![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. I am currently using this profile to flag my favorite stories. From my profile name you can probably tell I’m primarily a Harry/Hermione shipper. I am not, generally speaking a Weasley basher in nature. I simply feel that Ron has some very clear character flaws: he is inherently lazy and jealous. I believe that pairing him with the diametrically opposed hard working “brightest-witch of her age” is a recipe for disaster. I think she deserves more out of a life partner than comedic relief. The idea of J.K. Rowling pairing the heroine with the book’s comedic sidekick just strikes me as being wrong. I don’t dislike Ginny either, even as a partner for Harry. I just think that Hermione is a better match and frankly, Harry owes her!!! Therefore, I am happy to serve as a crew member on the HMS Harmony. My personal favorite stories are Vox Corporis and Come Together. Other novel length stories very high on my list include Forever Knight (despite the fact that I nearly stopped reading when Part One ended), Hermione’s Plan, Harry Potter and the Demon's Soul (the attack on the orphanage was just too far over the top for me), The Truth About Love and Notebooks and Letters (even though I couldn’t read the last half of the chapter in Malfoy Manor). A special mention goes out to Inverarity’s Alexandra Quick stories, which successfully play in the Potterverse without any of the original characters. As far as one-shots go, my favorite has to be Seel’vors humorous “Soul Bonds are Not Cool”, which is available as chapter 5 in his “A Collection of Harmonious OneShots.” Read it. It is so worth it. I believe all of these stories are available on or portkey. So what do I look for to read? With very few exceptions, I try never to pick up in-process stories. I will make an exception for a story where the author has completed one or more full length novels and updates regularly. Based on my other tagged favorites, you can probably tell I also read a few of the Harry/slytherin_girl stories and Harry/multi stories I come across. That said, I will read just about any well written fanfiction, but there are a few pairings I can not begin to read: Hermione/Draco, or worse yet Hermione/Snape, Hermione/L. Malfoy or Hermione/any_Deatheater. UPDATED July 19, 2010 I havefinally posted my first story on . I want to thank everyone for their positive feedback. I very much appreciate the encouragement those of you have given me to continue the tale. I do realize there is fertile ground for me to continue, but I am happy with where the story has ended. Instead, I’m going to take the positive encouragement you have given me and use it to feed another project. I hope to eventually post a longer novel length work on this site. While I have several ideas in mind, the one that I am actually working on is an EWE story that begins on the day of the Battle of Hogwarts and explores the trio’s relationships and sets them off on their adult lives following the horcrux hunt. I think there is a much greater opportunity to be creative and original in a “year 8” tale. I have an outline in place and have written the first 60,000 words, of which much is in a very raw rough draft form. I do not plan on publishing the story until at least the first two parts are complete. That said I may publish the first five chapters as a sneak preview. Those chapters are mostly complete now, but unfortunately, there are two or three key early scenes that I am not yet happy with and will need a rewrite. There is another scene that I have in mind for the middle of the book that will need to be completed before I can let go of those related scenes in chapters 2 and 3. UPDATED August 11, 2011 My unpublished novel length EWE story has been resisting my muse. Its not dead but definitely on hiatus. I have started publishing another work that has caught my interest. As of now, I'm only short way into writting the story although I have a great deal of the plot thought out (subject to change of course). Part 1 of this story is about 5 chapters long plus a short prologue. As of this update, all but the last chapter of Part 1 are done (subject to review and editing). There is a great deal of dialog and very little action in this part of the story. I expect that to gradually change in Part 2. |