Author has written 2 stories for Star Wars, and RWBY. Hi Everybody! I've been reading fanfictions for many years, and it finally got to be to troublesome managing my favoirites and keeping track of updates, so I made an account. I write on Twisting The Hellmouth, a Buffy Crossover site, more then I post here, as at the time, it was much more user friendly. Most of my stories were written when i was an highschooler though, and it shows, what with falling into the trap of making things cool and rebellious and what not. You an definitely see an improvement in the quality of my work there a the years past. Please check my page at Twisting the Hellmouth for my other stories. Profile is: http:///authors.php?no=9856 Recently got into RWBY. Fun series, lots of potential, espcially with Aura and Semblances, and its surprisingly friendly for a death world. The part that recently struck me was when i was watching the Breach episode, and they had the quick and heavy response to the Grim. It sure looked like it was an impressive show of force, what with the aircraft, robots, soldiers, and hunters. Now, imagine all that might, and imagine it failed to stop the fall of Mountain Glen. From what we see in those episodes, the size of the buildings, plus the underground, we're talking about a huge investment of billions of dollars and thousands and thousands of people. And they could not protect it. Not above ground, or below ground. It was a site that took years of effort and planning, that careers were staked on, that lives were staked on. And they could not protect it. That, combined with the World of Remanent videos, where they talk about people outside the Kingdoms just vanishing, and you get a true scope of just how deadly Remanant is. The fridge horror of that didn't really hit me till I watched the episodes again, and now its kinda stuck in my head. |