The stack of papers Pyrrha had to sign was large, the coarse paper covering everything from recommended vaccine shots to the stipulations of dying while on assignment. Cyrus was particular to explain the important bits to her. Working for the caravan earned pay that could be distributed over the course of the journey with each stop, or collected in a lump sum at the end destination. He had a good head for business, making sure Pyrrha understood all the stipulations of signing on. For a guard's work, their pay would be directly tied to the safety of the crew and the cargo. For every member or piece of cargo that didn't make it to the destination safely, her pay would receive a deduction. The pay was high, but so were the penalties. If she didn't protect everything accordingly, she may end up owing the caravan money at the end of the trip.

"To prevent sandworms from hitching a free ride," Cyrus explained, "though I imagine you'll be fine if you fight as well as you take a hit."

"And we'll be leaving in two days time?"

"With or without you, so make sure you're ready to go at sunset."

With the paperwork signed and filed away, Cyrus led Pyrrha back into the tavern. A roaring cheer greeted them as many men and woman hoisted their copper cups in the air. Cyrus waved, gave a mock bow, and then led Pyrrha to a small table in the corner where Laren and Charlene sat.

"I'd like to introduce you to the newest hire of the Endless Shore Trading, miss Pyrrha Nikos."

Pyrrha waved nervously, wondering if she should have made up another name. However, it seemed that competition achievements didn't make it far from Vale.

"Sit down, sit down," Charlene exclaimed, her cheeks bulging with food. She waved one of her skinny arms in the air until it caught the attention of the bartender. After a series of seemingly random hand gestures, the bartender nodded and promptly left through the back.

"So which way you running?" Laren asked, helping herself to another serving to a meat and noodle dish. Noticing Pyrrha's confused look, she continued. "The only ones who are looking for work on caravan's this late in the season, are either those running from something, or running to it. Me, Iron balls, and Fizzle came up with a tidy phrase to see what kind newcomers are, and by the looks of it you're definitely running from something."

"No, I'm actually looking for someone."

"My mistake then."

Laren sipped from her mug, her eyes focused on Pyrrha. It was evident that she didn't believe her.

A startling thud echoed as the bartender set down a large barrel on the table. With a quick tug, he pulled the cork free and set in a spout. After setting the barrel on its side, he stood there expectantly before Charlene threw a few lien at him. Suddenly, the vast majority of the crew surrounded them.

"Uh miss, I seem to be running a bit low."

"Well I'll just help myself to-"

"Boss! You shouldn't 'ave-"

There was a deafening crack as Laren's fist hit the table. The shoving and squirming of the crowd stopped instantly.

"Off with you lot! You've had your swill!"

The crew scampered away, grabbing their possessions and handful's of food before running out the door. Laren nudged Pyrrha.

"That means you too, wormbait."

Pyrrha nodded, and excused herself. She had some preparation to take care of anyway.

Without the roof of the tavern over her head, the day was becoming unbearably hot for Pyrrha. She pulled up the hood of the cloak she wore and began making her way back to the front gates. She would bring as many documents as she could, going over them during the course of the journey might reveal something she had overlooked. In the panic of her siege on the base, many White Fang soldiers had fled with little on them. This had resulted in a many wallets being left behind, leaving Pyrrha a large sum to fund her search with. It did pain her to see the photos they had kept. The soldiers had families and friends to return to, and while she felt they had earned every bit of fear she drove into them, she hoped they wouldn't be too scarred by the experience.

She was so lost in thought that she accidently bumped into someone on the streets.

"Sorry," she mumbled as she continued.


She froze. She turned back, her head still wrapped in the hood of her cloak.

That voice.

It couldn't be.


The look on Jaune's face was one of happiness and disbelief. He looked weathered, the obvious lack of sleep under his eyes. He hands shook as he got approached her.


Pyrrha pulled away, her hand tightly clutching the cloak. Jaune here? There were too many questions. How had he found her? Who was with him? Where are possible escape routes? Why was he so tired? Did he miss me? Why did he come here?

Then she noticed it. The slight tugging of the ring she had stowed under her clothing, pulsing towards Jaune. And in his hands, the same ring on a thin chain trying its best to reach Pyrrha.

"It was supposed to be romantic," Jaune began, before putting the necklace back on. "But I'll understand if you think it's creepy and want to give it back."

Pyrrha chuckled. Talking with Jaune as if nothing had happened, as if two months hadn't passed. It was more than she could have asked for.

Jaune looked around before grabbing Pyrrha's hand. The warmth of his touch sent euphoria through her and she found herself being taken into a nearby building.

The air was cool in here, and from the looks of it, it was an inn of sorts. A few people looked up at them from their meals, but soon returned to their own business. Jaune had a few words with the man at the front counter, put some lien down, and was soon in possession of a key. Upstairs there were several rooms, a small with either one bed or two. It was a tidy little place that she imagined she might stay if she were in town visiting the local Academy.

"I'm here with team CFVY," Jaune explained as he shut the door. "We're under orders to bring you back to Beacon, and I got to tag along if I promised to behave myself."

Pyrrha sat on one of the beds and remained silent.

"But," Jaune continued, "I want to know what you want."

He took a seat on the other bed facing her and waited.

"I hurt you," Pyrrha began.

"And I got better. Lot's of aura in me, remember?"

Pyrrha smiled, he had that faint glow that seemed to make him shine. Or maybe that was just the way she saw him. She undid her cloak and pulled up her skirt so he could see her upper thigh.

"It's getting worse," she told him, seeing his concerned expression. "I need to find the Devoss, the man who did this to me, and either find a way to turn me back, or stop him from doing this ever again."

There was a hint of venom in her voice, something she couldn't really control, and it surprised her. She breathed deeply, and looked at Jaune again.

"I need to do this."

He sat there, thinking. A ringing filled the room, and Jaune pulled out his scroll. Pyrrha could see who it was, a fashionable young woman with dark sunglasses and chocolate colored hair.

"Team CFVY's covering escape routes while I tracked you down. I'm supposed to update Coco every half hour."

"Jaune, please. I can't go back. Not yet."

It would have been so easy to go with him, back home. Her friends would accept her, encourage her, and maybe in a few years, she could have the condition under control. But there was an unbearable hunger in her now, one that would only be sated when she was rid of this infection forever.

The ringing stopped as Jaune stood up and answered.

"Coco? Yeah, sorry I forgot."

Pyrrha's expression darkened.


"Yeah, I found it. It was in a dumpster of a restaurant. Must've wanted to sever all ties."

Pyrrha looked horrified at the image Jaune was spinning but remained silent.


"Yeah, I'll join up with you guys tomorrow. I….I kind of want to be alone for now."

He hung up.

"Wow, pretending that even happened has me a little heartbroken," he admitted.

"Jaune," Pyrrha stood up and flung her arms around him. He held her close.

"So what's the plan?" he asked her. Pyrrha returned a confused look.

"I'm saying that if you're dedicated to hunting the Devoss guy down, then I'm with you, one hundred percent of the way."

He kissed her. It was short, simple one. A kiss of reassurance. As perfect as if she had dreamed it once.

Author's Note: A bit shorter this time around, but hopefully a reuniting of the couple should make up for that. Hope you guys enjoyed, and please leave a review with your thoughts on the chapter.