Reviews for Misunderstood
Hachiman fan chapter 5 . 8/22
Heh, you got me on the first part, 10 years skip pfftt
draculyn28 chapter 5 . 8/21
ok good chapter. i like saki, greetings.
worrierfierce chapter 5 . 8/20
great chapter
shadbin10 chapter 5 . 8/20
Very cool. Good good
Jake the fanfic addicted dog chapter 5 . 8/20
Nevermind, it has fixed itself and I would like to say that it is of high quality prose.

The council applauds to you
Jake the fanfic addicted dog chapter 5 . 8/20
what has happened to this chapter?
the council would like to know what has happened
justdoingmyjob chapter 1 . 8/20
Okay, shameless saki shipper. I actually love saki. In the anime "I want something genuine" It's goddamn beautiful. But why would someone be cold to the point of acting too cool with someone if the didn't understand what they said? Everyone's conversation is just unnatural to say it nicely. Even Yukinoshita saying, "Are you planning on doing something to her" is just saying it for no reason. Hikigaya be like "I got hit by a car that almost looked the same as yours"
Truly shameless. And if saki does something wrong in the future, He be like "Nah man That's cool man"
Feel some shame. Dropped this fic. *Thud*
Guest chapter 5 . 8/20
Ugh. A decent enough, intriguing intro in chapter 1, and nothing more. Really, a huge let-down, this fic.
Ojojo chapter 5 . 8/20
You got me in the first half, ngl
Daniisaur chapter 1 . 8/20
what's up with the latest chapter?
Stakoza45 chapter 5 . 8/20
The fuck?
Afnan-kun chapter 5 . 8/20
How the chapter get bug?! Thankfully I was able to read it and enjoy it a lot of Saki moment
Metal Worm chapter 5 . 8/20
Shame that this chapter got bugged
Ridho Afan chapter 4 . 8/16
I love this
Guest chapter 4 . 8/16
I hope Hikigaya and Saki end up together
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