A cacophony of mechanical bells awoke Vicky from her slumber.

"The alarm." She thought.

Honestly she had no idea why she had set her alarm in the first place, and at seven in the morning no less! It was summer after all and school was out, why bother setting an alarm? Of course the reason for the alarm had been born out of habit, the Turner's usually required her services for watching Timmy seeing as how they were always heading out somewhere and leaving him in her care.

Today would have been different though, she planned to sleep in (despite the alarm indicating otherwise) and maybe just laze around all day playing video games or watching TV, after all, she had every intention of quitting babysitting today. Most of the kids in her care had finally, in some way or another, convinced their parents they no longer needed a babysitter. Not particularly hard in AJ's case as Vicky had to admit he was smart for a ten year old and pretty mature for his age. She decided herself to stop babysitting Elmer saying that the commute was becoming too much to handle for her (this, of course being false, all the kids she watched lived fairly close to one another). The actual reason was that boil of his, it was practically a second head on his face and by the size of it very well could be sentient. The very thought made her skin crawl. Who knows how Chester could have convinced his dad to let him stop having a babysitter, maybe he just wanted to spend more time with his son before child services showed up to take Chester away from his unfit father. Either way they could no longer afford her services and that was reason enough for them to fire her. This didn't matter much to her anyway, she had a near infinite supply of money thanks to the Turners, any request she put towards them in exchange for watching Timmy was happily met. Suited her just fine, at the point she was at she was ready to retire, at sixteen no less! How many babysitters could claim to be able to do this? How many sixteen year olds could claim to do this? Sure people would complain about her prices but it mattered little to her, they either payed up or found someone else who then stole her customers and she inevitably blackmailed into quitting and then got her customers back. A truly wonderful cycle that ensured she would be well off for the rest of her life as long as she was good at blackmailing, and she was very good at blackmailing.

She heard noise from the far wall of her room, probably Tootie waking up from the sound of Vicky's alarm, she made sure it was loud enough that someone who awoke from it wouldn't be able to get back to sleep; it practically scared you awake.

Tootie. Their parents almost never asked Vicky to watch her, they always had time for Tootie no matter what, Vicky herself was a different story, anytime she needed help they were too busy or some other bullshit excuse. With Tootie though they always dropped whatever they were doing and rushed to help her. Before Tootie was born this was not so, Vicky certainly didn't have a glamorous childhood but she wasn't ignored, though she did occasionally get a slap or two from her father when he drank, but he was good he never left a mark, you always hear people say that someone knows how to hit without leaving a mark, well Vick most certainly had mastered that art. That was something else that annoyed her about her father was that he named her after himself, as if he was so great.

"Narcissistic bastard." She thought to herself.

In regards to Tootie she didn't hate her(at least she didn't think she hated her) but she couldn't help but feel that her parents just liked her better than they did Vicky. As soon as Tootie was born she was practically forgotten, not an easy thing for a six year old to go through, but she tried not to let it get her down after all once Tootie was born her father stopped drinking and by extension stopped hitting so she had to thank Tootie for that at least.

Shortly after Tootie's birth she simply learned to deal with it, in her opinion they could have their little princess and she would do as she pleased, deciding then and there that she would never appear weak again and she would fill her life with material possessions to fill the hole her parents were all too happy to leave her with and what wasn't given to her she would take. Only one person would have control over Vicky's life and that was Vicky.

She was mean to Tootie, consciously or unconsciously, she wasn't sure which, but she was, probably because Tootie received all the attention that Vicky wanted too. She didn't want them to not love Tootie and only love her just as she didn't want them to only love Tootie and not love her, she wanted them to be a family, equal love all around, but maybe some things just weren't meant to be. And a part of Vicky hated Tootie for that, hated her for something she had no control over, it wasn't right but the torturous chores she put Tootie through (much like those she put Timmy through) certainly felt pretty good to her.

Eventually though, she grew bored with torturing Tootie, maybe because she lived with Tootie and had nearly all her non babysitting time to torture her, but it grew dull and she at first only slowed and lessened the chores but eventually stopped altogether, when this happened Tootie was suspicious but knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth and accepted it. So, in the end, Vicky unwittingly patched things up with Tootie and they shared a relatively normal sisterly relationship (though Vicky still cared little for anything girly and Tootie cared little for blackmailing, extorting, and hurting people).

Eventually Vicky decided that after either letting go of (or being let go by) her customers and having only the Turner's as her last customers that it may just be best to retire, after all she was ridiculously wealthy by now and had plenty of powerful contacts to ensure that her descendants' descendants would have nary a care in the world when it came to money.

She decided that she had enough of self analyzing for today and that it would be better to finish her only real task of the day: call the Turners and tell them she was quitting. She searched for her phone and realized she had no idea where it was (odd considering her phone's alarm was what woke her in the first place) after fifteen minutes of searching she found it nestled between her bed and dresser apparently having fallen when she attempted to turn it off earlier. Looking at the phone's touch screen she hit the contacts icon and scrolled down to the 'T' section.

"Tammy..., Terry...("Who the hell is Terry?"), Timmy...("Why is the Twerp's number on my phone and since when does he have his own phone?")... Tootie... Turners! Finally."

She was about to press the call button when she hesitated.

"Why am I hesitating?" "Dammit girl you already made this decision!" "Just make the call and you're done, home free!" The thoughts rang in her head.

Just as Vicky was about to press the call button her phone began to ring and vibrate in her hand. She stared at the phone as though it had just committed an act of the highest treason.

It was the Turners themselves calling, she pressed the button to answer the phone.
