Author has written 16 stories for Golden Sun, Bleach, Final Fantasy: Unlimited, Sonic the Hedgehog, Summon Night, Death Note, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Kingdom Hearts, and Noein.
Simple Facts
Name: Undisclosed; I do have many nicknames, though.
Gender: Female
Country: Canada
Favourite anime and manga: Princess Ressurection, Confidential Confessions, Slayers, Final Fantasy: Unlimited, Bleach, Noein, Gilgamesh, Special A, Genocyber, Geneshaft, Rune Soldier
Favourite stories, novels, and graphic novels: Skim, Harry Potter series, Slayers novels, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Fledgling, Wicked Lovely series
Favourite movies: Watchmen, Ultraviolet, Mermaid
Favourite video games: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Summon Night: Swordcraft Story, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Favourite characters: Lina and Zelgadiss (Slayers), Shiroi Kumo and Kuroki Kaze (FFU), Toshiro and Ulquiorra (Bleach), Cloud and Kadaj (FFVII:AC) Karasu (Noein), Varil (Summon Night: Swordcraft Story), Raito Yagami (Death Note), Roxas and Xion (Kingdom Hearts), Irial, Niall and Leslie (Wicked lovely)
I won't be working on more than one fan fiction per fandom at a time, lest I ever get them done (omitting oneshots; any fandom at any time).
Other Websites
DeviantArt - sashathefox
FictionPress - Koganeiro
A Little Piece Of Heaven:
Watch as most of our lovable Bleach characters are thrown in prestigious, private Karakura high where everyone but the average Joe has a chance to fit in. For fun purposes, most of the characters are reverted to teenagers so they can all be together. Various pairings, rating may change. AU.
Rating: T
Chapter two in progress.
Just A Child:
Noein-Final Fantasy: Unlimited crossover
Shiroi Kumo knows he and Kaze are unlimited. But he also suspects Oscha as a third, without proof. He can not get anymore confused when a child girl appears, and just so happens to be yet another.
Rating: T
Chapter One in Progress.
I'd Rather Sapphire:
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story
A year ago Varil's lover, Pratty, became the Craftlord of Iron after defeating him in the tournament. Now it is time to try and win once more, against new and old rivals.
Rating: T
Chapter two in progress.
Until The End:
Slayers-Rune Soldier Louie crossover
Lina is tired of being protected by Gourry and the Magicians Guild just because she houses a powerful deity in her body, and runs away. Concerned, her friend Gourry, Amelia and Zelgadiss set out to look for her in the north, afraid she's been kidnapped by cult followers of Shabranigdu. Meanwhile in the east, Lina runs into a thief named Merrill and joins their team as the real magician, hoping to start a new identity.
Rating: T
Idea. Rough planning in progress.
It's been fifteen years since the first shadow pokemon attack, and ten since the second and the fall of Cipher. But Helena, a child of an ex-Cipher member, isn't ready to give up. Time for shadow pokemon to rise once more.
Rating: T
Idea. Rough planning in progress.
All There Is
Death Note
L suffered from cardiac arrest a while ago while detective Yagami Raito had been investigating him for the supposed theft of a powerful and valuable elixir. Now Mello has been framed for it, and he, Matt, and Near are currently on the run.
Rating: M
First chapter in progress.
After The End:
The Crystal Bearers
A year passed since Layel disappeared after the fight with Jigruan. Guilted by Belle, Keiss is refueled to look for his friendand when he gets a lead there is no way he's about to give up.
Chapter three in progress.