June 21, 2016

The winds had been blowing hard through the city all day, acting like a herald before the storm- a storm bearing down on the megalopolis known as Zootopia.

In the Police Station of Zootopia's Precinct One, everybody seemed to be in several places simultaneously. Not a soul was stationary for longer than it took to set down a box, relay a message, or check the radar- and half of these actions were being taking at a running pace.

Much like their counterparts, Officers Hopps and Wilde were in motion, though mostly running papers or messages between others- a bit of a shock for some in the station, who'd hardly seen Wilde running for any reason other than apprehending a criminal.

It was into this mess that Chief Bogo entered.

As the chief observed the floor below, both the noise and activity levels dropped. "The storm's coming in faster and stronger than we expected from yesterday afternoon. Our priority today is to keep the public safe while the storm comes through. Mayor Lionheart will be speaking to the public shortly, and will be enacting a state of emergency effective through most of the districts of the city." As if on cue, one of the screens in the lobby flashed to where Mayor Lionheart was speaking to a small crowd of reporters- however, few noticed it, and those who did decided that the chief was more important for now.

"All Officers are to proceed to their patrol vehicles immediately. Dispatch will tell you your assignments for now and will be monitoring the weather."

The officers started filing out, with Clawhauser starting to call out assignments to the first ones out. As Hopps and Wilde started to leave, the stations lights went out, then came back on as the backup generators kicked in.

That can't be a good sign, thought Nick.

It had been nearly an hour, and as of yet, things hadn't quite gotten bad in the area that they were patrolling. Nick was about ready to recant his earlier observation- though the continued chatter of Clawhauser to other officers kept him from doing so.

"Looks like we got the boring area, carrots." He leaned back in the patrol car seat.

Judy raised an eyebrow at her partner. "I'll take boring as long as my apartment is in that 'boring zone.'" Her tone screamed to Nick that she wasn't in much mood for joking. Several months of patrolling with her had taught him that this tone meant business.

"Fair enough." And without another word, he dropped that line of conversation, watching the street sign pass by. 94th and Sycamore. We are pretty close to her place, aren't we?

The amicable silence inside the patrol car was only punctuated by the howling of the wind, the sheets of rain on the windows, and the rhythmic thup-thup-thup of the wipers swishing away. Even the radio was oddly quiet in that moment.

Time seemed not to matter in those moments, so Nick wasn't sure how long it had been when he heard the radio buzz to life. "Availiable units in the vicinity, we have reports of building damage and hazardous conditions on 97th.

A glance at his partner told Nick all that he needed to know- it was as if she was praying for it to not be her building. "On the way. What intersection?"

"97th and Magnolia."

Aw Crud. That's her place. Hopefully it's not bad.

Armadillo Arms Apartments
June 21

It wasn't bad. It was worse than that.

A chunk of the building was missing on the top most floor, windows were blown out… the finishing piece had to be the meter maid cart impacted into the wall between Judy and her neighbors' windows.

"Carrots?" Nick turned to his partner, who made no response. Shrugging, he exited the car and made for the firefighters, who were discussing the building.

One, a big burly rhino, noticed him. "Ah, Officer Wilde. It's good to see you."

"What's the situation?"

"We have some unknown structure damage. A pair's inside the building as we speak assessing the stability of the complex."

"Anything you need?"

"Assuming the worst, blocking off the block, if it's going to come down."

The radio on the rhino crackled. "Building is stable enough to stand, but it's unclear what the damage is. Another hit from a vehicle, flying or not, and we can kiss the complex goodbye."

Carrots is not going to be pleased at this, thought Nick to himself.

As if on cue, Judy emerged, still staring at where her apartment was. "Was that-"


"And everybody-"

"Out safe."


"Not for now." At his last answer, Judy looked over at her partner. "Before you ask, I've been there, got the t-shirt. Face it, I know you well." He finished with a smirk on his face. Hadn't quite done the job there, Nick old boy. "I don't know what the final damages are, but if you need a place to sleep for now, I can help with that."

Judy simply nodded, words failing her.