Issues of Quirk Compatibility

Chapter 1: Prologue

"Speaking" "Thinking" [Sound effects] Quirk Names and Special Attacks

In her search for the power to surpass All Might, Endeavor turned to a Quirk research lab. Little did she know that this would usher in the age of the Heroine and dating by statistics. What's a quirkless hero to do in a world like this? Make your Vows Izuku; Massive Gender-bends, Deku/harem, Crack with Plot.

So, either no one has done a Matriarchal Hero society story like this, or they have and I've just not seen it yet. If it's the former, I am slightly surprised. It seems like the logical conclusion to the genderbend stories that I did find researching for this topic, but maybe I'm actually the first for this fandom.

Halfway through writing, this story got combined with the ideas for an entirely different story that explored that 20% of the population that was quirkless. With One in five people lacking a quirk, I feel like they should play a bigger role than they do. Like, really? Izuku is the only quirkless kid who refused to give up on his dream of being a hero? No one else delved into specialized tools, or martial arts or anything to become a hero (Or a villain) without a quirk? Depending on how my time goes, I may go back and write that story if reviewers ask for it and send me good and interesting ideas for abilities or magic systems that anyone can use if they have the knowledge.

Izuku and his class are aged up four years. Needed a bit more time for the advertisements to work through the country and the youths to become a bit more adults.

Anyway, the gist of this story is that Izuku makes his hero's journey in a world where almost all pro heroes are women, and he's a prime steak slathered in fan-service. Either that, or it's a deep and thoughtful examination of the objectification and empowerment of female super-heroes by the reversal of traditional gender roles. You'll see as it goes. Beware of Crack and other absurdities. But for now, On to the Story!

-Hero Year 82-

Enjoli Todoroki glared at the blonde head in front of her as the two of them trudged to the principle's office. It was all Toshinori's fault that they were fighting, she didn't see why she should get punished. Unfortunately, Gran Torino had given the two of them strict instructions to, "Either go the principal's office or just kiss and get it over with!" She didn't see where everyone was getting the idea that she liked the muscle head; can't a girl just hate a guy without being accused of secretly liking him?

The old principal sighed when he saw the two enter his office. "Fighting again you two? This is the fourth time this week. The only reason you don't haven't received harsher punishments is solely because no one has gotten hurt." As if she needed a reminder that she couldn't even leave a single scorch mark on the blonde… "But now you've chosen your hero names and as such will be treated as heroes. Therefore, we will deal with this as heroes: once you return from your hero internships we will hold a one-on-one grudge match in the Coliseum! Endeavor vs. All Might! One night only! It'll be like a second sports festival! The revenue from ticket sales will pay for those training robots I always wanted!"

The two students tuned him out as he started rambling. All Might was just glad he wasn't going to be punished, but Endeavor was already planning for the coming fight. She needed to get stronger, and she knew just who to persuade to give it to her.

-After School-

Enjoli flitted through the room to quickly check every nook, cranny and possible hiding place. She knew she had to work quickly. He would be back soon and if she was caught without leverage-

"And just what do you think you're doing?" A hand grabbed her collar and dragged her up to come face to face with her second greatest foe; Enryo Todoroki, quirk researcher, older brother and pain in the ass. "Would you care to explain why I came back from the lab to find my little sister rutting around in my room? You should know by now that I'm not stupid enough to take samples home after what happened last time."

Enjoli considered if she should lie. After all, it would hardly help her case if she admitted that she was looking through her brother's room for dirty magazines or other blackmail material. She decided on a redirection. "I know you're working on something to make heroes stronger. I need it."

Enryo released her collar and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Joli, that's not how this works. The formula isn't even done with the first wave of animal testing; we have no idea what kind of side effects it could have. Hell, we're not a hundred percent certain it'll even work! And beyond that, I don't get to choose who receives the treatment and who doesn't; they're randomly selected for double-blind testing, so even if you were selected there would be no guarantee that you'd actually receive it! Why do you even need it anyway?" Enjoli opened her mouth, but Enryo cut her off before she could speak. "Actually, let me guess: Toshinori? Just confess to the boy already! You don't have to put on the whole amazon act."
Once again Enjoli mentally raged at people's insistence that she had feelings for the idiot, but that clued her in on a possible angle of attack. She put on her best pout, turned away from him, and did her best not to laugh at how easy this would be. "But he said he only dates girls who can beat him. I have to be stronger! You wouldn't crush your little sister's heart like that, would you?" "As easy as taking credit from a teenager. He'd never be able to resist-

"Nice try, but your acting is terrible. Don't they teach drama in hero course?"

"Okay, maybe my acting isn't that good. Appeal to his greed?" "I have almost all my birthday money from grandma-"

"How little do you think I get paid?"

"Lust?" "I'll get you a date with Recovery Girl!"

"I'm not interested in older women, and I'm already dating Miku." At his sister's blank look he sighed again. "You know, Miku. Pink hair, Support Class, met her on our first day at U.A., the girl I've brought over for dinner multiple times?" At his sister's continued obliviousness he broke and was almost shouting. "She's your best friend! You two talked for three hours last night! She made your costume!"

At that the metaphorical candle lit up. "Oh! You mean Hatsume? You're dating her? Well, that makes this easy then. See you later!"

Enryo sank into his desk chair sighing as his sister practically skipped out of the house. "I should probably warn Miku that Enjoli's going to try and get the new formula… Wait, Where's my phone?"

-Outside the Lab-

"My sister wants to try the new formula we made, give it to her and I'll do that thing you like tonight, winky-face." Enjoli twirled her brother's phone around by its strap once before slipping it into her pocket. Hatsume was always an impulsive one when it came to her research projects and wouldn't think twice about doing anything so long as it would help out her precious brain-children.

And so within fifteen minutes the fiery quirk user lay on a medical cot with the hyper-enthusiastic girl hovering over her with a row of syringes laid out. "So I said 'The secret to quirks is in the X factor right? So check the X!' then he grabbed me, called me a genius, kissed me and ran off. Four hours later he came back babbling about X chromosomes, quirk genes, double activation and a whole lot of stuff like that. Then I jumped on him, we got down and dirty and by the end of the night we made our new babies!" The eccentric inventor hugged one of the syringes to her chest and rocked it as the red head tried to decide whether her friend needed to never have children or have at least eight. "But we didn't have anything to test it on since it only works on quirky girls and Enny said I couldn't be first!" The girl did not need to know her best friend's pet name for her brother, thank you very much. "I was so sad, but now you're here so my babies can play and I won't be the first to test it so Enny won't have any excuse!"

As the built-in painkillers sent her to dreamland, Enjoli only had one thought. "wait, did they have-" And then she was out.

-One Week Later-

The Flame Heroine Endeavor stood tall and fierce on her side of the battle platform. There was no need for showmanship, she knew that she had finally achieved the power to surpass All Might and become the number 1 of their class. As the referee hyped up the crowd, Enjoli merely gave a pitying gaze to her opponent. "You can't win All Might! I've become twice as powerful since we last fought. My flames have become so powerful that they've become solid. There is nothing you can do against me!"

The blonde ignored her in favor of posing for the crowd. Oh well, it was his funeral.

The countdown began. 3… 2… 1…

All Might took off like a bullet, speeding toward his opponent. Endeavor smirked and created a wall of solid flames to stop him. He politely stopped to see what she was going to do, so she obliged his unspoken request. A second and third wall joined the first, before all three rose on a grand staircase of flames with Endeavor taking her seat on a constructed throne of fire at the top.

She really shouldn't have bothered.

All Might decimated the constructs with a single punch and the gale force wind of the shockwave blew her off the stage.

The whole match took under thirty seconds. The principal was going to have a lot of angry customers to deal with, but Enjoli had larger problems. Like the fact that her brother, whom she had so far been avoiding, had finally tracked her down and was dragging her off to exact his horrifying revenge. But at least she had a chance to try and pry some more power-ups out of him. "I need more, I wasn't strong enough."

"No. It wouldn't do anything anyway. Side effects?"


"Was that spelled with an H or not, because I'm not certain if that's extreme idiocy or just normal idiocy. You're lucky my hypothesis was correct and it did strengthen your quirk; it could very easily have taken it away, you know. Now, I'm going to drag you to the lab, and we're going to do a thorough test for side effects and results, since you stupidly decided to volunteer yourself. Preliminary findings are as follows: doubling of quirk strength, increased levels of estrogen, significant loss of muscle tone, increase of reproductive drives, and general bratty-ness, vanity and pride but I think those are just you."

To add insult to the coming injury, Miku came from behind with eager groping hands. "Your boobs and butt got bigger too, right? They did for me! You should have seen Little Enny when I had him check!"

Enryo was doing his best to control his blush at the memory. "I'm just glad that the professor only gave us another project to do instead of throwing us out. What were we supposed to make again, Miku?"

"Babies for Babies!"

"Right, figure out a way for parents to control that they have a daughter. I don't see why that would turn such a huge profit though…"

-Advertisements from Hero Year 83-87-

"Parents of daughters are proven happier than parents of sons. Use 'Little Girl' and make sure you're the happier parents."

"A strong Baby deserves a strong Quirk! Let us here at Quirk Laboratories make your baby girl the best she can be!"

"Studies show that children with strong quirks are stronger and healthier. DON'T LET YOUR CHILD FALL BEHIND. Quirk Laboratories."

"Want boyfriend? No guy can turn down a girl with a strong Quirk! Get the 'Double-X' Power treatment today!"

"Quirk Laboratories; We turn heroes into SUPER HEROES!"

"Nothing can stand in your way when you use QUIRK LABORITORY PRODUCTS!"

"Think you need a son to carry on the family name? THINK AGAIN! Quirk Laboratories announces Quirk Legal! Our experts can help you with all your legal needs; quirks or no quirks! Services include adoption, Inheritance, and gynonymic weddings!"

-Top News Story of Hero Year 88-

"Good evening Japan, this is Paper Boy, live on site at the wedding of the number 2 Hero and face of Japan's largest megacompany: Endeavor. Coverage of the ceremony will begin shorty, but first Endeavor has some answers for our burning questions. Good to have you here. Now the first question on everyone's mind is: Why not All Might?" The intensity of hatred in the heroine's eyes made the reporter visibly flinch. "Alright, forget I asked. Let say the real first question is this; what made you decide to settle down and marry? I recall you saying multiple times that you had no intentions of ever stepping back from hero work. What changed?"

"Nothing changed. I'm still going to be doing my hero duties, but I decided that it was time to begin fostering my legacy."

"But what about when you have children? What will you do then?"

"Quirk Laboratories will be coming out with special support gear made to address the issue." The famous heroine glanced down at her cue cards and began what was obviously a canned speech. "Heroines are becoming increasingly independent, and this gear will allow any heroine to continue to support herself and her husband while still having children. The gear will reduce the negative side effects of pregnancy such as morning sickness, swelling, and physical imbalance while keeping the Fetus safe from harm. It will allow heroines to perform low strain tasks such as teaching or a partnered patrol all the way to the ninth month of pregnancy. Side effects may include the worsening of hormonal imbalance and mood swings, increase of female libido and dominance, and an uncontrollable urge for matchmaking. This gear will remove the largest obstacle to more heroines taking classes and becoming heroes, thus bolstering numbers and quality."

The reporter gave an awkward cough and bit back what he was about to say. "…Speaking of the growing importance of Heroines in Pro-Hero circles, do you have any comments about the Pan-Hero Association's announcement yesterday that there are officially twice as many active heroines compared to male heroes?"

"Today is the five-year anniversary of the public release of both the XX Power treatment, as well as Little Girl. Ever since then it has become a reality that at least three girls are born for every boy. It is becoming a woman's world… despite some hold-outs." Endeavor scowled thinking of her old rival All-Might, who still held onto the number one position.

"You've brought up an interesting topic with the growing gender disparity. Will Quirk Laboratories ever be coming out with a 'Little Boy' to complement their other products?"

Endeavor looked at the man as if he were stupid. "Why would anyone want to have a son intentionally? There's no benefit anymore. Girls can carry on your name and legacy while receiving the benefit of the XX Power treatment. Boys are only good for breeding more daughters now."

The man almost chocked in his attempt to cover his surprise. "Well, that's an interesting view. One final question, what do you think of the growing movement toward multiple women sharing one man, especially in hero circles where boys are being crowded out by girls with stronger quirks?"

Endeavor quickly glanced into a nearby mirror to make sure her fire dress was still perfect. "Let them do what they want. If a girl isn't strong enough to keep a man to herself, then by all means let her make a group to secure what she wants."

As the bride strode off to her dressing room for final preparations, the reporter turned to the camera with a plastic smile. "Well, there you have it folks, the Pro-Hero Endeavor on the issues of our time. Stay tuned, because after the wedding a vote will be taking place in parliament to create a legal framework for female heroes to share a single husband..."

-Hero Year 89-

"What do you mean my daughter is quirkless! That's impossible! I specifically chose a man with a strong and complimenting quirk so that this wouldn't happen!"

Enryo brushed off his sister's usual ranting. He had plenty of practice now that he owned the company. Sure, he had to deal with the small daily annoyances, but it makes Mom happy seeing them work together and Miku would give the redhead whatever they made anyway, so may as well make use of having the second greatest hero as a sister. "No, you patently did not choose a complimenting partner. Haven't you ever heard of two people getting along like fire and ice? That means they don't like each other. This is why you come to me first to check if your ideas actually have grounding in reality. Idiot."

"I demand that you show me how you could possibly have known that! I want numbers, charts; a full run-through of where our synergy went wrong."

An exited grin spit the scientist's face. All those other benefits were nice, but this sort of demand was what really made him exited to work with his sister. "Oh, I will. And I think it'll rock the world more than even Double X did…"

-Advertisements from Hero Year 90-93-

"It feels like you were made for each other… But were you really? Check you Quirk Synergy today!"

"Dinner, a Show, and Quirk Synergy Testing… A Perfect First Date!"

"These couples wished they knew their synergy before they got married… Don't be One of Them!"

"Couples with high synergy live Longer Happier lives Together!"

"All the Girls Want is a Big Synergy. Get Tested Today!"

"Will the Romance Last? Find out Now!"

"I Don't Care How he Looks, Tell me his Synergy!"

"Making Sure that your Children Get the Strong Quirks they Deserve! Quirk Laboratories Quirk Synergy!"

"Children with high synergy get married and have grandkids sooner! Get your children tested today!"

-Doctor's Office, Hero Year 94-

"I have some bad news, and some good news for you. Now to start off, I'm guessing you and your husband never had your quirk synergies tested."

Inko shook her head at the doctor. "No, we knew each other since middle school, so we didn't think we needed it. Is something wrong with Izuku? He's a boy so he probably has a quirk that's really weak and hard to detect, right? That's why he hasn't manifested yet?"

The doctor took a deep sigh and pulled out some charts. "Ever since Double X came out years ago, peoples' perceptions on the strength of quirks have skewed. That said, your son is part of the fifteen percent that is completely Quirkless. If you got tested like most couples, we could have prevented this like all the other parents, but You didn't get your synergy tested and now your son is paying the price. He should probably give up on being a hero."

Inko gasped as Izuku froze up and started at the chart with dead eyes. "Th-there's good news yet, right?"

At that prompting the doctor became visibly excited and tossed out all the papers but one sheet that he pressed to the face of the younger boy. "The good news is, Why would you want to be a hero when you can get any girl you want with these numbers! Look at this! General compatibility is over Two hundred Fifty percent! That's already over double what most couples get with all their stats combined! Emitter compatibility is Seventy-five percent, Transformation is ninety percent, Mutant is Eighty percent, and those are low end estimates! Anticipated virility is off the charts! You could bed Endeavor with numbers like these! Kid's going to be beating girls off with a stick! These are automatic idol level stats! Get him into a hero related business and he's guaranteed a harem! He'll probably be a Dad twice over before he's even out of High school if the pros can get their hands on him! You'll be swimming in grandkids before you even know it!"

The green haired boy clung to his mother's side. The doctor man was scaring him.

Inko reached down and turned her son's head to look her in the eye. "Izuku, Honey, you want to make people happy, right? That's why you want to be a hero?" The child hesitantly nodded, not really understanding what his mother was saying. "Well, this is a way you can make a whole lot of people happy and give Mommy lots of grandbabies! We're signing you up for singing lessons, and dancing class, and putting you in an idol course!"

Izuku whimpered. Something told him that this wasn't going to make him a hero quite the way he would have liked…

-Hero Year 108-

The lights flashed green. The music was crying out his song. The crowd was screaming his name.

It was time to fulfill their wish.

Izuku stepped onto the platform, microphone in one hand, the other reaching out to the hearts of every one of his listeners. He was more than an idol, he was a star giving light to millions. He was Izuku Midoriya.

"Blaaank faces looking lonely outward at the street…/ IIII can not handle seeing all this misery…/ Leeeet ring out to all looking back at me…/ Loooove, let your smile my priority…" As he sang the mournful opening to his song, the platform slowly started to rise. The crowd always loved when he progressed into the main body. "I look out/ and let down/ let ring out/ and resound." Izuku could barely restrain his smile as the tempo kicked up and the chorus began. "Heart to heart! Hand in hand! Love and joy, Smileee! I wanna be your Smile Hero! Save you from you heart to your lips! Smile Hero! Our love will never end! The sun is too dull, The world is too big, The foes are too strong. Without! Your! Smile!"

This was what he lived for, to see all of his fans smiling and giving them the feeling that someone out there truly cares about them. He made it his mission to inspire as much love and happiness as he could, but he did wish that some of his fans wouldn't be quite so forward in their response. He could barely look at a girl without blushing and stuttering after what some of his fans did to get his attention…

-After the Show-

The green haired idol gave a heavy sigh as he finally made it to the lobby of his hotel. Getting away after the show was always the hardest part. Between the rabid fans, reporters, and villains the trip was always filled with more close calls than he would like to admit. The security staff really earned their wages; they often joked that they may as well be heroes for how many villains they had to deal with. The thought of villains reminded him to check if the Female Villain Rehabilitation manager would be willing to endorse him for U.A. Even if he was quirkless, three hundred volunteer hours had to count for something when applying for UA. People already expected male heroes to have weak quirks, so it wouldn't be all that big of a stretch for a male hero to have no quirk, now would it. He certainly didn't hone his body just for his idol career.

A man stepping into his path made the teen snap back to reality. One glance at the green in the other man's hair told the boy everything he needed to know.

"Izuku! I'm such a huge fan! I could barely believe it when the guy in the suit told me there was a way to meet you in person! Can I have your autograph? My girlfriend will never believe this! She loves your music…"

The fanboy continued to babble on as Izuku looked for a way to escape. He had dismissed his guards since the next shift was supposed to be ready to take over once he entered the lobby. Their absence left him to deal with the fan alone.

Izuku was startled out of his contemplation when the fan shoved a pile of books into his hands. "I'm quirkless, but I still wanted to be a hero too. These are all my findings on ways for people like us to get powers equal to a quirk. Take them and go be a real hero. I don't need them anymore since you showed me that I can be someone's personal hero just by making them smile."

The teen idol shifted the books to one hand and glanced through the titles. "Hammon; How to learn it, use it, and why the Ripple is a terrible name. Futae no Kiwami; it's not a dirty joke. Alchemy and Me; Ten easy steps to Transmutation. How to All According to Keikaku… Did you come up with the titles yourself?"

The sheepish look on the man's face said yes. "Well… I had to make money to fund more research somehow… but I know that at least one of them works." The man pointed out a book that had an envelope taped to the cover. "Those are my notes on Karmic Vows. I gathered the rings to do the pact, but..." a glance from Izuku broke the dam and words gushed out. "I went with my girlfriend and we found the spirit of wind, but it didn't take what I offered and I didn't tell my girlfriend that she would have to be a conduit for the vow, so she didn't agree to it either. I'm just lucky I brought a change of clothes, or I would have had to go to the flower shop naked." The fanboy took a deep breath, and only then took in everything that he had just said. "Wait- I mean- umm- I'm Sorry! I'll leave you alone forever now!"

Izuku merely gave an interested hum as he watched the fanboy retreat in shame. The teen barely registered what the man was saying, already absorbed in the possibilities of the research.

The sound of footsteps broke him out of his muttering fit as he realized that the security crew had finally arrived. "We're sorry Midoriya, Sir! A slime villainess was attempting to hide in the elevator and ambush you! We had difficulty containing her without quirks and ultimately managed to drive her off, but we failed to protect you in the meantime! Forgive us for our utter failure, Sir!"

As the idol reassured his security team, he considered the fanboy's failure. "Karmic Vows, huh? And apparently you need a girl to help you with it…" the course of his thoughts made him blush madly. "This is going to be both super easy and insanely hard…"

-Next Day, Way to School-

Izuku blushed and stuttered as his latest kidnapper held him close to her barely clothed chest. This struggle to get to school on time had become a near daily occurrence ever since Quirk Labs had released their Portable Synergy Checker App (PSCA) a few years ago. All it took was a smart phone and the most basic of information on the target and you could know who someone was and their synergy levels. To make matters worse, the app even did matchmaking with high synergy targets. His incredible synergy levels essentially made him the top of every girl's chart, making him a prime target for all kinds of crazies. If that wasn't bad enough his fame had made things even worse by adding in a horde of screaming fans that always somehow managed to see through all his attempts at disguise. Already today he had barely managed to slip out of the grasp of a fan with X-ray vision, barely evade another fan with a transforming Squid quirk, got caught by the sister of the previous fan who had a transforming octopus quirk, and had been rescued from that fan by the feral looking giant villainess holding him currently.

More of the Villainess' squirming brought an even heavier blush to his face as he was reminded that the girl's shirt had not fully survived the expansion. He felt a little bad, since it could almost seem that he had driven the girl currently holding him to use her quirk, and thus be labeled a villainess, but at the same time she had essentially kidnapped him and was muttering about how she was going to take him to her "lair" and "claim him." As a crew of his security force futilely tried to stop the woman, he was struck once again by the gap between those using quirks and those who were not.

The though left his head when he also realized that his captor's bra had just given up and he was now being pressed directly against the woman's soft bosom. "Just you wait Izuku, I'll show you everything I can do with these once we get to my apart- lair! I'm a big bad villainess that takes what she wants and will make you forget that any other girl even exists!"

"Is that what they're saying I'm into nowadays?" The thought barely entered his upper head before his lower head replied that he definitely wouldn't object if she kept her promises.

He was saved from his dilemma by the appearance of the heroine Dryad Kamui. Roots from the ground bound the giant Villainess's legs as Dryad gave her patented Heroic Speech. "Stop, trouble maker! Surrender yourself and your hostage and your punishment will be made lighter! Do not think that you can stand against the power of Dryad Kamui!"

The challenge of course only made the giant more desperate. "No! He's mine! I won't give him up! It's true love, we have synergy over five hundred!"

Dryad was stunned for a moment. "Over five hundred!? But that's impossible! Unless… You're trying to steal my Izuku! He's mine! Our synergy was 525 and our themes even complement each other!"

"He prefers me! If he really wanted to be with you, he would've said something. Instead he's been cuddling into my welcoming bosom this whole time!"

"That's not true! I've just been giving him space to grow and you're stifling him!"

But of course, a bound villain is too a tempting target for other heroes to leave alone during her whole dialogue. Seeing the opportunity, a third party made her debut. "Canyon Cannon!" Another giant woman leapt in with a flying kick and took down the bound villainess, sending Izuku flying. Ever the opportunist, Mt. Lady made sure to catch him and nuzzle the boy against her face. She gave a cheery wave and made sure to show off the "benefits" of her skin-tight suit as she gave her debut introduction.

"But… Green… and Trees…" Now left without a villain to capture or the chance to rescue her future lover, Kamui drooped in depression. In a second, her depression turned to rage. she hissed out muttered curses at the show-stealing girl, "Just because the stupid popularity polls weight male votes stronger for equality doesn't mean you should dress like you're some lewd pin-up model. It's bad enough that most women go for the cheesecake, beefcake, softcore porn star, male heroes like All Might, now I have to deal with some Midnight knock-off playing the male gaze."

By this point, Izuku was barely aware of what was happening. He all but passed out soon after Dryad appeared from how hard the villainess was holding him against her. His mind saw no reason to stick around and just enjoyed the marshmallow hell, and the cuddling that followed.

Mt. Lady took him back to her office for a "medical check-up."

Suffice to say, he didn't get to school on time that day.

-Chapter 1 End!-

So that's chapter 1. Tell me what you think; If I should continue this, write tale of the quirkless, focus on finishing my other stories, or whatever else.

I get a worrying amount of amusement by writing Endeavor acting Tsundere toward All Might. Almost as much as I got from writing that line about a girl not being able to hate a boy without being accused of liking a boy. Now there's subversion for you.

Next chapter you get to meet Katsuko Bakugo and learn why we can't have nice things.

In other thoughts, I had a lot of fun writing out the in-universe explanation for some of the things that I'm going to be doing. Why are all the women swooning over Izuku near immediately after meeting him? Because an arbitrary number combined with near constant marketing tells them to. Why are some of the characters' powers slightly different? Soft science power treatment. Why are is there such a disparity between the genders? Only women can get the free power-up. so in a world where the existence of quirk marriages already show that people care deeply about having a child with a strong quirk, something that is exacerbated by advertising pushing that idea, it would make perfect sense that a decent number would want a daughter. With half the population ensuring that they get a daughter, the other half flips the coin, leading to a three to one ratio of girls to boys, which then would lead to a push for more sons (which there is no way to ensure) or the acceptance that multiple women will need to share one man. Set all these changes within a generation so you still have plenty of old guard around, and BAM! Interesting setting.

Where will I go with the whole karmic vows side-plot? Wait and see, cause even I'm not 100% certain! Yay for stories without defined paths!

With that, I'm signing off. Please leave a review letting me know what you think.

Noctis Sol; the Night Sun