Ichimaru chuckled gleefully, fingers deftly sliding this way and that on the illuminated touchscreen.
"What," Ulquiorra said slowly from behind him, "exactly are you doing, Ichimaru-sama?"
The former Shinigami jumped guiltily. "Naa, Ulquiorra," Ichimaru scolded, clutching his heart dramatically, "Ya shouldn't sneak up on folks like tha', it ain't nice."
The Espada didn't deign to reply.
"But 'nyway, since ya asked so nicely an' all... I'm jus' havin' a bit o' fun wi' Tousen-san."
Ulquiorra peered over the silver-haired man's shoulder at a small screen on which the blind commander was indeed displayed, walking purposefully - Tousen always walked purposefully - down one of the hundreds of corridors in Las Noches with Wonderweiss at his side.
"I do not understand your intentions."
"Aa, wait jus' a minute," Ichimaru snickered, "It gets good righ' about... now." The grin on his face widened even more as he twiddled a small, previously unnoticed dial.
Ulquiorra watched with a flicker of interest as, on the screen, a section of wall abruptly shot out in front of the mismatched companions.
Wonderweiss stopped.
Tousen, oblivious, didn't.
"Hee!" Ichimaru cackled, slapping his thigh. "On an' on all day, never gets old!"
Ulquiorra radiated silent disapproval.
"Ulqui-chan, dun' be such a stick-inna-mud. You gotta live a little, eh?"
Ulquiorra elected not to reply that if Ichimaru continued to follow his own definition of living, Tousen might not enjoy that privilege for much longer.
Yay, Gin. He's such fun. ;D