Reviews for Come Together
Chalayne chapter 8 . 8/1
Excellent story! You made me cry and laugh! the whole part with “The Defeat” (didn't want to include a spoiler in the review) is amazing. I’ve read a lot of FF and I’ve never seen anything like it! Maybe one day you will write again. I loved this!
damadape chapter 8 . 6/21
What a brilliant fic! Well done!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18
happiness8000 chapter 8 . 4/11
A recommendation sent me to your lovely Harmony.
c.karen09 chapter 8 . 3/7
I got a little misty(well more than a little) when Ron told Hermione that Harry loved her. Thank God Ron finally figured it out or they would have gone the rest of their lives keeping their feelings secret from each other. Thanks for writing!
c.karen09 chapter 4 . 3/6
Harry is soooo adorable. I'm glad I know this is going to end up with them together. Thanks for writing!
epic how chapter 8 . 2/1
What a great story! I just found this today and loved it. Thanks so much for sharing! Keep dreaming up and writing down-your work is incredible.
Crossy70 chapter 8 . 1/4
Really enjoyed this fic. Having just finished it I managed to read it all in one go! Loved that Rom was the matchmaker and wasn’t so caught up in his own happiness that he didn’t also sort out others!
Renny236 chapter 8 . 1/4
Wow.! This story was recommended on the Harmony & Co. Facebook page and I am so glad I clicked on the link to read it. Come Together immediately goes into my Top 5 Favorite Harmony stories list. You did an EXCELLENT job with this!

Your writing style is almost magical...I assure you that I have NO visualization skills whatsoever, but I was able to picture everything perfectly. The voices of your Trio sounded exactly like the canon friends that I have so dearly missed. After all they had gone through, they should absolutely feel like home to each other, and you just nailed that.

As for the last chapter, I started tearing up when Ron broke his promise, and I think I cried the rest of the way through it, but they were happy tears. The ending was perfect!

I see that you have a few other completed stories on the Unofficial Portkey Archive...I will be reading all of those. And if you have anything lose published, anywhere, please PM me and let me know how to find it.

THANK YOU for writing this, and for finishing it. Well done!
Schmaing003 chapter 8 . 9/6/2019
This was much much angstier then the first chapters suggested and despite supposedly being about Harry and Hermione they seem almost like background characters to Ron and his shenanigans sometimes. I was kinda dissatisfied when the end came as their love confession was anticlimactic and overshadowed by the hanging and unexplored plot line of Voldemort's power being in Harry. A lot of reading for a non conclusion. :-(
catonmic33 chapter 8 . 8/2/2019
Thanks so much. That was a very enjoyable reading. Very sweet and fun.
sittingfrogs chapter 8 . 7/25/2019
This was a wonderful piece of fluff and it really brightened my day. I enjoyed your style of writing and how you’ve described the relationships within the trio. As others already pointed out, your Ron is great!

I especially loved that all three of them have their own characters and kept their flaws from canon, while also being more mature. Well done!
The cat with blue eyes chapter 8 . 6/15/2019
very nice story! I liked the whole development and also the non cannon end of Voldemort!
Miranda Switch chapter 8 . 6/10/2019
Good Lord, this is downright fabulous, amazing, spectacular!I love the way you write, the way you portray the Trio and the Weasleys. I have never seen a better Ron anywhere in whatever fanfiction I have read. This is my new favourite, because I never post reviews on any fanfic. This was too much. I just had to, although I know mere words aren't enough
Miranda Switch chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
I barely started reading it, and I already love it. The friendship of the Golden Trio is portrayed really well in a few of the fanfics I've read, and this is one of them! Thank you for writing this
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