Thank you everyone for your reviews, they mean a lot!!! Anyway, I typed this up shortly after typing 'Memories' but didn't have the guts to put it up because it has a bit of KadajxZackness, but now that I've read 'Feels Like Heaven', I'd figure I'd put this up. It's STILL CloudxKadaj, just slight ZackxKadajness because I couldn't resist. Also CloudxZackness. I might as well just make them a threesome!! XD lol, hope you all enjoy!!
Tears threatened to fall from turquoise eyes, now that the teen who possessed them knew he wouldn't see his love for a very long time. He didn't want to cry in front of his Niisan, and he shouldn't be so sad…the blonde was content now. So why wasn't he?
Kadaj blinked and a tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it away, but another one fell…and another…
The teen broke into quiet tears, not being able to control himself. There was still a lot about love that the remnant didn't know….it felt wonderful, but then it sometimes broke you inside. It was so confusing…
He felt someone stroke his hair, and tensed slightly, stopping his tears.
"I know it'll be hard to let him go, but you'll get used to it eventually."
Wiping his face, the teen turned to look up into bright blue mako eyes, almost identical to Cloud's. He looked very much like the blonde, save for the long, spiky black hair he possessed, and the SOILDER uniform. He had a gentle, friendly face and there was no denying his beauty.
"You know Niisan? I mean, Cloud?"
The tall man chuckled.
"Old habits die hard huh? Yeah, I know him. We were best friends once…...well a little more than that, but I won't go into detail."
He settled next to Kadaj, smirking slightly.
"You mean he was your boyfriend?"
"Yeah. Don't worry though; I know he's yours now."
The deceased SOILDER smiled at the beautiful youth, and the remnant figured he could trust him.
"Who are you anyway?"
"I'm Zack. Your Kadaj right?"
"How do you know?!"
"Ae- I mean, your mother told me."
"Oh…you know her too?"
"Yup. We were friends…..well still are really."
The young swordsman surveyed Zack curiously. He knew both Niisan and Mother? Why hadn't he heard of him before?
"So then… know about me?"
"Pretty much. Quite interesting life story you got there."
Kadaj nearly rolled his eyes.
"Oh please."
Zack laughed and smiled at the teen.
"I'm kidding! Just kidding….Anyway, I should introduce myself- I'm Zack Fair, was a First-Class SOILDER-"
"I know that. I can tell from your clothes."
The black-haired swordsman blinked at the teen, who smirked at him.
"Tell me things I don't know. Like how you got here."
Zack sighed as he leaned backwards on his arms.
"That's a long story…..."
"I'm willing to listen."
The owner of the Buster Sword smiled at Kadaj again.
"Well, alrighty then."
With that said, Zack re-told the story of his death to the teen, who was left speechless afterwards.
"…that's horrible. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I've gotten over it."
"I guess that's why Niisan's so depressed….he had a rough life didn't he?"
"Yeah...he's been through a lot, but he's recovering. I'm sure if you visit him every few months he'll be fine."
"I can't…."
"Mother says I won't be able to leave the Lifestream very often and that I'll interfere with Niisan's life if I visit him too much."
"Ah…yeah she has a point.
"How so?"
Zack smirked at Kadaj, whose face had turned into slight pout.
"Because the fact is you died. And Cloud won't be able to accept that if you visit him every so often. You both live in two different worlds, and he has to learn to deal with the one he's living in. Got it?"
The teen sighed.
He still wasn't satisfied, and the tearful look he had when he first looked at Zack returned. The former SOILDER scooted closer to him, hoping to cheer him up.
"Look, I know how you feel…."
"No you don't."
Tears threatened to fall from those cat eyes once again.
"Yes I do. I loved Cloud too. And sometimes I think I still do."
The former puppet looked at the young man.
"And I know it hurts a lot because it feels like you'll never see him again, right? You feel as though you can't wait 60 or so years for him to finally come. And then you wonder if he'll ever forget about you, or maybe find someone else…"
Zack felt accomplished as he saw he had Kadaj's attention. His eyes were widened slightly, as though in disbelief.
"But if I know one thing about Spikes, he never forgets anyone he cares about. Ever. I thought he'd always love me….but even if he doesn't love me like he used to, I know he still cares about me. He loves you….and I think he always will."
"What makes you say that? Who's to say he won't run into someone else?"
"Because there's still a lot he doesn't know about you. He wouldn't be able to just drop you, because then he'd feel guilty he never got to really know you. And even if that wasn't the case…there's just something about you two that's unbreakable."
The teen blinked and thought for a moment. Maybe Zack was right….he always had the deliveryman on his mind and something told him Cloud was always thinking about him too.
"I gotta give him credit though…you're something else."
Now that he was closer to the teen, he noticed how perfect he was in every way and couldn't help but comment on it.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you're beautiful."
Zack smirked as he watched Kadaj blush slightly at the comment and stare at him. He ducked his head so his hair would fall in his face, hiding it.
"…thank you."
He sounded flustered, and the older swordsman opted to tease him more. He moved the hair covering the teen's ear out of the way and nibbled on it gently. He felt the youth tense up.
"Zack, what are you doing?"
"Teasing you…"
He lifted Kadaj's head, exposing his red face. He was pretty close at this point…...close enough to…
The flirtatious man leaned forward, as though to kiss the teen, who retreated backwards quickly.
The teasing man laughed, grinning at the still blushing teen.
"I was just kidding. I wasn't really going to kiss you."
"Oh really?!"
"Yeah, just teasing. You're too cute to leave alone completely."
He smirked again and the embarassed youth narrowed his eyes at him. Zack moved closer to the teen again, who moved back.
"I'm not going to kiss you, I just want to hug you is all."
"To make you feel better."
The silver haired youth blinked, and after thinking for a few moments if Zack was trustworthy, he moved back closer to him. Those strong arms pulled him into an embrace, and it felt as though Cloud were hugging him instead. It was enough to make Kadaj teary again, but he held the tears back, and returned the hug, only tighter. He felt comfortable in older swordsman's arms.
The SOILDER pulled away a bit to kiss the teen on the forehead.
"Is that okay?"
Kadaj nodded.
"How about this?"
He kissed him on the cheek, and the beautiful youth smiled slightly. Zack took that as an approval.
"Or this?"
He purposely placed his lips on top of the teen's whose eyes widened in shock. He wasn't expecting the sharp slap he received seconds later.
"…you liar."
Oblivious to the fact he had just been slapped and was being glared at, Zack laughed again, rubbing his cheek.
"I'm sorry, couldn't help it. You know, you're a lot like Cloud. Probably why you two get along so well."
"And why you kissed me?"
"Yeah, probably. But I swear I'll never lay on my lips on you again. For the sake of Cloud."
The teen looked at Zack questionably.
"Oh, alright. Hey Zack…"
"Could you…well…stay with me? I'd like to know more about Niisan."
"Sure, not like I got anything else to do."
He got up from the flowers and pulled the teen on his feet.
"Thank you. Well, not just for that but for trying to cheer me up."
For the first time, Kadaj smiled at the ex-SOILDER. Zack smiled back at him. Maybe being in the Lifestream wouldn't be so boring after all…….
"No problem, Kadaj. Now let me take you home. Wouldn't want to worry mommy dearest now would we?"
Hee Hee. Review plz:D