Yang groaned as she shifted back and forth in the armchair, pain lancing through her lower back as she desperately tried to find a comfortable position to sit in. At the present moment, she was proving very unsuccesful, as shown by the groans and pained hisses as she squirmed on top of the leather seat.
Professor Peach could take her "One must practice discipline, so you all will always remain sitting in excellent posture!" and shove it right up her-
Yang smashed her fist into the wooden armrest, splintering and charring the wood slightly, biting her lip as a strangled gasp blew past her lips. God, this hurt!
There was a knock on the door, and Yang tried to call out for them to go away, but all she could manage was another, choked cry. She had never experienced back pains of this severity, and if this continued she'd have to go to the Medical Office to see what they could do.
After a moment, the door opened slowly and Yang whirled around without thinking to tell them to leave, only to cry out and fall from the chair as agony struck her light a lightning bolt.
"Yang!? What's wrong!?"
Tears in her eyes, she lifted herself up, not even able to bring herself to push Jaune away as he fluttered about her nervously, "M-my back," she gasped, "h-hurts."
Jaune gently placed a hand on her shoulder, "Is, is there anything I can do?" he asked worriedly. "Do you need help going to the Nurse?"
"N-no," she gasped, "just, just help me back on the chair."
He did his best, lifting her up and pulling his hands away from her skin like they'd been burned (and they might've been,) every time her breath hitched with pain, and with a sigh of relief she finally slumped back into the armchair, slowly trying to calm her breathing.
"What, uh, what happened?" Jaune ventured with no small amount of trepidation.
"Peach." Yang snapped, feeling a little bad when Jaune flinched back. "Sorry," she amended, "It's just that her stupid posture rules are killing me."
It was at this point that Jaune had a very strange thought. A subject that he had not thought about in at least five years at this point, but considering the circumstances…
"Maybe you should get a massage?" he ventured.
Yang tilted her head, winced, then returned to the posture that she had finally found that didn't hurt, contemplating it. "I dunno," she admitted, "I don't know anyone who could give me one, and we don't have enough free time for me to get one in town after every one of her classes. Do you know anyone?"
Jaune almost looked vaguely embarrassed, "I don't know anyone who gives massages but, uh," he paused, rubbing the back of his head and looking away slightly, "I used to give my sisters back rubs when they would get pains, they seemed to think i was alright but I'm pretty sure they were just leading me on.." he trailed off, cheeks pink.
Yang was, as one might expect, wary of this. She was well aware of the many guys that would kill for a chance to 'massage,' her, and yet, she, for the life of her, couldn't imagine Jaune, wimpy, weak Jaune, being near bold enough to try something like that.
Pain lanced up the base of her spine once more.
Ah, what the hell.
"Well, let's find out if you're any good or not." she said, bracing her hand on the armrest as she shifted around, straddling the chair and facing a dumbfounded Jaune.
"Uh, what?" he asked intelligently.
"Give it a shot," she rephrased, "worst case, you'll do nothing, best case, you'll make me feel better."
"I, uh, well, I mean…"
Yang rolled her eyes, "do you want to help or not?" She snapped.
Jaune's features settled at that.
He stepped past her, sitting down on Weiss's bed, which Yang noted to never tell her about, hesitated for a moment, and then gently placed his hands on Yang's tank-top-clad back.
A few moments passed as his fingers brushed up and down her back, before both hands settled on her shoulders and his palms kneaded in.
Things got pretty hazy after that.
Blake's bow twitched before she even knew what she had heard.
She stopped, raising a hand to cut Weiss off mid-rant, turning her head towards the sound that she wasn't even sure was real. The halls were thankfully empty, it being late in the evening.
Weiss opened her mouth to make some indignant remark, but Blake's hand clapped over her lips before she could make a sound, shushing her fiercely.
After a few seconds, and with a sudden shudder, Blake wished she had let Weiss rant as loud as she wanted.
Was that...Yang? And was she…?
Well, Yang was a hormonal teenager, but still, did she have to be so...loud?
Of course, Blake knew that Yang really wasn't being that loud, but now that she had zeroed in on the...sound, she couldn't stop hearing it.
Weiss's eyes, having narrowed in the time that Blake was listening, rolled angrily as she swatted her teammates hand away from her mouth. She breathed in to snap something at Blake, then stopped, cocked her head to the left even as alarms began screaming in Blake's mind as she opened her own mouth to say something anything just don't let her-
A combination of horror, disgust, and rapidly growing fury blossomed on the heiresses scarred - now scarlet face, and as she opened her mouth to shriek, Blake caught a muttered phrase from behind the door.
"H-higher," a gasping voice groaned out, "b-between my, ah, my s-shoulders."
Blake's hand snapped over Weiss mouth once more, wincing as Weiss somehow seemed to get angrier, and with a muttered swear Blake put her shoulder to Weiss's gut, lifted up her shorter teammate and sped off away from their dorm room.
Whoever it was in there owed her, big time.
Jaune knew he wasn't near as smart as some of his friends, but even he knew just what this sounded like, and that made it three times as awkward. After a point he had stopped guessing and was pretty sure that Yang was over exaggerating her...reactions...just to make him uncomfortable.
It was working.
His fingers trailed down the skin of Yang's shoulders as he turned his focus from her very distracting noises to the actual massage he was trying to give. It had been...quite some time, considering, but surprisingly enough his hands just seemed to know what to do. He could feel the knots and tightness in her back, and his palms kneaded into them with more confidence than he thought he could have, working through the tight muscle groups, moving on when each one had unraveled.
It was cathartic, in a way. If not for the golden waves of hair streaming down her back, he might have convinced himself he was back at home, helping out one of his many sisters after a tiresome day.
Of course, Yang's groaning and heavy moaning didn't exactly help either. At some point she had stopped giving him verbal directions and just dissolved into a bubbling heap of gasps and incoherent mumbles of satisfaction beneath his fingers.
His hands crept lower, working out kinks in her sides and lower back, before he decided that he had gone too far down for comfort. It's not as it his hands strayed a little too long beneath the hem of her shirt, her skin smooth and fair, fingers twitching to keep trailing down to the firm looking slopes of her-
Okay, he had less decided to pull away and more ripped his hands back as if they had been burned. Considering who it was, he checked if they had.
With no pains in his fingers, he shook out a few small cramps in his palms, turning back to see Yang start to shake herself back into coherency, her hair swinging back and forth, what appeared to be sparks snapping through the strands at first glance, revealed in another to be just a trick of the light as she stretched with a loud, hearty groan of satisfaction.
"S-so," he began, only to stop as she turned suddenly, hair whipping around as he reflexively flinched away, only to stop as she beamed at him.
"That was amazing!" She gushed, lifting her arms above her head in a stretch, moaning audibly as she said, "I haven't felt this refreshed in weeks!"
That was relieving, Jaune supposed. He smiled at her, hesitantly saying, "t-that's good! I'm, uh, I'm glad I could help out!"
The following silence was almost awkward, as Jaune fidgeted, trying to work out what exactly to say next, before a gleam found its way into Yangs eye, as she grinned at him. "Next time," she began in a sultry, teasing voice, "I'll let you massage my ass, if you like," she sang.
Blood rushed to Jaune's head as a number of...interesting images flashed across his mind's eye-
His hands, sinking into the plump, firm globes of her-
Jaune firmly suplexed that thought into oblivion, only to be caught off guard as-
Her unclothed back back arching, tan skin slick with sweat as he straddled her legs, no bra strap in sight as-
Jaune dived for cover under the assault, banishing one image only for a far more attractive one to slam into its place-
She turned underneath him, eyes shining and needy as his hands, not lifting up, suddenly found themselves trapped between her thighs-
Jaune scrambled to his feet as Yang fell out of her chair in hysterics, blurting out an unintelligible goodbye as he practically flew out of the room, face burning crimson, the door slamming shut behind him as he nearly collided face first with a silent Blake.
He gaped wordlessly at her, and she stared blankly at him for a moment before smirking and saying, "same room, tomorrow night. Don't be late," and swept past him into the dorm room, leaving him in shocked silence, alone in the hall.
Yang stifled her giggles as her partner entered the room, seated on the chair once more, before Blake fixed her with a firm look.
"You're loud." She said sternly, silencing anything Yang had to say, the blonde's cheeks dusting scarlet as she coughed, preparing to explain what was happening before Blake continued to speak.
"Thank dust I heard enough to know you two weren't actually going at it, but I don't think prissy did."
Yang's expression changed from embarrassed to mortified.
Blake snickered at her face, "you get to explain that to her tomorrow," she said, leaving no room for arguments, "and go train tomorrow night, or study in the library, or something, you have plenty of work to catch up on."
Yang pouted as her partner climbed into bed, before her face lit up as she scrambled to her top bunk, singing out, "try teasing him, it's super funny!"
Blake responded by slamming a pillow into her partners face, her very slight embarrassment audible in her silence as Yang gave a muffled laugh, pulling her covers up and relaxing.
She hadn't been kidding, when she said she felt better than she had in weeks. Jaune had some serious talent, evident in how she was drifting off already. It was odd, how someone so clumsy with his hands in a fight could suddenly be so nimble when giving a massage, although she had to suppose that he perhaps was not stressing near as much.
Whether she was kidding about everything she said, well, he'd just have to massage her again and find out.
Well, here we are at last. Bois and grills, strap in...
For another six month wait between updates :'D
Jokes aside, it's been...an interesting journey, to get here. I honestly never thought I'd publish this, and more than once I contemplated moving on entirely from rwby and writing something else, but there's a pull in this fandom that I can't escape. I don't plan on jumping the shark this time, so hopefully it won't end in cancellation and lots of problems on my end lmao.