Hello Everyone.
I know it's been several months since I've updated. I have been dealing with some personal things including not only my physical health but also my mental health. I have never considered abandoning this fic, but I was struggling a lot with what to do with it. Lately, I've been thinking about how I want this story to end, and I realized something.
I didn't like where I had taken the story in the more recent chapters. I felt like I had written myself into a hole. There were some things I really did like, but I was finding it really challenging to swing the story back to where I wanted and had planned it to go. After a lot of reflection and talking to some writing friends, I have decided that perhaps the best way to go forward is by going back a bit.
I will be deleting chapters 74-87. That's the most recent 13 chapters.
Wait, why? I just said it. I didn't like where I had taken the story especially compared to where I wanted to go with it. I think it will truly be for the best of the story I want to tell to go back and rework from that point.
So none of that stuff is going to happen? Some of it will still happen. Maybe not 100% like it did before as there will be changes. There will, obviously, be some new things.
Are you going to keep the old chapters around? I would like to but have yet to figure out how. Like should I just make a new fic for them or perhaps wait until the entire fic is done and just tagged them on to the very end? I haven't decided.
So you're going to write new stuff and finish the fic? Yes. I am currently working on a new outline to finish the story off and will soon work on new chapters.
Ok. Cool. When will the new chapters come out? I wish I had an answer. I want to get several written before I start posting in an attempt to get back to a regular update schedule.
I just wanted to give you readers a head's up that this is happening in case you want to read over it before I take them down.
Thank you to everyone who has been patient and understanding. To everyone who has commented on this story- I read every comment and they really do motivate me. I really do want to finish this story, but I want to do it right. I hope you understand why I'm doing this. I'm not a professional writer. I do this for fun between my two jobs, and I've realized what I wrote just isn't going to work. I hope this new plot thread will create a better story.
Special thanks to my writing crew: LadyVader23, Spell-Cleaver, Zoryany/Starshine and Praetor-Canis.