It wasn't long before Mandy extended an invitation for Harry and Wednesday to join herself and Billy at her house for an afternoon, an invitation Harry had been eagerly waiting for. After all, if Grandpa Grim was extra busy being her BFF, then it only made sense he would be at her house. As such, he would need to be invited there to meet with Grim regarding Deathwalking lessons and Wednesday's inability to use magic like he did. After all, barging in uninvited would simply be rude! The Addams were many things that 'polite society' found unconscionable, but they were never rude!

As Mandy led the group to her place, Harry took in the sight of it for his first impression. The structure itself was a plain white two-story domicile, only a single room and balcony for the second floor and a brick chimney in the back. At first glance it seemed like a pleasant little abode, almost obnoxiously so...but a closer look showed that the house itself seemed to cringe away from Mandy as she approached, as though everything about the place were afraid to be anything less than perfectly pleasant for fear of displeasing her. The idea of someone so young with that much spiritual control of their surroundings was fascinating to Harry, and made him all the more eager to get to know his new friend. ...for some reason that escaped Harry's understanding, that excitement seemed to upset Wednesday.

As they reached the front door, Mandy turned towards Harry with a smirk. "My parents aren't home just now," she said, her voice somewhere between dry and wicked. "So whatever fun we get up to will be...unsupervised." Her eyes glinted as she saw Wednesday's eyes narrow in anger.

Harry, for his part, simply met that announcement with confusion. Why would one want to be unsupervised for at home fun? In his experience with such games at home, parents would join in which just made things even more fun. Eventually, he concluded this was an aspect of 'normality' that simply did not make sense, and assumed it would eventually.

As Mandy opened the door, however, there was a figure waiting there. Clad in a night black cloak with crimson trim stood a skeletal figure holding a scythe, no eyes in his bony sockets as he glowered down at Mandy, the sockets themselves shifting to show the narrowing of his eyes. "Now don't be thinkin' you'll be gettin' up to any funny business, Mandy," the figure declared in a familiar Jamaican accent. "And stop teasin' Wednesday. I don' wanna deal with the collateral if you two start goin' at it like cats in a sack over a boy who don't even know what you fightin' about!"

Mandy's smirk turned into an irritated frown. "What gives, Grim?" she demanded coldly. "I thought being my friend meant you were on my side."

"Not when me family is involved," Grim corrected as he let everyone in. "There's honor and code involved there. Besides, I've got responsibilities here. Need ta teach Harry how-"

"Before that, I'd like to know how it's possible you two are family," Mandy interrupted as she took a seat.

"I'm kinda curious too!" Billy spoke up with a dopey grin. "How can ya share flesh and blood when only one of you has that? I you take turns?"

Mandy stared at the idiot boy with a flat-eyed gaze. "For once Billy...had a point." She turned back to Grim. "So?"

Grim shrugged as he gestured Harry and Wednesday into chairs. "Alright. Since I won't be gettin' a moment's peace to teach till I tell the you want the simple version, or the complex?"

"Simple, please!" Billy asked eagerly.

"Through marriage," Grim responded immediately.

"You're married?" Mandy demanded intensely.

"No, but mah brother is, and he's still me bro even if Pops is put out with him," Grim corrected easily. "Not that he actually is, mind, not with all that plan nonsense and the necessity of free will..." Seeing only confusion directed his way - except from Billy, who had gotten distracted by a light spot reflecting off the scythe - Grim sighed. "Alright, let's start at the beginning, eh?" Taking hold of his scythe, he swept it through the air and reality around them tore away.

As the group flew through darkness, Harry felt his senses intensify. "Is this Deathwalking?" he asked eagerly.

"Part of it," Grim explained readily. "This be the land of the Dying, where those who have died but I ain't collected reside. It's a dangerous spot, as staying too long without proper protection - or being dead - can cause ye ta be consumed by the all devouring void. But if ye know what ye doing, ye can slip into here and out anywhere ye wanna go, long as ye know where yer goin'." As he finished speaking, they found themselves floating over a lush garden more beautiful and bountiful than any in living memory. "Welcome to Eden," Grim spoke up, before coughing awkwardly. "Well, the memory thereof. Nobody's allowed back in the real thang till certain things happen. Anywho..." Sweeping his scythe through the air, the group zoomed down towards the garden, to where they saw two humans. One was a tall, broad shouldered, dark haired man. The other was a tall, willowy, curvaceous blonde woman. "Do ye know the story o' Adam and Eve?"

"Who doesn't?" Mandy asked dryly. "They were the first humans, cast out of the Garden for eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. What about them?"

"Just establishing some groundwork," Grim stated as he swept his scythe again, and the group shifted towards the edge of the Garden. There was another woman, this one with hair as crimson as flames, stalking out of the garden with her head held high, not looking back, and flipping two birds back over her shoulder. "Might ye be guessin' who this spitfire be?" he continued with a nostalgic grin.

"That would be Adam's first wife, Lilith," Wednesday deduced calmly, a small smirk on her face. "The story says she was kicked out of the garden because she wanted to lie with Adam as equals, Adam wanted to be on top, God told her to listen to Adam, and she refused."

"Not entirely accurate," Grim allowed. "She weren't kicked out, she left of her own accord...after givin' Dad a right chewin' out for expectin' her ta bow to her man's every whim. As she put it, she weren't bindin' every woman ta come ta de facto slavery to their men just cause God didn'a like marital discord." Grim chuckled softly. "Left Pops in a right pickle it did, since he agreed in principle but had his own reasons fer wantin' men to be on top in the bedroom, least at first. So when Eve came around, Pops made her a little less bright and a little less strong-willed...which only backfired when the Serpent stuck his nose in." As the memory played forward, Grim chuckled as a pillar of flames appeared before Lilith as she stepped out of the garden. "Course, not everybody agreed with the situation."

As a shadowed figure appeared from the flames - one that gave the impression of once having shone so bright only to be cast into darkness - and bowed to Lilith, Grim continued. "Luey was real impressed with a mortal that'd chew Pops out the way he did. Made him reconsider Humanity as the purpose of creation if one could get away with that. Wanted her to be his bride if she didn'a want what God had planned." The shadowed figure stood and moved possessively towards Lilith, an eager glint in his eyes. "He were really impressed."

"Did she say yes?" Mandy asked curiously.

Lilith promptly kneed the shadowed figure in the crotch making him bend over in obvious pain. " first," Grim allowed with a wince. "See, the whole thing was about establishing her own independence, and she wasn't about ta leave one controllin' man only to let another sweep her away. So they made a deal."

As the shadowed figure returned upright, his approach towards Lilith was much more cordial. "If over the course of the following year she could establish herself independently outside the Garden and thrive, then she would be the dominant force in their relationship when they wed. If not, he would be." Grim chuckled softly. "Not only did she succeed...but she did so despite - as she found out - already being with child."

"Wait, what?" Wednesday asked in surprise.

"Oh yes," Grim continued as he moved his scythe, shifting the scene to a small, well kept cave where Lilith could be seen tending a small, bedraggled, somewhat brutish little boy. "Didn'a let that stop her. By the time Luey came back ta check on her, she'd dominated a tribe of subhumans - the ones that would birth Cain's wife, among others - and ruled them with a gentle yoke that led them ta tryin' ta kill Luey when he came ta take her." The shadowed figure could be seen with a perplexed expression on his face as he walked up, several other brutish creatures clinging to him and trying to claw and bite at him, to no avail.

"Seein' she won the wager so spectacularly, Luey was ready to acknowledge her as his Queen," Grim continued as the shadowed figure bowed to Lilit...who promptly grabbed him by his ear and yanked him back to his feet. "She didn'a put up wit' that long. Said she told God that man and woman belonged side by side. She weren't fightin' ta be on top, just ta not be on bottom. Course, Luey's a beasty of his word, so he didn'a want to back down from what he Lilith offered a trade."

The shadowed figure knelt before the child, weaving magic around him that settled into and infused him. "In exchange fer makin' sure that the bloodline of her son would always thrive in this world, she'd be Luey's equal on the throne of Hell, where he'd made his Kingdom. With that done, they were wed, and Luey fathered the race of monsters upon Lilith's eager and willing form." A large black 'Censored' bar promptly appeared over the scene.

"As...fascinating as all this is," Mandy observed dryly, "what does that have to do with...?" She gestured to Harry and Wednesday.

Grim grinned widely. "See, Lilith were a spiteful sort, too. She wanted both God and Adam ta always remember what they'd done that she had to walk out and make her own way. That's why she asked fer what she did from Luey...and why she picked the family name she did for the line. So that when anyone asked whose kids they were, the world would always know her answer." His grin widened further. "They're Adam's." He chuckled softly. "Course, an extra 'd' found its way in there as language evolved..."

As Mandy's eyes widened in shock, Harry spoke up. "The magic 'Luey' weaved...that was the family magic wasn't it? And Lilith's son...that was Ugg."

"The start of it," Grim confirmed with a grin. "And yes, sort of. The 'Truth' of back then is rather malleable. But yes, Ugg was Lilith's son, but born in the shape of the rest of Unenlightened Humanity."

"Is that why Wednesday can't use the magic I can?" Harry pressed, holding up his sword.

Grim leaned forward and took a sniff. "In a manner o' speakin," he allowed. "The Clan Magic is that of the Spirit. The magic you be talkin' about be that of the World. The Addams' clan always been much more strongly tied to the Spirits than the World." He chuckled as the room they'd started in faded back into view. "And ye can see why." Seeing Mandy was still in a state of stunned shock, he leaned towards Harry. "Now, as fer lessons in Deathwalking..."