walked to his kitchen, he goes to his fridge to open up to see full of moldy food but a bottle of beer.

Garfield simply grabbed his beer and walked to his couch, he opened it up as spoken. "To another victory," he said as he drinks it all up while turning on the TV.

"This is Cat Grant reporting from Chicago as we take a look at the grand opening of the newly established T-Tower here the shore. Soon Chicago will have their own roster of Titans coming soon to protect this city and clean up crime."

"Swell," Gar said while sipping his beer. He then heard a knock on the door, "Great, landlord." he mumbled, as he set aside his beer and walk towards the door. Once he opens it, it's revealed to be Supergirl.

"Hey, your Garfield, right?" she asked, giving her smile towards the green young man "I came here to-" before she could finish, the door closes on her by Garfield. "..." taking a pause, she knocks on the door again as Garfield answers it.

"I'm not interested in what you're selling," he told her.

"Garfield, listen, I came here cause I need your help on a case-"

"Ask Nightwing," he told her as he closes the door, but Supergirl's boot blocks the door causing it to break apart.

"Damn it! I have to pay for that!" Garfield shouts as glare at her. "What do you want?"

"Will you stop being a jerk and listen!" Supergirl responds angrily. "Look I need your help with something really important!"

"Sorry, but if you were sent here by Nightwing, tell him that I'm not interested in joining the Titans again." Gar respond "As you know, I'm happy around here."

"Yeah, with a messy apartment, who would be happy," Supergirl said sarcastically.

"Don't you have better things to do than to hang around with some wash-up," Gar asked as he turns around, sits on his couch.

"I don't think you're a nobody, um Garfield, right?" Supergirl asked as she gets in front of him "You're one of the founding members of the Teen Titans, which are now called the Titans, you've fought alongside with them and even brought down the Brotherhood of Evil."

"Correction, it would've ended in disaster if my friends didn't come along to save my ass." Garfield admits, striking down on that theory, "A lot of people seem to misinterpret that little info on the internet."

"Okay, but besides that, I really need your help on this case I'm doing."

"Why not ask Nightwing or Batgirl? They're the detectives." He asked.

"They told me that you're more familiar with this case." She replied as she told him "What do you know about the Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man?"

His ears peaked, as he stands up and looks at her, "What do you know about him?" he asked.


Chicago Theater

Music plays, as a jazz band is playing in front of an audience. Sitting by the balcony is a well-dressed middle-aged man with white hair, black eyes, and pale skin. He wears a clean black vest over his white button shirt, black tie with black pants and shoes.

Coming to sit beside him was Roulette, who joins him up on the balcony, "The music is lovely today, isn't it, Veronica?" he asks kindly.

"I'm more into Nu-metal," she replied crossing her arms, "But here's troubling news, Dr. Adamson, the Titans have set up shop here in Chicago,"

"Really? Any members I should know about?" he asked.

"According to my sources, it's just Supergirl." Roulette states, "If she were to discover our businesses..."

"Relax, Veronica." Dr. Adamson assures while a plate of food is handed to him on a tray, he raises his knife and fork to cut the meat "Even if she discovers our businesses, it won't matter. I have already got back up plans in case of stuff like this."

"I should note you that I have that green Titan in my Meta-Brawl, and it seems Supergirl has taken an interest in recruiting him." Roulette told him.

"Really? Then we'll just have to watch how this goes." Dr. Adamson said while eating his food.


Titans North Tower

Garfield enters into the common room of the tower, following Supergirl as she flew towards the control panel. He's gotta admit, it does resemble the tower back in Jump, but more on a modern and futuristic. Like seeing something from Star Trek. Supergirl taps on the control panel which shows a bunch of images of labs broken in, with teeth marks, pictures of victims, tree roots and diamonds all around.

"Nice place you got here," he comments.

"Thanks," she replied, "This is how much I know about the Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man's actions. He has made a string of bank robberies. Just...what is he?"

Opening up the image is a man with white hair, yellow eyes and has a dinosaur head connected to his neck. He wears a blue unitard with his left arm made of sharp diamonds, his right arm a large tree branch, and his legs are tentacles.

"He's Dr. Sven Larson," Garfield told him, "Back then he used to work as a Swedish researcher to find cures for that disease that has people grow tree roots and rocks out of their bodies."

"Lewandowsky–Lutz dysplasia, also known as tree-man syndrome." Supergirl comments.

"Yeah, that." He replied as he continued, "Then like every other mad scientist he test it onto himself with some machine with a bunch of animals he's got caged up, went in but took too long and turned into, well, that. The Doom Patrol had put him into ARGUS's cell but it looks like he's back on the surface."

"Is he dangerous?" Supergirl asked him.

"Not much, his dinosaur head has a mind of its own, and also pretty arrogant with his powers." He states as he looks at the Gamestation on the table, "You play Gamestation?"

"Oh, that." she replied at the game console, "Well, it's a gift from Cyborg when I started out, he gave these away to other Titans sectors around the world. Like, if we want to go play online party or something."

"This one's a new model, the Gamestation X66, online play, can upload Filmflix to play movies." Gar states as he held up the controller, "Even the controllers are stylin'."

"I heard that you like video games." Supergirl states as he looks at her, "I mean, it's what I've heard from Cyborg."

Garfield looks down and smile. "Heh, he's always wanted to use his tech to comfort us after the missions. He's like a big brother to me, we always get into fights sometimes mostly who's best video game player or the meat and tofu wars we had."

"Why didn't you called him or the others?" Supergirl question crosses her arms. "Because you like being the asshole?"

Gar ignores her question as he looks at the wanted poster image of Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, he spoke: "So when was the last time he was seen?"

Supergirl sigh, irritated by him dodging her question with another, she answered "Well, he's last seen from Dakota. Right now he's somewhere around Chicago."

"So you're having trouble with some c-list supervillain, and you need me, a c-list superhero to find him?" Gar asks her, "Sounds like you're desperate."

"Sounds like that I need your help so innocent people don't get hurt by a superpowered bank robber!" Supergirl yelled with a glare, "So are you gonna help me or not!?"

"Alright, calm down. Chill," He told her, trying to calm her down at ease, "Let's just stakeout at the banks around here in Chicago. There's like 40 of them, he could be robbing one of them."

"After the T-Tower's installed, each bank has been set with an alarm system." Supergirl told him, "So that means, once he enters one of them, he'll set off a silent alarm and we'll corner him!" she said while pounding her fist at her hand.

Suddenly the alarm blares off, as the screen shows a map to the location of the crime. It was one of the banks, specifically the First American Bank.

"Got him!" Supergirl declares.


Coming out of the bank is a man with white hair, pale skin, wears a blue bodysuit but has a velociraptor connected to his neck. He has a vegetable right arm and a velociraptor left arm, with diamond feet.

"Looks like we're doing so well with the cash!" he declares with a smile.

"Raawr!" his dinosaur partner connected to him replied.

"Yes, you're getting half of the cut." He replied while swinging the money bag over his shoulder. "Now come on, before someone-"

"Come for your surrender?"

The Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man turn to see Supergirl and the former Beast Boy, "Alright, Sven, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Gar told him.

"Surrender now and no one gets hurt, specifically you," Supergirl told him.

"Oh great, but you can't catch me!" Sven states as he launches his wooden arm to transform his hand into a diamond spike. Supergirl and Gar dodge the spike as he turns to Gar "You're the Doom Patrol's pipsqueak, I won't have much long to beat you!"

"Are you sure about that?" Gar asked as he sees the raptor part of Sven's neck stretch it's neck to bite him. Gar saw the tail growing out from Sven's backside, as he swings it towards Gar who dodges it, and steps on the tail to walk towards Sven to launch a kick to Sven's chin, causing him to drop the money and fall back.

Supergirl charges in as she punches Sven's back. The raptor tries to bite her, but Supergirl grabs his chomps and closes them. She punches the lights out of the raptor, knocking him out. Garfield charges in, as he palms strike on Sven's chest, which sends out a ripple all over the villain's body causing him to be launched down to crash to a wall. Both Sven and the raptor were knocked out, as they have fallen from the wall.

Surprised, Supergirl asks Gar "Why didn't you transform into your animal forms and how did you do that?"

"Didn't feel like it and trade secret," Gar respond as he goes to put the inhibitor collar on Sven's neck. "You wanna take this guy to jail or what?"

"Yeah...just wait here," Supergirl said as she grabbed Sven and took off.

Gar sees her off, as he thought 'For once...I felt good about this.' he looks down, then looks at a window. He turns around and walks away with his own thoughts.

After sending Sven off to the police, Supergirl came back "Hey, I'm back and-" she didn't see Gar around, she sighs "Good thing I know where he lives."


Titans Tower

And so she went back to the Tower where Kara went to report to Nightwing.

"Good job on dealing with Sven, Supergirl." Nightwing spoke, as he now has long black hair, a black v-shaped domino mask, wears a black bodysuit with a bluebird symbol.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without Beast Boy's help," Supergirl replied, as Nightwing's masked eyes widen.

"Gar...went to help you?" He asks her.

"Well yeah, he was stubborn at first but I think I've pulled him through," She replied, "What did happen to him that makes him act this way? I thought he'd be more cooperative than that?"

"It's not my place to tell, but let's just say...he's been through a lot seven years ago," Nightwing told her.

"What happened seven years ago?" she asks him.

"That's confidential," Nightwing to her, "It's founders knowledge only. Gotta go, Nightwing out." he said as he cuts the feedback.

"Wait!" Supergirl shouts but the feed was cut, as she smacks the panels in stress. "What happened seven years ago?"


Somewhere in a dark room, a dark shadowy figure is seen holding the phone.

"Yes, Sven did what he came we've got him."

The shadowy figure turns to the wall of a picture of Gar. The figure threw a knife at the picture, saying "Soon, Logan. Soon you will realize true pain."


How much do you like it? I've taken some liberties to change this very loosely from the old version. Thanks to the suggestions from Buck Johnson I've put in this kind of spin for Beast Boy, or Garfield Logan as he prefers.

What happened to Gar all these years ago? Why did he stop using his animal forms? Does he still like Tofu and Raven? Well, this will be a totally different story than your usual BB fics from my own and the site.

I've also taken the liberty in bringing in Dr. Adamson from the Titans tv series, making my own spin on the character. He's basically running the Chicago underworld. Plus, there's another party at hand.

Remember to fav, follow and review. All criticism is accepted but the flames goes down in Silkie's food bowl.