This is it, the final chapter~ Thanks to everyone who has reviewed :) This one is told in someone else's point of view - Phoenix, to be exact - because I didn't quite know how to handle it otherwise. It's set about a month after Trials and Tribulations. Enjoy.
In Which There Is The End
The knock on the door startled Phoenix. No one had knocked on the office door for a while. Most people just barged in. The only person he remembered ever knocking was Pearls, and now that she and Maya had gone off to Kurain Village…
Knock knock.
"Alright, alright, I'm coming." Phoenix called grumpily. He hoped it wasn't a client. He wasn't planning on working this month, not after that trial. Next month, sure, but right now he'd be redirecting everyone and anyone straight to Grossberg or that other attorney in the offices across town.
He opened the door and stared. That certainly wasn't what he'd been expecting.
"Wright, what is the point of coming into your office if you aren't going to answer the door?" Miles Edgeworth demanded.
"Nice to see you, too, Edge-Miles." Phoenix replied with a chuckle. "I thought you were going back to Europe with Franziska?"
"I was, but I, unlike you, had work that needed to be done before I could go anywhere." Miles replied haughtily.
"So how can I help you?" Phoenix asked, raising an eyebrow and leaning against the door frame.
"I need you to come out with me."
Phoenix nearly fell over. "What?" he asked. "Are you asking me out, Miles? I never thought you had it in you!" He was joking, of course, but the look on Miles's face was enough to shut him up.
"Don't be ridiculous, Wright." Miles replied, exasperated. "Godot's office was being cleared out the other day, and they found this." He held out a small book, which Phoenix took and flicked open. "There are four or five more in the bag." Miles continued.
Phoenix looked at the first page, recognising the handwriting immediately. "Mia…" he muttered. "But it's in red."
"I…I know." Miles said hesitantly. "But…if I was in his position…"
"You'd want to keep them too." Phoenix agreed, silently amazed at this rare display of emotion by the prosecutor, his mind wandering to a letter he still had in his apartment. "So what do you need me for?"
Miles just gave him a look. Phoenix sighed and went to get his jacket.
Phoenix, used to travelling by bus and very rarely taxi, couldn't help but marvel at the speed they arrived in Miles's car. When he mentioned as much, the prosecutor just laughed at him.
They entered the visitor's room, and he was already sitting there, waiting for them.
"Well, if it isn't Tr…Wright. And Edgeworth, too! What brings you here?" Godot asked them as they sat down. He had, predictably, a coffee mug in his hand.
Phoenix looked at Miles, but the other man was simply looking uncomfortable. It struck Phoenix that Miles had no idea how to act in this situation. The idea, though strange, made him seem more human.
Which meant Phoenix was going to be doing all the talking.
"Godot…" Phoenix started, but he was interrupted.
"That's 'Diego Armando', Mr Wright." Diego reminded him. There was a dry humour in his tone which Phoenix couldn't quite place.
"Ah, right. Mr Armando. Have you had your trial already?" he was distracted again. "I didn't hear anything…"
"Ha…! Yes, I had my trial. I'm in a lot of trouble thanks to you, Wright." He didn't sound at all bitter. On the contrary, the amusement in his voice magnified tenfold.
"They're not going to…?" Phoenix started, horrified. Not death. Surely not.
"Don't worry, Wright." Miles interrupted. "They aren't going to kill him. I'm afraid Prosecutor Payne went a little too lightly on his attack. He was convinced that he had the win secured." He didn't sound all that dissapointed at his office's loss, really.
"I'm going to be spending the next few years of my life staring at a cell door, with no one but my coffee for company." Diego informed him. "Then again, it's not like my defence ever pushed for an acquittal."
"Who was your defence?" Phoenix asked, feeling irrationally irritated that it wasn't him. How childish.
"He self-represented, Wright." Miles sounded amused. Apparently, Phoenix's annoyance was showing on his face. "Apparently, none of the attorneys he could find were good enough."
"Hold on there, Edgeworth." Diego interrupted. "That's not true. There is one attorney I could have trusted."
Phoenix could feel Diego's stare through the mask and suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.
"But," Diego continued, turning his head away. "My pride and my coffee are all I have left. I'm not about to let go of either one. Sorry, Wright. After my Kitten gave you all that training, too."
Phoenix had almost forgotten. "Miles, the…"
Miles already had the bag up on the desk and was taking out the small diaries. "I believe these are yours, Mr Armando." He said.
Diego looked at the diaries and was silent for a moment. When he finally spoke, his voice sounded extremely odd. "These are…"
"They were in a box at the back of your office." Miles continued. His voice was businesslike – he was way out of his emotional depth here.
"I can't read them." Diego muttered. Phoenix wasn't sure if he was speaking to them or to himself. "All I have left of her and I can't read them."
"Maybe…" Phoenix hesitated. He knew how stupid this would sound before he even said it. "Maybe someone else could read them to you?"
Then Diego spoke again. He was grinning, but his voice didn't quite match his expression. "Ha…! Are you offering, Wright? No offence, but you and Mia don't have all that much in common where your voices are concerned."
Phoenix didn't take offence. It was obvious the man in front of him was trying desperately to stay in his condescending, vaguely happy mood and failing miserably.
"No, you're right, it was a stupid idea. I was just thinking, maybe Maya or something, when she comes to visit you…"
He trailed off. Miles had suddenly frozen in the seat beside him, and looked like he was thinking hard.
Diego, however, had looked up, stunned. "The little kitten is coming to visit me? After what I did to her…to her mother?"
"She's up at Kurain just now, but she told me she was coming to visit you." Phoenix replied. "It seemed like she really cares about you. She…she said she doesn't blame you at all, for what happened to Misty."
"She should."
Before Phoenix could reply, they were informed that visiting hours were over. They could come back again in three hours, but right now they had to get out. The guard looked extremely irate, so Phoenix didn't argue as he and a still-silent Miles were all but forcibly removed from the building.
"Wright." Miles said as they both got into the car. "I have an idea."
"Yeah?" Phoenix asked. He knew that Miles would continue whether he had said anything or not, but it felt better to at least pretend he was contributing to the conversation.
"You said Maya was coming to visit him soon?"
"How long does it take to get from here to Kurain Village?"
Phoenix looked at Miles, surprised. This was…strange. "Um, four hours round trip, two hours one way by train." He replied. "Why?"
"Call her."
Phoenix, unable to make heads or tails of what was going on, did as he was told.
A little girl answered the main house phone, which Phoenix had called due to the lack of reception for cellphones up in the mountains. She sounded about four. "Hello?"
"Hello, this is Phoenix Wright. I need to speak to Maya. Is she there?"
"You mean Mystic Maya."
"Yes, fine, Mystic Maya. Is she there?"
"Dunno, mister. Who're you?"
"My name is Phoenix Wright. I'm Maya's-"
"Mystic Maya."
"…Mystic Maya's friend. It's quite important that I speak to her, please."
Silence on the other end of the phone. Miles was looking at him with an incredulous expression – what's taking you so long?
"Hey, mister. Are you Mystic Maya's boyfriend?"
"What? No, I'm-" Phoenix responded automatically, but the question had given him an idea. "If Ma…Mystic Maya isn't there, can I speak to Pearls? I mean, Pearl Fey."
"Sure, mister, she's right here."
There was a noise as the phone was handed over, and then Pearls was speaking. "Hello, Mr Nick. Is something wrong?"
"No, I don't think so. Listen, do you know where Maya is?"
"Mystic Maya is busy, I think." Phoenix could almost see Pearls in front of him, biting her thumbnail as she spoke. "I don't know if I can…"
"Wright." Miles interrupted. "Does that phone of your have a loudspeaker function?"
"Yeah." Phoenix replied, pressing the necessary buttons and placing the phone in the designated holder built into the car. He hoped Miles wouldn't end up scaring Pearls. That would be just his luck. "Pearls, Miles is with me. He wants to speak to you."
"You mean Mr Edgeworth? Okay." The little girl was obviously trying to work out what was going on. She wasn't the only one.
"Pearl, I have something very important for you to do. Are you listening?" Miles said, not once taking his eyes off of the road.
"Yes, of course."
"I need you to get Maya for me. She needs to come here, as soon as possible."
"But…Mystic Maya is really busy…"
"Please, Pearl. We are going to visit Mr Armando, and-"
"You mean Mr Godot? Well…" Pearls interrupted, then paused, considering. Phoenix was still amazed at the fact that such a little girl was so able to hold up an adult conversation. Especially one with Miles.
"Pearl, it would mean a lot to Wright if Maya was here with him when we went."
Genius. Miles Edgeworth was an absolute genius. Phoenix looked at him, grinning, but Miles showed no sign of noticing him.
"Well, if Mr Nick needs her there, then I'll see what I can do." Pearls' voice was decided. "Goodbye, Mr Edgeworth."
"Goodbye, Pearl. Thank you."
"See you later, Pearls, okay?" Phoenix added.
"Yes. 'bye, Mr Nick!" A click, and then she'd hung up.
Just then, the car pulled up beside the office. "Wright, I will be here to pick you up again in exactly two hours, understand?"
"Uh…yeah?" Phoenix replied, getting out of the car after picking up his phone. "Alright, sure."
"Good. Two hours." Miles reminded him, and then the red car was driving away.
Phoenix would pay big money to see what that man was thinking once in a while.
Exactly one hundred and twenty minutes later, the red car was back. Phoenix stumbled outside and glanced in the car window. Sure enough, Miles was looking impatient. "I said two hours, Wright." He said as Phoenix opened the door and got in. "I expected you to be waiting for me."
Phoenix couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry." He said.
"Hey, lighten up, Mr Edgeworth." A voice reprimanded from the back seat. Phoenix turned around to look.
"Maya! Have you been kidnapped as well?"
"Yeah. It was awful, Nick." Maya replied, grinning as the car started up. "Don't worry; Mr Edgeworth has explained everything to me already. He's really clever, you know. It's an awesome plan, don't you think?"
"I might, Maya, I might. If I knew what the plan was."
"Well, if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you." Maya replied, sticking out her tongue.
Visiting hours started at three o'clock, and that was exactly the time they arrived.
"Visitors for Armando!" the officer called. Maya was scribbling on a piece of paper now, but she wouldn't let Phoenix see what she was writing.
Diego Armando was brought out, and sat across from the three.
"Mr Armando! Are you alright?" Maya asked anxiously.
Phoenix couldn't be sure because of the mask, but he thought Diego looked surprised. "Maya…why are you here?"
"To see you! I can't believe I didn't recognise you during Ron's and Maggey's cases…I thought you'd died!"
"…why are you worried about me, little kitten?"
Maya looked shocked by the question. "Because you're Mr Armando. You're family."
"I…I don't deserve that, Maya." Diego replied, looking away.
Phoenix noticed Miles nod at Maya, looking mildly uncomfortable. He handed her a small brown book – one of the diaries, Phoenix assumed, and then sat back, leaning slightly away.
Of course, Phoenix understood now. He hadn't before; he'd assumed that Miles' blatant disregard for anything to do with spirits would have interfered.
He glanced at Miles, who looked away, embarrassed. Phoenix couldn't help but grin to himself.
He looked back at Diego, who'd seen none of this exchange. He was staring at the wall, looking away from them, and continued speaking. "I don't deserve it at all. I…I'm not a good person. I killed your mother."
"That which is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil." A voice beside Phoenix quoted softly.
Diego's head snapped around to stare as Mia Fey read the note that her sister had written to her before channeling her spirit. When she had finished, she looked first at Miles. "Thank you." She said simply.
"Of course." Miles replied, obviously still embarrassed but managing to be chivalrous by bowing slightly.
Mia turned to Phoenix then. "You too, Phoenix. Thank you so much."
"Uh…yeah, sure." Phoenix said, with a little less show than Miles had.
"Hello, Kitten." Diego said, sounding like someone in desperate need of a drink, despite the cup of coffee in front of him.
"Hello, Romeo." Mia replied, smiling slightly.
"Wright." Miles said suddenly, getting to his feet.
Phoenix wasn't listening.
"Wright." Miles said again, more irritably. Phoenix looked up to see the prosecutor gesturing to the door. Hastily, he got to his feet and followed him out of the room.
Before the door swung shut behind him, he heard Mia's voice, loud and clear. "They told me I should keep a diary. They don't know if you can hear me or not…"
Phoenix turned to Miles as soon as they were in the hallway. "I never knew you had it in you, Miles." He said.
"He jests at scars that never felt a wound." Miles responded. Then, realising that Phoenix did not appreciate his literary knowledge, he sighed. "It's Shakespeare, Wright. Believe it or not, I actually do have a heart."
"Oh, I believe it." Phoenix replied. "And I did study theatre, for a while at least. I know its Shakespeare. Very fitting."
"Fitting?" Miles asked him, raising an eyebrow as they entered the small tearoom to wait until Mia was finished to take Maya home.
"Sure." Phoenix replied. Miles wasn't the only one who could quote Shakespeare. "For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
The end. Thanks for reading! Reviews are loved :)