part 2! (: errr, sorry for the ending... hope you enjoy?
and i just realised FFN can't do '?' and '!' together, so all my '? !' turns into '?', how awesome -.-

disclaimer: i don't own Bleach


Grimmjow awoke to Ichigo's slumbering face. Without meaning to, a small smile made its way onto his face and he tightened his arms around the other man. Ichigo stirred at his movement and Grimmjow took the chance to pull him nearer and nuzzle into his shoulder juncture. A low groan and growl was all the warning Grimmjow had before he found himself defending against a harsh shove and a powerful punch. He stared at Ichigo's sleepy expression and it was with amusement that he realised that Ichigo was very much moving in his sleep.

Ichigo's eyes twitched before it opened and his eyebrows settled into his customary frown. The frown deepened as he stared blearily at Grimmjow.

"Good morning to you as well," An amused grin lifted the corners of Grimmjow's face.

The silence continued after that, Ichigo's eyebrows knitting together as he continued looking at Grimmjow confusedly. It lifted a moment later and Ichigo groaned, burying himself back under the covers as though he was trying to forget the sight in front of him.

Grimmjow laughed. Ichigo had reluctantly agreed to come back with him and had, with a very distrustful expression, climbed into his bed. Grimmjow had climbed in right after and pulled Ichigo to his chest amidst the man's protest. Ichigo was tense and somewhat expectant in his arms and it took everything in him to not break his promise and jump the man. He barely managed to keep his hands to himself during the night.

Bending down from his sitting position, Grimmjow wrapped his arms around the large bundle of quilt, effectively hugging Ichigo. He could practically feel Ichigo's blush and irritation at the whole situation through the pile of blankets. An Ichigo in denial was just too cute.

"Please tell me this is a nightmare," Ichigo groaned, his voice muffled by the blankets.

Grimmjow laughed heartily before lifting the blanket and pulling it off Ichigo. There was a loud yelp as Ichigo jumped at the sudden movement and at the blast of cold air from the air conditioning that hit him as soon as his warmth disappeared.

Lowering himself, Grimmjow quickly captured Ichigo's lips in his own, chastely kissing him before nibbling his lower lips and drawing a moan from Ichigo. His hands found its way into rumpled orange locks, massaging the scalp and drawing Ichigo nearer. Ichigo hummed slightly before raising his hand and pushing Grimmjow away.

"Morning breath," He mumbled even as he panted from the intensity of the chaste kiss.

Grimmjow snorted, "You're not any better,"

Ichigo frowned even as his cheeks coloured in embarrassment, "Shut up and let me go wash up,"


He watched as Ichigo untangled himself and stood up from the bed. Without warning, his hands shot out and grabbed Ichigo, earning a sharp sound of surprise as Ichigo fell back onto the bed. Swallowing Ichigo's protest and irritation, he continued the assault on Ichigo's lips.

"You're an ass," Ichigo mumbled into the kiss.

"Hmmm," Grimmjow said in agreement.

"Good morning, Grimmjow-sama," Yylfordt Granz greeted as soon as Grimmjow walked into the office building, not waiting for an answer before continuing, "You're late this morning, so you would have to rush to make it on time for your only meeting today. At ten o'clock, you'll be meeting with Luisenbam Enterprise. And for lunch today, it'll be Harribel-san -"

"Wait," Grimmjow interrupted, "Which Harribel? The father or the daughter?"

"The daughter, Tia-san. And," He continued, cutting off whatever outrage that Grimmjow had, "You'll be having dinner with your parents tonight to discuss your marriage with Tia-san,"

"There's nothing to discuss. I'm not marrying her," Grimmjow said, stopping outside his office doors.

"I would give you the choice if I could, sir," Yylfordt said, humouring the man.

Grimmjow growled in irritation at Yylfordt's reply and with that, closed his office doors.

He made his way to his table and had to suppress the strong urge to sweep everything on his desk onto the floor. He had no intention to marry the girl but it seemed that his parents would not get the idea. It was not like he had not made it hundred and twenty percent clear that he was gay. Did his parents really think that this arranged marriage would go through? Grimmjow snorted, well, not if he could help it.

Taking out his phone, he stared at the wallpaper, a small smile making its way onto his face. Ichigo... he had been eyeing the man for nearly four months. He thought he would be content just looking at him forever, never making his move. Ichigo had been his dream, his getaway. And he had utterly no intention to approach the man, not wanting to spoil the image he had of the bartender. It would be too much of a bother to look for a new dream if the one of Ichigo did not measure up to his expectation. It was a comfortable relationship they had.

But it was even better now. He had grown desperate and impatient when he found out his parents were planning his marriage with a business partner and that there was a high chance that he could not get out of it without some serious consequences. With the impending marriage looming over his head, he had approached Ichigo.

Ichigo liking him had not been expected.

Though I dunno why I ever thought that, everyone is in love with me.

Grimmjow scrolled down his contacts list, picking out Ichigo's name. He typed a quick message and sent it out before placing his phone on his table and waiting for a reply.

I want to meet you today. 2pm, the coffee house near the park.

Grimmjow scowled heavily at his cup of dark coffee. Ichigo was late and his irritation from the unpleasant lunch he had was not helping. Tia Harribel was as silent as ever and the two of them had ended up eating in an oppressive silence.

Twenty minutes after two. And he was tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for Ichigo to appear. Grimmjow frowned and picked up his phone. Technically, Ichigo had not replied his message but there was no reason for him to be busy. After all, he was only going in for work during the night, his Saturday afternoon should be free.

Ichigo appeared ten minutes later, carrying a backpack in one hand and yawning with the other. Without a word to Grimmjow, he waved the waitress over and ordered one of the strongest blend the shop had to offer. It was then did he face Grimmjow and stare at Grimmjow's gradually darkening face.


"You're late,"

"Had things to do," Ichigo waved his accusation away, "Besides, I just saw your message. You couldn't have wait for a reply?"

"You didn't seem to have the intention to reply," Grimmjow crossed his arms.

"Yeah well," The waitress appeared then with the coffee and after a nod as thanks, Ichigo took a quick sip of the hot liquid, "Like I said, I was busy,"

"With what?" Grimmjow narrowed his eyes, "Don't tell me it was the call you received this morning? The one that had you rushing off in the middle of breakfast,"

Ichigo paused in his drinking and looked at him appraisingly, a slow grin spreading on his face as he lowered the cup of coffee onto the table, "Well well well, what is this? Is someone jealous?" He teased.

"W-what!" Grimmjow sputtered, thoroughly offended.

Ichigo laughed then, "Don't worry, it was all business. I wasn't off answering some booty call,"

Grimmjow swiftly stood up and moved himself to the seat next to Ichigo before grabbing his head into a headlock. Ichigo yelped at the sudden attack and attempted to swipe Grimmjow's hands away from his hair. In response, Grimmjow gave a light laugh and pulled Ichigo against him, his arms wrapping around the lithe waist and his face burying itself into the crook of Ichigo's neck. Ichigo squirmed a little before giving in and tilting his head a little to make space for Grimmjow, his own hand reaching up to pat the head of blue.

Smirking against the expanse of neck offered to him, Grimmjow pressed a light kiss to the skin. When there was no response, he moved his next kiss slightly higher. Then it was a lick and a bite until he reached Ichigo's earlobe. His mouth closed in on the flesh and he nip lightly onto the appendage. The next moment, he found Ichigo suddenly sitting right across him. He blinked before he realised what had happened. He roared with laughter as he took in the image of a flustered, lightly-blushing Ichigo.

"Are you crazy!" Ichigo hissed, his eyes darting left and right, "Someone could have seen that!"

Grimmjow snorted, his victory still smug on his face, "Who cares," He made to stand up and move over to Ichigo.

"Sit down, you idiot!" Ichigo snapped at him hurriedly.

Ignoring Ichigo's protest, he sat himself back at Ichigo's side, his arm snaking around Ichigo's waist. A sharp rap on his knuckles and a harsh glare from Ichigo later, his arm settled itself between them, not making any other less-than-innocent move on Ichigo. He tried a large watery eye look on Ichigo but was only met with amusement. Growling at the lost cause, Grimmjow leaned his body onto Ichigo, enjoying the company as the other man quietly sipped his coffee.

His peaceful mood was ruined that same night.

"Fuck, engagement party," Grimmjow scowled into his wineglass as he sat himself on the balcony ledge, "They should get themselves engaged if they want to hold such a party and stop fucking bothering me,"

"That'll be rather difficult, wouldn't it? Considering they have already been married for over thirty years,"

Grimmjow's scowl deepened at the voice. He really hated Tia Harribel at times like this, calmly and nonchalantly commenting on things that he did not appreciate her talking about.

"Your parents aren't very happy that you walked off in the middle of dinner,"

"And what? They sent you to get me back there?" Grimmjow turned to face the woman, "What makes them think I would listen to you when I refuse to marry you," He said derisively.

"Well, it's not as though I'm jumping for joy at the thought of marrying you," Harribel pulled out a chair and sat down.

Grimmjow eyed the disinterested woman in front of him, "Then why are you not fighting against this? You're obviously not interested in this whole deal,"

There was a long silence as Harribel stared off into the distance. Grimmjow scowled agitatedly at the prolonged silence and after dismissing Harribel from his thoughts, started thinking of ways to get out of the mess.

He was in this, fighting alone. There was no way he could drag Ichigo with him. He doubted Ichigo would want to deal with his family problems when they barely knew each other.

"I have someone else who I like," Harribel's quiet voice was sudden in the silence and Grimmjow found himself taking a moment to digest her words, "But he's not suitable,"

Grimmjow frowned, "He's poor?"

There was a wry smile on Harribel's lips, "No, he's rich, but he's widowed and has a daughter,"

Ah, age and family status. Those were two among other criteria that families as rich as theirs measured everything by. Wealth, education, age, status, et cetera. Grimmjow was also pretty sure there was a hidden criterion of gender as well, but that was usually taken as a given.

Grimmjow sat there, swirling his wineglass and contemplating. He needed something. Something strong enough to stop his parents from plotting his marriage once and for all. But there was nothing, nothing he could think of. He could try running and eloping, but he could bet that Ichigo would never join him on that venture. He could try cutting off his connections from his parents, but he knew that they would make living difficult for him.

Finally, he set down his wineglass in frustration. At this moment, he could not think of any good counter-plans. There was still a week to go though. He could probably come up with something by then. With that discomforting thought, he stood up and made to jump down from the ledge.

"Where're you going?"

"It's Saturday," Grimmjow turned around and gave Harribel a sharp feral grin, "I'm off to find my lover," He leapt off the ledge.

It was to a loud unfamiliar ringing that Grimmjow awoke to. He fumbled for his phone on his night table but frowned when he realised it was not vibrating. Pulling himself awake, he tried to figure out where the noise was coming from.


Grimmjow looked down at the muffled sound and had to hide a small laugh at the sight. Ichigo was burrowing himself under the covers as he struggled to stay asleep.

"Go back to sleep," Grimmjow whispered as he kissed the top of Ichigo's mussed hair.

"S'kay," Ichigo mumbled back.

He was more awake now and when the ringing started up again, he found it within seconds, "Hello?" He tossed Ichigo's jeans back onto the floor as he answered.

"Er... Is Kurosaki-kun there?" A hesitant female voice sounded through the phone.

Grimmjow frowned, his eyes flicking to Ichigo, "He's busy," With that, he hung up and for good measures, turned the phone off.

Kurosaki Ichigo, huh. It was then Grimmjow realised that he knew so little about the man sleeping on his bed. He only just found out what Ichigo's family name was.

He climbed back under the covers and watched, amused, as Ichigo snuggled up to the warmth he provided. Turning to face Ichigo, he leaned forward and kissed Ichigo's right eye. Ichigo's brow scrunched up at his action and with increasing amusement, he continued to kiss Ichigo's other eye. A sleepy hand came up to swat his face away and Grimmjow easily caught the arm, holding it to a side as he continued raining kisses. By the time Ichigo was fidgeting and pushing him away, Grimmjow had moved off from kissing and into biting and licking.

Ichigo's eyes opened and furrowed in annoyance, "Ass,"

Grimmjow's answer was a bite on the side of Ichigo's lips. Growling, Ichigo pushed Grimmjow off and climbed over onto the other man, pressing him into the bed as he leaned down to bite and kiss the grinning mouth. Ichigo shuffled a little, moving downwards to bite at Grimmjow's chin, lower to nip at his neck, and even lower to mouth the moving Adam's apple. He spent a few more moments licking the skin around the apple, biting and nuzzling the lump when Grimmjow swallowed obligingly. The pair broke out into laughter at their actions and Grimmjow grabbed Ichigo, turning them around so that he was above again. He leaned down once more and they continued kissing. He was only pushed away when his hands started wandering down Ichigo's bare skin.

Grimmjow protested, "Hey,"

"Hey yourself," Ichigo pushed his hands away again, "I need to go now,"

"What? Why?" Grimmjow asked, watching as Ichigo stood up from the bed, as naked as the day he was born.

"Stop eyeing my ass, you pervert," Ichigo glanced back and with a grin, swayed his bottom back and forth.

Grimmjow smirked as he lifted himself off the bed and smacked the swaying ass, earning a yelp from Ichigo, "It's a nice ass. C'mon, come back to bed," He cajoled as he reached out to pull Ichigo back.

Ichigo snorted at Grimmjow's comment as he swatted the hands away, "Can't. I need to go in by eleven,"

Grimmjow frowned at Ichigo's words, "Go in? Where?" Nevertheless, his eyes wandered to the clock on his wall, "Er, you might be late. It's nearly twelve now,"

"What!" Ichigo rounded around to face him and turned again to look at the clock Grimmjow was pointing out, "Fuck! Shit! I'm so dead. Why didn't Inoue call me? Fuck, Ishida's going to kill me now," He hurriedly grabbed his clothes and pulled them on.

"You need a lift?" Grimmjow watched as the other man nearly tripped while trying to pull his socks on as he grabbed his phone from the floor.

"Nah, I'll be faster catching a taxi. See you," Ichigo ran out of the room as soon as he grabbed his bag.

Grimmjow strained his ears to hear Ichigo running down the stairs in his apartment and pulling his door open.

"Shit! Why is my phone turned off!"

It was Friday. Two more days before the party was held and his fate was sealed. And Grimmjow was still coming up blank for his counter-plans. He was getting increasingly jumpy and short-tempered at work, even going as far as to yell at Yylfordt for the smallest and most unimportant thing.

Ichigo being elusive probably did not help the matter as well. He was always late and tired when Grimmjow asked him out for lunch and never free for the night. No matter how late into the night Grimmjow tried calling, his call was never picked up. If Ichigo had not turned up for lunch the next day, Grimmjow would have said that Ichigo had dumped him.

As it was, he was sitting at the bar counter, watching an exhausted Ichigo mixing drinks for some other customers. They had not had a chance to properly chat what it was that was getting Ichigo so tired out and Grimmjow was thoroughly irked at the whole situation.

"It's you, isn't it?"

An unfamiliar voice had Grimmjow looking up. It was the other bartender on duty that night and Grimmjow glanced at the name tag on his uniform.

"What's me?"

The bartender, Renji, nodded his head towards Ichigo, "Getting some social life into him,"

Grimmjow frowned, "I guess. But I didn't know that 'getting some social life into him' would exhaust him that much,"

"Yeah well, can't blame him. It used to be just the hospital and sleep. Now there's you as well. Can't be healthy, taking the night shift and then meeting you during the day,"

"What," Grimmjow sat up straight, "What hospital?"

Renji frowned, "Aren't you guys together or something? Don't you know about Ichigo's full-time job?"

"I thought this was his full-time job,"

"Nah, he's just doing Shinji a favour. How old did you think Ichigo is," Renji snorted at the ridiculous idea, "Bar-tending as a full-time job," Renji walked off when another customer signalled for his attention, still shaking his head in amusement.

Grimmjow stared at the retreating figure for a while longer before his head snapped to face Ichigo. Working in the hospital, huh. What was he? A doctor? A nurse? Grimmjow shook his head and allowed a short deprecating laugh to escape. He barely knew the man.

He remained at the counter the whole night, exchanging short conversations when Ichigo had some free time. When it was time to leave, he held open out the door to his car for Ichigo to step in, grinning smugly when Ichigo showed irritation at being treated like a female.

It was quiet in the car, with Ichigo stretching and massaging his sore neck. Grimmjow took Ichigo's left hand in his and laced them together.

"Something wrong?" Ichigo seemed to have picked up on his contemplative mood.

Grimmjow took a while before he replied, "Yeah, just found out you worked at a hospital,"

Ichigo looked surprised when Grimmjow glanced over, "I didn't mention it?"

"You didn't,"

"...sorry, I didn't realised it,"

"How old are you?"

"What is this? Twenty questions?"

They reached Grimmjow's apartment by then and Grimmjow was silent as he parked his car, "No, I just realised I don't really know you,"

"We're not in any hurry, are we?" Ichigo unbuckled himself and turned in his seat, "Well, I'm 29,"

Well, that was a surprise. Grimmjow's eyes roved up and down at the figure in front of him.

"What? I don't look 29?"

Grimmjow laughed aloud then, pulling Ichigo towards him, "Nah, you look 24, maybe,"

A cocky smile filled Ichigo's face, "Flattered," He mock-bowed before yelping when Grimmjow pulled him too harshly and he hit the clutch in between them, "Hey -" His complaint was swallowed by a demanding kiss.

An hour later, the pair was lying tangled and completely sated on Grimmjow's bed.

"So... you're a doctor?"

"Hmmm," Ichigo mumbled in agreement.

"But do you always have to be on the night shift?"

Ichigo snorted, "Not my idea. Blame it on the prick of a planner. Ishida just loves giving me horrid time slots," Ichigo then smirked into Grimmjow's shoulder, "Might have something to do with me getting better grades in medical school,"

Grimmjow frowned, "He did worse... so he gets administrative work?"

"Nah, it's his father's hospital. He volunteered to plan the shifts,"


"Yeah," Ichigo nodded in agreement, "So, are we back to twenty questions?"

"Sure, I don't mind. Let's see... I'm 31, likes blue and black, hates white, only son, loves my freedom, hates my parents, loves burger and fries, hates vegetables, can't cook, CEO of my father's company -"

"Woah woah, CEO?"

Grimmjow's eyes narrowed at Ichigo's expression, "Why do you sound so shocked?"

"It's just..." Here, Ichigo burst into loud laughter, "I thought you were some gangster!"

"You!" Grimmjow grabbed the laughing man and tickled his sides mercilessly, "Oh, I'll show you gangster alright. Here, here, here and here,"

Ichigo yelped sharply when Grimmjow started groping him, "Hey, keep your hands to yourself!"

"You didn't seem to mind me touching you earlier,"

"Yeah well, that was then. Stop it, you old gangster,"


"Yeah well, you're over 30,"

"You're 29, that's not any better!" Grimmjow shot back.

"I look 24," Ichigo said innocently, "You, on the other hand..."

In response, Grimmjow began groping Ichigo ruthlessly, running his hands down the sides of Ichigo's torso, down his thighs, up his ass cheeks and between his legs. Ichigo moaned and fidgeted at his attention. A grin filled his face when Ichigo started rocking back and forth and Grimmjow pulled him until the other man was sitting between his legs. Ichigo let out a groan of approval and Grimmjow smirked as he nuzzled Ichigo's shoulder. He started nipping at the pale skin in front of him, humming as he reached Ichigo's jawline.

"Hmmm..." Ichigo sighed in appreciation at the attention and his hands circled back to tangle in Grimmjow's blue locks.

Grimmjow continued kissing Ichigo's jawline, moving from his ear down to his chin. Ichigo was rocking faster now and Grimmjow reached his free hand down to his own arousal. Turning and tilting his face slightly, Ichigo moved to kiss Grimmjow, their tongues twisting and meshing together. Ichigo broke off the kiss and let out a moan as his hips moved faster in Grimmjow's hand. His right hand left Grimmjow's hair and came to rest on Grimmjow's butt cheek, trying to push himself nearer to Grimmjow.

Mumbling in approval, Grimmjow's hands moved faster, trying to bring the both of them off at the same moment. Ichigo's legs spread wider at the increase in speed and he started panting, his hand squeezing and groping Grimmjow's ass shamelessly.

"Oh yeah," Grimmjow let out a breath of appreciation at the sight and feel, his own head tilting back as his strokes became erratic.

"Harh-mmmhh..." Ichigo moaned as he came.

Grimmjow groaned at the sound, his hand speeding up. The warmth in his lap disappeared suddenly and Grimmjow started and almost came when a moist warmth surrounded the head of his length. He looked down, just in time to see Ichigo licking his slit and swallowing his head in one movement. He could not stop it even if he tried and came abruptly in Ichigo's mouth. Breathing loudly, he watched as Ichigo swallowed and continued sucking his sensitive member, giving it a few more licks before pulling away. He grinned impishly at Grimmjow and without a second thought, Grimmjow bent down and kissed the other man.

He pulled away a few seconds later, scrunching up his nose, "Ew, I taste gross,"

"Glad you know," Ichigo pushed himself up to sit properly in Grimmjow's lap again.


They fell into a sleepy comfortable silence then. Grimmjow drew idle patterns onto Ichigo's torso as he sat there, staring at the wall blankly. An idea struck him then.

"Come to my engagement party on Sunday?"

"Sunday?" Ichigo asked groggily, "What time?"

"Seven at night, I'll pick you,"

"Okay," Ichigo sleepily agreed.

Grimmjow relaxed, pleased that Ichigo was free.

"Whose engagement party you said it was again?" Ichigo's voice was more awake this time, his words slow and calculating.

"Er..." Grimmjow hesitated, "Mine? But it's not as though I really wan -"

"Fuck! Yours?" Ichigo pushed off and away from his lap, standing next to his bed, "Your engagement party? So what's this? And what the fuck are you thinking, asking me to go to your engagement party?"

Grimmjow took a second to admire the nude body in front of him before pulling himself together to string a reply, "I don't want it! I'm trying to get out of it,"

"Oh yeah, and what a success it was," Ichigo said sarcastically, "Your party is tomorrow and you're 'trying to get out of it'. Shit man, I knew this was probably a fling, but really, calling me to go and see you get engaged? What the hell!" Ichigo moved away and started gathering his clothes.

"Where're you going?" Grimmjow reached out and grabbed onto Ichigo's wrist, "Stop, what're you doing?"

"Leaving. What does it look like,"

"Shit, Ichigo, look, just go tomorrow. I swear, I'm going to break the engagement,"

"What? During the party itself?" Grimmjow's silence paused Ichigo in his actions and he turned around, a disbelieving expression on his face, "Oh no. No no no. You are not making use of me to break off the engagement. What am I? A pawn?"

"No! You're... you're..." Grimmjow struggled to put a name to what they had.

"Well, thanks for clearing that up," Ichigo stood stiffly at the door of his room, "Goodbye,"

"No, shit, don't leave," Grimmjow said weakly as the door closed firmly behind Ichigo, "Don't go,"

He buried his head in his hands as he heard the front door slammed shut. How did things turned out this way?

"Are you moping?" Renji, the bartender, asked.

Grimmjow raised his head from the counter, "Yeah, I guess so," He paused, "I got engaged," Then he let out a sigh of frustration, "To some woman,"

"Woah, what! I thought you and Ichigo -" Renji spluttered, his fingers fumbling with the gin bottle in his hand.

"I was too late, I guess," Grimmjow's eyes followed Ichigo's figure further down the counter, "Too late to start things, too late to break off something I don't want," His voice trailed off, "Too late to work out what I really want, what I was willing to give up,"

Renji left him sitting in silent regret and he twirled the empty glass in his hand. A shadow fell on him a while later and he looked up. Ichigo's brown eyes were closed and unreadable to him. They stared at each other in silence and Grimmjow longed to reach out and touch the other man. But he lost that right.

"One vodka, please," He finally said.

Ichigo reached for the bottle under the counter and silently poured out the spirit. He placed the shot glass in front of Grimmjow and with a final look at the man, turned and walked off.

Grimmjow fingered the glass. So, this was all that could ever be between them.

He tilted his head and knocked the drink back.