Make sure to read the author's note at the end it's superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr important! Okie, Imma shut up now!

~Epilogue~ (A few days after Rogue's proposal)

A very happy Rogue and Lucy were making their way to Fairy Tail, holding hands, with Fro walking next to them. The two decided that they should take a trip to Fairy Tail, since they noticed how their trips to Fairy Tail were less frequent. Rogue and Lucy were very nervous to tell Fairy Tail about their news. Obviously, Fairy Tail would throw a party and be happy. The thing that scares them is the new fangirl RoLu club that now consists of Mira, Erza, Levy, Cana, Lisanna, Evergreen, and Izzy.

"Rogue-kun?" Fro tugged on Rogue's cloak, an innocent smile on the little exceed's face.

"Yes, Frosch?" Rogue responded, looking down at his exceed.

"Can Fro have a sibling now?" He asked innocently. "Fro remembers the talk about getting married! And Fro thinks that Lucy-san can make Fro a sibling now!" He shouted out loud, hopping along their walk.

"Why? Why must he ask these questions?" Rogue whispered to himself, with a flushed face.

"One day, we're giving him the talk," Lucy whispered to Rogue, as he nodded slightly. Seeing that they were almost at the Guild she took this as an excuse to hurry up into the Guild. "Oh, look we're at the Guild! Looks like that question has to wait." Lucy said as they entered the Guild.

"Rogue, Lucy, Fro!" The whole guild shouted as if they haven't seen them in years.

"Hello everyone!" Lucy greeted back. The soon-to-be-married couple and their little exceed walked over to the bar and sat down. Lucy ordered her favorite strawberry milkshake and just before Mira was about to go make her drink, the RoLu fangirl club surrounded Rogue and Lucy.

"Lu-chan it's been too long! What have you and Rogue been up too~" Levy-chan cooed along with the whole club.

"Is it that hard to have a normal day for once," Rogue muttered to himself. He knew that any question they reply too, they'll turn it into something dirty, romantic, or something related to what their children will look like.

"Um, y'know, just getting settled in our new house," Lucy nervously said.

"Oh my gosh! Lucy you're pregnant!" Mira shouted and the whole swarm of girls squealed.

Lucy and Rogue's face turned scarlet. "I'M NOT PREGNANT!" Lucy defended herself, waving her hands in front of her. This was obviously a big mistake.

All the girls stopped squealing and stared at Lucy's hand with wide eyes. Rogue looked back and forth between Lucy's exposed ring on her finger and the fangirl club, a very awkward silence filled the whole guild. A few seconds passed with everyone frozen in their positions.

"LUCY IS GETTING MARRIED!" Cana shouted, breaking out of her frozen position. The second she finished shouting the sentence, the whole guild cheered, and of course the fangirl club squealed, talking about how their wedding will be and what their future will look like.

"Lucy! We need to find you a dress for your wedding, come with me!" Erza shouted as she dragged Lucy out of the guild.

Now, it was living hell for Rogue, he was stuck in the guild alone with the fangirl club and the roaring guild. "How did you propose?" Lisanna asked Rogue as the whole fangirl club leaned in.

"Dear god, kill me now," Rogue mumbled to himself.

"I'm surprised, I would never have thought Rogue would have the guts to propose to Lucy," Sting walked into the guild and patted Rogue on the back.

"Hey! Are you calling me shy?!" Rogue asked in a deathly tone, and stood up from his seat.

"Pretty much, I think Lucy was dying on the inside because you didn't propose to her till a year later," Sting said with crossed arms and a smirk.

"Says you! You haven't even proposed to Izzy!" Rogue countered.

"I think she's more focused on your wedding and life, she ran after Erza and Lucy after she heard Erza yelling that Lucy was getting married and that she was going to be the maid of honor," Sting explained.

"WHAT! NO, I WILL BE THE MAID OF HONOR!" Cana drunkenly yelled, waving her booze in the air.

"No! Obviously Lu-chan will pick me as the maid of honor," Levy retorted.

"You wish, Lucy will pick me," Evergreen pushed Levy out of the way.

"Lucy will pick me!" Lisanna jumped in.

"I'm the one who planned their children, I will be the maid of honor!" Mira also jumped in.

"Shit, what did I start?" Sting said, watching the girls fight over who will be the maid of honor. "Obviously, I'll be your best man, right Rogue?" Sting went to go nudge Rogue, but noticed his missing friend. Sting looked up, only to see Rogue running out of the guild. "Hey where are you going!?" Sting shouted, chasing after him.

"Somewhere that's not here!" Rogue said, running away from Sting, with Frosch in his arms.

~In the guild~

"Well, would you look at that, Lucy is getting married, and now everyone has gone crazy," Gray said out loud.

"Yay~ Love Rival will no longer be Juvia's Love Rival! Juvia will now think of Love rival as Lucy!" Juvia cheered. "Now Gray-sama is all mine~" Juvia sang, clinging to Gray's arm.

Gray groaned. "What are they fighting about over there?" Gray asked.

"Somethin' about being Lucy's maid of honor," Gajeel answered Gray's question.

"That's not fair! Juvia wants to be Lucy's maid of honor!" Juvia yelled as she ran over to the group of fighting girls and joined them.

"Hey! Can I be Lucy's maid of honor?!" Natsu asked.

Gray facepalmed himself, "Hey flame brain, you can't be the maid of honor, only girls can, idiot!"

"Bastard, who asked you? stupid Popsicle!" Natsu retorted. Without even a second to continue their verbal fight, they immediately started a physical fight.

*A couple hours later after lots of fights*

"We should have expected this," Rogue muttered to Lucy. When Lucy and Rogue returned to the guild, they realized that they had to break up the on going fight before they burn down the guild. So there only solution was... Lucy is now going to have 8 maids of honor, much to her dismay. After they fixed the fights, Fairy Tail threw a party for Rogue and Lucy, and after a long night they went back home.

"Yeah, well, I have a feeling we're having our wedding sooner than we thought," Lucy laughed as she opened the door to their house.

"Good, because that I means I get to marry you sooner," Rogue said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. After they pulled away Rogue realized something, "Hm, I'm surprised I thought Fro was going to bug us when we kissed," Rogue said as he looked around for his exceed only to see him sleeping on the floor. Not even two seconds until he walked into the house before he fell asleep. Well, it was really late.

"Aw~ he's so cute when he's asleep," Lucy cooed as she picked him up and walked up the stairs, slowly she placed him on his froggy themed bed and tucked him in. After tucking him in, Lucy walked into her room and sank into her bed next to Rogue - too lazy to change out of her clothes.

"Lucy," Rogue whispered as he shifted so that he was hugging his soon to be wife.

"Hm?" Lucy mumbled lazily.

"As much as I hate to admit it, but I love being in Fairy Tail," Rogue whispered shyly .

Lucy laughed, "I'm glad you do."

"Thank you," he leaned forward and pecked her lips. "I don't know where i'd be without you," he said softly.

"I don't either, but you're being such a softy right now and it's kind of freaking me out," Lucy smiled, making Rogue laugh. "Let's sleep, at this rate, I have a feeling that next time we walk into the guild, it'll be set up as if it was a church." And with that, they both fell asleep, holding each other close, dreaming about their wedding and their memories. Both of them never would have thought of marrying each other a year ago, but love is truly unexpected.

Hello everyone~ Okie, Okie, I know I haven't updated in over a month and you guys wanted me to update really bad. I got in an accident and injured my self severely, so I was getting surgery for a month and I was in pain. So, I hope you can forgive me about my unexpected absence, i'm so so so sorry for not supporting my favorite stories or any of you guys! Luckily, i'm okay now and can continue my daily routine! I seriously hope you can forgive me for not supporting any of you guys, or updating! ;-;

Sadly, the sequel will not be coming out today along with the new RoLu story from the fact I really needed to get this chapter up. On the bright side, i'm almost finished with the first chapter of the sequel and the new RoLu story, so I will be making an announcement when I have uploaded them! And i'm sorry for my shitty mistakes! xD I know this chapter was rushed, but I needed to get this chapter out before all of you think I abandoned this story!

I'd also like to thank all my little cherubs that have stuck with me, supported me, and been so kind to me throughout this story! Without you guys this story would have been nothing but a mere experiment to test out my writing skills. xP I love you all sooo much! And I seriously hope you all can forgive me for my absence, I feel really bad for leaving you guys like that and not updating. But then again, I couldn't help the fact that I got in an accident and had surgery so I had no way in updating, so hopefully you guys will understand that!

Anyways~ This is sort of like a goodbye, but not xD Like I said there will be a sequel and a new RoLu story, it will be announce on here so you can all know when it is posted! :D

Oh and one last thing~ I'd like to thank the following people:




Annie Fullbuster




Crimson Twins



Katarina Midnight Valintine




Swimmy D


Crushing Chaos

And I'm too lazy to do the rest xD But I'd like to thank you all for supporting me and always making my day! I love you guys~ Sorry if I didn't mention your name, I'm really tired and lazy. If you weren't included and you want to be, go ahead and tell me in the reviews, i'll add your name as soon as possible.

Okie, this is the last thing I need to say and then i'll shut up! Please review and tell me how this last chapter was! How was the ending I feel like it was too cheesy, but then again - I suck at making good endings! xD So please R&R F&F Please! And I know you all were hoping for a wedding this chapter, but that is saved for the sequel! ;)

Bye my little cherubs, remember I love you all so much! Remember to check for an update on this story that will say when the sequel and new RoLu story will be posted! :D Love you guys~ Wait... I said that fifty times... Oh well, I love you guys~ Huehuehue! :3