Chapter 155: Zooception "What if...? Finale"

AN: This is the final chapter for the "What if…? Collaboration". This is the finale, though there may be extras posted later on like with several other of my stories. However, this is the end for this story.

To all that have contributed to this massive undertaking, I say, "Thank You."

"Are you sure you want to do this again, Judy?"

The rabbit nodded. "I know its been several months since we last came here, but, I want to end this on a good note. I don't want our last memory of this place to be one of sorrow."

Nick nodded in understanding. The last time they had come to Fitwik's, it had nearly resulted in both their deaths, as well as almost unleashing a neurotic, murderous version of Nick upon Zootopia. Bogo had insisted they attend counseling sessions afterwards in regards to the tumultuous situation. They had just finished the final meeting the night before, and had agreed that a final, 'goodbye' to the PIXAR machine would be a good way to bring closure for them both.

"Then after you." Nick opened the door and waved his paw forward, ushering his bunny through. Judy, as she always did when not on duty, leaned up to place a peck on Nick's cheek in thanks before walking through.

The arcade was the same as it always was, full of noise, the laughter of kids, and sounds of games being played. The hustle and bustle was a familiar sight, though, in the far corner, a sight greeted them that was unfamiliar…

...a large "closed" sign upon the curtains surrounding the PIXAR machine.

Both officers looked at each other with slight confusion, before heading forward to the machine.

Both officers looked at each other with slight confusion, before heading forward to the machine. While walking over, they spotted Mr Fitwik over near the Sugar Rush machine, a broken steering wheel in his paws.

"Mr Fitwik?" Judy saw him jump slightly, broken out of his thousand yard, forlorn stare.

"Oh! Mr and Mrs WildeHopps, how are you today? I'm surprised to see you again after..."

"We understand," Nick offered with a smile. "No hard feelings and, actually, we were wondering if we could use your machine one last time, for old times sake?"

The feline blinked. " want to use it again?"

Judy nodded. "Though we have a request about the experience."

"Of course..of course." He began walking towards the closed machine. "What is your request?"

Offering a smile, Judy clasped Nick's paw in her own. "We want to see, if it's possible, of course, what might happen in some of the experiences we saw ten years down the road."

Fitwik hesitated. "You want to see what the futures could be for the lives of the experiences you saw?"

Both officers nodded.

Fitwik scratched his muzzle in thought. "I think that is possible. Yeah...I think I could do that for you." Walking over to the machine, he flicked a couple of switches, a loading screen appearing on the large TV screen in front of both sets of chairs. "I made sure to up the anti-virus software so nothing like last time could happen again. Oh, and for this experience, I can adjust it to spectator mode. You'll have all your memories and will be able to watch the going-on's without impacting anything. So a bit like a virtual safari!" he said with a grin. "And if you don't like it, or want to move on, just hold your paws and that will switch to the next experience. Does that work for you two?"

Nodding again, the two took to the familiar chairs, laying back and relaxing in place. Though one change, perhaps small, but noticeable, was that Nick leaned across the divide and took Judy's paw in his. She offered him a grateful smile as she squeezed his paw in return, and as the machine whirled to life, their paws remained entwined.

The ancient world was exactly as they remembered it. The prehistoric setting had barely changed, barred a few more farms dotting the savannah. Nick and Judy had tried to talk to a few mammals along their walk, but had found Mr Fitwik's statements to be accurate. They had all their memories, and were invisible, as well as any words spoken went without an answer. Judy only lightly swatted Nick's shoulder when, upon finding Chief Bogo, attempting to kick the bovine in the behind.

After a few minutes of exploring, floating across the landscape like ephemeral ghosts, they found the pair they were looking for, sitting under a tree next to a cozy looking burrow dug into a hillside. This world's versions of Nick and Judy looked quite content, the primitive Nick leaning against the tree, eye closed, with Judy laying her head in his lap. Both were calm and enjoying their surroundings.

"It looks like they are having good lives," Nick stated, to an approving hum from Judy. The pair almost felt it was wrong to interrupt and watch such a moment, but decided to stay upon the arrival of a coyote and wolf who were jogging towards the dwelling.

"Supreme Leaders Nicholas and Judith!"

The spectating Judy and Nick's eyes opened wide as they mouthed supreme leaders to each other. Below them, the fox and bunny pair lazily opened their eyes, smiles upon their muzzles as they stood, Judy offering a paw to the fox.

It was then that ornately carved wooden rings graced both their fingers.

"Sebastian. Ake'cheta!" Primitive Nick shouted sounding both surprised and joyful at their arrival. "What brings you to our humble abode."

"Besides being your personal security and us completing a perimeter check?" Ake'cheta stated quickly to a nod from the silver-blue colored wolf, Sebastian.

"Yes, besides that," Primitive Judy replied with a chuckle. "How went the patrol?"

"Smoothly," Sebastian recalled. "Nothing new to report besides a minor series of thefts involving some flowers by a weasel over in the pig village."

Primitive Nick and Judy sighed. "Weaselnoth," they both groaned in annoyance. "We'll go find him," Nick said calmly. "I know where he usually goes to relax."

As their primitive selves sauntered off, Nick and Judy looked at each other and nodded. Clasping paws, they felt as much as saw, the world around themselves shimmering like a silver veil before their view was encased in white.

Nick and Judy wandered across the wispy landscape of memories, floating along as they passed by openings in the clouds, revealing images of experiences they've had. Nick continued along a ways, until he noticed Judy wasn't by his side.

"Carrots?" He turned his head back and forth until he saw her, standing next to one of the openings with a contented smile upon his face. Her smile only grew as he came near, her paw reaching out for his own as he stared into the memory.

Within the wispy veil of white, a fox and bunny lay on a hammock near rows upon rows of carrots. The newspaper headline laying upon the two sleeping mammals showed a chaotic scene of Zootopia, a vast difference from the idyllic vision of the carrot farmers resting peacefully.

"Best not to disturb them," Nick said with a cheeky grin. "I know how somebunny gets when you wake her early."

Judy snorted, rolling her eyes as the pair left the Carrot Farmers to themselves, a warm feeling on contentment settling within them both. Though it didn't last long, as Judy was soon quick to rapidly tap Nick's arm, before dragging the startled fox towards another portal. "Oh! I remember this one! Nick! Do you remember this one?"

Judy was bouncing up and down in excitement standing outside another portal, showing a darkened landscape.

Nick raised an eyebrow. " can you make out anything in this?" He waved a paw at the opening while squinting. "I can't make out...oh…"

A light chuckle escaped the fox's mouth as a bunny in a black costume jumped onto a roof before them, soon followed by a fox in similar garb. "Want to go see how our vigilante selves are coming along?"

Judy bit her lip, her gaze flickering to the duo running across the rooftops, then towards the seemingly endless series of similar looking openings. Finally, she shook her head, gave the two vigilantes, the bunny knocking out a tiger while the fox distracted him with a bad pun, one last gaze before passing by.

A few more experiences floated by, bringing with them a wealth of treasured memories. It was only when Judy's curiosity was piqued by a completely blackened image that she and Nick moved closer to investigate.

"I wonder what this one is…?"

Nick shook his head. "I don't know...want to check it out?"

With a brief nod, the pair entered into the void, the heavenly haze behind them quickly evaporating into a scene of darkness before them…

The two mammals shared an apprehensive glance out the windows from their current hiding place. While it was impossible to get a precise count on the total number of individuals in the mob, they were experienced enough to know that they were outnumbered...and badly outnumbered at that.

"Got any plans for this one, Slick," Judy said as she backed away from the window, still not quite believing that things had grown so much. Giving her head a shake, she checked over her equipment one final time.

Nick shook his head, and met his mate's gaze, "We don't have a lot of options here, Carrots" he stated, and the rabbit could hear the worry in his voice.

The two hitmammals were among the most feared individuals in Zootopia, and the pair had been "making the world a better place" during that time by removing…obstacles that threatened their boss.

Crossing Mr. Big was not a wise thing to do, as many mammals had learned first paw when the assassins came calling.

After a moment, the fox shrugged, and joined his partner, making sure that they had everything that they needed to ensure that the operation would be successful. There was nothing overly complicated about the clothing, but one did need to ensure that every piece was in the right place to maximize the effect that they provided, and it should have been enough for their needs that evening.

"At least that was the idea before half the city decided to show up to their carefully prepared venue." Nick thought to himself, as he took a moment to admire his mate's form. It might be some time before he'd have a chance to do so, and he wanted to make the most of it.

Judy noticed where her fox's attention was focused on, and she rolled her eyes before reaching up to grasp Nicks cheeks and pulling him into an all too brief kiss.

A subdued buzzing could be heard coming from both of the hitmammal's phones; the noise meant only one thing, and it was finally time for them to face the consequences of their past actions.

The pair reluctantly released each other, but they both has smiles on their muzzles as the made their way to the rooms only exit.

Nick took a deep breath to steady himself, accepting that they were fully committed from here on in, and the only way out for them was through the growing throng of mammals.

"Ready to get this over with, Hopps?"

Judy closed her eyes for a moment as she worked to center herself in preparation for the challenge to come. Once she was certain that she was fully in control, she reached out, and looped her arm through that of her mate.

"We have a job to do, Mister Wilde," she stated as Nick opened the door, and the pair stepped out, and were met with a cavalcade of flashing lights, as a rumbling cheer from the assembled mammals made it impossible to hear anything else, but the pair of killers knew what was expected of them, and they both had smiles on their faces, as they waved to the crowd.

"And there's the couple of the evening, folks, and the reason why any of us are here," the voice of Fabienne Growley was projected through the hall's audio system, and it managed to avoid being drowned out by the crowd...barely.

Nick and Judy made their way down the center isle, moving a bit more slowly than they normally would. The formal black gown Judy was wearing that evening wasn't made for quick movements, but it served its intended purpose, as did the classic tuxedo Nick was sporting.

The two of them was in no rush tonight, and they made sure to offer a wave, or a paw to the assembled mammals who were mostly seated at one of the large banquet tables arranged throughout the hall.

When they reached the front of the hall, they made it a special point to greet the cubs, pups, calves, and kits for whom this evening was all about. Each and every one of them was facing their own personal battle against the diseases and conditions that fate had thrust upon them, but for tonight, they were the guests of honor, and both Judy and Nick made certain that each and every one of them knew it.

Amidst the smiles of the children, they climbed onto the main stage, and took up their place in front of a pair of microphones, already positioned to ensure that their words would carry throughout the hall, but also was broadcast to those families who couldn't attend. Just off to the side, two glasses of champaign rested on a table ready for when the two of them would need it.

Nick raised his paws to the crowd, and motined for them to be seated so that the evening's festivities could truly commence.

Once the cheering subsided, the fox made a show of looking over the crowd; the surprised expression on his face was only slightly exaggerated, as the turnout for the charity dinner was far higher than they had ever dreamed.

"Thank you all for joining us tonight," Judy began, ignoring the teleprompter, and making sure that her gaze was on the audience. "We never thought that the Wilde-Hopps Children's Benefit Fund would ever grow as large as it has, and that is all thanks to all of you."

The crowd once again voiced their support, and both Judy and Nick smiled as they waited for the noise to subside.

Motioning to the crowd with one paw, Nick continued, "Thanks to all of your donations, and support, we have been able to do so much for the kits of this city, and for their families as well." The todd shook his head as he went over the history of the charity. It had long ago diverged from its...original purpose, but that simply made the success even sweeter. "As a result, we are proud to state that this is the third year in a row where we have been able to offer support to every child who was in need, and we will continue to do so for as long as we can."

Nick reached out and retrieved the champaign, and offered one glass to Judy, who promptly raised it towards the audience, many of whom mirrored her gesture.

"A toast!" she proclaimed as she looked over the crowd, looking for one mammal in particular. It only took a few moments to locate the familiar cape buffalo, and Judy made sure to look Bogo in the eye, while passing the police commissioner's location along to Nick before continuing her toast. "To past victories, to future challenges, and to making this world a better place!"

"A better place!" the crowd echoed back, and Judy and Nick took a sip of their drinks. Judy didn't even try to hide her smile as she saw Bogo's glass shatter in his hoof.

The sound was lost amidst the crowd's enthusiastic celebration, and the pair waved and applauded with the rest of the attendees. Their actions only stopping when Nick felt his phone vibrate. When he retrieved the device, his smile grew wider as he showed the message to his mate.

To an outside observer, it was completely mundane, but its meaning was quite different.

"Delivery Successful"

The two shared a look and they both knew exactly what the other was thinking,

As always, they were making the world a better place.

And above those two smiling mammals, another similar pair floated above them.

"I guess we found out what they were up to," Nick said with a solemn nod.

"Yeah," Judy stated mutely. "Maybe at least they've gotten the crime rate down?" she stated tepidly.

"Always my hopptamistic bunny," Nick said as he pulled her next to him. They looked into each other's eyes, giving the couple beneath them a last, fleeting look. "Ready to go see more?"

Judy nodded, and, clasping paws, the two were off once more, leaving the pair of Hitmammals behind.

For a while, the couple was content to perusing the scenarios from afar, realizing that they could watch them easily from the heavenly clouds they walked through. Upon finding the scenario of them as teachers, they couldn't help but enter into the memory, the screen shimmering and rippling as they entered before the two disappeared into the veil.

Within the memory, the fox and rabbit floated down towards a graduation ceremony. On the stage were several dozen young kits of varying species, a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and delight etched across their faces. Several waved exuberantly towards the audience, which is how Nick and Judy found their teacher-selves as a pair of foxy looking bunny kits...or were they bunny looking fox kits...were waving at their parents in the audience.

The sight of two kits melted Judy's heart, and the bunny couldn't help but place her paw over her heart while the other swiped the tears starting to form.

"Oh you emotional…" Nick chuckled, only to be interrupted by quite a loud howl. They turned in time to see an embarrassed Chloe, holding a paw over her face and a young kit wrapped up in her other arm as Eliot waved towards a white wolf with black stripes across his fur, down on the stage. The little tyke saw his father and shrunk in his seat as Eliot howled again.

"Do you see our son, Pumpkin! He is such a strapping young lad! You made the best son I could have ever hoped for!" Eliot wrapped his wife up in a tight hug. "Oh, and just wait until he's older and can marry Flower WildeHopps so Nick can be my brother in law!"


Nick and Judy snickered as they saw Nick stand and shake his fist at the wolf, Judy tugging on his sleeve to get him to sit down again. A tannish bunny with a tuft of blonde head fur leaned next to Judy once she'd gotten her husband back down onto the bench.

"Could be worse," Oce whispered to Judy. "He's been saying how Zieg and I need to have a kit his daughter could marry our son and we can all be related."

Teacher Judy held a blank stare. "How long has he been doing that?"

Oce tapped a paw to her chin. "Since he found out Chloe was pregnant again."

The duo above the graduation ceremony "Aaaand that's where we leave." Without letting Judy even get out a 'hey!', Nick grabbed her paw, and the vision before them faded away.

Floating past more scenarios gave them quite a glimpse into the amount of stories they'd experienced, as well as the differences between them. They next mirror showed them in a tailor shop in a large city. The pair watched with interest as the two tailors sewed and spun, talking about their adventures in escaping the south during the Civil War. Following nearly after that one, was one that Judy had to explore, and one that had Nick groaning as they entered the portal that showed two rabbits, side by side, entering the police academy together, followed by a fox todd with thee kits, a tod, a young vixen, and a tiger. Nick could only chuckle as he watched the tailor version of himself watching the teacher version of Judy heading up the sparring training at the academy with her friend Jade.

Judy, on the other paw, was brimming with excitement watching what it could be like for her to teach at the ZPA, though her attention soon fell to the handsome tod playing with their three kits nearby, telling them fantastic stories and leaving them giggling. It wasn't long before Judy floated over to Nick, who was watching the tender scenes beneath him with loving eyes. The rabbit doe gently tipped his chin and looked into his eyes. "You, are the best dad ever."

The two kissed, and as the scenario was theirs alone to enjoy, soon became more heated as the kisses intensified and paws began to wander.

"Carrot sticks…" Judy grumbled as they found themselves outside the mirror looking back in as the instructor Judy and Jade Rang the Bell to signal the class ending.

Nick could only chuckle. "Shouldn't have grabbed my paw if you wanted that to continue."

Judy grumbled something low and beyond his hearing as they continued on, though he did catch something along the lines of, "just wait until we get home', that left him in a far better mood than before.

The two explored more mirrors, finding particular humor in one showing them as lawyers, though, Nick seemed to be under prosecution on the stand, while Judy, now wearing glasses, was shaking her head from the gallery as prosecutor Duke Weaselton shouted 'Objections' loudly and often. The two poked their heads in and watched as a cry rang out loudly across the courtroom, loudly enough that the room almost physically shook from the force of it. Its source was an arctic fox standing at the defense's bench, dressed in a light blue suit and pointing energetically. "My client would never cheat at a game of cards!"

"Ai yai yai," groaned his co-counsel, a hyena in a dark red suit who was clearly losing her patience with this. "I can't believe we're doing all this for such a lowlife pendejo."

"Hey, I heard that!" protested the defendant, who most shockingly of all appeared to be Nick himself, albeit in an even rattier version of his usual street clothes. "And for your information, in the completely hypothetical scenario that I did cheat at cards, I certainly wouldn't have been caught cheating."

"What does it matter?" argued the prosecutor, a yellow-clad Duke Weaselton. "That pawpsicle didn't smash itself over the victim's head! I say the evidence speaks for itself!"

"Yeah, I gotta agree with Mr. Weselton on this one," Judge Clawhauser said, busily engorging himself on a donut as usual. Some things never changed apparently. "Gonna hafta do a little better than that, Mr. Frost, even for your first case."

"S-Sorry, Your Honor..." The arctic fox deflated. The hyena awkwardly patted him on the back.

Bailiff Bogo snorted in derision. "Frankly, I'm just glad Chief Prosecutor Hopps isn't here to see this embarrassment."

"Mmmm!" Clawhauser agreed. "Hey, did you hear she wears glasses now? I shouldn't be so nosy, but I can't help it, I'm such a gossip hound, even for a cat!" He giggled loudly.

The commotion continued for quite some time, but Nick had once again seen enough. "Yikes. Overruled."

The two clasped paws and were taken quickly from the scenario amid snorts of laughter from Judy and chuckles from Nick.

"Never imagined Duke in a suit and tie," Nick said with a grin. "I mean, right now he's wearing orange in Zootopia penitentiary."

"You never know where some mammals might end up," Judy countered, though her smile showed her amusement at the situation. "I'm just glad you're wearing blue and gold next to me."

Nick nodded as they walked towards another panel showing a beautiful rustic cabin sitting on the edge of a bay, across from the gleaming city of Zootopia. A well-kept fishing boat bobbed with the waves at the end of a beautiful wooden pier.

"Oh! I remember this one!" Judy quickly grabbed Nick's paw and drew him into the experience, the pair laughing as they flew through the air above the water towards a fox and bunny relaxing on lawn chairs on the small beach outside their home.

As they drew nearer, Nick couldn't suppress a grin. "Hey, Carrots. I think you need that swimsuit you have on here."

Judy sent him a sidelong look, a slow blush creeping up her ears as she saw the blue monokini her fishermammal counterpart wore while speaking with the fox clad with…

"I don't want to see you in that," Judy retorted.

...pawaiian printed board shorts.

"What," Nick said with a grin. "That is a fashion statement."

Judy rolled her eyes, shushing her husband from further comments as they floated near the fishermammals and watched…

"Think Finnick will show up today?"

Judy shook her head, letting out a happy 'hmm' as she let the sun's rays warm her fur. "If Kris has her way, probably not."

Nick pouted. "I was hoping to see the new additions on it. I heard he salvaged pieces from the wreck of his old one to build this new one."


The two mammals relaxed, with Nick stretching his arms while letting his tongue loll out of his mouth in a large yawn.

Judy, floating above, couldn't help but float a little closer as the Nick below her smacked his lips a few times, his teeth on full display.


Judy floated closer.


Judy was almost to the Nick on the beach…

"Oh for...Judy, we're leaving."

Nick floated down and grabbed Judy's paw, the air shimmering around them, but not before Judy let out a pout.

"Quick trips on the rest of these," she grumbled. "Then home."

Nick smiled. "You got it."

A little fox kit snapped his little ski boots into his little skis and wobbled about a little. "Dad, why do I have to go to ski-school with uncle John? I wanna go with you and Mommy!"

Nick leaned down and buckled the kit's helmet on, nice and tight. "Because, little critter, Your mom and I have the day off and we need some time alone, okay?"

"Awww come on!" He stomped on one ski, scattering a few chunks of snow in the air. The move startled a nearby brown bunny with glasses, who while on his snow tube, jumped in fright landing in the snow downhill.

"Tell you what, Critter. Be good for John and when you get back, I'll take you for a ride in the snowmobile. How's that sound?"

"Really?" The little kit lit up and shuffled off towards the lift where his "uncle" John was waiting with a troop of several kits for ski-school. "Okay dad!" Nick gave his sun a light shove and set him on his way.

"That's my boy. See you soon." He watched as his son got in line for the lift, handling himself nicely despite his age. He soon felt a familiar paw fall into his and clasp his fingers. He smiled and pulled her closer, feeling her warm frame and soft sweater against his torso.

"He's real cute, isn't he?" Judy said, gazing lovingly at their son.

"That he is, Fluff."

Judy gave her husband's paw a squeeze and shot him a suggestive smile. "Howbout another?"

Nick smiled and pulled her closer before taking her paw and leading her inside. "You read my mind, as usual."

Nick and Judy lay on the floor of the heavenly space, smiling as they held each other close.

"Well, I can say that this was a new experience for me," Nick said as he gently brushed Judy's cheek with a paw.

"Oh?" Judy asked, laying upon his chest while idly kicking her feet. "What experience? I know we've kissed thousands-"

"Hundreds of thousands."

Judy rolled her eyes. "Hundred of thousands-"

"Not enough."


"What?" he said as he sat up, nearly causing Judy to roll backwards off him, until he caught her gently in his arms. "Today I can say I kissed an angel in heaven...and I want to do that forever."

The blush creeping through Judy's ears rose steadily as she wrapped her fox in a hug. "Dumb...sappy...amazing you!"

Nick smiled. Standing, and cupping his paws beneath Judy to hold her up, he started off down the corridor once more. "So, now I know that a combination of beach me and wintery you leads to kisses, I'll have to make our dates on the borders of Tundra Town and Sahara Square happen more frequently now."

"Great!" Judy chirped as she snuggled against Nick's chest while looking at the windows into experiences passing by. In one she saw what must be her's and Nick's kits behind a stand at a park, yelling at passersby's to 'order up' their cupcakes they were selling. A large fruit bat named Stu was one customer, who happily bought several fruit flavored cupcakes, while another fox and bunny couple shared one, the bunny leading the fox back to the table by his red scarf for a second. Another window showed a split screen between the pair, with Nick sitting in a comfortable chair across from a tearful anteater, the fox writing notes on a pad of paper, and Judy in the other in a police uniform chasing down a cheetah.

Looks like those visits with the psychologist fox paid off for my dream in that one...she thought with a smile.

Another window passed by, this time showing what must have been their Sherlock Hounds adventure as private eyes. She chuckled lightly, shaking her head at those memories, and how that scenario had caused Nick to speak like the famous detective while sleep deprived.

Window after window past by, yet the pair could easily see that each was filled with some measure of happiness. A few were filled with sorrow, though throughout most both Judy and Nick saw how each usually ended with joy, rather than despair.

As they passed by a opening that showed Nick and Judy carefully loading a young badger kit with a broken arm into an ambulance, Nick telling the kits a horrible dad-joke to bring the kits attention away from the pain he was in while Judy checked him over one more time, Judy couldn't help but pipe up.



"Have you noticed how...happy, most of these have been?"

Nick nodded, halting his steps as he gently lowered Judy to the ground. The rabbit took a step back, looking up at her husband. "I know that what awaits at the end of this journey was absolutely…"

"Terrifying? Repugnant?" Horrifying? The opposite of friendly, unfriendly?"

Judy nodded. "Yeah. I think I just let this last experience overshadow all the good times that we had."

Nick nodded as the pair continued forward, walking past an image of a medieval setting, with Nick and Judy walking through a castle's courtyard, holding each other's paw. "I mean," Judy began. "Sure we almost died, but, we've had that happen so many times in our lives already."

"Like crashing trains and dodging savage jaguars on our first dates?"

The doe couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Right…"

"Well," Nick huffed while pointing at his fingers. "You asked me to join with you, to do activities together, and you even bought me that coffee after the sky tram. I'd say that sounds like a date to me."

"You wish," Judy laughed.

"I do, and I bet you do as well," Nick added, nudging her shoulder before wrapping her in a hug. "Now come on. Let's get my newly re-optimistic bun back home."

"Not yet," Judy said. "I...I need to finish this."

Nick looked around. "But we've already visited so many. Which ones...oh."

He halted, recognizing the determined look Judy held as she looked ahead towards the oncoming end of the wispy tunnel they were in. That second to last door...the last door they shared together.

The experience that almost killed them.

"Well," Nick said as he placed his paws in his pants pockets. "What my bunny wants, my bunny gets. So let's get hopping along shall we?"

Judy let Nick have her dryest stare she could muster. "Really?"

"What can I say? I'm a dad now. I live off dad jokes."

With the infinite amount of time offered them within the PIXAR machine, the pair took to exploring each scenario a bit more in depth. Both enjoyed seeing what would become of them as machinists, following along the adventures their PIXARlated selves had after the first experience had ended. The adventures were numerous, and trips aboard many. Years flew by in a blink of an eye, and Judy shed her first tear when they watched their machinists selves receive a letter in the mail, stating their mentor had passed away, leaving them with everything the old jackrabbit had owned.

Together they watched as two the two, now older machinists, approached the building out in the woods, followed along by a much younger bunny kit, who stared at the building with the curiosity that only a kit could muster.

"Mama, Dad, what is this place?" she asked, pointing to the building.

Nick and Judy looked down at their daughter. Nick knelt down and explained, "This is where it all started, this is where we met. This is where we became machinists."

It was a tender moment, and one which Nick and Judy decided to leave to their virtual selves.

Another window offered them a look into the roman era, with quite the adventures and battles taking place within. It was a vast difference from several of the ones before, especially watching Centurion Judy nearly cleaving a polar bear in half.

"Seriously, Judy, how could you even do that…" Nick had asked in wonder as they left that portal while Roman Judy gave another loud battle cry as Legate Nick shielded her from several arrows that would have skewed her.

"Never underestimate what a bunny from the Burrows can do, I guess," Judy replied. "Though honestly, I'm not sure either. Let's go find another one."

The next gave them both a chuckle, watching as their ninja selves protecting villages across the land. "I'm just glad there is only one of you," Nick said with a nervous chuckle as Ninja-Judy performed her Bunjitsu, summoning what appeared as several hundred clones and halting the advance of an oncoming Mongrowl horde.

"Yep! And I'm glad that there is only one of you," she shot back, watching as Shinobi-Nick dodged and weaved his way through the enemy ranks like water, before knocking out the enemy warlord with a well placed chop to the back of his neck. "Though some of these moves would come in pawndy for taking down criminals."

"We don't have enough cells to handle all the crooks several hundred Officer WildeHopps' could bring in," Nick chuckled.

Judy simply shrugged, before they grabbed paws and disappeared from the experience.

Jumping into another portal, they were greeted with the sight of Wolford, now Captain Wolford, riding a four-wheeler through the woods, muttering about finding the 'real' BigPaw one day. Judy and Nick were following at a more leisurely pace, their five kits whooping and hollering while enjoying the ride around BunnyBurrow.

Even though they technically couldn't tire in the PIXAR machine, Nick let out a wide yawn. Feeling Judy's eyes on him, he let out a smirk at the end. "Now, now, Carrots. We know what happened after the 'Fishing Expedition' experience when you saw these amazing fangs."

The doe turned away and blushed, muttering about 'dumb hot foxes' and 'their dumb hot selves'. Deciding not to rib her too much, he walked over to a portal showing deep space, with a view from a spaceship facing towards Earth.

"Hey, Judy! Looks like we finally made it home in this one!"

Judy looked over, smiling when she saw which portal Nick stood before. "Oh!" Scurrying over to the image, the two peaked in, watching the celebrations on the main deck of the ship as the crew members hugged, and a particular rabbit and fox couple sharing a particularly heated kiss in the Captain's chair.

"Okay, don't want my bunny getting any more heated or we'll never leave this experience," Nick laughed, covering her eyes with one paw while pulling her away with the other. Judy playfully swatted his paws away, careful to avoid grabbing them and ending this last adventure of theirs too early.

They still had one more to go.

The realization of what lay before them suddenly closed in on the bunny, Judy's shoulders slumping somewhat as her ears folded behind her head. Nick placed a paw on her shoulder, his strength re-invigorating his wife with his simple touch.

"Let's do this…" Judy finally, calmly, stated, before marching towards the second to last opening. The two, together, side by side, marched past the portal of Spiderfox and Black Bunny swinging through Zootopia, halting only when they stood in front of a blank opening.

"Ready to see what's inside?" Nick asked, worry filling his voice. "We...we don't have to, you know. I know this won't hold you back any longer and-"

With a determined gait, Judy marched right past and into the portal. Nick quickly went to join her, their world wisping away as Judy spoke four words.

"I have to know."

Detective Judy Hopps paced aimlessly through the halls of the ZPD, ignoring anyone and anything else that passed her by. Just a few hours ago, she had been promoted to a real detective, to the applause and celebration of the entire department, even Chief Bogo. To think that, just a few years ago, she'd believed that even being a meter maid was no longer within her grasp. Now here she was getting pats on the back from the chief of police himself and hiding away from a party being thrown in her honor. It was everything she had ever wanted...but it just wasn't right.

For one thing, she couldn't remember exactly how she had ended up in this position. She had vague memories about some big case that she solved, but no concrete details. She couldn't even write it off as some kind of short-term amnesia because no one else could seem to remember what she had done either, and there was no official record of it. She'd almost think she was going crazy if her bitter memories as a PI weren't so clear in her mind. Somewhere between then and now, there was just a blank, indecipherable gap.

But strangest of all was the fact that she only just now found it strange. Even after spending years on the force, she had never questioned the reason for her change of fate until now. It just seemed so...natural before. Like there was no reason at all to question it until, suddenly, there was. She knew that she should be out there, relishing in her accomplishments, but as a proper detective, she couldn't ignore a mystery like this. She couldn't rest until she got to the bottom of-

"Be careful you don't wear a hole in that floor, Carrots."

Judy stopped in her tracks as a warm paw landed on her shoulder. She looked up to see her trusted partner smiling down at her. "...Nick…?"

"That's my name," the fox said, ruffling her ears. "Care to explain why you're fluffing your tail out here instead of with your adoring fans?"

Judy sighed, feeling very foolish. What was she doing out here? She rubbed at her forehead. "I...I'm not sure actually. I think I was heading to the party and then I just...didn't."

"A little early to let the stress of the job get to your head, don't you think?" He raised an eyebrow. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'll be fine," she laughed uncomfortably, slapping his paw away. "Besides, it's not just my party. I never would have made it this far without you."

"Would you have made it this far?" he asked thoughtfully. "N-"

"No, no I would not have," she finished, smiling.

"You're right, you are fine," he said with a slight chuckle. "Now come on, I think I smell a carrot cake with your name on it."

"They had better not start cutting it without me." Now much more energetic, Judy raced off down the hall, towards the sounds of celebration.

Nick lagged behind just a bit longer. He glanced down at his police uniform, studying it closely just to make sure it was all real. real as things got in here anyway. Finally, he smirked. "Not bad, Martini. Not bad at all. I can live with this."

Then he followed after this partner...his wife.

The pair joined the party at the end of the hall, watched over by the real Nick and Judy from above.

"Well, that went better than expected." Nick watched as the two officers disappeared into the crowd of mammals before looking down at his own Judy. "Does this help bring you closure for this?"

He hoped it did.

Judy slowly nodded. "It does. Even though we experienced something bad...we don't have to let it control us." She looked up to Nick, her husbands, smiling broadly. "I can't let these things get to me when so much good has been had in my life." She waved her paw around them. "Even though none of this has been real, we can still learn from it. Grow from it." Judy shook her head. "I see that now and I think that the past is in the past, now, and I...we, can move on."

Judy felt two arms wrap around her, with her own soon following, closing around her fox. "Then how about we get out of here then, hmm? Back to our wonderful kits, who I'm sure have not entirely destroyed our house by now."

Judy laughed as they grabbed paws. "It's only been, at most, less than an hour, Nick."


Finnick grumbled, eyes narrowed as he stared at the bunny and fox hybrid kits standing in front of him, dressed as pirates and poking the completely roped up Fennec fox with sporks.

I so hope your parents get home soon…" he grumbled, before being poked off the edge of the couch into a kiddie pool filled with water.

Judy paused, shaking her head. "Yeah, let's get back soon."

"Right with ya."

Together they clasped paws and made their way back to the portal chamber. Only one last door remained to be viewed, the pair seeing a snowy landscape with their family hugging.

"Well, Judy," Nick began, before reaching out his paw to her. "Even with all that's happened in these experiences, and every journey we've explored, I have to say...there's no place like home with you and the kits."

Judy nodded and clasped his paws. "And that is where I always want to be."

The world around them shimmered and glowed one last time, as Nick and Judy shared one, final kiss within the PIXAR machine.

AN: And the "What if…? Collaboration is complete. I almost can't believe it. This story started out almost two years ago with a list of stories that a few friends of mine and myself had come up with, but didn't write. We laughed at a few of them, but I kept them mostly stored in a safe document on my computer.

Then the idea for "What if…?" struck after completing "One Hundred Kisses", as well as seeing other short stories popping up. I was on Discord by that time, and thought, "Maybe I can make this into another collaboration project." So I began a new Discord server, invited people on, and the project began.

And I never thought it would be quite as big as it became. The server has over 200 people on it,, all united in fun, fluff, Zootopia and WildeHopps (mostly that last one as all shippers are welcome as long as they respect each other lol). There have been a total of 47 completed stories, 16 dropped stories, for a combined total of 63 ideas. A total of 160 chapters and after this chapter, 683,000 words. The most amazing aspect of this collaboration, though, has been the amount of friends who have taken part in it in some way.

A total of 71 Artists and Authors helped in some way, to this project. And here they are…
























































StarFang's Secrets
















All of these guys and gals combined their efforts to make this possible. Some stories weren't finished, some edited, some drew, and some wrote...but all participated in some form or fashion in this final product. It has been quite the experience to finally finish this project, and I can't thank everyone enough for participating in the collaboration, reading the stories, following the new authors and artists you've found through it, and hopefully, becoming a better Zootopia community for it.

Thank you all for this experience, and I hope that the journey has been a good one for all of you, reader, writers, editors, artists...all of you.

And thank you for letting this "What if…? Collaboration" come true. :)

Though this doesn't mean the end of stories and collabs from me. Upcoming in the next in my series of collabs, but probably a much, much, MUCH tamer one, is a drabbles series called, "The Fluff Files". Basically it will be a series of short, fluff stories about a page or two long at most. I need a break from the longer stories for a bit while I plan out the sequel to Masked Fox.

Again, hopefully you all have enjoyed these stories, found new artists and authors to follow, and have enjoyed all the hard work put into this amazing collaboration.

Thank you all, and may the WildeHopps fluff be with you!

~Cimar of Turalis/WildeHopps