![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, and Fairy Tail. I will keep this simple and straight to the point. Gender: Male Age: ??? Occupation: General Operator Likes: Anime, Manga, books, reading, writing idea's for fanfiction, video games, mythology, Shinto religion. Dislikes: I dislike humanity and all it's vices and sins, I dislike the American Government and current Commander-in-Chief, I despise rapists, child molester's, wife beaters, poor excuses of human flesh called racists, Religious nut jobs that try to force their religion onto you. Now about myself, I'll be blunt and whether you like it or not I don't care. I am immoral, I am gray, I cannot see the world in black or white. I am a cynical and pessimistic man who hates everything the general populace waves off as being unimportant when it's actually the most important thing. I cannot stand ignorant, self-righteous assholes, self-entitled brats who think they can get anything they want and in turn will get their teeth knocked down their throat (personal opinion). For stories I focus solely on the gray and darker aspects of a story, therefore in my stories expect dark and gritty stories that focus on the bleaker side. I also have a fluctuating inspiration so it can go as high as the sky or plummet into the deepest pits of hell. The pairings in my stories will sometimes go against the morals of others such as Incest for the most part. I cannot stand light, naive or too forgiving stories where the main character forgives everyone, even people that murdered his parents when he was born, destroyed his village or was manipulated from day one. (Stares at Naruto series and Masashi Kishimoto). Now the following are my views on certain people, clans, etc from the Naruto series. Take it how you will, but it is how I see them and this will ultimately influence my stories. Uchiha Clan: Awhile back I despised them, that is the truth. I always thought they were arrogant, self entitled assholes. But now I see I was completely wrong about them, they have been damned from the very moment Tobirama Senju took office as Nidaime Hokage. They were never arrogant, they were never self-entitled at all, that is just the empty words of a bunch of ignorant assholes on this website that don't comprehend common sense about the Uchiha's and the misdeeds thrown on them. They were slaughtered down to the last man, woman and child by one of their own, Uchiha Itachi, for the sake of the village. When in fact it all started because of Tobirama's prejudice behavior towards them. The VERY moment he took office he segregated the Uchiha Clan from Konoha, and made them into a Police Force for Konoha. Basically a glorified force of lapdogs to serve the Will of the Senju and the community of Konoha. This led to Konoha hating the Uchiha Clan all because of what Tobirama started and when the Kyuubi attack happened, the three councilors, just pointed fingers at the Uchiha Clan believing them to be, behind the attack since in history it was said Madara Uchiha was said to have been able to control the Kyuubi. Which they thought happened here, thinking it was a Uchiha that controlled the Kyuubi that night so it could attack Konoha. This was a blind pointing of fingers from a bunch of shriveled up fossils that were well past due to die. I pity the Clan and I despise Konoha for how they treated one of the Noble and FOUNDING CLANS of the Konohagakure itself! For that reason I absolutely despise Shimura Danzo, Koharu, Homura, those treacherous students of an equally prejudiced asshole of a Senju, Tobirama. I also despise Sarutobi Hiruzen's spineless ass for not doing something to stop it, he could have done so much to stop it from happening, but he didn't because he is a soft hearted, spineless, poor excuse of a Hokage. I pity them all, but I especially pity Sasuke, he has every right to despise Konoha for what they've done to his Clan and is justified in every way in burning Konoha to the ground, just as they had his own brother kill off his entire clan. Favorite Anime, Manga, Manhwa: Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Hellsing, RosarioVampire, Highschool DxD, Sekirei, Samurai Champloo, FLCL, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, The Breaker, The Breaker: New Waves, The God of Highschool, Mahou Negima Sensei?. Favorite Video Games: Assassin's Creed series, Halo series, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Devil May Cry series, God of War series, Elder Scroll's series, Fallout 3, World of Warcraft, Knight of the Old Republic 1 and 2, Watch Dogs, Fable 1 and Fable 2, Darksiders 1 and 2. Quotes "The Keyblade. It is both a weapon of good and evil. Within the hands of its wielder it is capable of heroic acts, great destruction, or feats of gods themselves. It is not tied to one sole power, as it has none. The Keyblade is Everything and Nothing. It encompasses all the skill and power of it's wielder and mirrors that unto the real world, but without a master it is nothing more than an ideal given form. A shell without essence. The Keyblade is the light that shines within the sea of stars, bathing the worlds in a warm comforting light. Yet it is also the darkness that dwells within the light, awaiting its opportunity to consume. The Keyblade...is merely a conduit for the wielders strength of character. A physical manifestation of those who prove themselves worthy with their will and determination. Good or Evil; Light and Darkness, it matters not for the keyblade. The only thing that matters is if the Master is strong enough to push through adversity and an immeasurable amount of odds stacked against him or her to become something greater than they ever thought possible." ~NocturnalSin666 Kingdom Hearts: Rewind Characters: Female Riku: http:///albums/mm279/Vixen_Fox/kairi2xb5.jpg |