When Hope won, everything was supposed to be okay. That was the expectation. The darkest impulses of Despair had been beaten back, and humanity now stood stronger for the challenges that it faced. And maybe humanity was stronger. Maybe without Despair, we never would have been able to accomplish what we did.
The Earth was dying. There was simply no way around that fact. And while the countries of the world could delay the inevitable for a little while, extinction was imminent. And there was nowhere to go. A select few decided to go and colonize Mars. Which was fine if you were richer than God and could afford to join them, but what about everyone else?
The Ships were our salvation. Massive superstructures, capable of supporting a country's entire population across thousands of light-years, sprung up all over the place as countries poured their heart and soul into them. Apparently, someone got the idea by watching an episode of this old show. It doesn't really matter. Japan was one of the first countries to complete their Ship, and we left in search of a new home.
That was twenty years ago. Morale is still high. The first Ship-born generation is just now coming into their own, and I, for one, just can't wait to see what those crazy kids get up to.
Hey everyone! So, this is obviously a SYOC kind of story. I've hung around the fringes of this fandom for a while, and I've finally decided to take the plunge into writing. I'm super excited to do this, and I can't wait to see what characters you guys create!
A couple of ground rules first:
-No Mary or Gary Sues. This one should hopefully be self-explanatory, but needs to be said anyways. Give your characters flaws, foibles, weaknesses, all of the good stuff that makes them a fun character!
-I'll take up to three submissions from a person, although I'll only accept one of them. Depending on how many submissions I get, I might stretch that to two, but I'm hoping that I won't have to.
-Your characters should be of Japanese descent. If not, then they'll need a pretty good and convincing reason as to why their parents are on the country's ship.
-This is a science fiction setting, so please keep the ultimate talents on theme. I want you to be creative, but take a moment to think if the talent really fits the world or not. So, for example, "Ultimate Scuba Diver" would not work since you don't really have that on a spaceship. Repeat talents from the game are okay, but differentiate your character from them in some meaningful way!
-Send your submissions via PM with the format "SYOC: Character Name, Talent." Review submissions will not be accepted.
-Acceptances will NOT be on a first come, first served basis. I will start to make my decisions on July 1st. You can continue to submit characters after that date until all of the spots are full, but get them in by the end of the month if you can.
Below is the submission form. There will be a copy on my profile for ease of use. I love paragraphs and details! The more that you give me to work with, the greater chance that I will accept your character! If you have any questions about anything, please do not hesitate to message me!
Sexual Orientation:
Physical Appearance:
If you had to sum up your character in 3 words, they would be:
What kind of person do they get along with:
What kind of person do they hate:
Put in order of most to least likely, along with your reason why. I will try to accommodate everyone's preferences, but I can't guarantee that you'll get your first choice. Remember that this is Danganronpa. Not everyone can survive or be the mastermind.
How would your character act in the following situations?
Learning of the killing game:
Discovering a body:
Investigating a murder (innocent):
Investigating a murder (guilty):
At trial (innocent):
At trial (guilty):
Witnessing an execution:
How Monokuma would execute your character:
Free Time Event ideas:
Is your character open to romance? If so, what's their type:
And that's it! I hope that you guys are excited for this as I am!
Accepted Students:
1. Shoma Hirano, Ultimate Gamer (Monikasbest)
2. Zettai Noseifuku, Ultimate Tactician (alucard deathsinger)
3. Rudolph Smirnov-Sakaguchij, Ultimate Horror Novelist (Shirasaur)
4. Tsuyoshi Genda, Ultimate Scientist (TheUbermenschWriter)
5. Katashi Koizumi, Ultimate Explosives Technician (Abitat Eco)
6. Itami Toyaku, Ultimate Patient (liammarklh88)
7. Ryuu Hagiwara, Ultimate Bounty Hunter (MasterSaixus)
8. Ryo Fujimoto, Ultimate Adventurer (oddlyillregular)
9. Miyu Shimizu, Ultimate Genetic Engineer (Crimson Spider Lily)
10. Kotoko Moto, Ultimate Onomastician (TheRoseShadow21)
11. Misa Katsu, Ultimate Smuggler (me!)
12. Fujiko Ozawa, Ultimate Navigator (EagleWar097)
13. Satuski Enomoto, Ultimate Astronomer (Shirasaur)
14. Shouko Sakamura, Ultimate Robotics Engineer (dashunterman)
15. Sumire Aoshima, Ultimate Chess Grandmaster (Lupus Overkill)
16. Hoshina Kaminaga, Ultimate Psychologist (mayurie)