Author has written 12 stories for Trauma Center, Bleach, Kingdom Hearts, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Jammed Radio Nicknames: JR or Briann Gender: Female Power Ranger Color: Blue -- now turned Green Age: 14-18 (High School) Hobbies: Writing&Music&Photography&Observing People&Fanfics As you can tell, I have a problem with commitment. That's it. Pairings I Like: DEREK&ANGIE OTP OTP OTP!! 7/1/09 |
Beautifully Ugly (5) BillAtWork (36) BlackVelvetBand (13) brickroad16 (70) Causmicfire (23) chem prof (32) cosmopolitan (37) Crazy Girl Person (32) Dailenna (46) | fAteD lOvE (30) glamaphonic (58) howlsatthemoon (89) In The Beginning (51) JMG 2.0 (70) Kitsune Moonstar (345) marionettedoll95 (16) MoonStarDutchess (105) MySoapBox (21) | nattylovesjordy (64) Philyra (38) Pied Piper (11) RedVelvetKitty (8) TCGeek (18) Trojan'12 (12) WesUAH (13) WinterVines (40) Zayz (140) |