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![]() Author has written 9 stories for Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei, Kingdom Hearts, and Rise of the Guardians. Hello, my name is Kaleigh. You can call me Requiem or Req for short. I'm a novice writer so please point out my mistakes. I would love to become better. :) Thank you. Stories I'm Writing: --The Despair in Our Stars (DanganRonpa) --Murder on the Despair Express Express (DanganRonpa) Name: Nickname: Gender/Pronouns: (up to two nonbinary characters will be accepted) Sexuality: Ultimate Talent: Height: Weight: Birthday: Age: Nationality/Race: Blood Type: Appearance: Outfit: Backstory: Personality: Free Time Events: Mental/Health Problems: Likes: Dislikes: Hobbies: Pet Peeves: What They Like in People: What They Dislike in People: Loved Ones/Family/Friends: Enemies/Rivals: Romance?: Biggest Fear: Biggest Secret: How They’ve Been Targeted by Despairs: How They’ve Been Targeted by the Committee: Possible Motive to Kill: Murderer, Victim, Survivor, or Mastermind?: (there is a chance that if you state survivor, your character won't survive) If Mastermind, reason? If Survivor, why?: Possible Method of Killing: Reaction to Killing Game: Reaction to Seeing Body/Hearing Announcement: Role in Investigation: Role in Trial: Reaction to Being Accused: Reaction to Execution/Being Executed: Possible Execution?: (Does not need to be filled) Quotes: Other?: SYOCs I'm in: (only the ones that keep being updated) Danganronpa: --Release Condition by zephryr (Fusako Ikari) --Dangan Ronpa: Super Segoi FOH of SYOC by YellowTheWriter (Princess Liliana Tutu: The Ultimate Reference~SHSL SPARKLY UNICORN) --Dangan Ronpa: Super Segoi FOH of SYOC by YellowTheWriter (Dark Yanagi...it is an inside joke with me that she has the same last name as Kimiko...: Ultimate God of the New World~SHSL Death Note User) --Dangan Ronpa: Super Segoi FOH of SYOC by YellowThe Writer (Jesus: Ultimate Messiah~SHSL Son of God)...I'm going to Hell... --Danganronpa: Forest of Despair by the best writer here (Akita Yamazaki: The Ultimate --Danganronpa: Forest of Despair by the worse writer here (Ayano Kamukura: The Ultimate Hacker)...she literally hacks the story...I'm too proud of my puns --Danganronpa: Forest of Despair by RequiemSanity or something (Atsuto Togami: The Ultimate Unlucky Student) --Danganronpa: Hope's Melody or Despair's Discord SYOC by ChaoticMercy (Katsumi Ishikawa: The Ultimate Movie Director) --Dangan Ronpa: The Despair in Our Stars by the most sane person here (Shiro Amari: The Ultimate Composer) --Dangan Ronpa: The Despair in Our Stars by the most insane person here (Mei Yamazaki: The Ultimate E-Sports Gamer) --The Killing Game's Serenade by LostOne'sWeeping (Kanon Hattori: The Ultimate Ballroom Dancer) --Danganronpa Part 2: Hope for Despair by FlashFire705 (Aki Kawaguchi: The Ultimate Colorist) --Danganronpa: Laughable Rejects by liammarklh88 (Itsuki Ogasawara: Ultimate EMT) (men are finally being accepted regularly XD) --Danganronpa: A New Game by mayurie (Mizuki Nakayama: Ultimate Psychic) --Let's Die This Jungle Red, Shall We? by Wolffang1795 (Yoshiko Tachibana: Ultimate Information Broker--The Monkey) --Danganronpa: The Cruise 'n' Kill Excursion by Crimson Paws (Mahito Ogawa: Ultimate Private Investigator) --Danganronpa: Salty Waves and Bloody Coral by liammarklh88 (Moriko Ishii: Ultimate Doll Maker) --Danganronpa: Back and Forth by Lupus Overkill (Mai Manabe: Ultimate Forger) --And So It Begins by RoseShadow21 (Shinobuko 'Shino' Hisakawa: Class 1A) --Danganronpa: Crimes Against Hope & Despair by Orlando Butler (Shimei Takenaka: Ultimate Hiker) --The Melancholia Experiment by Crimson Spider Lily (Charity Petulengro: Ultimate Alethiologist) --The Living and The Lost by YellowtheWriter (Klaudija: Ultimate ?) --The Living and The Lost by YellowtheWriter (Aria Esposito: Ultimate Groupie) --The Living and The Lost by YellowtheWriter (Sonata Kostelecky: Ultimate Lyricist) --The Danganronpa revIVial: Dreams are Undying by Constant-Daze (Miyako Iwashimizu: Ultimate Puppeteer) --Scarlet Stained Snow by zephryr (Isamu Shiroma: Ultimate First Responder) --Oasis of Hope by Crit Fail (Rika Takahashi: Ultimate Smuggler) --Dangan Ronpa - Despair's Shopping Center by TheUbermenschWriter (Asumi Okudaira: Ultimate Chemist) --Paradise Above, Inferno Below by The Outsiders Realm (Ashley Hayward: Ultimate Street Dancer) --Fogbound Castaways by Sharkeye (Arara Inagaki: Ultimate Stock Investor) Disney: --Darkness is Looming by Oncerinrosewood (Johanna Anderson: Daughter of Ariel) Fairy Tail: --La Vie en Rose - The Journey of the Nova Bloom Guild by clairvoyage (Delilah Kopitar: Nova Bloom) Persona: --Persona: Rewritten SYOC by Amaa-chi (Daiya Gushiken--Justice) Zero Escape Series: --The Nonary Game: Project Arius by YellowtheWriter (Chimera: The Third) ROLEPLAYS I'M IN: Danganronpa: (these are all on Discord) --Danganronpa: The Next Hope Afloat~ by Allen ux Ultor (Hana Ametsuchi: Ultimate Environmentalist) --Flowers of Youth: Danganronpa RP by jtblion (Hikari Itou: Ultimate Kirigami Artist) --Flowers of Youth: Danganronpa RP S2 by jtblion (Seven: Ultimate Agnotologist) --Danganronpa: Cabin Fever by EmIlliterate (Ume Hoshino: Ultimate Music Video Director) SPOILERS FOR THE COMMITTEE SAGA. STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED Forest of Despair Cast List (spoilers, spoilers everywhere) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rei Sasaki: Ultimate Dart Thrower 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Hayato Akimoto: Ultimate Salesman 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Kaneshiro Kazuma: Ultimate Brainwasher 19. 20. Yasu Matsuhita: Ultimate Engineer 21. Number dead: 17 Survivors: 4 The Lost Paradise of Our Despair Cast List 1. 2. 3. Ayamu Tachibana: Ultimate Graveyard Shift Worker 4. 5. Jun Fumimoto: Ultimate Stage Manager 6. Etsuko Abe: Ultimate Psychologist 7. Ryoichi Homura: Ultimate Demonologist 8. Emilynn McKay: Ultimate Lucky Student 9. Saitou Katatake: Ultimate Duelist 10. 11. Himura Sachihiro: Ultimate Violinist 12. 13. Kitsu Natsuki: Ultimate Commerical Actor 14. 15. Osamu Imai: Ultimate Personal Assistant 16. 17. Yuuki Akimoto: Ultimate Duet Number dead: 7 Number remaining: 10 The Despair in Our Star Cast List 1. Shiro Amari: Ultimate Composer 2. Mei Yamazaki: Ultimate E-Sports Gamer 3. Ayumu Tachibana: Ultimate Graveyard Shift Worker 4. Asuka Takano: Ultimate Volleyball Player 5. Jun Fumimoto: Ultimate Stage Manager 6. Etsuko Abe: Super High School Level Psychologist 7. Ryusuke Yamamoto: Ultimate Demonologist 8. Emilynn McKay: Super High School Level Lucky Student 9. Saitou Kurokoma: Ultimate Substitute 10. Ichiko Miyashita: Ultimate Historian 11. Himura Sachihiro: Ultimate Violinist 12. Sachiko Isobe: Ultimate Miko 13. Kitsu Natsuki: Ultimate Commerical Actor 14. Natsuki Sumeragi: Ultimate Voice Actor 15. Osamu Imai: Ultimate Personal Assistant 16. Mizore Kurushima: Ultimate Mathematician 17. Keiji Inukami: Ultimate Dog Walker 18. Choumi Sokudo: Ultimate Courier 19. Renkou Tenkubashi: Ultimate Basketball Player 20. Seina Amano: Ultimate Game Master 21. Sora Akahoshi: Ultimate Astrobiologist 22. Chika Akahoshi: Ultimate Cosmologist 23. Kaimaru Aburaya: Ultimate Dancer 24. Leonie Sommer: Ultimate Game Developer 25. Rokuro Karasuma: Ultimate Masseur 26. Tahlia Catherine King: Ultimate Inventor 27. Yuu and Yuki Akimoto: Ultimate Duet 28. Hanane Wada: Ultimate Yosegi Artist 29. Suzunami Oshiro: Ultimate Locksmith 30. Fubuki Kajiura: Ultimate ARG Designer 31. Aito Watanabe: Ultimate Prankster Number Dead: 0 Number Remaining: 31 Murder on the Despair Express Cast List 1. Kazuma Kaneshiro: Honorary Ultimate Hypnotist 2. Hanami Fukushima: Honorary Ultimate Singer 3. Touki Yukimori: Honorary Ultimate Psychotherapist 4. Riko Igarashi: Honorary Ultimate Bodyguard 5. Ivan Pavlov: Honorary Ultimate Tracker 6. Chitose Nobira: Honorary Ultimate Business Administrator 7. Heiwai Musubino: Honorary Ultimate Combat Medic 8. Yaroslava Valeryevna Suzuki: Honorary Ultimate Film Director 9. Gennai Doromizu: Honorary Ultimate Train Conductor 10. Beni Nashio: Honorary Ultimate Narrator 11. Asahi Ito: Honorary Ultimate Theatre Actor 12. Norika Kihara: Honorary Ultimate Judge 13. Amaku Dokusei: Honorary Ultimate Baker 14. Yuzuki Kuromiya: Honorary Ultimate Speechwriter 15. Jin Saeki: Honorary Ultimate Card Player 16. Machi Sakamoto: Honorary Ultimate Bureaucrat 17. Yugi Bessho: Honorary Ultimate Copycat Number Dead: 0 Number Remaining: 17 |
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