Guys, I can't believe it.

The last installment. Ever.

I'm going to miss you all *tear*. You're amazing, love you guys.

Anyway, enjoy this last treat!

"C'mon, put on the dress." Selina walked in, wearing a plum fluttered sleeve form-fitting tiered dress.

Starfire nodded, her hair and makeup already done. Her eyes were done up in black liquid liner, and white shadow for an angelic appearance. Her lips were colored him salmon-color lipstick, and a peach blush adorned her cheeks. Her hair was put in big, luscious curls, her veil on the bed to soon be put on.

She smiled at Selina. "I am ready!" She flew over to the woman, only in her undergarments, and allowed Selina to unzip the dress for her. She stepped inside the dress and allowed her to zip it back up, and then looked in the mirror. Her eyes lit up. "Oh, this dress is even more beautiful than I remember it."

Selina smiled. "Gorgeous. Now here." She moved to the bed and grabbed the veil. "Put it on."

Starfire nodded and grabbed the veil from her, delicately placing it on her head. She grinned. "Oh X'hal, I look like a bride."

"That's because you are one."

Starfire turned quickly, seeing Raven at the door. Starfire smiled at her. "That dress looks lovely on you Raven."

Raven was currently wearing her bridesmaid's gown. It was a strapless royal blue gown, with some sort of ruffles in the front; another Marchesa design. She smiled and blushed. "Thanks."

"Raven, are you getting her? It's about to start!"

Starfire looked past Raven to see Sarah, in the same gown, heading toward them. Starfire smiled. "Do not worry; we are ready!"

Selina scooted past them. "Good luck, hun." She winked at Starfire and left out the door, to sit in her designated seat.

Raven turned to Starfire. "So you're having Bruce walk you down?"

Starfire nodded and blushed. "Galfore could not make it due to his duties to Tamaran. I did the figuring that since he will be my father-in-law by your Earth standards, that it would be the wisest and closest choice."

She nodded.

Sarah smiled and grabbed Starfire's arm. "C'mon. Don't want to leave him waitin'! It would totally suck if he thought you left him at the alter."

Starfire giggled. "Yes, that would 'suck', as you said. Come, let us go." She let Sarah drag her away, Raven following behind.

Once at the door, Sarah and Raven took their places next to their men, about to walk down the aisle. Starfire slid up next to Bruce.

Bruce looked down at her, offering his arm. "You nervous?"

She glanced up at him. "N-no. I have no reason to be."

He smirked at her. "Mhm." He sighed. "Starfire, you'll be fine. I may have had doubts about this wedding at first-"

"Because I am not human."

He glanced at her and sighed. "Well, yes. But everything is fine now, and the wedding will go wonderfully. I can't say from experience-"

"Which you could have with Selina."

"God, would you stop cutting me off!"

Starfire giggled quietly.

Bruce cleared his throat. "As I was saying, I can't say from experience, but I think it'll go well. Marriage."

Starfire smiled. "Thank you Bruce." She furrowed her brow. "I do have one question though."

He raised an eyebrow.

She bit her lip. "Why did I hear my voice…asking to make love to Dick last night?"

Bruce's eyebrows shot up, and luckily before he could respond, the cue song began to play. "Let's go."

Starfire rolled her eyes and walked forward with him. They were only one step from exiting the building and onto the long carpet. "Oh X'hal…" She took in a deep breath and stepped out onto the carpet, looking everywhere but Dick. She saw smiling faces and whispers of happiness as she made her way up, and once she made it to the Priest, she finally looked up.

Dick's blue eyes bore into hers, and she was sure he had never looked so handsome. It instantly put a grin on her face and Bruce placed her hand in his, and pulled herself up next to him, facing him.

"You look beautiful." He whispered to her.

She smiled. "Thank you." She looked him up and down. "You as well."

He had to keep himself from laughing. "Thank you m'dear."

"We are gathered here today to join Richard John Grayson and Koriand'r in holy matrimony. Do any object to this?"

Starfire and Dick held their breaths. Thankfully, there were none – not that they were too concerned.

The Priest nodded. "Then we shall commence. We have come together in the presence of Our Creator and these witnesses to join you, Richard John Grayson, and you, Koriand'r, in holy matrimony. This is a special time of celebration that the two of you will long remember, and because of this, we are grateful to share in your joy. Please join hands."

They did as told.

The Priest looked to them both, and then continued. "Repeat after me: I, Richard John Grayson, take you, Koriand'r, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward."

Dick looked at her, gripping her hands tightly. "I, Richard John Grayson, take you, Koriand'r, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward." He breathed out and smiled.

The Priest nodded, and then turned to Starfire. "Repeat after me: I, Koriand'r, take you, Richard John Grayson, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward."

Starfire licked her lips and smiled at Dick. "I, Koriand'r, take you, Richard John Grayson, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward."

Cyborg stepped forward, two rings resting on a small velvet pillow in his hands.

The Priest picked up the smaller of the two and handed it to Dick. "Please place this ring on the bride's finger and say: With this ring, I thee wed."

Dick gently pulled his hands out of hers and grabbed her left one, sliding the shining platinum ring, set with small diamonds, onto Starfire's ring finger, right on top of her engagement ring. "With this ring, I thee wed."

The Priest picked up the larger one and placed it into Starfire's hand. "Please place this ring on the groom's finger and say: With this ring, I thee wed."

Starfire smiled, and slipped the thicker platinum band on his ring finger. She breathed in and looked him in the eyes. "With this ring, I thee wed."

The Priest looked between the two. "Let these rings be given and received as a token of your affection, sincerity and fidelity to one another." He looked out to the audience. "By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Dick smiled and grabbed her by the nape of the neck, kissing her deeply. The crowd applauded.

It may seem to be the end, but to them, it was a whole new beginning.


The end. Oh my God, I can't believe I actually finished this. Sweet.

All right, so I know what you all are thinking: "Kristina! How could you bring up zombies? This is supposed to be all lovey-dovey, and without those stupid horny Zombies!"

Well ya know what? I like my zombies. And don't call them stupid!


Anyway, here is where I found the vow outline:

ht tp : / / www . figstreet . com #Simple


Read and Review.