Author has written 15 stories for Teen Titans, X-Men, Danny Phantom, Avatar: Last Airbender, and RWBY. I am the Soulfulbard, but you can call me Soulful. Normally, I write an original web serial called The Descendants (Descendantsserial DOT com), but I'm taking a crack at fan fiction to keep my creative juices flowing. Don't expect loads and loads of updates though. I write about 15,000 words a week for The Descendants and related projects. Fan fic is for when I'm trying to get my mind in gear. If you want to support my original and fan work visit my Pat/reon at Pat reon DOT com SLASH LandonPorter My Stories Teen Titans: What Grows From Deception [COMPLETE] - My first fan fic, featuring the original villain Aionor who has a complex plan that starts with stealing Raven's body and manipulating poor Beast Boy there's some BBxRae romance here, but it doesn't dominate the story and I tried to let the relationship grow organically. If you like seeing Beast Boy kick butt, this is the fic for you, because I utilize the full range of his powers here. There's a sequel in the works: Menace in Mexico City and a spin-off: Freak Out, Geek Out. X-men RE - X-men done the way I would have. Cessily Kincaid is a viewpoint character in a story set in a universe where Xavier and Magneto founded the school together and where the X-men are a mutant rescue group. Drama in school mixes with action and adventure as familiar foes get their start in new and exciting ways. The Phantom Reboot - Danny Phantom through the lens of the original concept Butch Hartman had for the show: Danny using Fenton-tech, he and Sam having a psychic link, and a super-sweet motorcycle. Where my Teen Titans fics are geared toward me working on characterization from the starting point of the series, this one is about thinking about how the nature of the Alternate Universe changes them from the baseline. Most notably, since Danny is not a halfa in this fic, he lacks any empathy for ghosts at the start. Also, Tucker, who has been Danny's only friend and sidekick up to this point, is a lot more thoughtful as there was no safety net of reason in the form of Sam before. |