Reviews for Trial Family
SirGaraf chapter 1 . 7/29
But one hell of a shot.
Clamity kun chapter 1 . 7/17
It was fun to read. I hope that komanchi will also come(as rumi saud theire is hikigaya whi is student council president).
Overall it was enjoyable ride.
Originally i come here to request you to update your other story 're start'.
It is one of best fanfic i ever read. Although so give it kind of open ending but i hope you will update it soon.
Red Glasses chapter 1 . 7/6
Marvelous work! Songs came to mind while reading nearing the end of this fiction were initially just Little Wonders by Rob Thomas and You'll Be In My Heart by Merche Macaria and Phil Collins.

I guess I'm not familiar enough with your works, but I'll bite: Is is the scene where Rumi climbs the stairs? Because that clearly stands out in all of my... patronage here on this site.

See you soon again.
Widoh chapter 1 . 6/26
UR BACK I LOVE U. if there's anything i can do to encourage you to write more, ask.
S10MC2015 chapter 1 . 6/22
This is one of my favourite fanfics.
I have no words. It is just good.

Thank you for the story!
Thank you for the chapters (?)!

PS. You may want to seperate the days into chapters and have after day 7 as a epilogue. It will make it much easier in general for reading.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26
Nice to see you back in the site after a long time.
Anyways, great job with the story..the YukiHachi moments gave me diabetes.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1
Hey man! This is some family-friendly fanfic of all time! It's so good..
spoofnt chapter 1 . 4/26
great to see you back again. if 2 years of inactiveness again ill break your jojo kneecaps
Clipsus chapter 1 . 4/15
Dude, I loved this. So heartwarming, so cute. That JoJo skit had me cackling, too. To be honest, though, I was expecting a scene of Rumi getting into Gendai to the jealousy of Hojo, there at the end. Man, I had to read this in like three sittings, but damn was it worth it.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/11
Amazing, simply heartfelt.

And that little "fictional scene" that you took inspiration from?

It was when a certain manager visits a certain secretary at an art show when noone else wouldn't give her the time of day wasn't it?

Trust me, that scene always gets me too and you captured it perfectly.

Keep up your amazing writing. I've been keeping tabs on your work on this site for years now.
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 1 . 4/11
Very enjoyable, was a nice little (well, not so little) oneshot.
LogicMonster-kun chapter 1 . 4/11
Truly epic story I've ever read
forward-smash chapter 1 . 4/11
Gossip what the fuck
You realize I still have PTSD from RE:START, right?
renrensales chapter 1 . 4/8
god damn this was beautifyl
Gnt000q chapter 1 . 4/8
The story is incredibly well done. But i gotta day the age gap is kinda awkward. Rumi is a primary school student while hachiman and Yukino is 2nd year high school. If rumi was second year or 3rd year of elementary it would mean as a high 2 student yukino and hachiman would atleast be 9 to 10 years his senior. If this story had rumi aged 16 to 17 with a 28/27 hachiman and Yukino it would have made it perfect. A throwaway line like they tried and couldnt get pregnant would made adopting rumi all the more reasonable too
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