A/N: Just a random Vampire AU I thought up, were instead of an assassination classroom the characters are in a vampire vs hunter village. :3 I might ass more chapters later. Please review!

Also this is Nagisa x Karma, don't like, don't read!

Nagisa Shiota walked down the dark cobbled road, the flickering street-lamp the only source of slight. He kept his silver knife clutched tight in his hand, hidden from view by his sleeve. He was a vampire hunter, and his target was nearby; The red devil, they called him. He'd suddenly appeared in the tiny mountain village of Kunugigaoka and had been terrorizing the town ever since- He hadn't actually killed anyone, but the red devil had been causing trouble in other was. Either way, there was a £4000 bounty on his head that Nagisa intended to collect.
Suddenly, Nagisa saw a flash of red in the corner of his eye from the broken window of one of the deserted, desolate old buildings that lined the street.
That was him. He knew it. And it was almost dawn, the perfect time to strike.
Nagisa crept into the old abandoned house, pushing open the door that pierced the silence with a loud creak.
Slowly, he made his way up the stairs, being careful not to make a noise. He knew the vampire would be stronger than him, so the only option was to take him by surprise.
Following the sound of footsteps that he knew must belong to the vampire, Nagisa made his way to the old wooden door on the left.
He took a deep breath.
This was it. If he managed to kill this vampire then maybe, maybe people would stop thinking he was weak and useless, and maybe he mother would finally recognise him as his own person.
It was time- A silently and as swiftly as a bullet flying through the air, Nagisa dived into the room, his knife held firmly in his hands, aiming straight for the vampire's neck.
The Vampire was sat on the floor, facing away from Nagisa, even in this light it was clear his hair was blood red.
Just before the blue-haired boy went in for the killing strike, the vampire turned around, his sly mercury eyes met Nagisa's sky blue orbs.
He could of killed him. If he hadn't hesitated, Nagisa could of ended that vampire's life right then and there. But there was something about those eyes that made him stop for just a fraction of a second, and that was all the vampire needed.
The next thing Nagisa knew, the vampire had grabbed his wrists in a vice-like grip, and pinned him against the wall.
"So, did the little hunter come here to vanquish the big bad vampire?" The red devil asked, leaning closer to Nagisa, mischief dancing in his mercury eyes. He was a head taller than the hunter, and towered over him. Nagisa tried in vain to escape from his grip but the vampire was impossibly strong.
"If your going to kill me, red devil, then just get it over with." Nagisa said, bowing his head in defeat. He was an idiot for ever thinking he could defeat a vampire. Just like his mother always told him, he was a failure.
"Kill you!" The Vampire said, sounding amused. He gripped Nagisa's chin, tilting his head up, forcing the Hunter to meet his eyes. Even with only one hand keeping his hand pinned to the wall, Nagisa still could not escape.
"Why would I do that? That doesn't sound link any fun. Oh- and my name's Karma, by the way, Karma Akabane."
"So- What, are you going to do to me?" Nagisa asked, his voice sounding a lot calmer than he felt. In truth, part of him felt he was such a failure he almost deserved to die here.
"Hmm? I'm going to have some fun, of course." Karma said, a playful smirk on his face like a mischievous child.
Without warning, he leaned closer and licked the side of Nagisa's neck. The Hunter let out a cry of shock.
"W- What are you?-"
"Heh, what a cute reaction." Karma teased, leaning even closer to Nagisa, his sharp fangs grazing the nape of the younger male's neck. Nagisa felt a sudden shiver run through him at the sudden contact. He was torn between wanting to run away, and inexplicably wanting more.
"If your going to drink my blood, just hurry up and do it!" The blue haired boy gasped out. Karma snickered.
"Oh, so your offering yourself to me? Well now, I can hardly refuse, can I?" He taunted, he released Nagisa's chin from his grip, and used his free hand to tilt Nagisa's head to the side, further exposing his neck.
"But first- I was wondering. What's your name, little hunter?"
Nagisa gritted his teeth- dammit, the Vampire was crazy strong, and was even taunting him too! Why didn't he kill him when he had the chance? Why did he feel so ..drawn.. to Karma?
"Nagisa." He said finally after a pause. He decided there was no reason to lie.
"It's nice to meet you, Nagisa!" Karma said, a lazy arrogant smile on his face, as if they were meeting under normal circumstances, not in a life or death situation. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to drink your blood. You smell too tasty to resist."
Nagisa didn't even have time to be scared, before Karma had sunk his fangs into the hunter's neck. It stung for a moment, then it felt almost... Pleasurable? It was a strange feeling.
Focus, Damn it!
'I'm not going down without a fight' Nagisa decided. He surveyed his situation; Both his arms were pinned to the wall, and his only weapon, his knife, was on the floor by his feet were Karma had knocked it out of his hand. It was risky, but he ha to try something; Ignoring the strange sensation of having his blood sucked, Nagisa kicked the hilt of the knife carefully into the air with the tip of his foot.
Using the momentum from the kick, Nagisa knocked the hilt of the knife once again with his ankle, and lodged the blade into the back of the vampire's leg.
Karma let out a cry of pain, stumbling back for a moment, taking the opportunity, Nagisa broke from his grasp, and fled the room breathing heavily, the bite-marks on his neck bleeding freely.
Karma watched him go- It was almost dawn, he couldn't chase him. "Impressive." He mused, with a smirk that was half amused half deadly. He pulled the knife out of his leg- it hurt like a bitch, but would only take a vampire a night to heal. "Your the first person to ever best me, Nagisa Shiota. We should see more of each other!"