Author has written 24 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Ben 10, Persona Series, Star Ocean, Kamen Rider, Legend of Zelda, Young Justice, Super Sentai, and RWBY. Heheheheheh. Don't even try to figure out how I think. The name I have I take with pride. To be known as someone who is considered insane is what I hope to stay as the rest of my life. I'm not bad, just different. YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! In the arena of Logic I fight Unarmed. My youtube name: kisdota Here's 100 random questions: 1) Are you in a relationship with somebody? I wish 2) Do you hate more than 3 people? Yes 3) How many houses have you lived in? If you count apartments 6, if not 4 4) Favorite candy bar? Snickers Peanut Butter Squares 5) Favorite shoes? Steel tip boots, to kick some ass, YAHAHAHAHAHAHA 6) Have you ever tripped someone? Not on purpose 7) Least favorite school subject? Math 9) Do you own a Britney Spears CD? Hell no 10) Have you ever thrown up in public? Yes, but no one ever saw me 11) Name one thing that is always on your mind. The Bullies I never stood up to. 12) Favorite genre of music? Ummm... what ever game themes come from 13) What is your zodiac sign? Sagitarius 14) What time were you born? I don't know 15) Do you like beer? Tried it, never gonna try it again 16) Ever made a prank phone call? Yeah, YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 17) What is the most embarrassing CD you own? Kamen Rider Gaim OST (imported) 18) Are you sarcastic? You think? 19) What are your favorite colors? Aqua marine 20) How many watches do you own? Two 21) Summer or winter? Winter, Summer is to hot 23) Favorite color to wear? Green 24) Pepsi or Sprite? Pepsi 25) What color is your cell phone? White 26) Where is your second home? Don't have one. 27) Have you ever slapped someone? Yeah. When he was being stupid 28) Have you ever had a cavity? Nope, not a single one, which is a miricle considering my diet 29) How many lamps are in your bedroom? Three. 30) How many video games do you own? 70 31) What was your first pet? A little kitty. 32) Ever had braces? Yes. 33) Do looks matter? In a dumb ass society, yes. 34) Do you use chapstick? Only when I need too 35) Name 3 teachers from your High School. Mr. Van Camp, Mr. Snare, and that's all I remember 36) American Eagle or Abercombie? Second Hand Stores 37) Are you too forgiving? Unfortunatly 38) How many children do you want? Uhhh one, two if I can afford it. 39) Do you own something from Hot Topic? A few game related clothing 40) Favorite breakfast meal? Steak and Eggs, with Bacon. 41) Do you own a gun? One that uses rubber bands 42) Ever thought you were in love? Yeah, I must have been really crazy then. That girl was a bitch 43) When was the last time you cried? After beating 'Final Fantasy Lightning Returns' 44) What did you do 3 nights ago? Play 'Bravely Default' 45) Olive Garden? La Panera? Killer Pizza From Mars 46) Have you ever called your teacher mommy? In elementary school 47) Have you ever been in a castle? Yeah 48) Nicknames? Freak, Matt, Crazy, Kisdota. 49) Do you know anyone named Bertha? Maybe, I don't do well with names 50) Ever been to Kentucky? I've been to Kentucky fried chicken. 51) Do you own something from Banana Republic? I don't even know what that is 52) Are you thinking about somebody right now? The Person who asked me to update this questionnaire (Bucu) 53) Have you ever called someone Boo? Nope 55) Do you own a diamond ring? No. 56) Are you happy with your life right now? No, there's things I need to do. 57) Do you dye your hair? No. 58) Does anyone like you? That's debatable. 59) What year were you born? 1989 60) What were you doing in May of 1994? Playing the Nes games and hating my sister 61) Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD? No 62) McDonalds or Wendys? Pizza Hut 63) Do you like yourself? No. 64) Are you closer to your mother or father? Neither. 65) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex? A kind smile. 66) Are you afraid of the dark? Hell no, I go even crazier in the dark, YAHAHAHAHAHAHA 67) Have you ever eaten paste? And playdoh 68) Do you own a webcam? no 69) Have you ever stripped? No 70) Ever broke a bone? Nope 72) Do you chat on AIM often? No 73) Pringles or Lays? Pita Chips 74) Have you ever broken someone's heart? No 75) Rugrats or Doug? Looney Toons 76) Full House or The Brady Bunch? Different Strokes 77) Did you like your high school guidance counselor? No she always made me feel like a retard. 78) Has anyone ever called you fat? Yeah, I used to be fat. 79) Do you have a birth mark? Yes 80) Do you own a car? It broke down. 81) Can you cook? Yep, my skills are way above average 82) 3 things that annoy you: 1. Jack ass's 2. Corrupt people 3. Gangsters 83) Do you text message often? No 84) Money or love? Love 85) Do you have any scars? Tons, on my back 86) What do you want more than anything right now? Acknowledgment. 87) Do you enjoy scary movies? They don't scare me, they make me laugh 88) Relationships or one night stands? Relationship, a real one 89) Big Red or Juicy Fruit? Trident 90) Do you enjoy greasy food? Heheheheheh yeah 91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies? Screw Rocky 92) Do you own a box of crayons? No 94) Who was the last person that said they loved you? Aww man, I can't remember 95) Who was the last person that made you mad? Mom 96) Who was the last person that made you cry? Dad 97) Who was the last person that made you laugh? The TV people 98) Who was the last person that you fell for? I forgot her name. 99) Who was the last person that instant messaged you? Dad 100) Who was the last person that called you? Gina SCREW LOGIC AND ITS FLAWS! SOMETHING THAT MAKES SENSE IS MORE LIKELY TO UNEXPECTEDLY SCREW UP THAN SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929, The Astrology Nerd, brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, The Gypsy-Pirate Queen Teetering On The Brink Of Insanity Past The Point Of No Return ManLife Sucks, Avatarwolf, danyan, Colt-Man, 24kt White Gold, fourfourfourfour, Recalled to Life, Hyperactive Lioness, Life.GetOne, alienphantom, Kisdota- The Freak Gamer. The Freak's Code of honor Every new day I just want to smile Even if the days are horrid and vile Though I see you and things in a different way I know you're not bad and want you to stay I think of things in a way that's not sane But I'm not a bad guy and I prefer to play Let those who see me and look down Know that they can't hurt me I won't frown To all those who mock me say my ways aren't right Keep there insults to themselves and stay out of my sight For even though my mind thinks in ways that are insane Know that I KISDOTA will smile each and every day YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -If you want to smile for no damn reason and support freaks and people who love being different then copy and paste this in your profile and replace KISDOTA with your name in caps. 93 percent of American teens have an emotional breakdown if someone calls them a freak. copy onto pro if your one of the 7 percent that would say, "what was your first clue?" |
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