Reviews for Significant Brain Damage
ghostcrab311 chapter 23 . 14h
I've said before how difficult it is to treat people without respect to what they will do in the future. Leia is being asked to forgive the man who tortured her and was associated with the space station that murdered her entire planet. She has no positive associations with Anakin at all. I can sympathize with her desire to kill him.


Anakin (as he is now) is not Vader. It's not like his *potential* future is being hidden from him this time (one of the things that infuriated me about Mortis). He knows (or will know) full well the risks he faces. Knowing the future (at least personally) changes the shape of the river (as hideous a burden as it is). Hopefully, Leia will get this sooner rather than later and realize that Anakin is not Vader.

She is right, though. Much like the Highlander, there's only one way to be sure a problem is solved. :)


Svenion chapter 23 . 15h
great finisher
Lil'Sparrow7 chapter 23 . 19h
Yessssssss Luke and Leia are here as a chaotic duo to raise poor Obiwans blood pressure
Guest chapter 23 . 21h
I love this story so much, you have no idea
Courtesy Trefflin chapter 23 . 7/23
I almost feel bad for the Son and Daughter. They might not be fully human, but still, they were hurting when the Father died. It’s poetic, I think, how Leia kills the Son and takes his place, while Luke kills the Daughter and takes her place. And it was hilarious to read Obi-Wan and Satine’s argument. Those two are perfect together. I like seeing how the clones are beginning to loosen up and treat Obi-Wan as a friend or brother rather than commander. So… Satine is slightly Force sensitive… Honestly, I think Padme is too. I’m glad Leia knows her history. That will help clean everything up quickly. And I feel so bad for Obi-Wan now. He must be devastated at the realization that he would have lost the person he cared for most. Everyone needs hugs.
Karazik chapter 23 . 7/23
Damn it, im so mad now. I was hoping this story would remain interesting but it went down the dumbster in the later chapters. Great job author
Guest chapter 23 . 7/23
It feels a bit anti-Anakin, but wow I got shivers down my spine at the power of the "I'm a Skywalker too!"

Although, following that thinking, if they kill Anakin shouldn't they kill the clones too? They are literally hardwired as threats.
Tau Lupis chapter 23 . 7/23
Great chapter!
Evilhippy chapter 23 . 7/23
Poor Anakin, no idea the shit storm he is about to walk into.
DaSalvatore chapter 23 . 7/23
I'm really not sure about the son and daughter dying so quickly. It feels like they're weaker and dying the same way the Father was and were ready to be replaced (hence daughter's lack of fighting once Luke sent the light side lightning back at her). This makes total sense in the context of the story but it isn't actually explained, it's me making a logical leap. It would have been better to have this explained in previous chapters because otherwise you have a total novice killing off someone (son) who was able to dominate experienced Jedi (Ankin, Obi-Wan).

Satele and Obi continue to be cute. She's taking those early preemptive steps to keep her man from getting away again while not knowing he's been trying to do the same only in a far more romantic way.

Your Clones POV moments are still immensely fun and bring a spark to this story that others don't have.

The conversation between Luke and Leia is both great and uneasy at the same time. I love how you had Luke talk about his experience in that the only way to stop/kill Vader would be to walk in his footsteps and he couldn't do it. It really highlights not only the origin of Luke's entire zen aura but also his desperate need to break the Skywalker cycle. My problem is Leia's utter hatred of Vader comes across as totally off the charts compared to a woman who named her third child Anakin.

Yes, Vader was a monster of the highest order. And yes, he held Leia while TARKIN blew up Alderaan. But aside from Killing/stopping Palpatine, I bet any money this Leia hasn't even considered killing Tarkin or if so, wouldn't actually try to do it until she had something legit to go on. It seems like Leia's fury at Anakin (which you've shown throughout the story so that's fine) is more a plot device iin terms of just how out of control she is with it.

I'm not worried about how the story is going, I'm just pointing out that the "Leia-Dark Side and needs to be trained by Anakin" is being done with a really heavy hand.

Still, I enjoyed this chapter and I'm looking forward to more.
Weissen Rose chapter 23 . 7/23
This, one of the best chp in the fic, has came like a Christmas present during my 12H night shift of boredom
Legion S010 chapter 23 . 7/22
Leo’s has now gone to psycho levels of dark side! I smell a BBEG!
teruin42 chapter 23 . 7/22
Another amazing chapter. I apologize in advance, if I ever get a time machine and unlimited money I'll be using this story to create a better sequel trilogy sometime in the late 1980s. (I'll still snag Ewan McGregor for young Obi Wan.) :)
Fleet Corner Trimmer 2415 L.S chapter 23 . 7/22
Well that was... Intense

Also its worth noting if Satine and Obi had canonical Married Obi would not have been given the title of Duke. It is rare in Royal or Noble families that Male consorts be given an equal Title to a female leader because, essentially, it legalises power in someone who is Illegitimate in the power structure.

Usually the vote goes through the Legal Democract process about which title to give the male consort. Whilst though that he could be legally dive the Duchy Title may I recommend giving Obi-wan the title of Margrave? It's basically a Military Prince
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 23 . 7/22
›› "At least, not preemptively."
"Anakin! You left your dishes on the counter AGAIN! You truly are evil," Leia said as she gathered the Force and raised her hand in a grasping motion.
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