AN: All right, let's do this. Let's see how this turns out…This was suppose to be fast but while writing I had to keep adding details. Initially the Breach was going to be one chapter. Now it's looking more like 4 or 5. But that's the fun of writing!

Edited and Beta'd by Cruzerblade on 7/13/17

Chapter 1-Oh God It's A Dragon!

Beacon was ablaze. As team JNPR ran from the landing platforms and into the school, Ren couldn't help but stop and take it all in. Everywhere he looked, all he could see was destruction, fires burning and grimm ravaging the school buildings. He absently noted the tree JNPR studied under had been torn from the ground and was set alight. Smoke rose from the buildings around him. The courtyard was teeming with White Fang, grimm, and rogue Atlas knights and paladins. It had barely been half an hour and already the school was in shambles—It was unbelievable. Ren could only stand and stare at the chaos; horrible memories clashing with the scene before him. It was just like when he was a kid-fires raged, the injured everywhere, and the deafening screams of terror.

A friendly pat on the back shook him out of his daze. He tore his gaze from the carnage and focused on Nora, who grinned back with a strained smile. She remained quiet, sending him silent encouragement, as she transformed Magnhild into a hammer and stepped forward to join the rest of Team JNPR. Nora's reassuring slap doing its job, a revitalized Ren reloaded Stormflower and stepped forward to join his friends. As they moved forward together as a team, an ear-shattering screech echoed out, forcing them to cup their ears… as a team. They turned their attention to the source of the sound—in the distance, a mountain top had shattered, revealing a massive black and white monstrosity with massive wings making its way towards them from across the water.

Oh, and apparently a dragon grimm had broken out of a mountain top, which had apparently been its resting place for centuries and was now flying around the school, spawning grimm.

Of Course.

The monstrous grimm must have been huge, from this distance it looked like as big as a bullhead. If it looked that large from that distance then how massive was it? As big as one of Ironwood's war ships? Bigger? How could they even try to fight something like that?

Ren was not having a good day.

He stared at the oncoming grimm, his mouth pulled back into a thin line. They would be fine; their team was together… so what if they were facing a seemingly endless hoard of grimm with White Fang and Atlas robots added to the mix? Who cared that Vale, one of the major four kingdoms was nearly in ruins? They could take it… maybe. The large beast let out a shriek that echoed across the Beacon, as though it knew that Ren was trying to minimize its presence in the battle.

… It was fine.

They had a Nora and a Pyrrha.

He relaxed a bit as they all stood together, Team JNPR unified and ready to take on the world, standing alongside the other teams from the tournament. Each competent fighters in their own right. This is what they had trained for. They were good; Jaune was not shaking, in fact he looked calm and collected! Nora seemed focused so she most likely wouldn't hit any of them as she fought; and they had Pyrrha Nikos! Pyrrha! Nikos! Top of her class at Sanctum, four-time winner of the Mistral Regional Tournament! And all—


"Where is she going?"

They had Pyrrha Nikos… who was walking away from them.

Jaune took a hesitant step towards her, as though to follow, but before he could take another, the large dragon grimm let out another monstrous roar. He stopped and to Ren's eyes, Jaune seemed to grow taller as he straightened and glared up at the titan as though it had personally made fun of his favorite onesie., Ren wondered what was going through his leader's head.

"Nora!" Jaune yelled suddenly, his gaze fixed on the dragon grimm. "Go with Pyrrha and Ozpin, stay with them until you can join up with me and Ren later."

Ren felt his eyebrows raise as Nora spluttered out a confused "W-what?"

Split both partner pairs? Why? Ren and Nora worked well together, he'd distract the enemies while Nora went in for a finishing bow. Just what was Jaune thinking? Had he hit his head in the fight to the tower's base?

Jaune broke his stare from the flying grimm and locked eyes with Nora, a strained expression on his face, "I have… something I need to take care of up here and Pyrrha is probably going to need back up. Help her. Stay with her, and come back to us." Jaune rushed out. "Please."

Nora tilted her head as if the strange request was make her head top heavy before straightening up and giving him a dramatic salute, "Right away, fearless leader!"

The next thing Ren knew, he was being lifted off the ground as Nora briefly attempted to locked him in a bear hug.

"Don't you get hurt on me." She murmured into his back before she released him. Nora gave him a smile that was a little too wide for her. She was scared. Nora shouldn't be scared and worry about him. That was his job, to worry about her. Not the other way around. "Don't you dare get hurt or else you'll have to make me a hundred pancakes…"

They stood for a moment staring at each other.

"Make sure he doesn't hurt himself, all right?" Nora asked, keeping her eyes on his face,

Ren could only blink and then Nora was gone, running back into the doorway that Pyrrha had disappeared into. He turned his attention out at the courtyard where the other students were fighting the grimm and soldiers. They were extremely effective as they paired off and left nothing but defeated enemies behind.

In short, there was a seemingly endless horde of grimm, rogue robots, and what looked to be White Fang members moving in amongst the chaos—and they didn't have Nora or Pyrrha to back them up.

Ren was not having a good day.

"All right…" Jaune exhaled, surveying the area, "We need to secure a safe zone for the others to fall back to when they need a rest. Let's work our way out from the center and try and give them support!"

Ren nodded, feeling slightly better. Jaune was probably the best person he knew that could come up with effective strategies under pressure. It's what allowed them to excel during team exercises despite having a weak link.

Ren charged towards an ursa, he pelted it with bullets and jumped up, aiming a kick at its head.

"They'll be fine". Ren told himself as the ursa's head impacted the ground with a loud thud. They were split up, but they were still an effective team. He continued to tell himself that they'd be fine as he kicked off the ursa's head to engage a gryphon that had just landed.

He only wished that he could believe it.

Ah scales… A Spawner, Pyrrha's run off, and I'm surrounded by people who'd have questions if I changed. Questions that I can't answer. What do I do? I can't leave the Spawner alive, that'd break the accords! This is bad. This is bad. This is really really bad.

Okay… Breathe. Kill some Grimm. And Plan. You're good at plans. You can do this. Just think of the best way to protect everyone...without losing! It's fine! Just like class. Let's see…



That's a terrible plan…

The battle raged on, Grimm and White Fang were being taken out left and right only for more to pop up and take their place. It didn't help that the Atlas robots had turned on them, all it did was create another enemy to defeat. They threw everything they had at them and it still wasn't enough to win. To Ren it felt like every other second, he had to take an enemy down just to keep himself from being overwhelmed, he wasn't given any time to recover and take stock of the situation.


Luckily, he didn't have to.

Jaune had been a lifesaver, directing Ren to where they were needed the most and making sure that each student wasn't left fighting by themselves. He kept them close to the center, which allowed them to assist each student as needed and kept an open space for them to retreat to if they got overwhelmed.

Ren shook off a Beowolf that had fallen onto him, as he checked himself briefly for injuries and moved to assist Jaune in taking out another griffon grimm before heading towards the entrance to the courtyard where some Atleasian Paladins had appeared.

"What's the plan?" Ren asked, firing at the grimm they passed, giving the other students a brief respite from the onslaught.

At first Ren thought that Jaune didn't respond, before he noticed that his leader's lips were moving and leaned in closer to try and hear what he had to say.

"-step carefully and take off before others come…." he whispered out in a hushed voice.

Ren looked at Jaune with a puzzled expression. He seemed…off, he hadn't slowed down once since the beginning of the fight and seemed unusually focused. Then again, it was a weird day, what with the terrorist attacks and everything else that was going on. But even then, Jaune was never know for panicked whispers. Ren opened his mouth to speak but was cut off as Jaune called out.


The Schnee Heiress' eyes shifted to them for a moment before returning to the Paladin before them.

"We're Kind of busy Jaune. If you didn't notice the Paladins and the fight going on!"

Ren came to a stop as he finally got a good look at the Atlas Paladin. It was… big. Large guns and mechanical pistons moving faster than anything that size had the right to be moving. Chrome plating with a steady barely audible hum that promised power and pain to anyone foolish enough to try and fight it. And jumping all around it, holding her own was Velvet.

Ren could hardly believe that this was the same faunas who was bullied by Cardin, so much so that he nearly didn't recognized her. She ran circles around the machine, switching between various hard-light weapons that appeared in her hands forming and dissipating as she pushed the robot back. His weapon Storm Flower, Crescent Rose and all the other weapons he had seen the other combatants in the Vytal Festival use. Each one formed for a moment, allowing Velvet to deal massive damage to the mechanical exoskeleton before dissipating, the next weapon immediately forming so that she could follow up the last attack. It was… impressive.


Ren broke his gaze away as Jaune's arms fell firmly on his shoulders. His sword was put away and the look in his eye made Ren give Jaune his full attention.

He looked desperate.

"Stay with Weiss during this fight and work together until Nora and Pyrrha come back out. Then stick together with everyone else! Do you understand?"

Ren was confused. Why did Jaune look so scared? They were doing well! The grimm were being held off and no one had been seriously injured yet. Sure, they were still in a bad spot and that…grimm beast flying around Beacon needed to be addressed, but why was he so panicked?

Stay with Weiss? "But what about you?" What was he planning to do?

Jaune's face morphed into a bitter smile. "I'm going to kill a dragon."

Ren's eyes widened as he opened his mouth about to ask exactly what he meant, when a cry from Velvet stole his attention. The Paladin had gotten a lucky punch in and knocked the Faunus back, landing hard on the ground, separating her from the group of students that were watching.

Jaune cursed and pushed Ren away from him as he turned, sprinting towards the Paladin throwing Crocea Mors away from his body as he ran.

"Jaune!" Ren called out, terrified for his seemingly suicidal leader. He knew that Jaune's nickname was fearless leader but that wasn't an invitation for him to be-

"What are you doing you dunce!?" Screamed Weiss as she ran in a wide arc around the Paladin, glyphs appearing beneath her feet as she ran, boosting her forward to try and save


Ren ran forward as well, unsure of what to do to help his suddenly brainless leader.

Jaune paid no attention to either of them, sprinting as fast as he could to get to the paladin. Far above them, the grimm dragon let out another shriek.

Crap Crap Crap Crap. Okay. No better plan. Gotta go with Plan: "Stupid". It'll be fine!

I hope.

All right! Showtime! Let's not die or accidentally kill our friends!

Weiss was furious. What did that brainless blond idiot think he was doing? Charging straight in without any backup. Was he trying to get himself killed? Then again, she wasn't really the one to talk, since she was running in to do essentially the same thing.

Well… she did have her weapon out.

That was something.

She tried to move faster, skilling off her glyphs to gain as much speed as possible. She had to save both Velvet and Jaune now, but how was she going to do that? One just took a heavy hit from some Atlas technology while the other had seemed to lose all sense as he ran straight at the robot's back, dropping his weapon as he ran. She couldn't save them both… she didn't even know if she could save one of them, her fighting style wasn't exactly made for taking direct hits like this. But there had to be a way!

Time was up. She stood in front of Velvet, pausing just a bit to register the paladins raised arm. If she moved, Velvet would die. But she couldn't block something like this. It was too much force! Jaune would just have to save himself. She raised Myrtenaster, closing her eyes as she braced for the blow. Even if she couldn't outright block the blow, maybe she could deflect it or push it to the side…

Anything so that she could live.

She wanted to live.

She braced for pain, mental, and a whole lot of force. However instead, a long drawn out sound of twisting metal met her ears as several large thumps seemed to echo around the courtyard. She kept her eyes shut as the sound slowly died off, still waiting for a blow that was heading her way. Except...?

It had gone silent.

No wait… there was a sound. It was a quiet deep sound that came in went. She knew that sound. It sounded like… like...


Weiss opened one eye and then the other, her face and stance going slack at what she saw. This… this was too much she thought as she fell to her knees, shocked at what she was looking at.

A giant scaly golden claw pressed into the stone where the Paladin was. Part of the arm the only visible sign that the claw was stepping on anything other than ground. Slowly she followed her gaze up the claw to the large forearm, to the even large torso and finally to stare into the

eyes of the large reptile.

It was a dragon. Not a grimm dragon, but a genuine golden scaly dragon…that was also very big. To say that the dragon was large was an understatement. The dragon was massive, it's body occupying most of the courtyard as it carried itself above the heads of the students. Weiss's gaze drifted over the golden scales, easily the size of dinner plates. Large lean muscles bigger than most people she knew rippled beneath them the surface as the creature shifted. It lifted the claw that had … smashed the paladin and Weiss stared at the flatten scraps of metal remains as the claw resettled towards the outside of the courtyard, giving it a wider stance.

A low rumbling voice rang out, drawing Weiss's attention to the creature's head once again. The head that was just slightly smaller than her bedroom that she shared with three other girls. The head that snaked down from the top of the large body, it's neck bringing it just over the two girls. The head with piercing glowing blue eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. The head that was… opening.

Standing up on shaky legs, Wise turned her body towards Velvet, not breaking her gaze from the massive reptile as she began to tug at the girl's shoulder, trying to pull the Faunus off to the side as fast as possible.

The dragon's mouth hung open for a moment before a flickering light began to grow at the back of it. Weiss finally broke her gaze and turned her attention fully towards Velvet. They needed to move now before they were charred by the sudden dragon that had decided to appear before them. The faunus groaned, still injured from the direct blow she took.

"Blast it." Weiss muttered as she set Velvet down and took hold of her rapier. If she couldn't get them far enough away to shelter then she'd have to make some right where they were. Switching to her blue dust cartridge, she aimed the tip directly in front of them and discharged it, making sure to use up the entire cartridge. "Please let this work," Weiss muttered as the blue dust quickly turned to ice, building a large ice barrier between them and the beast, hopefully sheltering them from what was about to come.

Then the heat hit.

She squeezed her eyes shut and huddled down, hoping that ice would provide enough protection from the scorching heat that was passing around them. She felt cool water slosh by her feet, melting off the ice mount and pooling at her feet as the heat continues to envelop the two. Cracking an eye one, she looked at the brilliant flames that surrounded her. Rich yellows and orange assaulted her eyes as they passed the two girls in an impressive stream, reaching far past the edge of the courtyard. She watched with a mixed sense of dread and awe as the cement directly exposed to the flames began to warp and crack. The ice hissed as the puddle of water spread far enough away from the ice that it began its process of turning directly to steam. Weiss swallowed dryly as she left the mound of ice at her back began to shrink closer and closer to her.

Just when she considered discharging another round of dust to maybe try and disrupt the fire, it cut off. The flames finally ending as Weiss blinked owlishly at the sudden darkness. She could barely see as her eyes tried to adjust to the sudden dark. A large thump on either side of her echoed out as darkness began to slowly give way to…. Scales. The dragon had stepped over them. As more details began to come into focus, she watched as the beast reared up onto its hind legs, large wings unfolding and spreading out, sending the entire area into a dark shadow. The dragon stood tall, its massive head held far above them as it bent and twisted to face directly at the grimm dragon that was flying even further above their heads. The massive ceiling that made up the creature's chest expanded and it… it…

It took a deep breath in and roared.

A large rumbling that Weiss could feel vibrating in the ground, shaking her to her core. A primal call that echoed throughout the area, temporarily silencing the sounds of battle and panic in the distance. Muting the call of battle, and with seeming ease, its large wings began to move, forcing air violently to the ground. Thrown off by the sudden maelstrom, Weiss was sent sprawling onto the ground, tripping over the prone Velvet behind her.

Ren… didn't know what to think.

Pyrrha, one of the strongest and most dependable people in Beacon had seemingly abandoned

them right when they had engaged the Grimm. All of them together and ready to defend their home. And then she left. Then, rather than following her himself, their fearless leader, Jaune, sends Nora to go after her. Finally, Jaune Arc, Onesie wearing man, voice cracking, novice swordsman who didn't know when to stop hitting on the same girl and to take a hint and just hook up with his partner…. turned into a dragon.

A Big dragon.

A flying big dragon.

A giant flying fire breathing dragon that was larger than some airships.

Ren stood with the other dumbfounded students as the dragon's wings slowly lifted it off the ground and out of the courtyard.

That was his teammate.

Jaune Arc.

The man who, if Pyrrha was to be believed, didn't know what aura was initially at the start of orientation.


They might have stood there for another couple of hours had not additional grimm made their presence known as they ran into the courtyard, letting out cries as they walked through the melted cement before making their way slowly towards the teens. Ren jogged up to Weiss, helping her off Velvet as the other students engaged the grimm.

Making his way carefully across the ground that had previously been glowing cherry red, he approached the two girls who were huddled against a small rock of ice and water that flowed out slowly, steaming as it crossed over the hot earth. To Ren's relief, the two appeared to be all right, Velvet blinking beadily up at the sky, her eyes still unfocused, but much better than Ren had initially feared. With the immediate injured taken care of, he turned his attention to Weiss.

The Heiress was a mess, her eyes wide and her jaw hanging open. Hair blown haphazardly over her face with her head craned to keep the dragon in sight even as she dusted herself off.

"A dragon. A dragon is here in Beacon. A dragon... and a dragon grimm and the white fang… and- "

"We can't focus on that now." Ren interrupted, "Right now we need to fight. We can deal with… that later."

Weiss blinked owlishly at him for a second before her eyes cleared and narrowed. "Right, we need to secure Beacon and clear these… riffraff from out school. The teachers can handle the d-dragon." She stood up and surveyed the area, taking note of the incoming grimm. She paused as she spied three large molten lumps that sat at the edge of the courtyard. What were those? Was there something in that direction previously? Weiss thought back on the courtyard before…before the dragon had arrived. There was the statue in the center… Most of the benches and trees had been destroyed during combat… Jaune had destroyed the t-

"Where'd Jaune go?" Weiss asked, spinning around her eyes scanning the combatants.

Ren froze, how was he supposed to explain what he had just saw? His friend running forward and suddenly growing, his head bubbling out as golden scales spread across his skin. How his friend apparently breathed fire at the girls to melt the Paladins complexly and outright that had been approaching from behind them.

"Ren?" Weiss asked, as the boy went to retrieve the dropped Crocea Mors, supporting Velvet across his back.


Well… Weiss and Velvet are safe! So that's good! And those two paladins are taken care of… A-and now I can fight the Spawner! That'll help and hopefully make sure no hunters attack me as well. God, they better not attack me. That'd make this so much harder. And then I'll turn back and… and…

Man, this is going to need a lot of explaining…

The battle raged on, with a slow battle line being drawn along the streets of vale and the grounds of Beacon. With the destruction of the Atlas flag ship, the Atlas robots and Paladins were removed from the fight, giving the hunters an edge against the continuous grimm, but only an edge. With the White Fang breaching barriers and walls to let the grimm walk through, both sides were locked in a standstill, with neither one gaining ground.

For Qrow, it was probably one of the few situations he was poorly suited for. The longer a battle was drawn out, the greater chance his semblance had to trip up his comrades and allies. It had only taken a little bit before an accidental bump from him nearly caused a building to collapse on some civilians. If Glynda hadn't been there….

"Come on you dirty teddy bear!" he hollered as he slammed an Alpha Beowolf into the pavement, "That's right, focus on the shiny!"

The Ursa let out a low growl as it turned away from one of the apartment complexes and turned its attention towards the Hunter. Hopefully that would give whoever inside a chance to get to one of the evacuation zones being maintained by other Hunters.

Qrow was as far into the hoard of grimm as he could possibly get, splitting off from Glynda and Ironwood temporarily to let them organize the evacuation and hold the front line. A pleasant job of escorting terrified civilians, acting like you knew what you were doing as an entire kingdom went up in flames and fighting Grimm and the White Fang while trying the fear from the civilians draw them straight to you.

Qrow shuddered as he bisected a King Taijitu. Give him grimm and undercover missions any day of the week. The scythe wielding hunter finished his way to the end of the street, clearing out the larger grimm and directing the few straggling survivors towards the safe zones. Overall, it was a complete success.



With a small huff, he turned and surveyed the street. He had missed a spot, where had he missed a spot? There was an empty road, most of the shop windows were intact, no other grimm were showing their face, where was- Qrow's gaze drifted up.

The roof tops. Taking off at a sprint, Qrow rolled his scythe into the ground in front of him, pushing him up the building to get a decent handhold. Using his momentum, he continued up the building, using the window seals as handholds to help him gain more traction.

The girl on the rooftop screamed as the beowolf dived for her, only for a jagged scythe to snake around its neck and pull back.

He may not have been as fast as his niece, but he could move when he needed to.

"You okay?" he asked to the obviously terrified and not okay woman, "There's an evacuation area set up in the park nearby... that way." He said, gesturing vaguely to the left, "Get to there and a Bullhead will take you to the safe zone.

Not waiting for an answer, he moved away and walked towards the edge of the building, his eyes scanning the other buildings in the distance. He needed to move fast, the longer he was not killing the grimm the longer they had to spread out and move further into the city.

Where would he be needed next…?

A deep echoing roar reverberated around the city interrupted his thoughts as he turned to pin down the source of the new sound. Whatever made that sound was big and new. Qrow hated new things that were also big. They tended to have the issue of being grimm.

Qrow stopped and listened, trying to categorize what kind of grimm could have made that sound. The Grimm dragon has a higher screech and there's no way a Squid could get this far inland…maybe a…

His thoughts died as he spied the source. A bright glow lighting up the sky in the distance.

It was a dragon. Not a grimm dragon. Not a Dragon class airship. An actual dragon. With scales, fangs, and fire! And…and it just tackled the grimm dragon midair.

Qrow watched with an open mouth as the two monsters collided and fell, their momentum carrying the two across the campus of beacon and out of sight. The dragon had its jaw firmly locked into the joint of the Grimm's wing, blowing a steady stream of fire onto it, black putrid blood smearing it's golden scales as it vanished behind one of beacons buildings. The echoing thud across the bay spoke volumes to the amount of force that went into the impact the two titans made.

Qrow sighed and let a hand lightly massaged his forehead. A Dragon. When Ozpin had first asked him about his opinion on Fairy Tales, he had expected it to be another clever segway to a debriefing, not a multiple-choice answer with Fairy Tale books being considered historic events.

With a sigh, he straightened up, and jumped off the building, enjoying the rushing air against his face before landing and heading off to where he last saw Glinda and Ironwood. They needed to consolidate and act fast. Before anything else impossible happened.

Professor Peter Port looked out with a stunned look, Professor Bartholomew Oobleck silent beside him. There was a dragon fight happening in front of them. A massive grimm monstrosity on one side, giant red eyes, and elongated head with too many teeth, that was dripping with a dense substance that seemed to spawn grimm. On the other side, their side apparently, a golden dragon, ripped straight from the storybook pages as it let out a jet of fire to impact the grimms side. After crashing the ground, the two had immediately continued their fight, biting, and clawing at each other, tearing through walls and roads and other fights as they remained unaware of their surroundings, their focus solely on each other.

Professor Port stayed silent for a moment as the two tightens moved out of sight the sound of the fight still clearly audible before licking his lips slightly and opening his mouth.

"… Bartholomew?"

"Yes Peter?"

"That's… a dragon."

"Yes Peter."

The two remained silent as students piled into the Bullheads behind them, some of them constantly looking back as though unable to comprehend what they had just seen crash into their library.

"I've never fought alongside a Dragon before."

"Yes Peter."

"And most students and civilians have already been evacuated… and we have the third and fourth years here helping maintain a safe perimeter."

"That's true Peter."

"A-and we can't say for certain if that dragon is friendly to humans…why it might turn on us once that grimm is dealt with…"

"That is a possibility Peter."

"Exactly, and…well… I don't necessarily Have to be here…"

Silence fell once again as the two continued to stare out at their school, the place they had both called home for several years.


"I'm just saying that maybe another gun would be the thing needed to...well… 'tip the scales' so to speak."


A-and you're doing a fine job here as w- "


Professor Port turned to his college, blinking rapidly as he stared at Oobleck's wry smile. A small grin began to grow on his face.

"… R-really?"

"You can go fight the Grimm Dragon."

The two men stood silent for one more moment, before Professor Port hefted his battle axe hybrid and let out a battle cry as he began to run towards where they had last saw the two titans. Oobleck watched him go with an impassive expression, not blinking until the Professor was out of sight.

"He'll be fine." He said to one of the unconscious students that was laid out to be transported next. The student groaned and shifted uneasily in their unconsciousness. "He hasn't had a chance to fight like this in years."

"It'll be good for him."

The student didn't reply.

"GET AWAY FROM HER, NOW" Yang shrieked, flames shooting up around her body as bent her legs prepared to charge at the man standing over Blake, blade sunk into her partner's side. This was wrong. Everything was wrong. Grimm and white fang were in Beacon, Penny was a robot that Pyrrha destroyed who was now dead and it was all wrong.

And when things went wrong, Yang would punch things back until they were right.

A blade piercing her downed partner was wrong.

Yang would make it right by destroying the blade and the man that was holding onto it.

She pushed off, using Ember Celia to add to her momentum as she shot forward, prepared to save her best friend and partner. She could see every detail of White Fang member as he turned to face her. He brilliant red hair, flashing in the fire light. His crimson blade, dripping with blood. Blake's blood! His white fang mask, so much more detailed and larger than a normal white fang member, the fragments being broken off as the scaly wall impacted hi-what?

Yang only had time to widen her eyes before the wall of scales impacted her as well and sent the two rolling with the wall of scales as it slammed them first through some tables and carried them forward towards the opposite wall, slamming them into the plaster and brick and then through it.

Blake stared dumbfounded. One moment, Yang was recklessly charging towards Adam. Almost surely about to lose her life. The next moment, an average of scales, scales, claws, fangs, crashed through the building, moving over her, collapsing the walls, the roof and most of the remaining tables as it carried through the cafeteria. By the time the dust had settled, Yang and Adam were gone. Along with most of the room.

What had just happened?

"Y-yang?" Blake pushed herself up, wincing at her injury. She was running off fear and adrenalin, when it finally wore off she probably wouldn't be able to stand. She needed to find Yang before then.

"Yang!" she called out stronger, stumbling forward through the wreckage, eyes darting around for any sign of blond hair.

There was hardly any evidence that the area she was in had been a building, rubble was strewn everywhere, shattered wood and stone piles littered here or there.

She strained her ears, trying to hear past the sounds of combat and the crackling flames of the fire. She couldn't be… she had to be here! A quite small groan rewired her efforts. Blake ran as fast as she could, a light jog as she tried not to aggravate her wound. She found Yang at the end of where the building used to be, covered the rubble that used to be the roof, only some of her hair sticking out.

Blake quickly knelt, using her bloodied hands to shift through the rubble. "Yang? Come on Yang, stay with me."

Yang didn't look good as Blake slowly dug her out, large angry bruises swelling to cover her body. Her aura must have prevented anything from puncturing her skin, instead settling for very painful and rapidly inflating bruises that seemed to coat her entire body. It was the most injured Blake had seen on her partner. And that was with aura!

Blake shuddered to think what would have been left of Yang if she had been without Aura…


Blake relaxed slightly, reaching down to pull her partner from the wreckage. "Come on…" Blake made out, gasping slightly from her own wound, "Let's get out of here…" Supporting Yang's weight, the two hunters in training made their way out of the Cafeteria and towards the general direction of the courtyard.

As they began to set off, Blake's gazed around the rubble warily, if Yang was carried this far then Adam might have also been arrived around h- Her thoughts trailed off as she stopped, her mind struggling to take in the situation that her eyes had settled on.


Deep gouges in the earth piling up the accumulated rubble on either size as the massive hide of the giant grimm dragon. Black smoky miasma floating up as it slowly began to dissipate. Crawling on top of it, a decidedly not grimm dragon pulled itself up, breathing heavily as a nasty would several feet long along its long neck pumped hot silver blood, steam trailing from the drops that fell to the ground. And in between the large claws of the Golden dragon were her Grimm Studies professor, wrestling his axe out of the grimms hide.

"Haha!" Professor Port laughed maniacally, pulling his weapon free, "That… that was the most fun I've had in years!"

Blake opened her mouth, intent on responding but not quite finding the words she wanted to say. What exactly were you suppose to say to seeing your boastful professor seemingly live one of his tall tales?

"Miss Belladonna! "Professor Port suddenly yelled out, quickly navigating his way down the grimm's corpse to approach the injured faunus and unconscious girl, "What happened to you both? And how is Miss Xiao Long?"

The dragon watched him go, a slightly guarded gaze going slack as it too began to move off the remains of the grimm, it's claws digging into the pavement as it stepped off.

"Alive." Blake replied breathlessly, eager to take the distraction over the apparent large mythical creature that had teamed up with her teacher, "She got hit by the…when the building was destroyed and was carried with the rubble when the roof collapsed, but she's still alive."

"Capital," Professor Port said, moving to Yang's left side to better support her, "We have bullheads evacuating the injured to a hospital in Vale, I'll escort you two there!"

"But what about the- "Blake began to protest, only to have her words silenced as a large gust of wind nearly knocked her over, forcing the Professor to support both Yang and Blake. The student and professor glanced over their shoulders to eye the source of the wind, the golden wings now lifting the dragon out of the wreckage and back into the sky above Beacon.

"And I was going to come back to finish it off…" Muttered the portly Professor, small chunks of plaster falling from his mustache, "Only if it were necessary," added Peter upon misinterpreting Blake's incredulous expression, "We don't know if it's friend or foe. A mindless beast or some cunning ancient soul. Regardless, such a dangerous creature should be treated with caution."

Blake would have replied but kept quite due to the pulsing ache of her wound, focusing instead on keeping Yang upright and to keep her own body moving forward before she collapse face first into the pavement.

"So, tell me my dear, do you think there is a different between the titles 'Slayer of Dragons and Grimm' and 'Slayer of the Grimm Dragon'?"

…Or before Professor Port forced her to respond.

Okay… Spawner down… check but with some good bruises and cuts... Not yet attacked by hunters. Check unless you count the piggy back ride I gave to Port. Grimm and White Fang defeated, allowing me to sneak off and change back…well… Helping them fight the grimm couldn't "hurt" the dragon's reputation in Vale… And I'm sure they won't have questions as to where the dragon came from or why it helped them… yeah… 'check'

This is a mess…