
Hawkmoth glowered at the window while he watched Ladybug cleanse the butterfly he had made minutes before. He knew the person he had Akumatized was weak. He hadn't plan on Ladybug cleansing it so quickly.

Cat Noir and Ladybug did a fist bump before she turned her attention to the Akumatized victim. They were near the Agreste Mansion. Probably a few blocks away from the massive place. Ladybug was consoling the victim as Cat Noir stood behind her, also talking to the victim. They were standing on a flat roofed building.

They both were growing, getting stronger. Her and Cat Noir. Hawkmoth scowled as he watched the black clad cat look at his ring before waving good-bye to Ladybug. He jumped off the building, angling his body horizontally and spinning it before disappearing behind the building; out of Hawkmoth's sight.

He clenched his jaw, remembering the curse of the black cat. Hawkmoth smirked. He would take it willingly. The Black Cat miraculous affected its users differently. Those who didn't want it were cursed with bad luck; those who loved it and were willing to take it, were not affected as bad.

He had hoped this Cat Noir would be affected by the curse like the previous user, but from what he had seen; Cat Noir enjoys being the hero. He has the side effects instead, the closest thing to coming as a curse. Hawkmoth had done his research on the miraculi. He knows what happens to the users, the names of the Kwami, etc.

Hawkmoth narrowed his gaze as he watched Cat Noir sit on the domed roof of the Agreste mansion. He had seen the black cat disappear through the building enough times to know that he was the boy model. Cat Noir slid off the domed building, landing on the ledge before springing to another building close by. Cat Noir paused and looked towards Hawkmoth, he knew he was being watched but wasn't sure who it was.

Ladybug had long left. The sun was dipping towards the horizon.

Hawkmoth blinked as he focused his attention on the cat. Cat Noir just shook his head and took running. The moon was slowly climbing. Hawkmoth had seen Cat Noir quite often alone at night. Watching the city sleep or just to run through the rooftops like he was trying to escape his civilian life.

Hawkmoth snorted softly as he strolled to the right side of the immense domed-room to simply press a button. He turned his attention to the massive window, watching the large shutters began to glide together as a female form followed after the feline. The gray shutters finally slid close, shutting out the moonlight and tossing the room into blinding darkness.

The soft sound of a sad sigh tickled his ears. He narrowed his gaze and snapped his attention to a purple humanoid-butterfly Kwami. When had the butterfly released his transformation? Hawkmoth glared at the Kwami as he floated wearily beside his master. The tails on the Kwami's lower wings gently flowing to an unfelt breeze.

"The Akuma's are still too weak. I am yet to use my strongest Akuma," Hawkmoth paused and waited for the butterfly's response. The little creature just shook his head as the long antennas swayed gently. "How do we make them stronger?" Hawkmoth tested the butterfly. He already knew how. He just wanted the thing to speak.

The purple creature flinched and raised his bulbous head to look at his master with sad dark purple eyes. Hawkmoth knew that the Kwami did not want to use his powers for evil. He didn't give the little god much of a choice.

The butterfly hesitated slightly. Hawkmoth stared at the Kwami, pondering the action. "What are you not telling me?" He asked softly, making the Kwami flinch and cower away from the towering being. The butterfly's eyes darted nervously about while he drifted away from his master. "Tell me what you are hiding." Hawkmoth growled as the creature sank low to the ground, never touching the floor or looking at his master.

"Nooroo!" He snarled, getting a reaction from the Kwami as he looked at Hawkmoth with large and frightened eyes. "What are you hiding?" He demanded as the Kwami gulped.

"Ladybug and Cat Noir can be . . ." he trailed off as his master raised an eyebrow. He had an idea of what the Kwami was trying to say but he wanted to hear it with his own two ears.

"Yes?" He hissed slightly, causing the creature to flinch again.

"Ladybug and Cat Noir can be Akumatized." Nooroo dropped to the floor as if he had suddenly lost his ability to fly; most likely feeling terrible about betraying his friends. Tears shimmered at the corners of his eyes.

Hawkmoth smiled as he mulled the words over in his mind, wondering who he should target. Ladybug or Cat Noir. Ladybug could cleanse his Akumas. If he got her, then no one would stop him.

"Ladybug is luck. You might not be able to get her at all." Nooroo seemed to read his mind. Hawkmoth scowled at the reminder as he glared at the purple butterfly.

"So, Cat Noir it is then." Hawkmoth sighed as he headed for the door. The butterfly flinched as the light from the doorway flooded in, temporary blinding the little 'fairy'. Getting one hero was better than none.

"But once Cat Noir is possessed you won't be able-"

"Nooroo! I will leave you behind if you don't follow." Hawkmoth threatened as he reached for his miraculous. The butterfly squeaked and quickly zipped after his master. He would love to disappear but the last time he refused to follow; things were not pleasant when his master had summoned him to be used.

The Kwami sighed. He wished he could find a way to warn Plagg of Hawkmoth's plan for the current Cat Noir.