"Why are we up so early?" Nejire whined as they stepped out of the dorms. The early morning air cold enough to cause their breaths to steam. Nejire was wearing a plain grey sweater and the same track suit she had worn during the entrance exam. Her long blue hair was coiled around her neck like a scarf. She let out a long yawn and smacked her lips.
Well apparently she was even more adorable in the morning.
"It's part of how we're going to train your quirk." Izuku might have spent a lot of time last night trying to figure out ways to help Nejire and himself. It took him far too long to realize that the answer was simple. Train. "It's like you said, our quirks are basically opposites, but to get use out of them we need to do the same thing. You need to train your body to increase your endurance, and I need to train my body so I don't have my limbs exploding."
Nejire let out another yawn and stared at him with dead eyes for a second. "I hate that you're right."
"It's fine. I'm just not a morning person." She stretched, blinked, and then smiled at him. "So what's the training then?"
"Running is one of the best things to increase your endurance so we're going to start with that." They only had two hours before class started, an hour and a half if they wanted to shower and eat before hand. "So the more you run, the more you should be able to use your wave quirk right?"
"I guess, but I'm not going to be happy about it!" She bounced on her feet and punched the air! Before deflating and looking around. "I'm so going to be sore later."
"Yea, it's rough, but you'll get used to it. Are you ready?" Izuku asked, looking at the others that were of like mind. A few runners were on the main path, and he could even see Kacchan making his way along the track. There were even a few teachers. Chances are his early morning jogs were going to be a bit more crowded.
"Yep!" Nejire jumped and started to run, not so much as even stretching before she was at her pace. "Let's go!"
"Hey! Wait! You need to pace yourself!"
She just laughed, and slowed down from her sprint. Seriously, wasn't she dead tired a couple of seconds ago? How did she ever run out of energy? They made their way along the main track that went all the way around the campus, it was easily the longest track, and the further they got away from the dorms the fewer people that crossed their paths.
And somehow Nejire managed to not run off and ask someone a random questions almost the whole way.
"Wow, you're tall!"
He came to a stop to see Nejire talking to. Wow. She was tall. A very tall woman that was at least a foot taller than him. Maybe more. She was wearing sweats, her sugar brown hair fell down to her chin and her cheeks were rosy. Aside from her staggering height she was also well proportioned.
Almost too well proportioned.
"And you're adorable!" The woman reached over and pulled Nejire into a hug. Which due to Nejire being eye level with the woman's chest lead to her being in a position most men would kill to be in. "You're a new freshman right? Oh, you have really pretty hair. Hi I'm Ochako Uraraka. Who are you."
Nejire pushed her head out of Ochako's chest and looked up at the taller woman with stars in her eyes. "I'm Nejire Hado! I'm a first year! That's Izuku! What are you doing out here? How are you so tall? How old are you? Why are your boobs so big? They're soft too. Oh! What's your quirk?"
"Aww, you're just the cutest little freshman! Let's see I'm actually training my quirk, and my quirk actually helps me be so tall, I'm a third year and I'm seventeen, and also because of my quirk, kind of. With all that information you should be able to guess my quirk right?" Ochako finally let Nejire go and clapped her hands. "Seriously, why can't the girls in my class be as cute as you."
"Is it size manipulation, like Mt. Lady?" Izuku asked finally stepping within talking distance of the two. She really was way too tall. Even taller than Shoji.
Ochako laughed and turned to greet him. "Hehe, nope, here let me give you both a hint!"
She touched both of them on the shoulder and a sense of weightlessness overtook him. A second later and he found himself floating. Slowly spinning in the air while Nejire was already upside down laughing her head off.
"Gravity manipulation?" He asked, trying to keep himself right. It was a lot harder than he thought it was. "That's an awesome quirk."
"Aww, thanks Izuku, I've been training real hard to make it useful. I'm planning on winning big during this years sports festival." Ochako grabbed both of their arms again and angled them so their feet were towards the ground. "That's why I'm out here."
She brought her fingers together and gravity returned. "Only downside is that being exposed to so much weightlessness made me really tall."
"And busty! Can you leave me weightless until I start growing?" Nejire chimed in bouncing on her feet.
Several large boulders began to rain down from the sky behind Ochako, some large enough to damage the trees they crashed into. She did say she had been training her quirk after all.
"Sorry, that's not a good idea, being weightless weakens your bones. I have to work out so much just to keep up!" Ochako pressed a finger to Nejire's nose and winked at her. "Besides, you're so cute right now? Why would I change that?"
Nejire managed to both pout and smile with the same expression.
"Here, let me give you my number."
The two girls exchanged contact information. Leaving Izuku wondering if he should offer his own, or if this was just a Nejire thing. What if Ochako stole his first - and only - friend away from him on the first real day of U.A.? No that was silly she was just being a nice upperclassmen was all. Besides, Nejire wouldn't abandon him.
"Well, anyways, I need to go shower before I get to class. And you two should probably head back soon too. If you're in Aizawa-sensei's class he hates it when you're late." Ochako smiled and then jumped into the air like she was flying. A moment later and she changed directions heading towards the dorms.
"And she can fly too! How? That's amazing! She's super tall, pretty, and has big boobs! It's so not fair!" Nejire pouted and crossed her arms. "I wanna fly too. How do you think she does it?"
"Uhh, she probably alters her own gravity using downward momentum when she wants to go faster. I don't think it's real flight, and more just she's gliding really far." He scratched the back of his head trying not to blush at Nejire's other comments. "But, I think if you learned to control your quirk better you might be able to fly as well."
Nejire grabbed him by the shoulders her blue eyes were wide and glittered like the moon on a star filled night. It felt like he was being consumed by her enthusiasm and that he had just said the most amazing thing in the world to her. "Do you really think I can? That would be so awesome? How do I do it?"
She was so close! Way to close! He could feel his heart beating in his chest as he stared at her. His mouth was dry. And his brain was filled with so many things, all of them were Nejire. That senior was right. Nejire was just too adorable. And beautiful.
Biting his lip he swallowed and took a breath. "Well, yesterday, you uhh, you used your quirk to jump really high. So, if you learn to do a more constant stream, and increase your endurance you might be able to fly with a lot of practice."
"That's amazing!" Nejire kept her hands on his shoulders smiling. "Now I have a super awesome goal to work towards! Oh, and Izuku."
"Yes Nejire?"
"We should get going."
"Because class starts in like ten minutes."
"We need to go Nejire!"
"That's what I just said!"
AN: Short chapter because mental funk and while I love writing Nejire that love is kind of canceled out by this fic just not popping out to me. Maybe it'll get better.