Seventh Dream - Till We Meet Again (AU)

Colourful balls flied in the sky, following a round trajectory as the jester tossed them around. A clown in exaggeratedly baggy clothes and shoes was balancing on top of multiple balls stacked onto each other, supporting himself with one foot while the other kept the hula hoops spinning. A crowd gathered around him, cheering on him to keep going. But this time Allen wasn't interested in the attention but the coins and bills thrown into his opened suitcase. He already counted a good 30£ but that wasn't enough, he needed to get that 100£ by the weekend. Driven by that sole goal, Allen did a somersault in the air, earning surprised yells and more coins.

Normally, Allen would pass such opportunity, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Thus he tried his best not to show how bloody frightened he was around Road.

"Allen~ I'm bored~ "

I'm going to get 50£ for this, he reminded himself, just one afternoon, Allen Walker. This one afternoon and you're a huge step closer to him. He tried not to whimper at Road's sadistic grin as she closed in on him.

"Let's play~"

Allen inaudibly gulped.


Babysitting Road was an absolute nightmare. But he was lucky enough to rip Tyki off with 12 pounds. Thanks to the whole ordeal he managed to gather the majority of the money he needed.

Next, he raided his own home. He carefully searched over every nook and cranny, leaving not a single cushion unturned to find whatever stray pounds and pennies.

In the end he counted a total of 97.95£. He grunted, frustrated how little he was missing.

Well, either way, he needed a lot more than just the tickets anyways. After all, he was quite the eater and spare money could never hurt.

He chuckled darkly swiping the old, trusty pack of cards and pocketed them. He was going to piss off a lot of people tonight but it hardly mattered, he would be gone by daybreak.

Around 3 am, Allen stumbled home somewhat bloody and bruised, the escape much harder than expected. He knew he'd have to run but parkour of this extent was a bit too much after such a tiring day.

He stumbled to his room, plopping down on the bed; he still resisted the urge to give into the sweet call of sleep. Once he was onboard.

He reached in his pocket, fishing out the crumpled notes he managed to take away, it seems he managed to take more than he won.

He glanced to his nightstand, more specifically the half-filled jar sitting on it labelled "to see him". Reaching out his arm, he dropped all the money he earned. Doing a quick headcount, he smiled; happy tears rolled down on his sunken cheeks. The jar was full and the money within more than enough for his escapade.

Allen was chewing his lips trying to contain the drool within his mouth. He stood between the aisles gazing at the items on discount longingly. He licked his lips hungrily. The Mitarashi Dango… was on discount. The family sized one (that was but a bite for him) was 70% off. An incredibly tempting offer.

For the road he did need food - which is why he was out at the supermarket to fetch cheap stuff he could take. But sadly in the little time and opponents he had he earned way less than anticipated. Not only that but he was forced to buy new suitcase as the old completely fell apart, which drilled his budget fair enough.

Still, mitarashi was so filling and he loved it and-

But he was saving money. He had to keep that 100£. Withholding a pitiful whimper at the painful parting, Allen turned his gaze away, sniffing and wiping his eyes furiously, leaving other customers wonder why a teenager was sobbing seeing dangos.

Allen was a buzzling ball of energy by the time he claimed his baggages. Tim mirrored his mood by flapping his wings excitedly. Allen quickly let him out, knowing how much he disliked being in small places. The canary chirped appreciatively and settled on Allen's head.

"Ok, Tim. Go, find Link."

With a determined chirp, Tim shot up in the air, fluttering high above, then suddenly stilled and a moment later rocketed down into the crowd. When Allen heard a familiar yelp, he dashed towards it.

Link waited patiently, eyeing the crowd with excitement, which is why he almost fell back on his butt when something heavy fell on him. Link yelped; completely caught off guard by the attack and the familiar chirping and a beak pecking his golden locks.

"Timcanpy?" he asked incredulous. "But if you're here that means-uff!" Before he could finish, his lips were claimed by familiar soft and sweet ones. Link let out an exasperated sigh through his nose and pressed back in greeting. "I see, so this is what Tewaku and the rest were so secretive about. A 'friend' is coming over, huh. It is a nice surprise though, seeing you before my internship ended."

When they parted Link cupped Allen's cheek with a concerned scowl. "You lost weight and there are dark circles under your eyes. Don't tell me you cut back on food and sleep."

Allen smiled sheepishly. "Just a little bit."

Link gaze an unimpressed look that made Allen shrunk a bit in his embrace. "Honestly, you're so silly," Link said as he tightened his arms around his thin waist. "You really should not have done that, you know how important it is that you eat." Allen's heart fluttered when Link gave him a soft forehead kiss. "You know how much I care about you."

"Yes, but the discount to the plane tickets only applied to this one," Allen muttered, trying to fight off the blush creeping on his face. "So I had to make some sacrifices. But it was absolutely worth it. I got to see you and that's more than enough."

It was Link's time to have blush dust his cheeks. "Really, you're such a handful." He took Allen's left in his right and used his own left arm to pull Allen's briefcase after them. "It can't be helped, looks like I need to take you home like some stray kitten, feed and bathe you, then tuck you to warm bed."

Allen giggled at the cute comparison. "I'd love that, thanks. The jetlag is killing me."

"While you bathe I'll make dinner for you and then tuck you."

Allen grinned at him. "Will you kiss me goodnight?"

He got an amused exhale in reply, equivalent of a snicker. "Only if you eat your vegetables."


A warm shudder ran through his body when Link let out a warm laugh. A very rare display that Allen treasured within his heart, another reminder just how much he loved this man. His hand squeezed around Link's, golden ring contrasting his white knuckles. He couldn't wait for that romantic dinner.

FINALLY DONE. I'm so happy to have finished this and I'm pleased with it. Thank you for seeing this collection to the end, I hope to participate in similar events like this. If you liked it, please drop a review and hit the fav/kudo button. See you around in my other works!