Jemma shot up like fireworks in a midnight sky. She was covered in cold sweat, and breathing heavily. She glanced at the window, and saw the first drops of sunlight begin to emerge through the dark blanket of the night. She sighed, swinging her legs of the edge of the bed, letting her bare feet graze the cold hardwood floor. After a few moments, she fetched her slippers from under the bed. She took a calming breath, tugging at the end of her purple pajamas. Slowly, she stood up, and headed for the kitchen.

Inside the small kitchen was Grace, standing making herself a cup of hot chocolate. She hummed herself a little tune, looking at the cup with a forlorn smile.

Grace looked up to the awestruck Jemma, and gave a her a smile.

Jemma grinned, turning around to wake the others and tell them that Grace was awake. Quickly, a hand grabbed her wrist, putting her at a full stop. She turned to see Grace shaking her head lightly, before putting a finger to her mouth.

Jemma's smile dimmed, and Grace let go of her hand as she stopped moving for the door. She shot Grace a questioning look. "Why not?" She asked confused. Everyone had been so worried, they would be relieved to know that Grace was conscious. Grace sighed.

"It's late." She quietly said.

"That's your best excuse." Jemma asked incredulously. There was something she was missing. Something she just wasn't seeing. What was it. What was Grace trying to- oh.

Her hands were trembling, barely noticeable, but still there.

"You're shaking." Jemma told her.

"It's three in the morning, why are you up?" Grace said sharply, putting her cup down on the counter. She glared at Jemma, and although there was no malice in the action, Jemma knew she was treading a thin line.

Her eyes were red, her pale face flushed. Grace bit her lip, and sighed.

"We all have our baggage, you don't need to answer that." She sighed again. She seemed to be doing a lot of that.

She brought her fingers to her face, before sliding it into her silver hair.

"Do want some hot chocolate." She said with a shaky laugh.

"Do I" Jemma whispered excitedly. She happily rushed to the counter and found a conveniently placed mug. She rinsed it and poured herself a cup of Grace's homemade hot chocolate.

They sipped on her delicious hot chocolate in a comfortable silence. Each silently agreeing to keep the other company until they were both well enough to sleep again. Although by the time that happened, the rest of their friends decided it would be a convenient time to wake up.

Sora was the first one to do so.

"Y-you're up." He stuttered out, rubbing his eyes. He yawned, rubbed his eyes again, and then stared at her shocked.

"Not for long." Grace said, before diving onto her temporary bed.

"She's awake." He shouted, waking up the other three companions.

"I've been up for a while. I'm not gonna be up much longer. So hush, random boy I saved." Graced said, pulling her blankets up to her chest.

"She's awake." He shouted again louder. This time, Briar was awoken from her deep slumber, arising from the couch she had been relegated to the night before.

She yawned loudly, rubbing her eyes. She stared at Grace a good minute, her brain deciding that this conversation could wait for later in the day, before laying back down.

Five seconds later she shot back up with realization of what had happened.

"You're awake." She says groggily. Grace nods, turning on her other side for a more comfortable position.

"That's good. Should I wake up Noelle." She asks.

"Probably. But I'd rather you not. She's not a morning person."

"Neither are any of you, it seems." Sora mumbles. Grace, Jemma, and Briar all nod. They weren't listening to a word he just said.

Sora sighed, opening up a window. He considered climbing out the window, but opted to rummage through the fridge instead. He sniffed around the empty fridge, searching for any type of food.

"Guys," He yells from the kitchen, Briar makes a noise he hoped meant she's listening. "Do we have money for room service?" He hears a bunch of crashes, and then he is met face to face with four girls and two cats, all with wide eyed expressions.

"I used the last of the chocolate and milk to make hot chocolate this morning." Grace groaned, her face in her hands. Everyone in the room, excluding Jemma, glared at her.

"We had to use the last of the money to afford a two bedroom tavern instead of all of us just sharing a room. So this isn't your fault per say, but we also have no money to buy food."

"No!" Tam wailed, shaking her hands at the sky melodramatically. There were tears in her eyes and everything.

"We need to defeat Mage Hand as quickly as possible to convince the mayor to pay us." Grace told everyone. They nodded solemnly, determination shining in their eyes. This would be their first mission as Fairy Tail mages.

With everyone now wide awake, everyone was freshening up. Briar and Tam had already taken their showers. Grace was holding up the line for the bathroom, deciding to take a thirty minute bath, much to everyone's chagrin. Eventually, everyone showered and got dressed. It was late enough for the sun to have come up, but not many shops would be open until eight. It was only seven.

"I'm bored," Tam whines, playing with her hair on her bed. There wasn't much for them to do until eight, and no one had made any attempts at conversation. "Someone say something."

"I opt to go back to sleep. I want another hour of rest before we head out." Grace said, wrapping herself in the blankets on her bed.



The tone Noelle and Briar used left no room for protest. Grace pouted, before sighing and sitting up.

"So what do you guys wanna do. Sleep would get rid of this kinda awkward silence. Besides, doing things will only cause us to get hungry faster. Lets conserve energy by sleeping."

Noelle rolled her eyes. That child would do anything for more sleep. "I say you kids get to know each other. It's not like you will just suddenly know every aspect of each other just by being in the same room for a couple of hours. We need some forced character development up in here."

"If that cat tries to make us talk about ourselves one more time, I'm going to kill her."

Noelle swiveled her head to Jemma and growled. "I don't take well to being threatened kit."

"It wasn't a threat, it was a promise."

"Oh you cheeky brat—" Noelle moved to launch herself at Jemma, to start what would have likely been a friendly scuffle, but before she could an amused Grace picked her up.

"You do realize you're still a cat the size of my forearm, right." She says, chuckling.

"You know what, maybe I am. Doesn't mean I still couldn't have beat—"

"Noelle I swear to everything, if you try to pick a fight one more time."

"What will you do kit?"

"Can you guys stop fighting?"

A suffering sigh escapes Sora, who had walked over to the nearest wall and began banging his head on it. With a group like this how was he supposed to get anything done. They couldn't talk amongst themselves for more than a few moments, how were they supposed to take down a super powerful crime boss.

The girls stopped arguing to stare at him bashing his head into the wall. He hasn't seemed to take notice of their silence, too engrossed in his inner lament.

"Aee you just going to stand their and bash your head in or…?" Briar trails off, confused.

The words startle Sora out of his trance. He sighs. "Are you guys done fighting each other?"

They nod, and he mumbles a 'thank God' under his breath. They glare at him.

"How much time until the shops open?"

Jemma cranes her neck to see the clock. "Eh ten minutes?" She says uncertainty.

"Then we should start heading out." Briar says decisively. The rest of the group agrees. There was no point in staying in the tavern room when they could explore while the shops began to open.

They walked out of their room, and exited the establishment they were staying at.

At the top of a hill, not to far from the city of Magnolia, a blonde girl walked on a grassy field. The wind blew her hair into her face, causing her to sigh. She pulled the hair from her face, looking behind her into where the wind was coming from. A small Russian blue cat walked towards her, its pale blue eyes staring at her.

"Come here Kali," she mumbled, outstretching her arms. The cat obediently jumps into them, purring contently as the girl pets her.

"So this is Magnolia huh?"

The cat does not say anything out loud, unable to speak due to its non-magical heritage. But with a small burst of magic, the girl can read the cat's mind.

'Yes. Based on your dream last night, it seems you aren't the only new arrival Kay.' Cali, the cat, thinks, already knowing that she would read her mind.

Kay, whose full name was Kayley, grimaced. Last night she had wandered into a powerful takeover mage's nightmare. A conversation between a takeover mage and a demon she had taken. It seemed she wasn't the only mage to arrive in magnolia this week. And with the pieces of conversation she had heard, it seemed like the girl had friends.

Kay narrowed her amethyst eyes, before sighing and starting her trek down the hill. There was no need to worry, she was only going down to the city to see if she could find out anything about her own past. She wouldn't get tangled in the life of whoever that girl was. She still needed to figure out what her life was like.

Somewhere in Fiore, far away from Magnolia and its problems, a teen girl sat at the edge of a sheer cliff facing the ocean. Her light brown laid in a waterfall braid, resting on her left shoulder. She stared off into the distance, looking at the Mt Pele, where her island's resident goddess resided. The source of her problems, the source of that damn prophecy.

She was grateful to be chosen by the goddess, but ever since she was chosen to be the clan's newest takeover mage, she hadn't been able to escape her ancestor's shadow. She wanted an escape from it all. Maybe she should head to the mainland. That would give her an escape, an adventure.

A/N:So, this chapter was long in the coming. After having someone PM me and my friend harass me, I felt too guilty to put this off any longer. So here.