A Symbol of Hope


No One's P.O.V

In a dark ally a lone figure stood in the darkness as sirens went off in the distance. As the figure stood a blur ran past the ally entrance as engines roared.

The figure didn't move as the engines roared louder and a man in armor jumped into the ally from above.

"I've found him!" The armored figured called out. "The Hero Killer!"

The dark figure just gave a wide grin as he slowly pulled out his sword. "No, I found you, you fake hero!"

"The first match of the second round! At this year's sports festival, both have shown top class performances!"

"First! He's the ultimate underdog, being Quirkless and still winning against all odds! It's Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku narrowed his eyes at Iida as he kept his body lose. "As soon as the fight starts he'll speed right at me. I'll have only a few seconds to grab CC before shooting off an arrow, two at most. He did cover 50 meters in 3 seconds after all. I'll need to make that shot count."


"Speed, speed, and more speed! This guy is seriously fast, how far will he go!? It's Tanya Iida!"

Iida had a firm look on his face with his arms crossed, even so he gave Izuku a smile, one Izuku returned.

"No hard feeling on who will win, Mr. President." Iida said with a grin.

Izuku returned the grin and gripped CC in his hands. "Of course, so you better go all out!"

With that both students lowered into their stances, waiting to fight their hardest and win no matter what.

"Oh, I can't wait to see Izuku fight again!" Nejire said while bouncing Eri on her lap, making the little girl go up and down as she giggled. "His fights always get super intense!"

"But will they be okay after the fight's over?" Inko asked in a worried tone. "Their friends yet their fighting one another. What if this hurts their friendship?"

To Inko's surprise Mirio, Lila, Nejire, and even Tamaki laughed at her words. "Don't worry Inko." Lila said with a wave of her hand. "Fighting like this between real friends won't ruin their friendship. From what Izuku's told me about this Iida guy, their good friends. I doubt this fight will strain their friendship."

"I've fought with Tamaki dozens of times and we've always been good friends!" Mirio said in an upbeat tone as he throw his arm around Tamaki's neck, making him blush.

Inko didn't understand it exactly, but she trusted the experienced heroes as she turned to the arena, waiting for her son to fight.

Shigaraki sat silently as he stared intently at the screen, waiting for the archer to fight once again. He had been studying the archers fighting style intensely, more so then any of the other students.

However, one student among UA caught his attention. He was brash, arrogant, ruthless, cared about no one except himself, wanting to be the strongest one.

Katsuki Bakugo.

"Those two haven't started yet?" Everyone turned to see Ochako enter Class 1-A's booth, looking down at the arena with a bit of worry. "I've got to watch!"

Mina gained a shock look on her face when she saw Ochako's eyes. "Ochako, what happened to your eyes!?" Mina shouted as everyone nodded, seeing they looked red and puffy, unnaturally so.

"Damn, Bakugo did a number on you." Kaminari said in sympathy, while Bakugo just growled from the his seat. "Maybe you should head to Recovery girl-"

"I just came from their." Ochako said as she sat down next to Mei while rubbing her eyes. "She could only heal so much without over-exhausting me." She said quickly before anyone found out why her eyes were red.

"Anyway, you came just in time to see Midoriya and Iida's fight." Tokoyami said, making Ochako sigh in relief.

"I just made it." Ochako sighed as she looked down at the field. She felt a little guilty that she was rooting for Izuku more then Iida. She wished they could both win, but knew it was impossible. So out of the two, she chose the one that helped her out the most. "You can do it Izuku." She said with a smile.

"Let's make this fight a little different with some sick beets!" Present Mic called as he started to play some music no one recognized. "Found this in my great Grandfather's trunk!"

(You're Going to go Far, Kid: By-The Offering)

"Damn, this is some old music..."

"Don't judge, just accept! START!"

Izuku whipped up CC and pulling up an arrow Izuku soon found Iida to be only a few feet in front of him, and the glasses teen was closing in fast. Acting fast Izuku shot an arrow between them and soon a large pile of red foam appeared. Iida narrowed his eyes as he managed to turn around the foam.

Just as the speedster was about turn to Izuku only for another arrow to appear in his path, making Iida run around as the arrow froze the floor.

This went on for a few moment, with Izuku shooting arrows none stop in Iida's path, forcing the speedster to run around the arrows. The archer was shooting arrows at machine gun speed with any arrow that would work such as putty, shock, explosive, bolo, net, foam, anything that might catch the speedster off guard. However, Iida's speed was enough to out run or dodge the arrows, avoiding the attack's completely. If that wasn't bad enough Iida was picking up speed with every second that went by.

As Izuku went to grab an arrow his hand slipped and grabbed nothing but air, making his eyes widen. "Shit!"

Iida saw the split second opening and used it, rushing at Izuku with blinding speeds. Acting on his reflexes Izuku managed to pull out an arrow before shooting it at Iida.

However, much to the archer's shock, Iida ducks low and uses his engines to slide across the ground, the arrow harmlessly flying over him.

"HA!" The Speedster yelled as his engines roared.

Izuku didn't have enough time to react as Iida imbedded his foot into his exposed stomach. The archer felt pain shoot through his body as he tried to fight against the force of the kick, but it was too powerful. The green hair student was sent flying back, trying his hardest not to vomit up his lunch.

However, Iida was far from finished. Back flipping onto his feet the speedster zoomed up to Izuku before he hit the ground, and grabbed his quiver before running forward as fast as he could.

"What a sudden twist, not only dose Iida land the first hit but is also zooming to the edge of the ring with Midoriya! Could this be over before it starts!?"

"Not happening!" Izuku thought at he shifted CC into it's staff form before sticking it between Iida's legs.

The sudden staff between Iida's legs was enough to trip the speedster, making not only him, but Izuku tumble to the ground.

Izuku rolled with the fall and easily managed to get to his feet. However, he instantly noticed something wrong.

His quiver was lighter, extremely lighter.

Whipping his head back Izuku saw that a good number of his arrows were missing with the exception of a few regular ones and some net arrows. If that wasn't bad enough Flash Fang was also missing from his sheath. Looking further back Izuku saw that his missing arrows were in Iida's hand along with Flash Fang in the other.

"I had hoped to take your quiver all together, but this will have to do." Iida said in a serious tone as he throw the arrows and sword outside the arena.

"Amazing! Iida has just taken Midoriya's main weapons away! How will this Quirkless Archer fight with barely any arrows!"

Izuku narrowed his eyes at Iida, angry his arrows and swords were taken, but ultimately respected his idea. With his arrows and Flash Fang gone, fighting just became a whole lot more difficult.

"Don't think you've won yet Iida." Izuku said with a grin as he shifted CC into it's staff form. "I've still got more tricks up my sleeve."

Iida grinned as he crouched low. "I would be disappointed if you didn't." He said before speeding up to Izuku.

Seeing the speedster running right at him Izuku jabbed his staff forward, and as predicted Iida easily dodged it. Jumping to the side while swinging the staff Izuku managed to keep Iida at bay, but not for long.

Speeding around the archer Iida made another b-line for Izuku just as his feet started to touch the ground. Not having enough time to attack or keep at bay, Izuku was forced to go on the defensive.

Once Iida was close enough he swung his engine powered leg, aiming for Izuku's side. Izuku managed to bring up CC just in time for the kick, what he didn't expect was the power behind it.

"It's like getting hit by a car!" Izuku thought in shock as he was pushed to the side by the powerful kick, but managed to stay on his feet.

Iida didn't stop his attack and swung his right foot into an overhead arc, his engines roaring with a powerful force. Izuku managed to bring CC up just in time to block once again, only this time he was prepared for the powerful kick.

Once Iida's leg slammed into the staff Izuku's legs buckled as he struggled to fight against the powerful force. The kick was so strong the archer felt CC bend under the force. Fortunately Izuku managed to block the attack despite everything, making him grin.

Twisting the staff in hand Izuku swept it at Iida's feet, bringing them out from under him. Before the speedster could react Izuku grabbed Iida by the head before slapping it down with a large amount of force, making Iida cry out in pain.

Iida felt his head ring in pain as his skull throbbed, yet despite the pain Iida grit his teeth. His engines roared as he span around the ground before back kicking Izuku, sending the teen tumbling back. Both easily climbed to their feet, panting in pain and exhaustion as they stared at one another.

"What an intense fight! Neither student is holding back as they fight to win, who will to go on to the next round, and who will lose!"

Iida was giving Izuku an intense stare, but it was far from negative. "As expected from you Midoriya, you truly are amazing. I truly wish we could of faced one another in the final round." He thought before his eyes narrowed as he slowly crouched down. "However, I must win, to show I can be just a great a hero as my brother! And as your friend, I will not hold back!"

"He's coming." Izuku thought as he tighten his hands around CC. "Give me everything you got Iida!"

Without any warning Iida zoomed forward as fast as he could and was on the archer in seconds before jamming his knee forward. Izuku managed to bring his staff low enough to block the attack but didn't have enough time to set his body, resulting in him being sent back flying.

Iida was far from done as he zoomed right up to Izuku before jumping into the air. Iida's foot slammed straight into Izuku's chest with a powerful dive kick, knocking the air straight out of him as he was sent flying even further back.

Acting fast Izuku fired off his Grapple-Gauntlet and managed to stop his flight, however, that was exactly Iida was hoping for.

Speeding up to the archer Iida jumped into the air before going full power, carrying his body right to Izuku.


Izuku's eyes widen at the oncoming attack before he brought up CC for another defensive stance.


Iida's shin slammed straight into CC with a shocking amount of force, so much so it created a strong wind pressure. Izuku and Iida struggled were locked in a power struggle, Iida's engine roaring in power as he pushed Izuku body down, who struggled to fight against Iida's strong leg.


Izuku's eyes widen in shock as he heard the fantast noise over the roar of Iida's engines.


"Oh shit." Was all Izuku could say before the worst happened.


"HAAAAA!" Iida roared as he pushed down with everything he had.


With barely any warning CC snapped in two under Iida's powerful leg, before said leg slammed into Izuku's left shoulder. The young archer slammed into the ground with so much force he actually bounced off it, shaking his body in pain as he struggled to keep conscious.

Without missing a beat Iida grabbed Izuku by the back of his shirt while he was in mid-air before zooming off to the edge of the arena.

"Midoriya has just taken a devastating attack from Iida who zooms away with him as if he were a ragdoll once again! Could this be the end for the Quirkless Underdog!?"

Izuku's vision was a blur as he felt his body scream in pain, yet with pure will he managed to move his body.

Slamming his elbow into Iida's chin and jabbing his leg between his Iida was sent tumbling to the ground with Izuku.

The first to recover was the young archer as he rolled to his feet easily before gaining some distance from Iida. Once far enough Izuku grabbed his throbbing shoulder as in winced in pain.

"That attack definitely broke it, maybe even shattered it." Izuku winced as he tried to move it as little as possible. "Can't move it, can't even use it or my Grapple-Gauntlet. Fuck." He thought while panting for breath, his body feeling exhausted.

Iida quickly pushed himself off the ground as he stared at Izuku, seeing him grabbed his shoulder. "Let's stop this now Izuku." Iida said as he dropped his guard, making Izuku blink. "Your out of weapons and heavily injured, continuing this fight will only hurt you more. Their is no shame in throwing in the towel."

Izuku was quiet for a long moment as his hair shades his eyes. Then he gave Iida a smile. "Thanks Iida, for the out, but I'm going to have to turn it down." Izuku said, his voice strong and full of confidence, surprising Iida. "A lot of people put so much faith in me, so it's impossible for me to simply give up." Izuku said as he opened his PE suit to reveal a tight black tank-top. "The only way to get me out is to knock me out!" Izuku said before he ripped the black tang-top in one go, revealing his bear chest to everyone.

The crowed instantly roared with applauds, specifically the woman, as the camra's turned to Izuku bring his whole body onto the jumbo screen.

"What's this!? Midoriya has decided to give the ladies (and some men) some special UA fan-service! Do we have another Midnight on our hands!?"

"I pray to whatever god is listening that we don't."

"So-so-so..." Midnight stuttered as her eyes drank in Izuku's muscular chest, which was revealed to millions of people at once. No shame in his eyes, no hesitation in his movements, he gave no damns and did whatever he wanted. "SO YOUTHFUL!" She cried out in ecstasy with he face bright red as her body bended back.

Back in the student booth the girls all gained their own blushes to different degrees as they as they gazed at the jumbo.

"Damn~" Mina said with a wide grin on her face along with a slight blush. "Who knew Midoriya had such a hot bod." She said as she stared hungrily at the abs.

"Really hot~" Hagakure giggled and everyone guessed the invincible girl also had a blush on her face, though no one could see it.

"Y-yes, Midoriya is quiet fit." Momo coughed into her hand, a slight blush on her cheeks. "I can say it's a testament to his training."

Jiro winced at Momo's tone before turning her eyes to the jumbo screen and sighing in defeat. "Damn, can't argue with that. Point to you green." She thought with a huff as her cheeks had the smallest red out of everyone.

"R-ribbit. The training seems to be doing well for him." Tsuyu croaked shakily as, despite her face showing little emotions, her cheeks were bright red as her eyes were fixed on the jumbo screen.

"U-Um..." Ochako stuttered as she put her hands over her eyes, pinking through them rather meekly with her face as red as a tomato. "Is anyone wondering why Izuku decided to... rip of his shirt?" She muttered as she struggled to put her eyes before giving up.

"It seems he's using his shirt to make a makeshift sling." Mei said as she was the only girl looking down at the arena. "His shoulder seems to be broken quiet badly. He might be trying to relive some of the pressure."


Mei blinked as she looked down at her hand to see a broken pencil. Shrugging, Mei turned her eyes back onto the fight before using her quirk to easily see Izuku's current condition, her eyes unconsciously trailing down his body. Unknown to herself that her cheeks were bright red.

Mineta was bleeding from his ears as he heard every word the girls said. "Damn it... Midoriya!" Mineta screamed in agony as he glared at the arena. "You are not aloud to be so cool and get all the girls! That's my dream!" He yelled, remembering his meltdown at USJ, knowing he wasn't as cool as he acted.

"Shut up perv!" All the girls said at once as Jiro jabbed her jack into Mineta's head before Momo slapped some tape over her mouth.

With that out of the way the girls turned back to the fight, or more specifically other aspects of the fight.

Lila glanced around with a raised brow before letting out a laugh. "Wow, who knew my little brother was popular with the ladies."

"Izuku, popular?" Inko said in a confused tone as she glanced around, seeing and hearing a lot of woman ogling her son. "Oh I hope he brings home a nice girl and none of these hungry... woman."

"Because Big brother is the coolest!" Eri said with a big smile as she watched the fight.

"Sure kid." Lila said with a laugh as she rubbed the top of her head. When her eyes turned back to the arena her face turned serious. "He's out of weapons and his shoulders busted bad. There's not much he can do at this point." Lila thought before she shook her head hard. "Come on, are you Lila Barton or some newbie! Dad was a master of 'last tricks up his sleeve' and he taught Izuku everything he knows! It's not over until it's over."

Izuku tighten the shirt around his arm for the makeshift sling before turning to Iida, who still hadn't move from his spot. "Most would of attacked me while I tended to myself." He thought with a smile before his face turned serious. "If you want to win Iida, you're going to have to hit me with everything you've got!"

Iida's face turned serious as he stared at Izuku. "Very well Izuku, then I will end this fight in one attack." He said as he slowly crouched low as his engines wined up.

Izuku grinned as he placed his feet on the ground, feeling exhaustion wash over him. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"What's this, Iida and Midoryia will be exchanging blows?! And from the feel of the tension, it's going to be something amazing!"

"Both Iida and Midoriya are extremely exhausted and injured, Midoriya more so. The next attack may determine who will win and move on to the next round."

With Eraserhead's word the stadium build up with tension and anticipation to the point that nearly everything was silent.

Iida's engines started to wined up in power to the point they were glowing red while spitting out blue flame.

Izuku however was much different. He wasn't tense like Iida was, but was instead more lose. In fact he was still struggling somewhat to stand.

"Torque Over-" Iida said as his legs tensed as his engines roared.

Izuku started to act by taking a large step back with his left foot.


Iida shot off like a rocket with the same blinding speeds as he'd shown in the Cavalry Battle. Even the more experienced heroes were having trouble catching his speed.

The moment before Iida had shot off Izuku had slammed his left foot firmly on the ground before he started to raise his right arm.

Using his speed Iida was about to give Izuku a devastating combo that would either force him out the ring, or at the very least incapacitate him. Once Iida was close enough he brought up his knee and was about to slam it straight into Izuku's chest, knowing it would do a good amount of damage on the injured archer.

As Iida was about to land his attack Izuku, he failed to noticed the archer extend his right palm up at Iida's chest.

"HA!" Iida shouted as he slammed his knee straight into Izuku's chest.

The archer coughed in pain as Iida slammed his knee right into the center of Izuku's chest. The force was so great that even for a split second Izuku was certain his sternum was broken. Yet with his last bit of strength Izuku slammed his palm forward.


Everyone in the stadium was stunned with what happened next. Everyone was certain of the outcome with the condition of the two students, yet what happened left everyone confused and stunned.

Iida, the less injured student, was sent back flying several feet when Izuku slammed his palm into the speedster's chest.

"W-W-W-W-WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!? Iida was sent flying in an instant just as he reached Midoriya, who can barely stand! How can this be!?"

"Taiho Shouha..." Eraserhead said, his voice clearly filled with surprise over what he just saw. "Otherwise known as 'Palm Wave'."

"What, you know what just happened!? Please tell us more!"

Eraserhead was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "Taiho Shouha is essentially a move where the user uses none of his own power and turns his opponents power against him. It's a high level technique that requires time and dedication in order to achieve. Iida wasn't blasted away by Izuku's right palm. Instead, imagine if Iida had ran chest first into a steel beam that was imbedded into the ground."

"Are we sure this kid is Quirkless, because that sounds crazy!"

Back on the arena floor Izuku panted hard as he still held his palm up. "Thank... god... It worked..." Izuku panted as he looked up at his opponent.

Iida laid on the ground gasping in pain and shock, bringing a shaky hand to his chest and gasped as he lightly touched it.

"It's... it's most likely fractured." Iida thought as he struggled to stand on his feet. "Where... where did he get that power from..." The speedster thought as his legs wobbled under his own weight. "My engines are stalled... I can't use my speed."

Seeing Iida stand made Izuku grip his fist. The fight was close to finish, but was far from over.

"Amazing! Despite the injures from their attacks these two refuse to fall! What amazing determination! That's Class 1-A for you!"

"It's time to finish this..." Izuku panted as he started to move forward until he was running at Iida.

The speedster grit his teeth as he also ran at Izuku, is mufflers still smoking from being stalled.

Both students ran at one another at the same speeds, ready to exchange blows.

"HA!" Iida yelled as he swung his legs, aiming for Izuku's ribs.

"Chai Kick!" Izuku yelled as he throw a vertical kick upwards.

Both kicks slammed into the other, easily knocking the wind out of them. There was a power struggle as both fought to over power the other.


Izuku roared as he put the last strength he had into his leg and managed to push Iida back. With a powerful swung Izuku sent Iida flying back and smacked into the ground hard.

The speedster tried to push himself up, only to fall back down while falling limp.

"Iida in unable to battle!" Midnight shouted while raising her hand. "The winner is Izuku Midoriya!"

The crowed roared with applauds as Izuku panted for air desperately, pain and fatigue washing over him. It wasn't long before Izuku and Iida were taken by the medic bots and made their way to the to Recovery Girl to be healed.

As Izuku was taken away he passed by Midnight, who was giving him a smile. "Nice job kid, can't wait to see what you do next." She said as her eyes trailed along his exposed body. "And I'll be watching you closely... very closely."

Izuku was too tired and injured to blush at Midnights advances. "Sure, sure, I'll be putting on a good show just for you." Izuku said with a care free wave.

"Oh," Midnight said with bedroom eyes as Izuku was being taken away by the med-bots. "Be carful what you say kid, you don't want to lead a girl on."

"I-it's over." Inko sputtered as she fell back into her chair, a cold sweat running down her face. "I-Izuku won again."

"Breath Inko." Lila said while grabbing a bottle. "Here, drink some water."

The green haired woman took the bottle in her shaky hands before sipping it slowly.

"That was an amazing fight!" Nejire said with a big smile on her face. "It was touch and go the entire time, I had no idea who was going to win."

"No kidding, who knew Izuku was hiding such a strong attack." Mirio said with a big smile on his face. "It kind of makes me want to fight him again."

"Maybe hold it off for the next few weeks, kid's going to be sore to all kinds of hel-heck!" Lila finished quickly, almost forgetting their was a child near. Glancing to the side the archer noticed Eri was looking very worried down at the field. "What's wrong Eri?" Lila asked, grabbing everyone's attention.

Eri turned to Lila with a frown on her face. "Big brother looked really hurt, will he be okay?"

Mirio smiled and placed his hand gently on Eri's head. "Don't worry, Izuku's one of the toughest student's I know. Plus Recovery Girl is an expert at patching up students."

Lila could see Mirio's words made Eri feel a little better, but their was still worry in her eyes. Suddenly the female archer had an idea.

"Why don't you go see him." Lila said grabbing the little girls attention. "I'm sure seeing you will make everything all better for Izuku."

"Really?" Eri asked in a hopeful voice.

"Will they allow her to go?" Inko asked the archer in a quiet voice, worry on her face.

"They will if I go with her." Mirio said with a big smile as he stood from his seat. "I'm sure I can get us to Recovery Girl easily."

"Then would you like to see Izuku, Eri?" Inko asked with a smile.

Eri grew a big smile on her face, looking exited. "Really?" She asked in a hopeful voice as the adults nodded. "Thanks Mama!"

Inko's heart melted as Mirio picked Eri up and made their way out the stands.

"She's a good girl, Eri." Lila said with a warm smile. "You've done great with her."

"Izuku helped a lot, Mirio as well." Inko said with a warm smile.

"We'll have to get them something after the tournament is over." Lila said as everyone waited for the next fight to start.

"That's one more win for Midoriya. He's on a roll." Tsuyu said with a grin.

"I hope his fights end up more like that, with him shirtless." Mina said with a giggle, making some of the girls blush a bit.

"But man, that fight got intense in the end." Sato said before pumping his fist. "And that last move Izuku did, he practically blew Iida away with just one hand!"

"Yeah, I'm still shocked Midoriya is really Quirkless." Sero said with a laugh. "I don't understand how Midoriya could do that with just some fancy moves."

"Just goes to show how strong martial arts can be." Ojiro said with some pride in his voice.

Ochako was looking down at the arena with mixed feelings. Both of her friends fought hard and only one moved forward. Iida wanted to fight to prove that he could be a hero like his brother, Izuku fought to prove he could be a hero period. Both had their own goals and Izuku was the only one to move forward, not Iida.

"Hero work is very cut throat." Ochako muttered before noticing some movement to her side. "Mei, what are you doing?"

The pink haired inventor was writing in her notebook before standing up form her seat. "Izuku broke CC and lost most of his arrows, he's going to need a backup." Mei said as she closed her notebook.

"You made more then one of those things?" Kirishima asked in a surprised tone.

"Of course!" Mei said with a grin as she put her notebook behind herself and it seemed to disappear. "Heroes always break inventions left and right, so every hero needs backups." The young inventor said as she made her way out of the stands. "Well, see you guys later."

"Wait," Ochako said as she got up from her seat. "I'll go with you."

"Me too!" Sato said while getting up from his seat.

"I'll join you." Tsuyu said with a small nod.

The group quickly made their way out to find their injured friends.

"You. Are. Just. As. Bad. As. All. Might!"

Izuku gave a small wince to every word as Recovery Girl lightly bonked him on the head with her cane. Izuku glanced to the side to see Iida laying on a bed, unconscious with his chest covered in bandages. Izuku looked over his own body to see his arm in a sling and his shoulder wrapped up

"Multiple rib fractures, a shattered shoulder, a fracture leg, and another concussion." Recovery Girl listed off, making Izuku wince at the memory of the injures. "Your friend's sternum was broken, he fractured his leg, and his nose had a hairline fracture." She said in a stern tone making Izuku wince again, this time with guilt. "Your friend will be fine once he finishes resting."

"Well, you can't blame me," Izuku gave a small protest as he looked away. "Iida was a though opponent, he held nothing back and I did the same."

Recovery Girl gave Izuku a long look before letting out a tired sigh. "You need to better manage your injuries. If this is how you fight when your hero, you'll be out of commission more often then not. I won't always be around to patch you up after every fight."

"I know that, that's why I have my suit to protect me from injuries." Izuku said before letting out a sigh. "But your right, I should of found a better way to handle the fight, without both me and Iida needing medical attention."

Recovery Girl gave Izuku a long look before sighing. "Well hopefully you'll learn from this." She said before looking at a clipboard. "I managed to heal everything without much trouble, except for your shoulder." She said, making Izuku gulp. "I'll heal it completely just before your next fight after I set it, but you'll be feeling the exhaustion during your next match. So try to rest up as best you can."

Izuku nodded in understanding, he already taken some damage with Kendo and his fight with Iida only added to it. The young archer might not be at his peak for the next fight, but he would try his hardest to win.

"But..." Izuku thought grimly as he looked at his bandaged shoulder. "Is this as far as I can go?"

Without warning the door to the room slammed open and a group of student barged in, Mei, Ochako, Sato, Tsuyu, and oddly enough Mineta.



"Izuku, Iida, are you two okay!?"

Izuku blinked at the sudden entrance before giving everyone a smile. "Hey, guys." He said in a friendly tone.

Ochako stepped forward and looked at both Izuku and Iida with worry. "Are you guys okay?"

Izuku gave a friendly grin as he lifted is bandaged arm. "We did a number on each other, but Recovery Girl healed us up."

"Then why do I still feel in pain?"

Everyone turned to Iida who slowly sat up from his bed, rubbing his head in.

"You feeling alright?" Izuku asked the speedster.

Iida rolled his shoulder before wincing in the pain in his chest. "I'll live," He said before glancing around. After a moment he looked with slight disappointment. "I lost, huh."

Their was a somber mood in the room as Izuku gave Iida a sad smile. "You put up one hell of a fight." Izuku said as a grin crossed his face. "When you took may arrows and sword away you left me unarmed, I did not expect that, and that special move you did, the Recipro-Shot, that was practically a Pro-Hero move!" Izuku said in an exited tone.

That seemed to lift Iida's spirits a bit as he smiled to Izuku. "The Recipro-Shot was another special move I was working on in secret. As for the weapons, I knew you were dangerous with your weapons so the logical thing was to take them away before using my special move."

"Which means I'm going to have to make a new quiver to stop that from happening again." Mei said with a thoughtful look on her face. "Maybe a locking mechanism, or maybe I should line the quiver with a shock grid and give you a glove that can protect against it." The inventor said as she mumbled on about possible invention upgrades.

Izuku shook his head with a laugh. "Never change Mei." He said, unknowingly making the girl smile.

"So how are you guys?" Sato asked as he glanced at the injuries.

"You guys are crazy, you were too into the fighting." Mineta said with a nerves tone while looking at the two. "What kind of Pro is going to want that?"

Tsuyu slapped Mineta on the head with her tone. "You can't really insult anyone since you didn't make it to the final round."

"But it's true, isn't it!" Mineta defended himself. "What kind of Pro wants to deal with students who get injured a lot?"

"Quiet down everyone, they need to get some rest." Recovery Girl said as she waved them down. "My quirk drained them both, Midoriya more so since he was injured in his last match."

"Will he be able to fight in the next match?" Mei asked in a serious tone, surprising everyone a bit.

Recovery Girl gave a sigh as she leaned on her cane. "Yes, though I stress that he won't be in his top condition, he should still be able to hold his own to an extant." She said before turning to Izuku. "This goes without saying, but try to not get too injured in the next fight. I can only use my quirk so many times on the same person in the same day." She warned.

Izuku sighed and nodded, at the same time Mei slammed a case on his lap, knocking the air out of him.

"In that case, your going to need these." Mei said with a wide grin as she pop the case open.

Inside was a Crow Claw along with dozens of arrows in a quiver.

Izuku grinned as he grabbed the bow in his good hand. "Nice, I was hoping you brought some spars, otherwise I would be in big trouble." He said as he looked the new CC over. "It's a perfect copy."

"Of course, all my babies were made by my hands. I know how heroes love to break all the support course's hard work, so I made sure to have a good number of copies." Mei bragged while puffing her chest out with pride.

Mineta noticed the movement and gained a perverted grin on his face. "Wow, she's nearly as stacked as Momo."

Izuku smiled and closed the case before putting it on the floor. "Thanks again Mei, your a lifesaver." He said with sincerity.

"N-no problem." Mei said with a wave of her hand, though she felt her face was hot. "Strange... maybe I'm sick?"

"Wow, it sure is lively in here."

Everyone turned to the entrance to see a tall blond holding a white hair girl's hand.

"Izuku!" Eri said as she quickly ran to the archer and jumped into his arms, catching the archer by surprise a bit.

"Eri?" Izuku asked in confusion as he looked to the blond. "Mirio, what are you two doing here?"

"Eri wanted to see you," Mirio said as he entered the room with a big smile on his face. "She was worried you were hurt bad."

Izuku blinked as he looked down at the girl, who looked embarrassed. "I was worried you were hurt." She said in a small tone.

"Aw~" Both Ochako and Tsuyu gushed over how cute Eri was acting, even Mei cracked a fond smile.

Izuku smiled as he looked down at Eri and gave her a hug with his good arm. "Well now that your here, I'm all better." He said while kissing the top of her head, making her giggle.

"So this is your little sister Midoriya?" Sato asked while tilting his head at the girl, who gave Sato a shy look.

Izuku nodded and point Sato. "Eri, I like you to meet Sato, my classmate and friend. He might be big, but he's actually a really nice person, plus he makes really good sweets."

Sato rubbed the back of his head with a blush on his face, clearly caught off guard by the complements.

Eri touched the ground and gave a small bow to him. "N-nice to meet you." She said before looking up to the big teen with a hopeful look on her face. "Do you really make good sweets?" She asked with a little drool coming out of the corner of her mouth.

Sato blinked in surprise as Mirio leaned over to him. "Eri has a major sweet tooth, just a heads up."

The muscle teen nodded and gave the girl a big grin. "I sure do, I'll be sure to make you the best sweets ever next time!" Sato said with a confident grin, making Eri's eyes light up.

Without warning Mineta popped in front of the girl with his hand in the air. "I'm Mineta! I can't wait to see how you look in ten years."

As soon as the words left the midgets mouth their was a profound silence in the room. Mineta blinked as he noticed all eyes were on him.

"G-get behind us Eri-chan." Ochako said quickly as she, Tsuyu, and Mei all stood in front of Eri.

"Stay back, or I'll sick my babies on you." Mei said with a glare as she held a large wrench in her hand threatening like.

Mineta suddenly felt a large hand slap onto his shoulder and a menacing feeling behind him. Looking back shakily he was met with Mirio's wide smile and menacing aura.

"Why don't you go for a walk Mineta?" Izuku said in a low tone as he looked at Mineta with a blank look on his face. "I'm sure Mirio will keep you company."

Mineta tried to run away, but Mirio's grip was too strong. "W-wait, I was joking, just joking! I'm not a lolicon!" The midget yelled as his arms flailed.

"What's a lolicon?" Eri asked while tilting her head.




"...Do you mind doing some healing later Recovery Girl?" Izuku deadpanned to the doctor.

Recovery Girl sighed and nodded her head. "I would rather avoid unnecessary violence, but I understand."

"Nooooo~" Mineta called out as he was dragged away by a smiling Mirio. "Iida, Sato, help me!"

Said teens were looking away and avoiding Mineta's eye contact. It was easy to see they both had disgust and pity on their faces.

"Don't worry, I'm sure some training will straighten him out." Mirio said with a smile as he waved to Eri. "See you later Eri." He said before walking out while dragging a screaming Mineta.

"Bye Mirio." Eri said while waving her arm, oblivious to what just happened.

"Well," Recovery Girl called out, grabbing everyone's attention. "Now that that is settled, I think it's time you two move along." She said before giving Izuku a pointed look. "Remember what I said young man." She said, making the archer nod.

"Thank you for healing my brother." Eri said with a cute bow.

Recovery Girl gave a soft laugh while smiling at the young girl. "What a polite young girl, have a gummy." She said while handing Eri some candy.

"Come on everybody," Izuku said while picking up Eri with his good arm as she ate her candy. "I don't want to miss the next fight."

It didn't take long for the group to make their way back to the Class 1-A booth before the next match started.

"Midoriya, your back." Kirishima said before he noticed the little girl in the archer's arms. "Who's that?"

Everyone turned to the booth's entrance. Instantly all the girls faces lit up as they squealed with delight and they all made their way to the little girl.

"Who is this?"

"She's so cute!"

"Hello little one!"

Izuku quickly raised his hand and stepped back. "Girls, your scaring her!"

Instantly all the girls noticed Eri burying her face into Izuku's chest, a scared look in her eyes.

"Sorry." The girls said while taking a step back, feeling a little guilty.

Izuku smiled and looked down at Eri. "Don't worry, Eri is just shy. Eri, I like you to meet my classmates. Everyone, this is my little sister Eri."

Eri pulled her head from Izuku's chest and gave everyone a small wave. "Hello." She said while waving her hand. "I'm Eri Midoriya, I'm 5 years old, it's nice to meet you." She said in a small voice.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow at the girl before glaring at Izuku, who ignored him. "They are not related. What the hell is going on?"

"She's so cute!" Mina squealed with a happy grin. "I just want to squeeze her tight!"

"Easy Mina, Eri is a little shy." Izuku said as he gave the girl a smile.

"Can I at least braid her hair?" The pink girl asked in a hopeful voice.

Izuku looked thoughtful before he looked to Eri. "Would you like that?"

Eri looked to Mina before looking back to Izuku. "I never had my hair braided... I would like to try."

Mina gave a happy smile as Izuku put Eri to the floor.

"Hey, where's Mineta?" Kaminari asked as he glanced around for the short midget.

Instantly Izuku's and his friends' faces turned into disgust as they all avoided eye contact.

"Let's... let's not talk about him." Ochako said with a scowl on her face, freaking everyone out a bit. "I'll help you with Eri's hair Mina." Ochako offered with a forced smile.

"Sure?" Mina said with a raised brow as the two girls sat down with Eri.

"Um... am I missing something?" Kaminari asked with a raised brow.

"Let's just say, Mineta pushed his pervyness a little too far." Iida said while pushing up his glasses.

Everyone looked confused at the words, but their thoughts were cut off at the buzzer going off. However, just as Iida was about to sit down his body started to shaking and vibrate.

"Iida, you good?" Izuku asked at the strange display.

"Yes, it's just my phone." He said before looking at the caller. "It's my mother, I need to take this." He said before making his way out of the booth to make the call.

"All right everybody, it's time for the next match of the second round!"

Everyone quickly made their way to their seats. Mina sat between Izuku and Ochako with Eri in her lap. The pink skinned girl started to work on Eri's hair, but kept her eyes on the upcoming fight.

"Grace, cunning, and was the fastest to win her match yet, it's Ibara Shiozaki!"

"Oh come on," Kaminari sulked with a shadow over his face. "It wasn't that fast."

"It literally took seconds for her to win." Jiro deadpanned, nearly making the blond cry.


"The second fastest to win his match, but put out way to much power! Will he be doing it again, it's Shoto Todoroki!"

"Damn it," Sero said with a humorless laugh. "Well, at least I put up more of a fight then him." The teen said while pointing to Kaminari.

"Ass." Kaminari was smacked up the head by one of the girls. "Hey, what gives!?"

"You seem to forget we have a child present." Momo said with a strict glare, making Kaminari gulp in fear. "Any more swearing and then it's clean up duty for the next month. And that goes for everyone."

Everyone instantly looked to Bakugo, who raised an eyebrow before huffing and looking away.

Both fighters entered the arena and squared off each other. Both had calm looks on their faces, yet Ibara seemed much more nervous.

"So, Izuku," The archer turned to Sato, who looked at the arena with narrow eyes. "If I'm getting this right, Todoroki has the advantage since his quirk can burn or freeze Shiozaki vines easily, making her quirk a bad match up."

Izuku smiled and nodded his head. "Nice Sato, we might make you a strategist soon."

The muscle teen just snored. "Not a chance, I'll stick to being an in-the-moments fighter."

Izuku laughed before looking down at the arena. "Todoroki dose have the elemental advantage. Whenever Shiozaki's vines touch him Todoroki can just freeze it solid then break free. That is actually something I didn't know Todoroki could do until now. Manipulate the density of his ice."

"Density of his ice?" Everyone questioned at once.

Izuku nodded as Present Mic continued to talk as he picked out a new song to play. "In Sero's fight after Todoroki won he broke the ice of the tape after freezing it. He did so with little effort, and while Todoroki might be one of the strongest quirk wise, he is not all that strong physically. So it stands to reason that Todoroki can manipulate the density of his ice to make it strong enough to hold of block an attack, or brittle enough to weaken something."

"So with Todoroki's ice he can weaken Shiozaki's vines and just punch his way through!" Kirishima said while punching his fist into his hand.

"Shiozaki isn't out just yet." Izuku said with a serious tone as he leaned forward. "One big advantage Shiozaki has is that her vines are strong enough to easily break stone, so ice won't be a problem. She can also send her vines underground where they can't be effected by the elements." The archer rested his hand on his chin as he grinned down at the field. "I think this fight might be more interesting then most think."


Without hesitation Todoroki sent out a wave off ice. It wasn't as big as his fight with Sero, but it was large enough to be intimidation.

Shiozaki's vines grow from her head and shot forward, heading straight for the ice.

When the two collided Shiozaki's vines quickly froze and it looked to be overwhelmed by the oncoming ice. However, Shiozaki's vines burst out of the ice, shattering it to pieces before the vines fell frozen to the ground.

"What's this, both students quirks have countered each other!? Could this be an even match!?"

Todorkoi narrowed his eyes at the young woman who seemed to be praying.

"I was given a difficult task to test my faith," Shiozaki said as she looked at Todoroki with determination. "I will prevail!"

Shiozaki's vines grow from her head before shooting off at Todoroki from all angels. Todoroki created a wall of ice to trap and block the closet vines, however more vines came around the makeshift shield and flew straight at Todoroki.

The dual quirk use was forced jump out of the way, just in time as the vines imbedded themselves just where he was. He then quickly sent a wave of ice and froze the vines before they could move again, cutting them off from Shiozaki.

Turning to the woman Todoroki quickly sent a large wave of ice, catching Shiozaki off guard a bit. The young woman used her vines to quickly propel her over the ice attack and into a safe area.

"I will not fall so easily 1-A." Shiozaki said in a firm tone as her vines held her in the air. "My faith will give me the strength to defeat you."

Todoroki gained an annoyed look as he leaned to the floor, ready to unleash more ice. "Nice words won't save you or help you win the fight."

Shiozaki however just gained a grin. "Oh ye of little faith."

Before Todoroki could react vines shot up from the ground and wrapped around his arm before pulling him up. In an instant more and more vines shot out and quickly wrapped around Todoroki's body as it carried him into the air.

Todoroki tried to freeze the vines around his body and break them, however as soon as he did more and more vines shot out and held the frozen ice in the air. Soon Todoroki was a ball of ice being held in the air by Shiozaki.

"I noticed that whenever you attack with your ice it's always connected to the ground in some way, never in the air." Shiozaki said in a superior tone as she slowly descended to the ground. "Now that you are in the air, you cannot use your ice. It's over."

Todoroki struggled against the ice prison he created himself and tried to break free, but was too constrained. Todoroki started to feel extreme worry as Shiozaki was about to throw him out of the ring.

"Is this it!? Has the strongest student finally met his match?!"

"Victory is never certain until the final second."

Todoroki tried to think of some way to escape, but he couldn't think of one with his ice. If he used his fire to melt the ice he could get free-

"No!" Todoroki yelled in his head while glaring forward. "I will not use his power to win! I will do it with mom's power only!"

"Ahhh!" Todoroki yelled as he punched through his ice prison will all his strength, breaking his hand and cutting it up.

Grabbing a bundle of vines in a strong grip Todoroki sent a wave of ice through the vines until it reached the ground. In an instant the ground froze over and covered the vines holding him, cutting them off from Shiozaki.

"No!" Shiozaki yelled as she sent more vines from her head to Todoroki.

With his arm free Todoroki broke the ice prison before kicking himself away, making Shiozaki attack miss him by a hair.

As soon as Todoroki slammed into the ground he smacked his hand down and created a large wave off ice.

Shiozaki tried to jump out of the way, but the ice was too fast and caught her foot, holding her in place. In seconds her entire body and vines were frozen over, trapping her.

"Shiozaki, can you move?" Midnight called while looking to the frozen girl.

Shiozaki tried to move her vines but found that the ice had reached all the way to her skull, giving her no room to detach them and grow more. The girl dropped her head in defeat, without her vines she had nothing else.

"I... I have lost..."

Without any hesitation Midnight raised her hand. "Todoroki advances to the next round!"

"What a fight! It was give and take on both sides before Todoroki went all out in the end."

"No fight is written in stone. It can go earthier way for two people who are close to strength."

"With this Todoroki advances to the next round, where he'll face Midoriya, the Quirkless hero! Now, let's see our next fighters!"

"Alright!" Mina shouted as she handed Eri, who now had two pigtails, to Ochako. "It's my turn to kick some butt!"

"Good luck Mina!" Kirishima said with a grin as he pumped his fist. "We'll be rooting for you!"

Mina throw the redhead a piece sign before turning to Eri. "Will you be cheering for me as well Eri?"

The little girl smiled and nodded her head. "I want to see you win."

Mina beamed before throwing her fist in the air. "Yosh! Wish me luck everyone!" Mina yelled before running out of the booth.

"There she goes." Jiro said with a small laugh. "So green, how do you think she'll do? Can she beat Tokoyami, or will Mr. Gloom come out on top?"

Izuku reached behind himself and pulled out his notebook before flipping it open. "Mina has shown to be one of the strongest females in Class 1-A, and one of the most agile students. When it comes to strategy and intelligence however, Mina is lacking. But, she is creative when it comes to fighting however and can be unpredictable. Her acid is a deadly weapon and can hurt just about anything, but since we're heroes those kind of injuries are off the table."

Izuku then turned a few pages.

"Tokoyami is a levelheaded person. He's always calm and seems to keep himself cool under presser. While his own physical body is below average, his quirk Dark Shadow makes up for all his weaknesses." Izuku said with a shrug as he looked to everyone. "The question is can Mina overpower Tokoyami's Dark Shadow?" Izuku finished before closing the book.

Everyone was starting to get used to Izuku's detailed explanations, though some were still put off by it.

"Well that Shinso guy was able to fight off Dark Shadow with his bear hands and a staff, I'm sure Mina could kick it's butt!" Kirishima said with a toothy grin while pumping his fist.

"We'll just have to wait and see." Izuku said with a shrug as he looked to the arena, seeing robots clean up the ice Todoroki left. Izuku then started to think about Todoroki's fight with Shiozaki and he couldn't help but frown. "Todoroki nearly lost to Shiozaki. If he hadn't broken from that ice with all his strength then he would of been tossed out. He could of escaped easily from the ice if he used his fire, but he didn't, and because of that he almost lost." Izuku glared forward and tighten his fist. "I'll make you use your fire Todoroki, I'll push you as far as I have to."

"The Spunky pink horn girl with an acid touch! Don't get on this girls bad side boys and girls! From the Hero Course, it's Mina Ashido!"


"The Dark Prince, the king of the night, something I'm going to look for under my bed tonight! From the Hero Course, it's Fumikage Tokoyami!

Both Tokoyami and Mina stood across from each other in the arena. Mina had a confident grin on her face while Tokoyami stood with his arms crossed.

"Get ready to lose bird-boy!" Mina shouted as she crouched low, her acid already forming in her hands.

"I will not fall, but prevail." Tokoyami said simply in a stoic tone.


Mina shot off as she used her acid to slid across the ground.

"Dark Shadow!"

"Got it!"

Dark Shadow shot out of Tokoyami's body and flew straight at Mina. The pink girl was caught off guard by the shadows speed and started to throw acid at it, hoping to weaken it. However the shadow easily darted around the acid while laughing maniacally. Once it was close enough Dark Shadow shot up and slammed into Mina, making her skid back.

The acid user tried to fight against the force, however, before she could even move Dark Shadow flew close and throw a punch to the girl, forcing Mina to block.

Mina was blown off her feet and hit the ground hard.

"Ashido is out of bounds! Tokoyami wins!"

Mina blinked before looking down, seeing her butt had crossed the boundary lines.

"Are you kidding me!?" Mina shouted in an upset tone. "I lost almost as fast as Kaminari! I'm sorry Eri-chan!"

"What a fast and relentless victory! This Prince of Darkness may become the king if he continues to win like this! Let's move on to the next matchup!"

"Wow, I thought Mina would put up more of a fight." Jiro said while tilting her head. "It's kind of a let down."

Izuku just shrugged. "Not all fights are going to be cut and dry, they can all go in different ways. Tokoyami caught Mina off with Dark Shadows speed and hit her before she could react."

"Like what happened to me." Momo said, not sounding sad about her loss but instead frustrated with herself. "Tell me Izuku, how can I improve myself as a hero?"

Izuku turned to his vice-president with a surprised look before giving her a kind smile. "I can't tell you how to me a hero Momo, but I can help you with your fighting." The archer said before shrugging. "If you want we can spar sometime to improve your fighting skill." He offered.

"I would like that." Momo said with a smile.

"Can I join Midoriya?" Orjio asked with a sheepish smile. "Seeing you fight has got me all pumped up."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind." Izuku said with a smile before turning back to before turning to Eri, who looked down in worry. "Are you okay Eri?"

The little girl nodded as she gave a worried look. "Is Mina going to be okay?"

Everyone smiled at the little girl's worry as Ochako patted her head. "I'm sure if you say how cool Mina was she'll be all better." She said, getting a smile from the little girl.

"The next fight will be between Bakugo and Kirishima." Shouji said in a stoic tone. "I am curious to see if Bakugo's explosions will effect Kirishima's hardening."

"Even if it doesn't the force of Bakugo's explosions can just knock him out of the ring, right?" Kaminari said noticing some eyes on him. "What?"

"That was actually a decent observation." Jiro said in a shocked tone. "So do you have more brain cells when Mineta isn't around you?"

Kaminari's head dropped as he gave Jiro a flat look. "You are being more mean today then usual, you know that." The electric user said, making Jiro stick out her tongue playfully. "By the way, where is Mineta? The last thing he would want to miss is a girl fight."

"I'm... here... Denki..."

Everyone turned to the doorway of the booth and were shocked at what they saw.

Mineta stood their on shaking and weak legs. His cloths were covered in sweat to the point he looked to have taken a dip in a pool. His eyes were sunken in with a look of pure fear in them as his teeth clattered together as if he was cold.

Everyone was shocked at the midgets state while a few just gave him a flat look.

"Dude, what the heck happened?" Kaminari said with a shocked look as he stood up from his seat. "Were you attacked or something? Was it villains?"

Mineta clammed up and stood straight at attention. "Nothing happened, I was training, that's all." The midget said in a stiff tone before making his way to a lone seat away from everyone. Once he made it to the lone seat Mineta rolled into a ball and started biting his nails. "I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon. I am not a lolicon."

"...Will someone please tell me what happened?" Kaminari asked while giving Mineta a shocked look, along with most of the class.

Sato sighed and leaned over to Kaminari before whispering into his ear. After a second Kaminari's eyes widen.

"Seriously...?" At Sato's nod the electric user looked to Izuku. "We're cool, right man?" Kaminari asked in a nervous tone.

Izuku just gave the electric user a deadpan look before looking forward. "Thanks to Kirishima's hardening he can withstand Bakugo's explosions, but even his hardening can only take so much punishment before giving out. So the question is, can Kirishima beat Bakugo before his hardening gives out?"

"Bakugo has some serious reflexes, he dodged all my attacks easily." Ochako said with a sigh, remembering how Bakugo blocked and countered all of her attacks. "Kirishima needs to be faster then Bakugo if he wants to win."

Izuku nodded at Ochako's explanation before he heard scribbling next to him. Turning to his side Izuku was surprised to see Mei writing in her journal, however, what really shocked if was the fact she was writing with a pencil in each hand.

"Mei... how... what are you doing?" Izuku asked slowly.

Mei looked up with an exited grin. "Well after I saw that fight with Pinky and Shadow-"

"Mina and Tokoyami." Izuku deadpanned.

"I got a great idea for a weapon!" Mei picked off without missing a beet as she pulled up her notebook. "Since Pinky is lacking in long range, what if she had a gun that can shoot her own acid at a much longer range."

Izuku opened his mouth before pausing and running the idea in his head. "What type of gun? Pistol, sniper, rifle?"

"I'm thinking pistol, easy to use and move around with." Mei said with a thinking look. "Plus with the pistol the range won't be so great where the acid falls apart the further it goes. I say a maximum of 20 to 30 meters is best without every shot losing acid."

Izuku nodded, planning to run the idea past Mina at some point. "And the other thing?"

Mei tapped the other page and gave Izuku a grin. "Remember my metal project? Well I need a strong acid to break down some metal into their base form, liquefy it even. That might help me make the Adamantium stronger."

Izuku nodded again and planned to ask Mina to make some acid for Mei.

...Well that made him sound like a drug dealer.

Izuku was brought out of his thoughts as the buzzer went off. The final match of the second round, though, he had a feeling who was going to win.

"It's time for the final match of the second round, and these two looked ready to fight!"

Both Kirishima and Bakugo stood in the arena. The redhead had a toothy grin on his face as he creaked his knuckles, while the dirty blond stuck his lower lip out like a thug. Though the blond did have a somewhat exited look on his face.

"A manly man with a thick hide! From the Hero Course, it's Eijiro Kirishima!"


"A brutal warrior who's always starving to win! From the Hero Course, it's Katsuki Bakugo!"

"Get ready to lose Bakugo!" Kirishima yelled with a toothy grin on his face. "I'm giving you everything I've got!"

Bakugo snorted but let a cocky grin cross his face. The blond wouldn't say it out loud, but he didn't mind the redhead's simple way at life.


"Raw!" Kirishima shouted as he charged at Bakugo as his skin turned jagged.

Once he was close enough Kirishima started to let lose a punch with his harden fist. The fist managed to scratched Bakugo's cheek, drawing first blood.

However, Bakugo retaliated by shooting an explosion off at Kirishima's chest, pushing the brawler back a step while Bakugo jumped back.

"A counter!"

Yet despite the explosion Kirishima still stood with a grin on his face.

"Ha! That won't work on me, Explosion Boy!"

Bakugo landed on the ground and crouched low, glaring at the brawler. "He's not budging... There's more to him then hardening."

Kirishima charged at Bakugo and started to throw a barrage of punches, however, that was it as every punch Kirishima throw from that point on was dodged by Bakugo's quick reflexes. The blond ducked, bobbed and pulled back from every punch that Kirishima throw with a surprising amount of skill. Bakugo wasn't graceful, his movements were abrupt and lacked finesse, however he made up for that without wasting any time and energy on unnecessary movements.

As Kirishima throw a wide punch ducked under the arm and throw another explosion into the brawler.

"That did nothing!" Kirishima laughed before throwing another punch, only for Bakugo to dodge again and back on.

The dance went on for a few minutes, Kirishima throw punch after punch only for Bakugo to dodge them and counter with an explosion whenever he could. As the fight continued Bakugo noticed that some of Kirishima's punches have be sluggish, making Bakugo grin.

"I knew it."

"HA!" Bakugo let off an extra strong explosion into Kirishima's side, and this time the brawler let out a cry of pain as he grit his teeth.

"Bakugo counters again! What's this? Unlike before, it's working?!"

"You can only hold your body rock-hard for so long, right? Especially if I keep attacking you?" Bakugo asked in a low tone with a crazed grin on his face as Kirishima gained a worried look. "If you keep attacking quickly in that state sooner or later, it'll start coming apart!" Bakugo yelled as he dipped low while swinging his arm up. "The finishing blow! DIE!"

Bakugo slammed his hand into Kirishima's chest while letting off a large explosion that practically engulfed his body as he was sent flying.

"Well, I understand why you wouldn't want a draw-out match with me, thought." Bakugo said with a mad-grin on his face as Kirishima hit the ground.

"Kirishima is immobilized!" Midnight called as she pointed the side. "Bakugo wins!"

The crowed roared as Bakugo stood straight and started to make his way out of the arena.

"With the final match of the second round over with we move on to the third round! Their Izuku Midoriya will face Shouto Todoroki, afterwards in the second match Fumikage Tokoyami will face Katsuki Bakugo!"

Round Three

Izuku Midoriya Vs. Shouto Todoroki

Fumikage Tokoyami Vs. Katsuki Bakugo

"Now let's take a short break before we continue on to the next epic fight!"

All the students winced and gave small laughs, remembering how their class president was in fact Quirkless, and was about to face the strongest student in the class.

"You have my sympathy Izuku." Denki said with a small laugh. "Just... try not to die."

"Die?" Eri asked with a very worried look, tears in the corner of her eyes.

Before Kaminari could even wince the girls all gave him death-glares, making him shrink in his seat. The glare Izuku gave made him start to sweat.

Izuku turned to Eri with a laugh as he picked her up. "He's being a drama queen since he lost his match to easily."

"Ow, right below the belt."

"I'm going to be fine Eri." Izuku said while giving the girl a hug. "It's going to be a tough fight, sure, but I'll come back in one piece."

Eri still looked worried, but less so. "Promise...?"

"Promise." Izuku smiled while kissing the top of her head.

"Aw~" All the girls went as Izuku sat Eri down between Ochako and Tsuyu.

"Watch Eri for me?" He asked, getting an edger nod from the girls.

"Good luck Izuku!"

"You can win bro!"

"Go kick some butt!"

Izuku smiled at his classmates and was about to walk out before someone grabbed his hand, stopping him. Looking back Izuku was surprised to see Mei holding his hand.

The pink-haired inventor looked just as confused as if, if not more. She held his hand in a lose grip before giving it a small squeeze.

"Be sure... to come back." Was all she said before giving him a small smile.

Izuku smiled as well and nodded. "I promise."

Almost all the students noticed the interaction and put two and two together. Some giggled and gossiped, others looked envious, and some just brushed it off.

Jiro shook her head as she noticed some other girls giving both Mei and Izuku some looked, yet the archer didn't seemed to notice.

"You are thick as bricks Green, thick as bricks."

Izuku walked down the hallway, CC on his hip, Flash Fang and his quiver on his back, and a determent look in his eyes. He just came from Recovery Girl and had his shoulder healed, and he was feeling exhausted, extremely so.

Todoroki would be the toughest opponent Izuku has ever faced. None of Izuku's past opponents had quirks with such overwhelming power behind them, not even Bakugo or Shigaraki. And Izuku was going to fight with the bare minimum.

"How fucked am I?" Izuku asked himself out loud while looking up, a weak chuckle his lips.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say an 11."

Izuku looked down as was surprised to see Kendo and Shinso standing in the hallway, both giving him friendly smiles.

"I see your ready for your next big fight." Kendo said playfully as she gave Izuku a thumbs up.

"More like he's ready to drop when the wind blows." Shinso said sarcastically.

Izuku gave them both a deadpan look as he walked up to them. "In my defense I'm about to fight guy who can pull glaciers out of his ass with nothing but a bow and arrows. I am fucked in all kinds of ways." Izuku could start to feel the sweat pool in his palms as he gulped.

Both Shinso and Kendo winced and gave Izuku a sympathetic look.

"I guess this will be a tough fight." Kendo said before giving Izuku a look. "Got a plan?"

"Shoot first, run, shoot some more, run a little, shoot a lot more, and win via miracle." Both Kendo and Shinso gave Izuku a look that made the archer roll his eyes. "Trust me, it will look way cooler in real life." Izuku said with an upbeat tone before giving a sigh. "But I am serious going to need luck to beat Todoroki... and making him go all out."

That made the two blink in shock. "Go all out, are you serious?" Shinso asked with a shocked look on his face. "His full strength is freezing an entire stadium with nothing but a look. and you want him to go all out on you?"

Izuku sighed as he turned serious. "I know it sounds crazy, but Todoroki is going through his own stuff, and as Class-President, I need to help when I can."

Kendo looked understanding and sighed. "I get it, trust me I do, just don't get yourself thrown out over this Izuku. You might be Class-President, but your a student as well trying to be a top hero."

Izuku looked thoughtful before shaking his head. "Maybe, but this is something I need to do." Izuku sighed as he looked to the two. "Look, I can't go into detail, all I can say is... Todoroki's going through his own problems. He's being stupid and if I don't help him now, it might become a problem later."

Shinso and Kendo both gave Izuku a look before shaking their heads. "He's too nice sometimes." Kendo said while face palming.

"I can't tell if that's good or bad." Shinso said, also sighing.

Izuku rolled his eyes and gave the two a grin. "Don't worry guys, it's not like I'm going to let Todoroki win. I do plan to kick his ass." He said with a grin, making the two grin as well.

A loud buzzer went off, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Look's like it's time." Izuku said as he started to move. "Wish me luck guys."

"Good luck Izuku."

"Show what the outcasts can do."

Izuku grinned as he marched forward, his head held high.

"Get ready Todoroki, I'm about to give you everything I have." Izuku thought as he gripped CC tightly. "It's time to show the world what this Quirkless archer can do!"

In the city a familiar speedster was running through the streets and back allies as fast as he could. His engines roared every so often before shooting out a puff of black smoke, yet that didn't stop him in the slightest.

The speedster had a look of worry as his face drenched in sweat. Fear was in his eyes as one sentence kept playing in his head.

"Please be safe brother!"


We're almost done with the sports festival arc, and sorry about take so long to update any story. Life and all that.

Anyway, as usual, time to clear some things up!

1: The fights!

Izuku Vs. Iida: I feel like this was the highlight of the chapter. Both sides fighting the best way they can. Iida taking away Izuku's weapons was something I think he would do just to get the upper hand. That's all I have to say for now.

Tokoyami Vs. Shiozaki: I honestly had trouble writing this one. I didn't know how Shiozaki's vines are effected by the elements like ice and fire, yet I knew they were easily strong enough to break through stone, so breaking through ice shouldn't have been that hard. I also noticed that whenever Todoroki uses his ice, it's always connected to something, such as the ground or wall, he never shoots ice from his body, meaning if he's ever airborne he can't use his ice. Yet in the end I feel like Todoroki could beat Shiozaki at their current levels of power.

Mina Vs. Tokoyami/Kirishima Vs. Bakugo: Standard fight, nothing really different from the anime. Was really just trying to wrap things up.

2: Taiho Shouha aka Palm Wave. In case no one has noticed, I look at other martial arts animes for ideas for Izuku's move set, and Taiho Shouha caught my attention. It's a move used when an opponents comes at you and you used their own momentum against them, having them impale themselves into Izuku's palm as if it was a steel beam. Obviously the move has limits, anything too strong would just break Izuku's arm and the attack only works if the opponent is running at him from a certain distance.

3: Mineta... again: Honestly, I'm surprised Mineta isn't punished more often for what he dose. I mean, when he first meets Eri the first thing he says is 'I can't wait to meet you in 10 years' I'm surprised someone didn't drag him away to be beaten or punished or something. It's like at some point everyone just got used to Mineta's pervyness and started ignoring him.

That's all for now, don't forget to leave a comment in the reviews and I'll address it as fast as I can.