Kisdota: Okay back at this and like usual work is being an insensitive A-hole. I'm just going to get to work now.
The morning light started to gently pool into the dark room. Aqua soon felt a glare of light hit her eyes. When she awoke she immediately felt a sharp pain in her head. The light felt like fire in her eyes and the sounds of her squeaking bed felt like the sound of a nail against her ear.
"Nngh… w-what," Aqua tried to stand up from her bed but her legs quickly gave out causing her to fall back into the bed, "W-What happened?" she questioned.
She saw that she was in a small room, nothing that stood out to her but she also noticed that she was all alone.
"Where… Terra? Ven?" Aqua called out, "Guys!?"
She felt a light panic build up, ignoring the pain in her head and weak legs she started heading for the door.
*SMASH* "GNNGH!" Ventus groaned in pain as Aqua slammed the door in his face.
"VEN! You're here! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," Aqua apologized as Ventus rubbed his possibly broken nose.
"NNNgh, You're awake," Ventus stated still in pain.
"Where are we?" Aqua questioned.
"You sort of drank too much last night and you kept falling off of Terra's speeder so we were forced to get a room here in Disney Town," Ventus said.
"We're still in Disney Town?" Aqua questioned, "nngh, my head," she suddenly remembered the pounding headache that plagued her.
"You okay?" Ventus asked her.
"My head is- ngh please don't talk to loudly," Aqua held her in pain, "I have a horrible headache, can you cast some magic?"
"Right sure," Ventus pulled out his own Keyblade, "Cure."
A small green light surrounded Aqua for a brief second.
"NNGH!" Aqua fell to her knees at the painful feelings, "It made it worse!"
"What? How?"
"I-I think it's poison… Wait was I poisoned last night!?" Aqua started to panic.
"You had six bottles of that wine last night," Ventus told her.
"… yeah that would do it," Aqua admitted before suddenly placing her hand over her mouth, "mngh, I'm gonna be sick hold on," Aqua turned right around and slammed the door of her bathroom.
"We need to check out in an hour," Ventus called out to her.
The small inn offered free breakfast, Terra had woken up and was about to check on Aqua but immediately woken Ventus up to do it for him. The idea of talking to Aqua after that incident last night continued to plague him well into the night. It had all started out so well when Lumière had told him how to make Aqua happy. It was so joyous to see her smiling after so long, a genuine smile that he hadn't seen since their reunion. Then Aqua's drunken kiss kept playing over and over in his head and it made him feel sick for the thoughts he had about his friend and master.
"She's up… and she's feeling a bit sick," Ventus said taking a seat next to him.
"That's to be expected, I better get her some medicine when I can," Terra said.
"I already tried a cure on her, it made it worse," Ventus said, "Have we been poisoning her to make her happy?"
"That wasn't what we were going to do, she drank too much. She must have been too happy and forgot to be responsible with the wine. I forgot how dangerous wine can be," Terra said.
"Why did we give it to her then?" Ventus asked.
"It was to help her relax I didn't expect her to go crazy with it she's usually more restrained. Although I guess the whole point of this trip was to get her to relax," Terra said.
"Speaking of which; are we still going over to Radiant Garden?" Ventus asked.
"If Aqua is up for it, and I know she's going to want to go right away," Terra said.
*THUD* Aqua's body fell on the ground immediately alerting the two.
"Aqua!" Terra stood up
"I-I'm fine!" Aqua was already forcing herself up, "Just still a little shakey," Ventus and Terra were already by her sides trying to help her up, "I said I'm finE-!"
"I got youuu-!"
Ventus and Terra were able to get her back to her feet but once again she had a hard time standing and fell right onto Terra's chest. The instant she fell forward she used what little sense of awareness she tried to aim herself to fall face first on Terra's large chest. Terra reacted as well as he usually did and caught Aqua.
Even though it wasn't the first time he had caught her or even hugged her this close to himself, for the first time in his life the soft feeling of her breast pressing up against him made Terra feel nervous and guilty. He quickly held shoulders holding Aqua at arms length away from himself.
"I-I didn't hurt you did I?" Aqua questioned when she heard Terra's strange reaction.
"No!" Terra answered quickly, "Let's just… get you some breakfast that should help you."
Aqua seemed to almost chug down her coffee in an attempt to shake off whatever was bothering her. While she felt more awake and aware Aqua still felt a bit of pain at anything that sounded too loud.
"You feeling better?" Ventus asked her.
"Yeah… sorry you… had to see me like that. What happened last night? I forgot what happened after we spoke to the mirror," Aqua questioned the two.
"Well you were really excited about tomorrow and decided to drink more of that rose wine then you… well honestly you were the most fun I've ever seen. They showed a cartoon at the place and you were just constantly laughing the entire time," Ventus said, "You were pretty fun, I don't think I've ever seen you laugh that much."
"We had to leave though when you were suddenly dead set on finding those Dalmatian puppies again, that led to a thing with some woman named Cruella but we got out of there before you got… involved in anything questionable," Terra stated.
"Oh light," Aqua groaned, "Why didn't you just take me home?"
"We tried but you wouldn't hold on, you let go of me and almost hit the ground," Terra said.
"sigh, I'm really glad Master Eraqus isn't here to see me like this," Aqua sounding disappointed in herself.
"Are you kidding? I don't think I've ever seen you laugh or cheer in my life we should come here more often," Ventus told her.
"No," Aqua plainly stated.
"Well maybe don't drink so much next time, I mean you did go pretty crazy when you found out about your Keyblade," Ventus said.
"Ah… that reminds me, we need to go to Radiant Garden now."
"Are you sure?" Terra asked, "You don't seem to be in the best of condition."
"I'm already feeling better," Aqua stood up from her spot but she had to immediately place her hands on the table to keep herself stable, "I'll feel better once we get moving."
"If your Keyblade has been in the same spot I'm sure it's not going anywhere," Terra told her.
"This isn't something I can wait on," Aqua ordered still holding herself straight, "I'm not going to be able to relax until I get my Keyblade back."
"Aqua AQUA Realx!" Ventus cried out.
Aqua started down at her hands at Ventus's outburst and just like all the other times she once again saw the same brief image of darkness seem to seep out of her hands. Aqua panicked and tried to flick it away like dirt.
"Guys please I need this, I can't wait anymore," Aqua pleaded the two.
"Alright, it's fine we'll go," Terra agreed.
Terra and Ventus set up their armor and riders preparing to take off. Terra sat on his speeder before remembering that Aqua would once again be riding with him. Aqua placed her hand on Terra's shoulder instantly feeling him tense up.
"Are you hurt?" Aqua questioned.
"N-No, why?" Terra asked.
"You seem to freeze up whenever I touch you."
"Nope no I'm fine," Terra denied.
"Okay just… hold still I'm still a bit dizzy," Aqua told him. Placing both hands on his shoulders Terra did his best to relax as Aqua tried to feel around trying to get herself settled sitting behind Terra and his speeder.
Wearing his full plate of armor Terra didn't have any direct contact but he still felt as nervous as if he weren't wearing anything. Aqua scooted against wrapping her arms around Terra and he felt his back plate gently shift around gently which was enough to get him to tense up once again.
"H-Hey maybe you should ride with Ventus," Terra suddenly suggested.
"What? Why?" Aqua questioned.
"Just that… maybe he feels left out."
"I don't really like riding his speeder, yours is more stable," Aqua told him.
"Right… o-okay," Terra stuttered.
His speeded pulled off from the ground and Aqua held on to him tighter giving a slight groan of pain. The sound of his jets caused Aqua instinctively grabbed him closer which Terra did his best to ignore.
"You guys coming?" Ventus called out.
"Yeah coming!" Terra answered quickly.
They started flying through the air approaching the exit of the world. Aqua still felt a bit sick and held on tight to Terra nestling her face in his neck to try and get away from the loud noises. Aqua couldn't stop rustling and Terra felt the back plate of his armor shift even more and he knew exactly what part of Aqua was giving him a small gentle nudge.
Terra made sure that Aqua was holding on to him though, after nearly letting her sleeping body fall to the ground he would be more alert. Though soon Aqua seemed to move even closer this time and Terra felt her weight on the speeder shift as though she were moving.
This time he felt a bit of pressure on his waist looking down Terra almost let go of the handles. Aqua seemed to wrap both her legs around him and Terra could just see the bit of flesh on Aqua's legs that were above the form fitting stockings and her metal heels nudged right on him.
"A-Aqua!?" Terra stuttered.
"Just keep flying, I just need to focus on holding on," Aqua said in a sick tone.
Terra did his best to keep his eyesight straight forward and not down at the area of her bare thighs.
As soon as they all arrived Terra was quick to get off his speeder and get a bit of distance from Aqua. She was still too queasy to notice but as she said she recovered enough to not need support as soon as she stood on the ground.
"You feeling better?" Ventus asked her.
"Yes… yes I'm fine," Aqua was giving a small heavy breath, "It's almost out of my system."
"Where do we look from here?" Ventus asked.
"The Mirror said that it was underneath the castle of Radiant Garden… the… very large one," Aqua said getting a look at the caste from a distance, "Sigh this might take a while."
"Wouldn't Ansem know where it is?" Ventus asked.
"There was a mention that the place my Keyblade was in a place after the inhabitants left, if nobody said anything before I doubt they even know its there," Aqua said.
Arriving to the castle Aqua seemed to get defensive when she saw the small hoard of Dusk sweeping and cleaning the halls. Ventus seemed to take interest in the place and tried to speak to some of the Dusk thinking they would speak to him.
"Everything fine?" Terra asked.
"Yeah just not used to seeing so many enemies going around and acting like people," Aqua was keeping her defense up instinctively getting her hand ready to summon her Keyblade.
"These guys are pretty neat, maybe we should see if we can get a few ourselves. Keeping the castle clean is pretty annoying," Ventus said.
"We are not allowing one of those things into the castle," Aqua stated pointing at a nearby Dusk.
The Dusk then proceeded to give out a small huff of disappointment and droop its head down as though it were sad before turning around and leaving.
"I think you hurt its feelings?" Terra questioned.
"What? No those… they don't have feelings," Aqua stated confused.
"Oh you three?" Ienzo arrived surprised to see the three, "We weren't expecting any visitors, what are you here for?"
"There's something we need to see," Aqua started.
"Hmm I see," Master Ansem spoke to both Naminé and Even.
Within his old office Master Ansem was discussing Even and Naminé's new side project as well as her discussion with other worlds. Naminé seemed to clutch her tablet listening to Even speak about the school chance she was offered. Even just seemed happy at the opportunity, almost like he was proud.
"This boy Hiro, he is unaware of your true origin correct?" Ansem asked Naminé.
"Yes, he thinks I work under two scientist who prefer to stay hidden from the world," Naminé said.
"As long as he does not figure out that there are other worlds it should be fine, we must make sure to protect the world order," Ansem spoke with concern.
"There is a small chance Sora may have let something slip so, I'll just prepare a list of excuses just in case," Naminé said.
"Sora," Ansem shook his head, "So open to others, and what shall you be doing for this science fair? How far ahead is this worlds technology."
"Surprisingly very advanced, they seemed to be about as advanced as we could be if we had a few decades to work and we weren't rebuilding our world. There shouldn't be any trouble with matching their technology," Even said, "They also asked to look into my Replicas work, that however is a bit beyond their understanding so I'll reclass it as a type of cybernetics' if I go."
"I'm not too sure we should be sharing that much, maybe we should just forget about it," Naminé spoke up.
"What? No this is a good opportunity," Even argued.
"Um sir?"
The front door of his office opened up with a light knock, Ienzo allowed himself in along with Aqua, Terra, and Ventus.
"Aqua, Terra, Roxas," Naminé happily called out.
"Right right, sorry, Ventus."
"Aqua and friends, what can I do for you?" Ansem asked them.
"We were hoping to look at something here," Aqua stated, "Do you guys have a basement here in the castle."
"… why are you asking?" Ansem seemed to be more cautious.
"Well… we were told that my Keyblade might be in a basement here in Radiant Garden," Aqua explained.
"By whom?" Even questioned.
"A, ahem magic mirror," Aqua hesitated.
"It's the same one that helped me find Xehanort," Terra added.
"… sigh, I suppose I owe you this much at least. Yes there is a place I suppose would fit that description," Ansem said.
"Are you certain we should open it up again? I thought we were hoping to forget about that place," Ienzo said.
"There's nothing actually dangerous down there it shouldn't be a problem," Even stated.
"Wait what are we talking about?" Naminé seemed to notice a slight tension between the three scientist.
"Should we not have asked?" Terra questioned noticing the tension as well.
"No… Even is right there is nothing to worry about," Ansem stood up from his desk and started walking to the door towards the computer room, "I will show you the way."
The computer room lit up as soon as the sensors picked up motion. The monitor booted up showing its progress on its screen. Naminé felt excited never really getting a chance to see the super computer in action.
"User Ansem, Ienzo, Naminé, and Even hello," a robotic voice called out seeing Ansem with, "Greetings new users," it spoke again when it saw Aqua, Terra, and Ventus.
"Tron… I need you to open the door to the basement," Ansem requested.
"Are you certain? You were adamant about keeping that room locked."
"Yes, open it."
"Very well, I will require your password," the screen switched showing six different text box Ansem quickly filled in the blanks with a heavy heart.
"The password is your employees names?" Naminé questioned.
"Yes… I didn't believe I needed to worry about anything at the time," Ansem answered.
Within the next large room past the computer room was dozens of what looked to be cylinders on the wall. Ansem led them down the steps to what appeared to be just a large area of floor. Right where the steps ended Ansem signaled the rest.
"Step back a moment," Ansem pressed both his feet together.
A small section of the floor lit up underneath Ansem, then ahead of him a long section of the floor lit up for a brief moment. The area's started to split apart from each other opening a new hole in the floor. A ramp appeared in a bright light making a new path for them all.
"Down here is our basement," Ansem said, though he did not sound proud to admit.
"Uhhh… how long has this been here?" Naminé was surprised by the secret entrance.
"Long before we were here," Even answered her.
"And what's down there?" Aqua questioned now feeling worried.
"Long ago when I was studying hearts I was intrigued in the darkness that lied in people's hearts and wanted to know more about it. The rooms below… helped me in that regard," Ansem admitted.
"You too," Aqua sounded disappointed in him.
"I am fully aware of the mistakes I've made," Ansem answered.
"Hey so Aqua's Keyblade should be down there right!?" Ventus spoke up.
"Right… right let's just go," Aqua said stepping down.
The first path into the basement led them down a sinister spiral looking ramp, the bottom was hidden from view by darkness.
"Oh wow… this is all safe right?" Naminé asked.
"It should still be stable," Ienzo told her.
The group started walking down even further, Terra started to feel a reaction to the area as the darkness in him started to react as though there was something welcoming and warm to protect. Aqua began to feel a sense of dread not from possible betrayal but by whatever may have been left here.
Finally reaching the bottom of the spiral ramp the single door at the bottom led to a hallway. Doors on both sides which looked similar to how a jail door would look.
"I'm starting to see how Sora could mistake you for the bad guys," Naminé said, "Has all of this been here the whole time? Are there other rooms hidden here?"
"Yes," Even said.
"Such as?"
"We haven't actually explored the entirety of this castle, there are plenty of areas that would be difficult to reach without some aerial maneuvers," Even said.
"Why don't we use this area for storage or something?" Naminé asked.
"This place is still not a pleasant area, I had hoped to never see this place again," Ansem said looking over his old mistake, "Everything is still as I… that was not there before," Ansem froze in his spot his eye's stopped on a simple double doors at the far end of the hallway that didn't look like a jail cell with two black Nobody symbols with chains.
"Ah, I forgot… we… may have added another room," Ienzo spoke up awkwardly when they saw the door.
"Who is we?" Ansem questioned now sounding disappointed.
"The… first Organization Thirteen," Even said sounding just as ashamed.
"Why?" Ansem asked worried.
"We don't know, as soon as we had that room built Xehanort, Terra actually now that I remember, none of us knew what it was for Xehanort would keep us out all the time. It was his own private room," Even said.
"Oh… wow that feels like just yesterday," Terra realized sadly.
"Ah yes, I forgot that happened… wait a moment, Aqua did you also lose a set of armor as well?" Ansem suddenly remembered.
"What- yes!" Aqua suddenly perked up.
"… years ago when Xehanort appeared in Terra's body there was also a Keyblade with him along with a set of armor. I had completely forgotten about that," Ansem said, "This all would have happened on the day you went missing if I remember correctly."
"That was… the day we both fought. It happened after we lost to old Xehanort and Vanitas," Terra realized.
"Wait a moment I remember that day," Even spoke up, "I don't recall you bringing in anything like that just Terra."
"I attended to Xehanort at the time who was very weak, I left Braig alone with the rest of the items that appeared," Ansem said.
"Xigbar, ugh that boot licker," Even groaned in annoyance.
"So if he did not keep them then Aqua's weapons would likely be in one place," Ienzo said looking over to the last room.
At that moment Aqua turned to face the same door that Ansem had been keeping his eye on. Taking the initiative she tired looking for something to open the door with but there was no button or knob. There was also very little power running through the area meaning there wasn't anything to power up the possibly electric door.
There was a small space between the door and Aqua tried to dig her fingers in trying to pry it open. There was only a slight budge enough to get all eight of her fingers in but nothing further.
*Creek* Terra stepped behind Aqua and tried prying the door himself. Terra made some noticeable progress as the door started to make breaking and screeching sounds making a larger gap of space.
"Almost got it," Terra grunted forcing the door open.
"Keep going," Aqua told him.
With the head start he had Aqua placed her hands over his to help him push apart the doors.
"mrEh!" *SLAM* In an instant Terra forced open the door the second Aqua touched his hands.
"Couldn't we have used a Keyblade?" Ventus asked.
"Ah There it is!" Aqua cried out in joy and worry. Within the familiar looking room she saw her Keyblade sticking in the ground along with a pile of slightly worn and rusted armor. Aqua quickly ran to her weapon pulling it out of the ground. She fell to her knees from the relief of finally getting her Keyblade back.
"Finally… finally finally finally," she said to herself.
"What… is this room?" Ansem questioned looking around.
There were multiple black Nobody symbols all around with image's of chains that led from the symbols down to the center where a throne like chair stood.
"There doesn't appear to be anything of use… did he just come in here just to sit?" Even questioned.
"The Chamber of Repose," Terra said.
"You know this room?" Ansem questioned.
"No, wait? I shouldn't-," Terra held his head like he was suddenly getting a headache, "I've never been here why would I call it that?"
"… if Xehanort was here all the time then you would probably have some leftover memory of it," Naminé said.
"Do you remember anything else?" Ansem asked now worried.
"That… mnn, no I think all I got is the name and that just popped up," Terra said.
"Hmm… we should do another sweep of this area," Ansem said, "Naminé call Riku, ask him to take a look of this area. We should look over our casltes systems once again see if there was anything Xehanort left over. There's nothing he left behind is there?"
"Not that we're aware of," Ienzo said.
"Aqua, we're leaving," Terra told her.
"Right, right of course," Aqua said still relieved stood up from her spot.
*Clang* Aqua let go of her Keyblade which hit the floor with a metallic clunk.
"Uh… Aqua?" Ventus questioned.
"That shouldn't have- Hold on," Aqua picked up her blade again. This time she focused and concentrated on it trying to get her weapon to disappear and return to her, "It's not- it's not returning to me!" she panicked.
"What? What do you mean," Terra questioned.
"My Keyblade it- it still feels dead to me. That doesn't make sense I'm right here! Return!" Aqua tried shaking her weapon in an attempt to possibly wake it up, "Return, RETURN!"
"Aqua stop!" Terra told her, she didn't listen and continued to get more and more frustrated.
"Why isn't this working!" *CLANG*
Aqua angrily threw her weapon as the wall, the tip of the weapon hit the wall but didn't embed in it like a sword. Instead it fell to the ground like an unsharpened piece of metal.
"What am I doing wrong now!" Aqua yelled out gripping the air like she was about to choke something.
"Aqua Stop! You know what'll happen if you get this angry!" Terra tried to hold her down by her shoulders in an attempted to keep her calm.
Aqua froze and kept an eye on her hands waiting for any sign of darkness to seep out of her. Thankfully she didn't see anything happen and she felt she was able to stop being angry enough to keep anything from happening.
"sigh… why?" Aqua sounded sad, "This shouldn't be happening, I'm right here I'm supposed to be a Keyblade master and I can't even call back my own Keyblade," she picked up her weapon again hoping that something had changed but her Keyblade was still as cold as before.
"Perhaps we should look into this," Ansem told her, "It's possible that Xehanort may have done something to it."
"Yes! Yeah that has to be it!" Aqua seemed to cheer up at the idea.
"Well I suppose it's been a while since we looked over a Keyblade," Even said.
Aqua waited outside the laboratory in the castle, Even and Ienzo began doing their own test to see if there was anything wrong or any type of interference. Aqua remained hopeful that her slight hindrance was due to some outside force.
"So… you really think it's something Xehanort did?" Ventus asked her.
"… It has to be," Aqua answered.
"What if it's not though? Has something like this ever happened to anybody?" Ventus questioned.
"…not that I know of," Aqua answered, "But this obviously has something to do with Xehanort maybe he tainted my Keyblade with darkness or he cut its connection with me and my heart I'm sure there's plenty that's happened," she argued.
"You don't think it has anything to do with your sudden dark fits do you?" Ventus questioned. Aqua felt dread to what he suggested.
"No, I have it under control."
"Well… not really it's been seeping out-."
"I have it under control," Aqua told him.
"Okay okay," Ventus relented.
Giving a quick call to Riku, Naminé invited Riku over to examine the basement of Castle Oblivion. Terra volunteered to explore with him as well.
"I'm not seeing anything wrong here," Riku said feeling one of the doors, "I'm definitely feeling something leftover but nothing that would cause any problems."
"Are you getting any more memories of this place?" Naminé asked Terra.
"No nothing, I think I had a brief flash of sitting in the chamber but nothing else," Terra answered.
"That doesn't seem too dangerous, what are we even searching for?" Naminé asked them.
"If we knew that we wouldn't be looking for it," Riku started knocking on the walls with his Keyblade trying to hear for anything that might be off, "So how much longer will you be helping Aqua, Terra?"
"She's… been a bit worried about herself. We were doing well at the Kings club Aqua really seemed to be happy," Terra said.
"The House of Mouse? I really gotta go there he's told me all about that place," Riku said.
"Right well then Aqua and I found out about her Keyblade and she… lost control of herself."
"Oh… ehh was she that excited," Naminé asked worried.
"Wha- NO! Not like- one of Sora's friends suggested a wine for us and she kind of drank to much," Terra quickly explained.
"She drinks?" Riku asked.
"No none of us do but Sora's friend suggested it, he was kind of giving me tips on how to ease her heart," Terra told them.
"Ease her heart? Wait which friend of Sora's?" Riku questioned.
"The candles, Lumiére," Terra said.
"I have no idea who that is," Riku admitted, "And what did he mean by 'ease her heart'?"
"Well I assume he meant make her heart better… somehow?" Terra answered.
"What did he suggest exactly?" Naminé questioned with suspicion.
"Well he just told me to talk about what Aqua likes, told me how to serve wine which I messed up on the opening part, we talked about her training methods and heh I remember talking about those times we kept lifting rocks. I was just using my bare strength but she would always use gravity magic which I thought was cheating," Terra went on.
"You were on a date," Riku stated.
"Yeah that's what it sounds like," Naminé said.
"What? No I wasn't," Terra denied.
"I think Sora's friend was trying to get you and Aqua together," Riku said.
"No no! That's not what was going on Ventus was there it couldn't be a date," Terra argued.
"Even so it really sounds like he was trying to get you and Aqua to talk together," Naminé said.
"Not many people know about how hearts work, I mean there's a good chance Sora may have said something but I think there's a better chance he was trying to get you and Aqua to talk more together," Riku said.
"We're just friends," Terra responded.
"You did freak out a bit when she placed her hands on yours," Naminé said.
"He did!?" Riku was suddenly interested.
"Aqua tried helping him with the door, when her hands touched his he got really scared all of a sudden and just tore apart the doors," Naminé said.
"Oh wow."
"It's not like that," Terra argued the two, "Aqua… she just… I was just reminded that she's a woman."
"Whoa what?" Riku was a bit shocked.
"Not like that! She's… a master so I can't really disrespect her by seeing her as something to just look at," Terra explained.
"… but if you were both masters at the same time then it would be okay?" Riku asked.
"N-No! We're old time friends it would be weird," Terra said.
"It worked for Sora and Kairi," Riku said.
"We're different, Aqua doesn't even think that way of anyone. She's never even thought of that kind of stuff," Terra said.
"But you're just now thinking that she's pretty?" Naminé asked.
"D- yes," Terra felt a blush as he answered.
"Am I gonna have to fix another relationship?" Riku asked.
"NO!" Terra denied.
Kisdota: This chapter was a bitch, mostly because the more I studied the whole chamber of repose the more I had to change the direction of this chapter and I'm still certain I've left in a few plotholes. I'm gonna end this here next up is a bit of payoff with Sora and Kairi.