The following is a fanbased work of fiction. The following is a fanbased work of fiction. Young Justice is property of DC Comics, Warner Brothers and Greg Weisman – please support the official release.
We're approaching Alaska, Ms. Martian reported, sitting at the captain's chair with her legs crossed. ETA, five minutes.
Satellite Imagery shows two main areas of infestation, Aqualad began, pulling the image up on everyone's console. A large section of forestry and the cave up to the north west. Pyro, Artemis and Superboy will be deployed at the edge of the infested forest while Kid Flash, Ms. Martian and Myself will deploy at the cave entrance.
Your Hazard protection is about as durable as your normal costume, but I'd still try to avoid taking hits, Pyro added.
What about you? Kid Flash asked, gesturing at Pyro. He was wearing a full-body costume with a gas-mask attached to his face, the only distinguishing mark being his insignia and the lightning bolts on his ears.
I checked with Green Arrow, I've got Hazard Protection built into my costume, Pyro replied. So, I didn't have to change anything.
Good to know, Artemis piped up, her midriff baring costume switched out for a similar full-body yet form-fitting hazmat suit. I can't wait to get this over with, this thing is itchy.
I'll bet you miss that tankini top, huh? Pyro asked cheerfully.
Seriously, Artemis agreed. Feels like I've been mummified.
Tell me about it, Superboy snarled. He was wearing a grey, form fitting suit with a Superman emblem on the front. His blue gloves and boots were heavily padded with withstand the impacts that Superboy would be subjecting them too. I'm half-Kryptonian, do I really have to wear this?
Yes, Kid Flash nodded insistently. Even if you're immune, you could be a carrier.
If your suit breaks, you'll need to be scrubbed from top to bottom by a team of hazard specialists, Aqualad added. And then you'll be placed in quarantine until they're sure you are clean, which may take several days.
So, unless you want that kind of loving attention, Pyro finished. Keep your suit on.
Fine, Superboy grumbled and raised no further objection.
We've hit the edge of the infested area, Ms. Martian reported. I don't want to get any closer in case the bioship can catch whatever's down there.
Artemis, Pyro and Superboy all marched to the open hatch. Pyro and Artemis started hooking lines to their costumes while Superboy simply jumped down through the hatch. When we get down there, I'm going to start a controlled burn. Turn that section of the forest to ash.
You can keep the rest of the forest from burning down, right? Aqualad asked.
Easily, Pyro replied dismissively. After we're done there, we'll rendezvous with you at the mouth of the cave.
Bear in mind that you're also to gather samples of infected material, Aqualad pointed out.
I'll take care of that before I start my forest fire, Pyro assured as Artemis jumped down the hole.
Then we'll see you once you've completed your task, Aqualad bade farewell.
Without another word, Pyro hopped out. The air blowing past his helmet ringing in his ears as he made his descent. With relief, he noted that his suits internal thermometer was keeping a steady one-hundred degrees Fahrenheit in spite of the cold Alaskan weather.
He touched down and unbuckled the line. The bioship flew off to the next drop with the other team.
"Comm Check," Robin's voice sounded in Pyro's ear.
"Pyroclasm, ready for operations," Pyro sounded back.
"Artemis, ready," Artemis also replied.
"This is Superboy," Superboy rounded off.
"Alright, Aqualad says to proceed to the target area," Robin reported, sounding bored. "Each of you get a few samples before Pyro starts his burn. Also, Pyro? This is a state Park. Don't burn the whole thing."
"Wait, can you even start a fire?" Artemis asked. "This being a state park and all?"
"According to the briefing, we got a blank check to stop the outbreak," Pyro answered, rolling his shoulders. "Anything within our power were the exact words. So, setting the infected part of the forest on fire is absolutely within our power."
"Oh, okay." Artemis nodded. "Just checking."
"Let's move out," Pyro ordered, pointing ahead toward their destination.
It didn't take them very long to find the infected area. The first signs were the trees, spots on their trunks and branches that were black with some kind of pulsing mucus that made Pyro grow more and more uneasy. His hands caught fire as something behind the trees rushed up into the canopy.
Superboy took a vial from his belt and reached for one of the spots. He tore a section out with his fingers and placed it in the vial.
Pyro looked down at his feet and saw the corpse of a red squirrel that looked like it had been squished flat by something, the black mucus on the trees hugging the edge of the corpse like it was slowly devouring it.
I keep thinking this is reminding me of something, Pyro thought to himself as he scooped some samples into his vials. But what? What was the name of that alien race that ate everything in its path in StarCraft? Zerg? I feel like this is the start of some kind of Zerg infestation, but that's not quite right. I can still see the ground beneath my feet and I'm not walking in this black biomatter.
Artemis yelped in surprise, drawing her bow and letting loose an explosive arrow right into the tree in front of her. The trunk exploded, black mucus going everywhere and the tree fell.
"Yikes," Pyro said, rolling his shoulders. "What happened?"
"One of those black spots turned into an eye!" Artemis replied, breathing heavily reaching back and grabbing another arrow. "Freaked me out."
"Well it can't hurt you anymore," Pyro said, sounding amused.
"This isn't funny, Pyro," Artemis retorted, sounding hurt.
"You blew it to smithereens," Pyro answered. "That's hilarious. You got your samples?"
"Yes," Artemis replied, a little surly.
"I got mine," Superboy answered.
"Cool. Time to set the world on fire."
Stay alert, Aqualad ordered, pointing down the mouth of the cave with one of his aqua-machetes. We do not know what monstrosities have been allowed to grow beneath the surface of the earth.
You want me to run in there really quick and get a look? Kid Flash asked.
Yes. Watch for drop offs, Aqualad replied with a nod. Ms. Martian, if you'd scan for thoughts down below?
Got it, Ms. Martian acknowledged energetically. Mentally, she hummed. It sounds like there's animals down there alright. Lots of them. And…I think I can sense human thoughts, but they're unconscious.
Of course, there's hostages involved, Kid Flash sounded disgusted. All the mad scientists want test subjects, screw ethics.
Focus, Wally, Aqualad admonished. What do you see?
The walls are coated in this black mucus stuff, Kid Flash reported. Also, on the walls and ceiling, there's these sleeping, giant bugs. No, bats. Armored, fleshy bats.
Ms. Martian, are they actually sleeping? Aqualad asked, rolling his shoulders to try to get the suit to stop itching his arms.
No, they're waiting for you to walk in a little further to cut off your escape, Ms. Martian replied. You're making them hungry. Get out of there!
Hey, relax, there is no way that they'll be able to catch me, Kid Flash retorted, sounding offended.
Kid Flash, return to the entrance of the cave, Aqualad ordered. We'll begin our attack methodically.
Yes, Aqualad, Kid Flash sighed in annoyance before he bolted back toward the cave entrance.
That woke them up, Ms. Martian reported. They're getting ready for an attack.
So, what's the plan then, team leader? Kid Flash asked as he zipped back up to his teammates.
Ms. Martian, can you use your telekinesis to destroy their brains? Aqualad asked.
…yes, Ms. Martian replied, dragging out the word as long as possible. It won't be pretty, though.
Then here's the plan, Aqualad began, turning his machetes to tower-shields. I will take point. While they focus on me, Kid Flash will run interference and act as a buffer to keep too many of them from overwhelming me. Ms. Martian, you will kill each creature by destroying their brains. If we come to a truly overwhelming number or some other obstacle, we will fall back and wait for the others.
"Team 1, come in," Robin rang through on the communicator.
"Aqualad to Robin," Aqualad replied. "What's up."
"Pyro wanted me to let you know that he's started the fire," Robin reported. "Once it's all ash, Team 2 will be on their way to rendezvous with you."
"Understood. Let him know we're heading inside and he can meet us there," Aqualad explained. "Aqualad out."
So, who wants to be that they're going to encounter a giant monster of some kind now that they're burning everything to the ground? Kid Flash asked sardonically.
I hope not, Ms. Martian replied with a frown. I'd like to get the whole team back together as quickly as possible.
Let's move in, Aqualad cut off further discussion. We should look to establish a safe position after we've dealt with the initial guards. Once Team 2 has rendezvoused with us, we can press further and find whose responsible for this.
With that, the trio walked down into the cave.
Inside was a spacious chamber. A tiny stream ran through broken rocks and disappeared through a crack in the opposite wall. Directly ahead was a small tunnel entrance. They could hear the clacking of claws agitatedly moving from the other side as they each pressed against the stone walls on either side.
They're ready for us to charge in, Ms. Martian reported. They're…hungry. Salivating.
How many of them are there? Aqualad asked.
Over two dozen, Kid Flash answered. Easily.
Okay, Ms. Martian? Do you need to see them in order to destroy them? Aqualad asked.
It would help, but no, Ms. Martian replied.
Okay, Aqualad stated with a nod. Give me a moment.
With the first water-bearer, he encased the entrance in a thick film of water, turning it into a wall. With the second, he created a cord with both ends staked into the stone to brace him against the door. Ms. Martian, whenever you're ready.
Try to keep it quiet, I'll need to concentrate, Ms. Martian said, getting down on her knees and closing her eyes.
After a moment, the affects of her meditation were becoming apparent. Screeches that wouldn't have been out of place in the pits of hell seemed to echo through holes in the stone, leading from one cavern to another.
Aqualad felt himself start as one of the creatures, a large bat that looked larger than Superboy charged into the wall that he was maintaining, ramming into it. Its head reminded Aqualad of one of the larger beetles on the surface, a large horn jutting from its nose. Then it fell back slightly and charged again. And again. Then the tunnel beyond it started to fill with the creatures.
Each of the creatures were trying to ram through the tunnel, so much so that the one in front looked less like he was charging and more like he was being violently shoved into the water-wall. Aqualad felt the shock of each push through his arms. The creature just behind the wall was leaving black stains of blood with each shove and it looked less and less cognizant with each push.
Finally, the stone around the wall gave away, crumbling before the might of the swarm of monsters on the other side. Aqualad, deprived of his anchors was shoved back as over twenty of the beasts scampered and trampled over the corpses of those that had been crushed on the water-wall.
"Woah!" Kid Flash shouted, flying into a zig-zag pattern, ramming right into one of the bats and throwing it to the side before it could chomp on Ms. Martian's head.
In a swirl of water, Aqualad was on his feet again, aqua-machetes in his hands as he charged forward.
The forest fire had started well enough. The snow around them started to melt as the bark of the trees caught fire. While Pyro had been busy keeping the fire from spreading outside of the infected area, the spots of black mucus had started to fall from the trees. By the time that Superboy called out that the spots were moving, it was a little late.
A massive, congealed black monster thing made of trees and black mucus had emerged from the center, a roar emanating from one of its giant maws filled to the brim with teeth and multiple tongues. It charged forward at the group.
"Being completely honest," Pyro started, holding balls of fire in his hand. "I really should've seen this coming."
"How do you figure?" Artemis asked over the comms as she grappled up into the tree line behind them.
"It's just an unconscious feeling," Pyro said, hands raised and fire flowing from them like a pair of rocket engines. "Like it was really obvious in hindsight that these things would have some form of defense mechanism, you know?"
Now the monster of muck and wood was on fire and didn't look happy about it at all. Superboy, hefting a tree that he had ripped right out of the ground, slammed the thing's head into the ground. Pyro then jetted off into the air with a might explosion, shoving it into the tree line behind it and leaving black mucus to cover the floor.
"As in just because that's how it goes in the super hero business?" Artemis asked quizzically, letting loose a salvo of three explosive arrows turning large circular chunks of the branches that made up the monster making it scream. Whether in rage or pain, it was difficult to say.
"Yeah," Pyro nodded stopping his fall with a pair of flame jets from his shoulders. "Just a niggling little thing in the back of my head."
"Can you two focus?" Superboy cut in abruptly, hitting the monster again with the massive tree. "You can bicker after we've killed this thing."
"Honestly, I think you've got it," Pyro replied easily, extending a hand and setting the end of Superboy's improvised club ablaze. "Keep whacking at it, it might spew out candy."
Superboy just looked at the new blaze with a shrug before he hit it again. He took another swing and the monster caught the end that was on fire with a massive clawed hand, only to scream in pain as the fire burned through it.
"Come on, jawbreaker," Artemis said with anticipation, letting out another pair of arrows that separated the arm from the rest of the body with their explosions.
Then Pyro let out another stream of fire, but at this point, the monster was a burning husk that had stopped moving. Superboy brought the tree down and rammed the burning end into the monster's ashen corpse and straightened out.
"That was easy," Artemis said with some surprise. "When I saw that thing, I thought we were in for a real fight."
"It was made of wood and slime," Pyro pointed out with a shrug. "With our explosions, and some fire, it didn't stand a chance. Superboy's club kind of just clinched it. Good thinking, by the way."
"Thanks," Superboy replied, rolling his shoulder.
"Team 2, come in," Robin came through on the communicator. "What's your status?"
"This is Pyro. Infected forest is on fire. We took out some giant monstrosity, I don't know if you saw," Pyro answered. "I'm still monitoring the fire to make sure it doesn't go where we don't want, but we've more or less got it handled. How's Team 1?"
"They're holding the line," Robin replied, sounding a little surly. "The caves full of these mutated bat-things. You might want to get over there."
"I'm sure they'll be fine," Pyro waved off. "By the way, can you see how large the fire is from up there? I'd like to get an estimate how much larger I need to make it."
"You've got the south-eastern third of the area uncovered," Robin answered. "Can you pick up the pace?"
"I could, but I don't want to burn down the park," Pyro replied. "As fun as fires are in the middle of a forest, you don't want to be dumb and rush them."
Robin groaned in annoyance before he hung up.
"What if they're in trouble?" Superboy asked, sounding irritated.
"Relax, Ms. Martian's got camouflage and telekinesis," Pyro pointed out. "She'll be fine and so will Aqualad and Kid Flash."
Superboy grunted and folded his arms. "I hope you're right."
"So, Pyro," Artemis started, rolling her shoulders. "About that thing we talked about a couple days ago?"
"Giving you super powers?" Pyro asked. When she nodded, he continued. "What about it?"
"Well, I've kind of been thinking about which element I'd want," Artemis began, placing her hands on her hips. "I'm kind of torn between Air and Plants."
"Alright," Pyro nodded, pausing the conversation by letting loose a massive jet of fire through a thicket of trees that looked like they had been infected, but hadn't caught fire. "What's got you torn?"
"Well, if I pick air, I'd probably be able to fly, right?" Artemis asked.
"Pretty sure. Wouldn't have to worry about falling to your death either," Pyro replied, marching forward.
Superboy's eyes had narrowed as he watched his two teammates talking, following along after them as a silent eavesdropper as they walked forward.
"But see if I did that, I'd be able to just fling my arrows without a bow, right?" Artemis asked. "Just use wind?"
"Most likely."
"I want to keep my bow," Artemis affirmed, sounding unsure as she looked at the instrument of war in her hands.
Pyro stopped to look at her for a solid few moments in a way that made Artemis feel like she was being harshly judged. Knowing him, that's exactly what it was. But when he finally replied, it was not hot slag that came from his mouth, but a question. "Alright. I'm guessing that's why Plants are on the table, right?"
"Yeah," Artemis nodded. "I mean, I'd be able to create a new bow out of magic wood. But then I'm wondering if I'd have to keep a garden or something to grow plants."
"I don't need to have a second-hand source for my flames," Pyro pointed out. "I seriously doubt you'd need to pick up gardening to keep plant powers viable."
"Are you sure?" Artemis asked with a frown.
"Pretty sure you'd be able to grow plants on your person," Pyro nodded rapidly. "You could replicate all the gadgets and stuff you currently use out of plants. I don't think you'd need a lot of botanical knowledge, either."
"What makes you say that?" Artemis asked, raising a fascinated eyebrow. "Because that was another question I had."
"Because I'd literally be gluing the essence of plants to your immortal soul," Pyro pointed out. "I didn't know a whole lot about fire before I glued a fire elemental to my soul but now it's mostly entirely instinctual. I suppose if I really tried, I could itemize all the information about fire onto a document but I haven't really needed too. Pretty sure it'll wind up that way for you too."
"But it'd be the same thing for air, right?" Artemis asked.
"Am I annoying you?" Artemis asked, eyes narrowing.
"It feels like I am."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you're getting short."
"Uh huh."
"Now you're trying to be annoying."
Artemis growled. "Fine, maybe I won't go through with it."
"You might find some other way of getting super powers," Pyro responded idly, sending another burst of flame up a tree and spreading it to the ones behind it.
"Maybe I will!" Artemis stomped forward and off to the side.
Superboy caught up to Pyro, looking at Artemis oddly. "What was that about?"
"Eh, she's got jitters about someone messing around with her soul," Pyro replied, shrugging as they continued on. "That, and I think she caught on to my opinion on her pointy stick launcher. No big deal."
"You didn't even say anything," Superboy pointed.
"That doesn't matter, I think we know each other pretty well," Pyro replied with a nod. "Yeah, I think that's what it was."
"Are you going to apologize?" Superboy asked.
"For what, having an opinion?" Pyro rejoined. "I didn't say anything."
Superboy shrugged in acquiescence.
"Anyway, what's up?"
"Look, you and Artemis were talking about giving her super powers," Superboy answered. "Do you think, that…"
"You want in on the action too?" Pyro asked.
"Yeah," Superboy muttered in response. "I don't want plant powers or anything crazy like that, I just want to…I want to fly."
Pyro's head tilted in response. "You want the complete power set."
Superboy nodded.
"Well, I could introduce you to my doctor and he could talk to you about your options," Pyro suggested. "There's probably some super-science way to give you all your powers."
"You think so?" Superboy asked, sounding interested.
"Oh yeah. Definitely," Pyro nodded. "My expertise is computers so I couldn't really tell you right away, but Doc should have a much better idea."
"Doc's an AI?" Superboy asked.
"Yup," Pyro nodded. "Hasn't let me down yet."
The mission is proceeding well, Aqualad was breathing heavily, his hazmat suit thankfully unscathed.
No kidding, Kid Flash said, pushing the corpse of a mutant-bat off of him and dusting himself off. Was that most of them? It feels like it should've been most of them.
I feel like the cave goes a lot further down, Ms. Martian said. So, it was most of them…in this part of the cave.
It is progress, Aqualad stated. Kid Flash, what is the chamber ahead like?
It's a small rock bridge going over loooong drop, Kid Flash reported. On the other side there's a ramp going downwards. Beyond that, it gets dark so we'll need our lights.
I see, Aqualad said, peering beyond the shattered entryway. "Team 1 to Robin."
"Robin here," Robin replied, barely holding in a sigh of boredom. "What's up?"
"What's Team 2's status?" Aqualad asked.
"They just took out some big monster thing in the forest and are still burning it down," Robin reported. "Pyro wanted to stay and babysit the forest fire, so he'll be a few minutes."
"How large was it, exactly?" Aqualad asked.
"I'm up here sitting playing operator in the Bioship," Robin pointed out with snark. "So, I didn't get a good look."
"Well, we appreciate you keeping an eye on our two groups in the meantime," Aqualad replied. "Aqualad out."
So, are we heading inside? Kid Flash asked.
No, we're vacating the cave, Aqualad replied. Given how large these caverns are, I don't want to chance coming across something suitably massive without everyone present.
I like that plan, Ms. Martian nodded, looking relieved.
Suddenly, the cave began to shake.
Move! Now! Aqualad barked.
The three of them ran for the exit as quickly as they could. Kid Flash reached the end point first and stayed behind, watching as Ms. Martian and Aqualad ran up the ramp. He followed after them like a blur.
The cave entrance is still standing, Kid Flash noted, peering back inside. Those must've been explosive charges to take out the lab so we can't gather evidence.
It's probable, Aqualad replied. But it could still be the movements of some massive creature.
Yeah, you're right, Kid Flash agreed with a nod. Should stay on our toes.
Pyro's fire doesn't look like it's going to die down any time soon, Ms. Martian said, pointing at the large plume of smoke coming from the south. I can feel the heat from here.
Well, apparently, it's magic fire, Kid Flash shrugged. So, it doesn't go out or something. Whatever. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Just because it's magic doesn't mean it never goes out, Aqualad replied.
I guess, that's just what I came up on when I looked it up online, Kid Flash replied. Isn't that where Pyroclasm here got his magical know-how?
He also said that most of it was garbage, Ms. Martian pointed out helpfully. That's probably one of those things.
Yeah, I see that, Kid Flash agreed with a sigh. I wonder how much testing he and his AI had to do before they actually started seeing things that worked?
We'll have to ask him after the mission, Aqualad replied. Now, if you could illuminate something for me?
Shoot, Kid Flash replied.
What does an Operator have to do with Robin being on console duty?
Author's Note: Originally, this chapter was going to end with Aqualad, Ms. Martian and Kid Flash swallowed up by a giant worm-thing. But I felt it more important to preserve Aqualad's agency in being the team leader and decided to have him pull out instead.
Now, onto the business at hand. Pyroclasm is going on Hiatus. March is almost upon us, and I promised the followers of another fic that it's second act will be starting in March. I also am hoping that it will be finished before the end of the year. While I'm working on that, Pyro, sadly, has to be put on hold. I'll be honest, that's for the best. I think it's best to take a long break before the quality on the fic starts to drop and I can feel it coming.
When the second act of SHINOBI: The RPG is concluded, I will return to Pyroclasm and continue to work on it until it's time for Act 3. Thank you all for your incredible support, Pyroclasm has been an incredible ride and I think I've learned quite a bit from it.
Shout out goes out to Micheal N. Welcome to the circle of patrons.
Shout out also goes out too Melden V, Anders Kronquist, Ray Tony Song, makopaulo, Volkogluk, Aaron Bjornson, iolande, Martin Auguado, Julio, Jiopaba, Hackerham, Tim Collins-Squire, Maben00, Sultan Saltlick, PostLifeSyndrome, Ventari and PbookR. Thank you all for your continued support.
Until the next time!