Reviews for Godchild
Urgazhi chapter 10 . 7/13
Please continue this.

First read through and outs fantastic. Looking forward to the hopefully Shinji/Rei pairing.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/9
You started this what, 13-14 years ago?
I hope you dont intend to stop now
Brool Story Co chapter 10 . 6/19
This is a masterpiece! Desperately waiting for the next chapter.
Shimmy748 chapter 10 . 6/1
What is there to say besides this is an amazing piece of work. I stumbled across this story about a year ago or so captivated by how well written and excellent every facet of this story is. From the tone to the characters everything about this story is amazing, it is truly brilliant how inner monologues are complimented greatly with descriptive and intense action scenes that are engaging and fun to read. Usually some authors excel at writing dialogue heavy/descriptive monologues/character driven scenes while struggle writing engaging actions scenes or vice versa, I am proud to say you excel at both!

I recently reread your story and was pleased to see that not only was it better then I remembered, but it is truly magnificent. I loved how the characters are written especially how you portrayed Shinji's and Rei's relationship. Shinji wishes to further their relationship beyond that of friendship but at the sametime there are many external factors in his life that push that aside and what I think is truly amazing he himself is an obstacle. There were many moments in this story where the buildup and tension was so blatant that you even lampshaded them with those "he felt like he missed an opportunity" lines right after that made me laugh. Rei on the other hand is kinda oblivious to her own feelings toward Shinji that she basically says, thinks and does things that would indicate that she likes him but can't quite put two and two together.

And man what a cliffhanger. Even though I knew it hadn't been updated in a long time I think I was left more anxious for the next update then the first time I read this story! Reading it again made me realize this story was barely kicking off or at least that's how it felt to me and while the first half was spectacular I feel what you had in store for future chapters was going to top it. I do hope to one day see this one of a kind story conclude, but regardless of what happens I thoroughly enjoyed this story top to bottom. Thanks for the story and stay safe.
Guest chapter 10 . 4/24
I love this I hope you finish it soon.
Grim10525 chapter 10 . 4/10
An amazing story! Can't believe after all of this time there was an update for it. I do hope you find it in you to continue this story whenever you get time.
Rowboat Girlyman 1 chapter 10 . 3/28
God this fic is amazing!

That angel battle was absolutely amazing, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!

Can't wait to see what happens next
scorpioneldar chapter 10 . 3/16
I would love there to be more of this. I just discovered it and I love it. I especiallly love the way you have developed Rei/Shinji's dynamic
scorpioneldar chapter 4 . 3/16
so you kinda made him into another Kaworu? at least in body?
Zirxces chapter 1 . 2/24
No matter how many times this is "updated", it will not deter me. I will continue to await the true next chapter of this beautiful fic!
PhantomReaper chapter 10 . 2/23
I have been following this story since I first discovered it, and I do enjoy the plot and writing style, what I don't enjoy is having it say it's been updated with no changes actually having been made since I last checked on it, i have received update notices at least 15 times with no change whatsoever having actually been made. if you are going to have it say it's updated, it needs to actually be updated, until that happens I will be unfollowing this story, good luck and I hope that by the time I stumble across this again it will have actually made some progress.
Black D0g chapter 2 . 2/23
cliffhanger ending is a cliffhanger ending, and what a one it is.

The highlights of this chapter were Rei and Misato, both grief stricken and longing for 'their Shinji' to come back. Rei, typical and wonderfully written on her part, was detached and unaware of her own feelings until an outside presence informed her of them. The way she challenged Asuka, daring her to attack so she could retaliate, was fantastic. 'How dare you be happy that he is gone. Perfect. Clear development on her part, as was not realizing class had ended due to her missing him.

Misato was... depressing to read, though not at all bad. Been there, done that, never again. Someone needs to give this woman a hug.

Well, I'm worried how everything's gonna go once Ritsu's experiment theoreticaly yields a result. At least they might have something like him back, maybe...

See you in the next one.

Black D0g chapter 1 . 2/22
Intriguing. quite the idea to do that to Shinji.

Misato's reaction to him being lost was extremely well done, the line "give me back my Shinji" was so painfully heart wrenching. The way she exploded with grief and rage was human, visceral and relatable. In short, it was very real.

And at the opposite end of the spectrum we have Gendo... what a dick.

Liking what you're doing with Ritsuko, a very nice delve into her mind and who she is as a character.

Looking forward to the rest. :)

ShadowedAuthor chapter 10 . 2/9
I feel that I might have come to this story at the right time, when there appears to be hope of it continuing in the not-too-distant future. Or not. In any case, I enjoyed reading this and I would enjoy reading more of it (if that is in the cards). Thank you.
howahotgluegun chapter 6 . 1/27
halfway through chapter six, after this confrontation, I wonder what’s going to happen to Shinji? He already seems slightly more courageous, and perhaps if he realized that Asuka is being a huge hypocrite here..
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