"Here we are, the two of us, like ships upon a winding river.

And yet somehow, we found each other like strangers.

You and I."

- Shannyn Sossamon and Elijah Wood (Like Ships)


This story contains the plot of Danganronpa V3. It is recommended to get information about the Danganronpa series first to understand this story.

This chapter will contain sensitive topics such as mentions of anxiety (panic attacks), post-traumatic stress disorder, vomiting, depression, and suicide. Therefore, you will be given a Trigger Warning from the mentioned. It is advisable to link out or ask the author for inquiries. You may read the author's notes for extra information on the story's chapter. However, the author will try her best to keep the story in Rated T.

Reading discretion is advised.

Appearances/Mentions of Team Danganronpa (As of Chapter 7):

Izuru Kamakura - Founder

Makoto Naegi - Director

Hajime Hinata - Second Unit Director

Juzo Sakakura - Head Security

Kyosuke Munakata - Actor

Chisa Yukizome - Actress

Kazuichi Soda - Construction Team Head

Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Security

Mondo Owada - Security

Mahiru Koizumi - Camera

Ryota Mitarai - Editor (Retired)

Ryoko Otonashi / Junko Enoshima - Head Editor

Chihiro Fujisaki - System Administrator

Mikan Tsumiki - Medical Team Head

Yasuhiro Hagakura - Media Agent

Seiko Kimura - Medical Head (Stepped Down)

Chiaki Nanami - Technical Director

Miaya Gekkogahara - Tech Team

Yasuke Matsuda - Medical Team

Kazuo Tengan - Actor / Director (Retired)

Toko Fukawa - Scriptwriter


Ki-Bo's thoughts

Kaede's thoughts

~Angie's thoughts~

At some time ago...

P. 80
























"Whoa... Ryoko got so many lines here. I wonder how would she able to memorize those in one take?" Makoto read the eightieth page of the script as his whispers echoed inside the men's restroom.

It's almost the episode finale of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, and Makoto is in deep nervousness from the shoot. The staff of the show pressured him a lot since this is the time where he'll get the entire spotlight as the representative of Hope against the representative of Despair.

So far, the way he acts is plain average. He's not bad, but not good enough either. Even the Danganronpa fanbase complained about how mediocre Makoto is, whether he's in character or not. Sure, there are some fans like him for being a cute 'bishonen' character. However, the ones who want him dead in the show were the people he wanted to avoid.

Especially the -

"NO! Nononono! Don't think about that, Makoto!" The actor smacked his face with the thick script he carried, "Just...breathe...and start memorizing your lines...Yeah...that's what I'll do. Must distract me from stress, yep."

Right after he read his lines, Makoto took a deep breath and began his memorization.

"No...! This isn't just some game to us!"

That's a good start.

"It's murder, plain and simple!"

He took notes that he should raise

his voice a bit higher on that line though.

"You stole our memories, invented reasons for us to do it...You pushed us all into a corner!"

Now for the big part.

"IT'S ALL YOU FaaaAA-uuUuUUUuult?!"

Uh oh, it looks like he cracked his voice there.

"Gosh darn it!" The teenager stomped his feet in frustration. But what happened though? He didn't drink anything cold ever since the show started, he never stay up late since it might affect his energy and voice, he always drinks some water and medicine to make sure his voice is alright, he even took voice exercises right before going to the restroom. So what made his voice cracked all of a sudden?

Might as well, doing it again.

"No! This isn't just some game to us! It's murder, plain and...uuuguuuuahaahhahhh!"

And again.

"...You stole our memories...invented reasons for us to do it...you pu-bubububu-bah!"

And again.


And again.


It was until Makoto slammed his head on to the mirror, he's glad he didn't break it though.

He sighed in frustration for not able to perform his lines right. There are only four lines in one page! FOUR! That's not even hard to memorize them at all! So why can't he get his lines right?

The amateur doesn't know. He's mad that he can't get them right. Just because he's the main protagonist of Trigger Happy Havoc, doesn't mean he's completely the perfect actor that everyone expected from him.

He feels like he's going to let the Team down because he can't get them memorized again. That he will fail the episode finale, and everyone will get mad at him for being an idiot.

What if I don't make it?

What if I screw up?

What would happen to me?

Are they going to yell at me?

Are they going to fire me because I screwed up?

They must be angry right from the start. Maybe they don't like me and only dragged me here because I was a pity walker.

What were they thinking of choosing me?!

I'll ruin the show! I'll fail the Team. I'll fail my 'friends'. I'll fail Ryoko!

It's all my fault!

It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault!

Maybe I shouldn't exist? Then I won't screw up anymore. I can make them happy if I'm gone, right?


Maybe I should -

"NO!" Makoto yelled while covering his ears, his face is visibly dripping with sweat without noticing it.

"Nononononono! Reject! Reject! I don't want to think about it! Not again!" His lone echoes were ringing inside the restroom. The young man is breathing heavily as he tried to make himself relax, his eyes laid on where the script was fallen. He could see that he's still stuck on page 80, the part where he couldn't get his lines right.

For a long second, he stared at the bundle of paper, a drop of water has stained the script. Then soon, those drops of water increases as the page is soaking slowly.

The actor didn't notice he was crying.

That it is attacking his brain again.

It's because he didn't take the proper medication...again.

Makoto's breath subsided as he looked at his tired reflection in the mirror. Oh god, he's so ugly. So ugly that he wanted to tear that fleshy mask that's covering his face down because he doesn't want to see the frail and disgusting figure staring at him in pity.

As much as the boy tempted to shatter the mirror with his fists, he knew that it would lead to a bad consequence.

Therefore, Makoto could only do the safest.


"UGH! SON OF A - "


Makoto jumped in surprise and searched where the noise came from.

He didn't expect who the person was inside of the men's restroom, especially if someone entered the room where most men do their Nature's Call broke a rule.

Not entering the restroom unless you're a guy.

Appearing before him is a young strawberry blonde-haired woman wearing a black blazer, a two-color themed black and white necktie, a red checkered skirt, and black heeled boots.

Good thing Makoto isn't blushing because of the attire she's wearing, it's because he knows who she is.

"J-J-Jun-, I-I-I m-mean, R-Ryo-k-ko! What the h-heck a-are you doing h-here?! In the MEN'S RESTROOM?!" Makoto stuttered in getting her name and his words right, even he couldn't prevent himself from blushing all because a woman entered the men's restroom.



Ryoko tapped her feet impatiently, she doesn't look pleased with how Makoto greet her. The question was given to the actress even sounds insulting, it's the usual 'just because she's a woman' excuse so the men can do something that they want as opposed to the girls who had to powder their noses within a time limit. Lucky them.

Disgruntled, the celebrity's only response is pointing her thumb to the opened restroom door, "You forgot to lock the door. AGAIN. The whole Team was wondering if there's a ghost inside the restroom! Hiro was scared like heck!"

Makoto gave her a sheepish grin, even though the grin is a fake, he never thought that he'd scare his fellow workers over the script he's trying to memorize. "Ehehe...Sorry about that," he apologized while averting his eyes. Still can't believe that Ryoko was able to enter the restroom without hesitation or shame, even having the guts to break a rule.

Well, that's Ryoko. A risk-taker and a rule-breaker, but with a heart of gold along with it.

The actress blankly shrugged at Makoto's reaction until she saw the disheveled script laying on the tiles, Ryoko reached for it and carefully inspect the lines from a page that she randomly flipped.

"What are you doing here anyway?" she asked.

"I was trying to get the lines right - "

"Next time, find a better place for you to practice. You can't just concentrate when you're inside the restroom while smelling pee and poop during your delivery, and not to mention that it'll ruin your suit if you keep on sweating for too long here," she lectured Makoto while reading the lines that Makoto practiced, then her brow raised.

Her eyes moved as she skims the page, "'This isn't some game to us', yadda yadda yadda...'invented reasons for us to do it' blah blah blah..."

She then had her sharp eyes towards Makoto, "You only got four lines on one page..."

This became the time Makoto's smile fades, he even averts his eyes to his friend in shame.

"And you still couldn't ace it? Why?"

The tone of her voice sounds like she's a veteran who is ticked at a rookie, not able to do things right on the first day. HE knew Ryoko's not happy for flopping his lines during his practice, and she also had a point.


There are only four of his lines on one page.

Ryoko sighed, "You were supposed to memorize them right before the set,"

"I...I - I...Uh..."

Why can't he get them right?

"What are you do - "

"I'm s-sor-rry..." His breathing shortens once again.

Why can't he get them right?

Why is he letting his friend down from the final episode of the show?

"I don't know what I was doing and I...Ngh..."

His hands were shaking, his own body feels like it's overheating.

And his eyes are beginning to blur for who knows how many times, he couldn't see the blurred figure of Ryoko standing right in front of him as if she's only a mirage.

"I can't do it. I...I - I can't...I'm gonna fail!" Makoto shrieked, his own hands unconsciously start to claw his hair brutally.

Of all the times that he had been attacked by it, he's wondering why the attack had to be on the day of the show's finale.

He hates being attacked by it.

He feels weak, cornered, vulnerable...

And alone.

Makoto thought that if he can handle this by himself with no one to help him, then he can end finally end it.

He doesn't want to be a burden of others, and he doesn't want to hurt their feelings if it's attacking him at the wrong place at the wrong time.

But no matter how many medications he'd taken, no matter how many times he must be rehabilitated, it's still useless.

Makoto can only subdue it for a while until it has broken the chains that he restrained to the MONSTROUS CREATURE WHO INVADED HIS MIND FOR MANY YEARS.

No no no!

Not now!

Please just leave me alone!

Stop ruining my life already!

You already hurt me enough, I don't want to do it anymore!

Someone! Anyone!

Just help me!

I can't do it!

I'm gonna fail again!

No! I have to resist this!

I don't want to be a burden!

I don't want to -


"Huh?!" The protagonist character snapped out of his trance and hastily look around of what's happening during his...attack. He realized that his knees were on the floor, and he could see some tiny water drops too. He also learned his fellow actress is still present the whole time that he did not realize Ryoko was restraining, or probably hugging, him.

"It's okay! It's okay, Makoto. I got you...I got you..." The young woman's voice suddenly changed, from strict to soft-spoken.

Her voice helped in calming him, his breathing is slowly faltered. His hands weren't shaking anymore and his body feels light like feathers scattered in the breeze.

When he was able to feel the sensation of relief, he looked at Ryoko despite his red eyes were stinging him from crying.

"Ryoko? What...happened...to me?" Makoto asked with his voice fully cracked and his throat becomes a little painful to swallow in. Now he wants to know what on earth happened to him.

His friend paused for seconds before she took a deep breath and opened her mouth, "You had another Panic Attack. It's the fifth one this week."

"The fifth time..." As much as he doesn't like the word, the young man accepted like it was nothing. He pushed himself from the floor as he tried to stand up despite his legs are shaking, he even brushed off Ryoko's help when she wanted to offer some assistance.

The mere gesture gives the antagonist actress some concern to her 'enemy' character. From the tension inside the bathroom to his worst-case scenario of the Panic Attack, Makoto seemed didn't care about those that he's becoming distant from it.

Ryoko knows Makoto, even though he doesn't know of Ryoko's existing analytical abilities can be crucial in and off character. Of course, if she's going to ask Makoto if he's alright, he's gonna say it even though he's lying. There's something wrong with him, and she might be right.

She looked at him with glaring eyes, one that makes a person back away from fear.


It worked like a charm, Makoto is frozen from Ryoko's harsh gaze.

Ryoko must have hated him. Makoto starts to blame everything that spots inside his head. But, he doesn't want to start the monster rule his head again.

...please don't.

"...You..." He wants to say sorry. But sorry is not an easy word. Sorry? Even a criminal won't be able to spit it out. Only soap operas do that, but the real world is another thing.

She had enough. For goodness sakes, she's the Ultimate Analyst! So she gotta do something with her talent, even though the solution is going to be outright silly. Ryoko reaches out her hand towards Makoto's forehead, her fingers are ready for flicking someone. Her fingers worked like a slingshot as her painted nail hit Makoto's skin in a snap.


The elastic sound made Makoto got a hold on his forehead.

Makoto's pain receptors gave him a signal to flinch, "YEOWCH! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!"

Not sure what to react, he stared at Ryoko with an annoyed look.

"Don't hit me like that!"

But instead of seeing Ryoko's ticked off face, he gazed upon a different woman.

Ryoko is still the same, apart from the crown and different posture, almost like a tyrant queen.

"You DARE to question my authorities as a Queen of Despair? How impertinent! The absurdity from the Prince of Hope succumbing to the very concept of Despair in place of the philosophy that you are committed from! This war of Hope against Despair will resolve nothing but utter boredom. Therefore, the battle must halt!"

Makoto stared at Ryoko dumbfounded. Is she saying that the shoot will have to wait or she's trying to get her act together as Junko Enoshima just for him to understand how to act a character?

"Uuuhhh...Ryoko? What are you trying to do?"

The actress snatched the script from Makoto's hands suddenly as she rolled it narrow enough to be a stick. He didn't expect for Ryoko, or maybe she's playing as Junko, to swing it in front of the actor. He dodged at whatever Ryoko, er, Junko's hitting at him. He doesn't want to get hurt by the Ultimate Despair after all!

"Hey hey! That's enough! I had enough! Don't hit me again!" Makoto put his hand to protect himself, "Knock it off!"

But her 'character' didn't listen to him, nor caring that her long tongue flapping from her mouth with saliva flying around. "Who cares?! What's the point of stopping with that long face!"

"That's gross! Don't spit out saliva at me! What do you want to happen then just to get you to stop?!"

She stopped attacking Makoto, her arm that holds the rolled-up script is slowly becoming limp. The persona fell silent, mushrooms popped out from her hair. The reasons were unknown, but her face shows remorse with either true of fake tears starting to form.

"Geez...I was just trying to cheer you up. Is this how you thank me as your friend? That's Despairing, you know that? And I'm not talking the good Despair, too."

"...Trying to cheer me up...?" He wants to continue, but his brain is tired to let it overwork. Air is put around them, making the atmosphere awkward that led him to blush in embarrassment.

She smiled, her blue contacts gazed at his timid stature. "Of course I was trying to cheer you up, Silly Egg!" The cutesy girl squeaked from her high pitched voice.

She ran up to her friend and grabbed his tender hands, "You're always sad whenever we meet, and it makes Big Sis Ryoko sad too! We don't like sad Makoto! We want the happy Makoto back!"

Here comes another 'not sure what to react' situation. But, pretending to go with the flow...wouldn't hurt, right?

"Well...so...okay, 'Big Sis' ...I can't say no but...okay. I'll be fine," Makoto smiled a small one, although it's not that Ryoko is expecting, at least, it is not fake. It is better than flashing a grin yet filled with hypocrisy.

However, Ryoko's analytic abilities can see through Makoto's lies. She pulled out her eyeglasses along with her pen and a clipboard, which the later is filled with Makoto's...'necessary' documents compiled.

"I can see you're faking it, Makoto. Remember that I am taking the role not only as the Ultimate Despair nor the Ultimate Fashionista, but also the role of the Ultimate Analyst."

Makoto can't help but smack his face. "Later on, I'm gonna start to call you as Mother..."

As he looks on her eyes, "...Ryoko," and as he calls her name, he takes the rolled script from her and sighed a deep one. "...you're hopeless."

And it seems, his face becomes clear and bright while appreciating Ryoko's concern about him.

Her only response is only sending a punch towards his stomach.

Makoto knelt down from the pain. That hit hard! He thought as he points the rolled script to her. "T-That hurts! You score too much lately!" He stands up, "I just can't punch people, but I'll take revenge! Oh, yeah. You'll see it later in the show! You'll see!"

Pulling out her Monokuma plush and covering her face, "Puhuhuhuhu! See? If I simply give you a nudge in the right direction, it'll be a-okay! Finally, the Ultimate Hope breaks free from Despair...By golly, what took you so long though?"

Her Junko alter-ego shuts down, and Ryoko let the plush down and showing her face of concern.

"But seriously, Makoto. You can't just deal with this on your own." Ryoko reached out her hand to a subdued Makoto.

"Didn't you forget that you have friends?"

Makoto silenced for a bit. However, he can't respond to anything. He has not refuted it. Friends? He is not sure. The thing they are always there for you doesn't work for him. "I know..." The last thing he can say.

She didn't let go of her outstretched arm, "I know you've gone through bad things already. And there are times you need to have the will to keep moving forward, you can't stay silent about how you feel. You need to speak up, not just me."

"If it's just that easy, why not?" Makoto said in a low tone.

"It's because you're not doing it. 'Easier being said than done', that's your mentality." Her analytic tone becomes serious all of a sudden.

Uh oh, her voice suddenly changes again. But on the other hand, she's technically right. Sure he has friends in Trigger Happy Havoc, yet it seems that he's mostly with Ryoko all the time. Makoto feels like he's slowly becoming a burden, and the protagonist is well aware that he's clinging to Ryoko too much.

It's because she's one of the only persons he could speak out of, especially...

Perhaps it's not the right time to think about it, not in the episode finale. He must make Ryoko happy, she doesn't want to see him battling the dormant monster inside him alone.

Makoto sighed, "Okay, fine. Next time, I'll try. But please don't do that again? Besides...I need to memorize this thing now."

She doesn't want him to get irritated any longer, and he has a point that it's almost the rehearsal and then the shoot afterward.

Ryoko instead grabs Makoto's arm and gently pull him back to his knees, he does appreciate the help even though he wasn't showing gratitude.

"Now remember, Makoto," The dressed up actress calls out the young actor for one last time even though he knows what she was trying to say.

"Eat, sleep, relax, and do my homework. I know."

She smiled, "Good. Now, let's go. Old Man Tengan might have another heart attack once he sees us missing on the set again."

Makoto nodded, and the two left the restroom while having to get some surprises from Team Danganronpa about the antagonist having the guts of entering the men's restroom.

The actress playing as Junko Enoshima is back to her normal, outgoing self when talking to people.

The lead character, on the other hand, is seen sitting on the corner of the set. He's memorizing his lines for the hundredth time while showing his focus on expressing his emotions through it.

As much as she's proud that Makoto can recover from what happened to the restroom, she couldn't help but feel worrisome. Just because he's back to his work, doesn't mean it is gone.

For now, at least.

"Makoto, please. Just speak up about this. A lot of people were reaching their hands to you, just accept their help before it's too late."

Present time

"YOU'RE GONNA DO WHAT?!" Mikan shrieked so loud that I winced upon hearing her high pitched voice, looks like her Goodbye Despair self is still hidden beneath in terms of her natural reactions (like everyone else does in Team Danganronpa).

I placed a finger over my lip, "SSSHHHH! You're going to wake him up if you screech even louder!"

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm back in the basement. You know, the place where we had to keep Makoto away to get some shut-eye from chapter 7?

Just to some up from the last chapter (in bullet form):

1. Makoto was still out cold from the 'caffeine overdose'

2. The only place good for him to sleep is in the basement

3. Hajime challenged us for a race

4. I won and Hajime lost in the MOST PAINFUL WAY AS POSSIBLE

5. The Death Road of Despair got shut down

6. Hajime made me edit the whole script

So, yeah. Technically, the reason why I was back was that I have to check on Makoto...just in case he does something fishy and would cause a tantrum if he finds out the script was edited by yours truly.

"But are you serious about this? Hajime really told you about that?!" My fellow worker still couldn't believe it, especially on Hajime's free will.

I could only shrug, "Either he doesn't want to see the kids die by a mere thirty-five hundred volt electrocution or he's too lazy to deal with it."

Mikan fidgets with her fingers, she's clearly not okay with it (geez, she's usually outspoken before Goodbye Despair). I guess that makes sense since she's still a bit sensitive to people throwing a tantrum, again it came from the show she acted before. Not only that, Hajime's life is on the line and she doesn't like that either.

"Hajime's gonna get murdered by this! Nggghhhh! I told him Makoto's still the boss! I told him not to mess with the boss!"

"Calm down, Mikan! Mikan!" I put my hands over her shoulders by the time I saw her shaking.

Immediately, she's starting to do her breathing exercise. A common way to relax a panicking person at a time of crisis, and I wish Makoto practiced that too...

"That's it...Good! Just continue to breathe in and out." I guided her while doing the same thing (since I'm also panicking on the inside).

I'll tell you a short story.

Right after Hajime told me to edit the script, Chihiro and I had to (silently) announce the other people from Team Danganronpa about the change of plans. Not only for them to have time to change the whole set and other kinds of stuff, but for them to mentally brace themselves if ever Makoto wakes up and throws a fuse. AGAIN.

The Team understands what to do and start to revise their work. Whether if it's the set design or the playback, they had to fix this little troubleshooting. Or they will get the end of Makoto's stick on them the hard way.

I know Makoto's not the person who gets super angry (sorta), especially from the past shows that he's portraying as the First Ultimate Hope in the previous saga. But nowadays, especially he's taking place as the Director of Killing Harmony, let's just say he's not mentally prepared when it comes to dealing with stress. Even though his emotions are improving, a crisis may get into him that Hajime and I had to keep an eye on him. It's a hassle job, I know. But that's a job as his friend, too.

Once Mikan regains her composure, she's starting to pack her things from her first aid kit.

"Thank you, Ryoko. Especially when helping Hajime on his job, I'm sorry if he's a bit of a troublemaker though..." She said while averting her eye contact with me, I understand what she means. Those two can be a handful at times, I sometimes can't believe I'm babysitting them.

"Hajime? Pfft! He's fine, even though he can be a troll. But at least he's taking his job more seriously, I think." I muttered under my breath.

The Ex-Ultimate Nurse checked on Makoto one more time, seeing if one of the basement room is capable for him to sleep for a longer hour while Mikan taking her leave. Don't worry, I'm taking her shift afterward.

Mikan hands me a paper filled with instructions on how to take care of a sick person in bed, "Just make sure to make him drink water, but don't OVERDO IT. And then we have to monitor his eating and sleeping habits once he wakes up, we better make him eat nutritious foods and not just coffee. Otherwise, he'll suffer hyper-acidity over and over."

I nodded in agreement, and both of us left the basement with optimism that Makoto will sleep well.


By the time we took our first step in leaving the basement room, we see people doing -


Alarmed by whoever warned us, I pushed Mikan's head down when I saw a big piece of metal swinging towards us. It was a close call (not unlike Rantaro-Avocado from the past time loops).

I wanted to know who almost killed us. My eyes were able to catch the sight of the Ex-Ultimate Mechanic, Kazuichi Soda (friendly reminder he's not that close to Sonia, in and out of character).

Mikan gave him a pout, "K-Kazuichi! Be careful!"

"Yeah! You're going to kill someone with that pipe!" I followed (isn't this statement a little bit ironic or hypocritical?)

He placed the pipe down slowly (with ONE HAND, mind you), "Whoops! Sorry about that, ladies! Didn't see where I was going."

"Hah! How are you anyway? It's been a while since we didn't see each other," I asked him while helping Mikan in standing up.

He placed a hand on his hip while his brows furrowed, "The last time we've met, the whole Team had to watch 'The Battle of the Jerks' until Mr. Kamukura dismissed us."

"Caffeine, it makes them crazy when it comes to those two," I commented while peering over his shoulder, more people from the Construction Team are coming in.

Apparently, Mikan and I should be the ones to know where we going. Because the lobby is becoming a moving site, this happens a lot when the Construction Team is doing an Ingress.

Speaking of Ingress, that gave Mikan curiosity.

"What are you doing though? I-I-If you don't mind asking,"

"Hajime's orders, dude. First, we have to do some big changes in the set pieces of the show...and then I have to fix the Death Road of Despair...again," Kazuichi answered, with the last part being a soft mutter. This is one of the many times that the Soda Can have to fix the tunnel. Most of the reasons were the Electro-Hammers wrecking the traps, much to Kazuichi's dismay that Makoto ordered him for who knows how many times.

The struggles in managing priorities want me to make a joke out of that punk, "Hey, you don't think it might conflict with your dating with... Sonia?"

Kazuichi's eyes widened while his face turned red, "WHAT THE HECK?! YOU WANT ME TO SWING THIS PIPE OVER YOU?!"

Aaahh! Music to my ears. Despite being the character playing as the Ultimate Mechanic in Goodbye Despair who is gushing over Sonia, he's technically not the type of person to have dates or so. Well, the Crowned Princess Sonia Nevermind of the Novoselic Kingdom (my goodness that's long) is now doing her royal duties as a princess when she was formerly the Location Manager (and one of the major sponsors). So she's not around right now, but she did promise to visit the place where she met many friends behind the scenes. In short, she's retired.

It's a natural love team triangle when fans are rooting to either Gundam Tanaka (the Ex-Ultimate Breeder who is now part of the Publicist Crew) or Kazuichi, though he later had to step out of the triangle since he has more priorities to take care on for the shows.

Seeing Kazuichi being his normal, dorky self-makes Mikan spark a squeaky laugh in a good way. He does accept what the Med Team Head was saying to him, that's normal for us nowadays when reminiscing our jobs as actors before.

We could only smile, Kazuichi smiled also. There's nothing we could do primarily, it's all in the days work. The members of Team Danganronpa do get used on the lifestyle when working on the killing game reality show, but the adjustments can be surprising that we sometimes lose track of the days and stuffs we're supposed to do.

"Oh well...Another loop, another set needs to be fixed," I shrug in making my point.

Mikan raised her hand, "Kazuichi, please be mindful of working with the set. Especially when you do your welding since it might affect your eyes without the proper equipment to protect them."

His shoulders broaden, "Awww shucks! Don't worry about me! If I can fix a chassis, I can fix my bones in a jiffy!"

"Ummm...that's not a good idea. But I could provide some assistance at the hospital if you did break a bone, you have to be careful still."

"Oh well, thanks anyway." Kazuichi began to lift the pipe like it was made of helium, "I better go back to work now. An Ultimate - "

"EX-ULTIMATE" Mikan and I reminded Kazuichi in unison (at least someone had fun portraying their character).

"Ex-Ultimate Mechanic's job is never done!" The Soda Can forget to be aware that he might hit us again, so we had to duck once more to stay away from the pipe's range.

And then Kazuichi left, while his free hand wave to us as we wave back.

So after that short but sweet friendly conversation, it's time for us to get working again.

Staring at the bright laptop screen is Chihiro Fujisaki, Team Danganronpa's System Administrator. His fingers tapped on his keyboard as various codes are sprawled over the document, yet he never blinks or averts his eyes off of it (it kinda makes me worried about how his programming affects his eyes without a filter).

Meanwhile, Hajime is substituting Makoto's job. He's watching on a television screen where the V3 kids (except Ki-Bo) are gathered, the situation is obviously bad from Chapter 7. From the looks on his face, he seems stressed on...whatever he's thinking right now. To be honest, Hajime's not used in doing Makoto's job. As in, he's new in the head director's routine while Makoto is temporarily absent.

You see, Hajime's job description reads 'Second Unit Director'. So it means that there's such thing as the First Unit Director, which is Makoto.


While Team Danganronpa is filled with different Teams depending on their specialty, there's a team within the Team but we call them as 'Units'. There are many Units within the Team but it was narrowed down in the recent seasons, like season 53.

The First Unit is Makoto's unit; the guidelines stated that whoever is cast in the season, they will be working on that particular unit while having their specific jobs within the company. So if Makoto's unit were from Trigger Happy Havoc, the others will join his unit (under the 'unified agreement'). I'm part of his Unit despite being a cast member from Zero, so does Chihiro, Toko, Kiyotaka, Mondo, and Yasuhiro. His unit is in charge of the security, casts, creatives, and the plot.

Next, is Hajime's Second Unit. People from Danganronpa 2 will be part of his Unit, like Kazuichi, Mikan, Mahiru, Sonia, Gundham, and Chiaki. The unit that Hajime's in charge of other sources, like the technical and other support. Almost half of them had more 'elbow grease' than Makoto's unit, much to the Second Unit Director's dismay (because those two Breakfast Brothers clash each other often).

The part where you read Hajime and Makoto fighting in Chapter 5 is one of their fights. Yes, I did stop them from making the feud worsen but there are parts of the past where it gets bloody with these two, as in really bloody. Old Man Kamukura requested me to keep an eye on those two kids from fighting each other, and that's why I got the babysitting job because of it.

With that out of the way, it's no wonder that Hajime is having a hard time sitting in one place because his body is so used in moving around the building that it doesn't want to even sit down.

Hajime is close to being frustrated by trying to get a comfortable position while watching our contestants from the screen. Just as before the Orange Juice rage quits, he heard the sigh that came from our System Administrator. The sight of Chihiro struggling not only to distract Hajime from what he was supposed to do but his concern from the kid overworking blooms his soft spot.


Chihiro's arms lay limp as he hung his head up from exhaustion, his eyes were closed. This is his non-verbal action of 'why am I in this job anyway?', and you better believe it. If you ever experienced writing a College Thesis (especially the dreaded Review of Related Literature), then you know how the boy feels when typing codes in one sitting. Sure, the Chihiro Fujisaki you knew before wouldn't hurt a fly. But if he pushed himself too hard, he might not only get a bad headache (whoops, too soon?) but he's also close to show his angry side and let his frustrations out. He does have complaints, but he never tells them because he might hurt other's feelings for it.

"Chihiro?" Hajime's voice opened the young boy's eyes in alarm for his superior.

"Oh! Sorry. My hands were a little bit tired." Chihiro answered softly as he doesn't want to exert his energy much. Instead, he turned his head to look at Hajime.

"You don't have to pressure yourself. They won't appear until the second chapter anyway."

"I'm still stuck in Kiyo's part! He's the hardest character to even re-write his plotline code after Tsumugi trashed them, second to Kirumi and even Ki-Bo!" Chihiro lightly pounds his fists on the desk, "My GOODNESS, I can't believe she placed me under this assignment when she died! 'They're just fictional!' she said! 'It'll be fun!' she said! UGH! I wish I could put her in the box and disassemble her to death! Then we'll see if she's still having fun in there!"

Oh, the irony if you ever read between the lines because Chihiro's rage is about to fuse.

And yeah, our former Executive Producer coerced Chihiro to be the one to program the Flashback Light along with inserting the plot lines that Tsumugi (and Makoto) wrote for the characters. And just like the others, we hate Tsumugi. She's the one who almost ruined Danganronpa if she wasn't a tyrant to us before.

Mentioning her name wants me to spit on her tombstone.

Anyway, seeing Chihiro cranky makes Hajime had to release a chuckle. Looks like he had to bring chocolate milk for Chihiro so he can at least have some comfort food during his programming.

Peering from Chihiro's laptop, a short cord is plugged seemingly that connects to a device.

The gadget has a cylinder-shaped rod that is connected to a large, telescopic lens with blue linings on the rim. The lens is transparent enough to see that there is an energy core inside that is protected in the container itself. There is a separate handle with a switch that is wrapped with wiring and a canister powering the equipment.

Everyone knows what it is.

It's the Flashback Light.

Our System Administrator could see Hajime's eyes staring at it, "It's also the last one before Kazuichi and Chiaki had to restock it again."

"Well, at least Angie didn't wreck it from the last time loop."

"But she's still dead in Loop 18!"

Orange Juice sighed in dismay (he likes Angie before Tsumugi messed her up), "She deserved to die after killing Shuichi like that. What a jerk!"

Still drained, Chihiro covered his hands over his eyes. It's the perfect go signal for Hajime to grab a drink for Chihiro, patting the boy's head as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Goodness gracious! She did that?!"

"Yes, she did! I can't believe it either. I almost jumped out of my chair, to be honest."

"I have to admit, that sounds cool when you think about it. So what happens next?"

"Let's see..." Mikan tapped her head a little with her finger "She was able to keep the enemies distracted... almost, but the lady got snatched anyway and was trapped in a wheel guillotine thingy."

I rolled my eyes as a result, "And I'm guessing she's -"

"Dead." Mikan finished the summary with a gruesome ending while making an 'Off with your head' gesture. It made me facepalm out of impulse.

"Oh man, and just when I started to like her. She went DEAD." I spoke out of disappointment "A character I liked pre-show went DEAD. And the next episode, he went DEAD. And again, and again, and again. No wonder the posts warned people not to get attached to them. WHY DIDN'T I LISTEEEEEEEEN~?!"

She patted my shoulder when I'm beginning to sulk. "Don't worry, Ryoko. There's still more people left. I think they'll make it to the finale."

"IF they can."

Though Mikan's knowledge about the story she told me made me curious, how come she knows about all this? That series conflicted our shift.

Therefore I asked, "Out of curiosity, when did you have the time to watch the show? I'm very outdated as of this moment."

My question to Mikan makes her a bit embarrassed about what she is going to say, "I asked Fuyuhiko about that..."

"Oh," I nodded "Him."

We were almost to the control room where Hajime and Chihiro stayed so they can keep an eye on the kids and do some last-minute adjustments before Chapter 1 starts for the thirty-first time in the show.

We talked a lot of things during our walk, mostly were about life outside of our work.

"By the way. When is the next Medical Mission, maybe the Team could volunteer to help?" I asked Mikan out of curiosity.

She looked at me with a smile crawling on her lips, and I mean the kind one. "So far, there aren't any announcements yet from my organization. But there's going to be a conference next week and I have to watch the seminars there, too."

I nod, "Have you asked permission or getting a leave?"

That's when she gets a long pause to think, her medical kit breaks the silence when it makes some noise in the background. "I...was thinking about that. Except there is a problem...While I'm going to be gone for a day or two, who's going to watch Makoto? And...OH MY GOSH! Who's going to watch the children?! What will they eat? Did they have enough clothes? How will I know they're gonna sleep on time? Why am I so stupid? I forgot to hire a babysitter!"

"Wait, didn't Nagito volunteered?"

"...Oops! I forgot. Yeah, silly me." Mikan sighed in relief, the stress makes her forgetful sometimes.

"Just relax and enjoy the conference! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, you know. Don't forget, I have a shift for Makoto, so you shouldn't worry about that too." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder to help her relax.

Mikan blushed, "Th-Thank you, Ryoko."

"That's Team Danganronpa for you. We're family, Mikan. We care for each other." I smiled.

After that, we were able to enter the dark control room. It's still 'half-empty' since Makoto's absent. Though, I could see Chihiro resting because he got an assignment in re-writing the data of the Flashback Light by the time I edited the script (gosh darn you, Tsumugi).

As for Hajime, I couldn't see him anywhere! He's supposed to sit in the chair and keep an eye on the kids! By golly I told him to substitute, not to slack! You only had one job, Hajime Hinata! ONE JOB!

Though Mikan doesn't mind where that disappointment went off to, she instead sits on a vacant chair nearby and waits for him.

Meanwhile, I have to do my job but I can't do that without Hajime. So, I have to take over for a minute until he's back.

Irritated by the sudden substitution, I pulled out my copy of the script from my pocket (anime logic, people) and sat on the chair that looked used by the Orange Juice. I quickly flipped the pages by the first glance of the bright screen, making sure that the scene I'm watching is according to my analysis from my editing (though editing through paper is a bit rusty).

From what I saw, it's so far so good. I just predicted it by my analysis, and yet it's still worked like a charm. Everything is according to the revised script I made, all part of my job...sort of. If you want to know what I was talking about, please scroll down to the Author's Note.

Moving on. While I imitated Makoto's job in staring on to the television screen (I wonder how in the world he can watch the kids without blinking), I realized that an unknown object appeared in my field of vision without me knowing how long it was there the whole time.

From what I see, it looks like a piece or pieces of paper written in big words. Fold and rested, the strange object is played on the desk untouched by anyone (based on my analytic talent). My curiosity got the best of me as my hand unconsciously extends towards the heap, the texture is soft yet crisp when my fingers are in contact with the object.

It's strange to see a different kind of paper than the one I always see as a script we always used in the company, so I...forgot what the thing I'm holding was called (the least you expect of me from 'Zero' is my former self-being forgetful). The only thing I remembered was that people from the outside mostly used it to read every morning, and they are mostly long and big. Not only there are words inside there, but pictures too when it's in the front.

Ummmm… What was it called again? It had something to do with...news...

News... news... news... paper? Ah, that's right! A newspaper!

Wow! It's been a while since I've never read a broadsheet newspaper before. I didn't even remember why I don't even think about reading it either. Oh well, it's better to be late than never.

These stubborn hands start to unfold the newspaper as my eyes have begun inspecting words from the first page, I think it's called a 'Headline'.

Odd. My hands begin to sweat for some reason, so does my heart beating in a haste.

Ito Ishioka Building on fire, two students and a teacher part of the casualty


- Robotics student Tadashi Hamada and his younger brother Hiro Hamada were one of the victims in a fire at Ito Ishioka Robotics Laboratory. Along with the death of the Hamadas was the robotics scientist and university professor Robert Callaghan who received fatal 3rd-degree burns from the blaze, he was claimed dead on arrival at the hospital. The fire was started within the laboratory premises where students witnessed an explosion from an exposed wire, light materials that were near to the spark ignited the fire that spread inside. The 14-year-old boy succumbed to the smoke while his older brother was hit by falling debris, following by Callaghan who tried to save them. Police officers and the university are under investigation on what caused the fire that killed three people.

I could only follow a "My god" before I flipped another page. My teeth chatters quietly and gently, my legs need some rest but they couldn't budge.

And if I say it's been a while, I say it's a LONG TIME reading this type of paper, and I'm not liking what I'm reading. Is this what newspapers are contained daily?

The case of the Heavenly Host Elementary murder continues

This is going to suck.

- The murders of Sachiko Shinozaki, Ryo Yoshizawa, Tokiko Tsuji, and Yuki Kanno is still held on trial against the Heavenly Host Elementary School after Takamine Yanagihori, the institute's principal, who killed the children and buried their corpses within the school's premises. Forensics discovered that the murder weapon of the accused wielded sewing scissors where the wounds of the victims match the size of the scissors was used to stab the late students. Families of the deceased are still crying for justice as the principal refused to speak towards the public.

Murder...real life murder happening in this place. One thing that Tsumugi said that isn't true is that the Outside World isn't as peaceful as it seems, she's just luring the people she manipulated into Despair -

YEESH! Now I remember why I don't read newspapers that much. (I would rather not talk about it)

I folded the newspaper as fast as I could, obscuring most of the headlines from the front. Afterward, I place it inside of a nearby drawer and immediately closed it.

Sighing is the response I had while looking behind my back just in case Mikan and Chihiro noticed my odd behavior, thankfully they didn't. Those bad news were getting into my head, and I was reading two headlines for goodness sakes!

While I was a bit distracted from my self-doubt, I didn't notice that the television screen just glitched on me for a mere second. I caught that kind of attention when more than one televisions began to fizz. The lights go on and off and on and off for some odd reason. This fanfiction wasn't even a horror genre, but this scenario is starting to give me some goosebumps.

Though, in my guts (or my analytical prowess is at it again), the screens glitching out looks like as if someone was... hacking it? No, it can't be Chihiro! He's too morally aligned to do that (unless he needs to)!

Eventually, he and Mikan noticed the glitch from the systems that our nurse plucked out a scalpel from her skirt pocket (again, anime logic).

"Mikan? Ryoko? What's happening?!" Chihiro asked us when he's starting to get the heebie-jeebies. She could only pull him behind her just in case some idiot is about to jumpscare us out of the screen.

I, on the other hand, prepared myself in a fighting stance. If that idiot is coming to scare us, the last thing he'll remember was me kicking his Delicates and I am NOT afraid to do it! Also, where the heck Hajime is when we need him?! How disappointing...

Heck, even Chihiro had to pull something out just to defend himself. He actually took off his shoes as a projectile weapon! He may be scared, but he's not afraid to fight just to help us in winning.

The television screens glitch faster and faster that it might give me some visual problems in the future until... it went black.

"Huh? That... was anticlimactic." I commented while slowly relaxed but still holding my stance.

Chihiro asks, "Is this normal? Did someone just, you know, meddled with the televisions or something?"

"Well, it's not you. Not even Hajime because he's an idiot for that." I smirked on mentioning Orange Juice's name (I wonder if he heard that though).

Mikan is not convinced that our televisions went crazy like it came out from nowhere, "So if it's not him or Hajime, then who?"


Looks like we got our answer for that when the televisions turned on at the same time, revealing a VERY familiar face.

"Well, well, well! It looks like someone forgot a fellow Danganronpan!"

Though this caused Chihiro to curse out - "WHAT THE F %$?!"

(holy guacamole, the Ex-Ultimate Programmer just swear... Good thing we censored that)

Hajime heard Chihiro's cursing that he went out of the kitchen waving a glass of chocolate milk on his hand. I'm surprised he didn't spill it, not even a drip!

"Whatisit? What'sgoingon?! IhaveachocolatemilkandIamnotafraidtouseit!" He babbled much to my dismay. Only to facepalm at the sight of the person on the screen.

What's on the television and who spoke? I give you hints.

1. She's pink.

2. She's an idiot.

3. She's a pain in the neck.

Put it together and what do you get? It's Junko FREAKING Enoshima!

Wearing the original outfit of hers in the series (and no, I will not mention her cleavage - oh wait), she's just as jolly as ever. Much like the Ultimate Despair in the show when she's feeling excited about Despair and stuffs like that... Oh, boy.

"Blegh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?!" Junko (the Jerk) complained with her 'Punk' persona appearing, "We don't normally put mature language in the previous seasons, but COME ON! Not in the work station! Any type of personal activity the employee commits must do it outside!"

I kinda felt so sorry for Chihiro right now, he had his jaw dropped. Not literally, well maybe, but you know what I mean. If you were in his shoes and saw the Ultimate Despair, the so-called Mastermind of 'The Biggest, Most Horrible, Most Tragic Event in Human History', you would either look away or just freeze there.

Mikan carefully closes Chihiro's mouth shut. Then, she looked at Junko awkwardly.

"W - W - Well, Chihiro just s - saw you for the first time. Is it okay for you not scaring him... please?" She asked Junko on the monitor. I'm impressed that she's the first person who has the guts to speak to her.

Most of our co-workers had to tolerate her blabbering many things. She is (emphasis on the 'is' part) the bad guy of our show. Everyone knows that, so why would anyone bother to talk to a villain? I don't know. Heck, she's the Embodiment of the Danganronpa series! I swear I could remember poor Mondo slamming his head because he couldn't stand her blabbermouth all the time.

She raised a brow while switching to her 'Cutesy' form, "Wait, that critter (CRITTER?!) over there's your System Administrator?"

"Chihiro Fujisaki. The 'Trap' character. Season 1?" He answered with his voice sounded like he was in Trigger Happy Havoc? He even acknowledged himself as the 'Trap'! You don't want to know whose idea it was either. Yeesh.

Much to our dismay, Junko the Jerk looked like she forgot a little about Chihiro. She's been doing what 'Winnie the Pooh Bear' does when he's think, think, thinking. We paused for a while until she was able to get a hit from her memory.

"OH WRIGHT! Dat one who got hish head knocked by a dombbell! Oh, shilly me!" Her 'Goofy' side comically slapped her head. The four of us were not laughing at her joke (just breathe, Ryoko).

Having enough of her dark humor, I decided to get into the conversation.

I cleared my mouth and asked, "Can we just cut to the chase, Junko? We have a schedule to follow."

"Such a hasty one, Junko the Second. What is the affair that you have more priorities than yours truly?" She grilled me as her 'Queen' persona.

"It's Ryoko Otonashi. How many times I have to tell you that?"

"Eight hundred fifty."

(LET THIS END ALREADY!) "Get on with it," I begged Junko. Thankfully, she switched to a more tolerable 'Teacher' personality (and my favorite, unfortunately).

Junko readied her glasses as she begins to read whatever is on her clipboard, "As requested, here are the updates for the... questionable 'Revising' of the Danganronpa V3 show."

She started the presentation by gliding her pen on her clipboard and some digital materials popped up. She revealed documentary pictures combined with captions and other stuff attached to the screen.

Junko first showed a video of Kazuichi hammering pipes in the Despair Road, there's a caption saying *cue Careless Whisper in the background*.

"First, so far the Construction Team was able to fix the show's 'minigame' while trying not to alarm the characters from the noise."

I nodded from the progress. I'm glad Kazuichi's alright from the job because fixing the Despair Road during the show is pretty frightening if you're not careful. We don't want any of the V3 Kids 'Breaking the 4th Wall' even though the audience doesn't give a crap about the characters.

Other than that, I heard Mikan sighing in relief. She must have been worried about how Kazuichi deals with the hectic schedule. Meanwhile, I can hear Hajime whistling the Careless Whisper song behind us while listening to Junko's report, the tone sounds more upbeat. It looks like he's proud of his fellow member in the job. It's not like you've seen that Orange Juice smiling sometimes in his job, especially when Makoto is around.

After Junko discarded the first one, and another picture popped up revealing Mahiru talking to some people in a strange white room.

The caption below reads *A few days left before grand opening*.

"Koizumi has finished discussing with the volunteered artists for our 'Danganronpa Museum'. Hopefully, we will be able to finish it before the opening."

Chihiro's eyes widened, astonished from the news. "We have a museum?!"

"Yep," Hajime nodded. "Some of the artists you see were the previous actors of the other seasons. I guess you could say that some were 'sponsored'."

Mikan looked at Hajime, "I heard that there are famous artists who will post their work there too. I'm so excited."

I smiled. I mean, we should be excited. Despite the controversies, we still want to follow the show's true goal before. If art expresses the true colors of one person, then it might help resonate with people one way or another.

Though, when I looked at Junko on the screen, she seemed to be bothered by what she's trying to read on her clipboard.

Hmmm... I don't want to jump into conclusions just yet. Maybe she was trolling around or having a hard time making a joke to us. Junko normally does that whenever she pops out of nowhere. I mean, I don't mind since that's Junko and she's a pain in the neck all the time.

However, seeing her face like that, it's not the first time she did it. Nor the second. Okay, I have to admit that she actually... 'cared' about us despite being an idiot. She knows her limits, much to my dismay. If it's just fun and games, then she'll just do whatever she wants because that's how she was 'programmed'. But deep within her code, she does have a soft spot.

And before you ask, she's an AI. (there I said it. Happy?)

The others noticed Junko's silence. Mikan, Hajime, and I already recognized that look. I can tell you that something IS WRONG.

"Is something of a matter from what you read, Junko?" I probed her when she seemed motionless.

With her 'Normal' self slipping in, she blurted "I'm fine with what I read. It's just I'm not sure how to say it in front of you boneheads without any Despair banging inside you all."

Chihiro had his heart beating fast. He already felt that it's going to be bad news that not even Junko herself is making it a joke.

I can't say much until it's proven true, but rumors are spreading around the building. Something about the company being in danger from something the whole Team is having a hard time dealing with. Obviously, whoever heard the news already got panic running in their faces even though they tried to hide it.

"It's the Thing, isn't it?"

She faced me with an impassive look, "You know those rumors are true, Ryoko."

I could hear Hajime trying not to curse out loud, Mikan holds down her tears as much as she can, and Chihiro biting his lip while having difficulty to process the situation we're having right now.

"How's the Team coping with it?" I consulted out of worry for the others.

"Aside from what I just reported, perhaps this is the justified thing of covering IT up. Most of them pretended like they never heard it."

Hajime interjected, "So no matter what, IT will happen? We can't stop IT?"

"Believe me, we tried. Not even Mr. Kamukura can stop IT."

"W-Wh-What are we gonna do now?! How are we going to live the way things were if IT is going to take over Team Danganronpa?!" Mikan stutters while asking the question.

"...I'm not even sure about this either, Mikan. Juzo and the others had a meeting and placed Team Danganronpa under high security."

While we put on our brave faces in handling the Thing, Chihiro is getting tensed up. Of course, he doesn't know about this. I know he's trying to act like an adult, but we can't scare him off.

"Wait," Chihiro took a step forward unexpectedly. "What is IT? How come people know IT yet try to at least find the source of the problem? And why on earth I wasn't told about this?!"

Junko glared at him when she feels like she's being interrogated, "You weren't told about IT? It's obvious you're still a kid to understand this ADULT ONLY problem."

"But I'm old enough to get involved in this job! I trained for this job so I won't be useless in the Team!"

"And what are you going to do?" Junko leans closer towards him. I already have a bad feeling about their argument that I'm beginning to pull him back (you don't want to see her angry). Though, I feel like he's holding his ground. Chihiro is a person who goes straight to the problem right away. He's not meek when it comes to serious problems like the Thing that 'everyone' was worried about.

Chihiro Fujisaki is not backing down, "We do what we always do! We solve it. Isn't that the right thing to do?"

Junko shakes her head while placing her hand over her face. She's not shifting to another personality, this is a genuine reaction of hers. "Chihiro. You still have NO idea what your job in Team Danganronpa is. It's not just entertainment or rehabilitation we're talking about. This is a real danger and IT will take your life if you let your guard down."

He blinked in confusion from her blunt words.

Junko's stoic eyes loomed over Chihiro, "...Especially if it's in our Protocol."

Chihiro stammered, looks like there's something he didn't know about his job. "P - Protocol? W - What protocol?"

I'm the only person who can answer.

"Noli. Protocol Number 92617- Noli. The End of all Odds." I told Chihiro while tightening my grip on his shoulders. The boy went stiff by the codename.

Hajime looked at me as if he's seen a ghost. "You just have to tell him that, didn't you?"

I placed my hands inside my skirt pocket, "We have to."


I turned my head at Junko who stared at me in a dominating manner. Like a soldier commanding their cadet to an unimaginable war (I knew it. We're gonna die). "Once Protocol Noli happens, we can't turn back. ALL OF US can't turn back. Team Danganronpa will have to face this sooner or later, but some people are in fear of their lives. I'm not even sure how long I will last here."

"I don't understand, why didn't you tell me about this?" He asked us.

"You don't want to end up like the other scaredy cats, do you?"

Chihiro raised a brow, "Huh?"

Junko crossed her arms, "Since you're one of the youngest people in Team Danganronpa, most of us aren't SANE enough to tell any of you about this. Even if you did, what would happen to you? Are you going to lash out at the Team for hiding this secret, after all the years of raising you? Will you selfishly turn against your co-workers over a single truth?"

Out of concern for Junko, I just didn't say anything.

"This isn't some drama show, I can see it in your face. No commercial breaks can save you from this 'plot twist' because you are HERE. With us, with our lives on the line. Believe me when I said that most of our workers almost or already resigned because of fear. Fear that they won't survive, fear that they will never get to see their family again, fear to face the scary truth. Even if they did resign, their corpses will be in the headlines. Others found a... different kind of escape. I couldn't be happy at that part... it's just too horrible to even talk about."

Chihiro, on the other hand, nodded yet worried at the same time.

She sighed, "Allow me to give you a kind warning before you about to do something stupid,"

Worriedly, Mikan rubs the fabric of her dress. Hajime's clenched hand turns white when he's thinking of a rebuttal if Junko badmouths Chihiro.

Junko just gave Chihiro a sincere smile, "Try not to die like they did. I don't want you to suffer such fate."

It's vague, but enough to make Chihiro stagger that I have to help him balance.

When he has enough strength to talk, he looked at me and asked, "Is this real? Are we... really going to die?"

I didn't give him a straight answer.

"...I'm scared, Ryoko." He whispered.

"I know. We all are."

"But..." Chihiro lightly shakes himself off from my grasp.

I'm not sure how he felt when this secret revealed but we already expected -


They expected the boy, who is still in shock about this dark secret of Team Danganronpa, to be angry at them. Angry that he lashed out in front of them and decided to immediately quit. If he's in a vengeful mood, he might as well sue the company or expose those dark secrets that the Team had to hide from the public. Or worse, he might join any hate group and commit an all-out attack at the building.

Worst case scenario, he will follow Junko's advise do the unthinkable.

Ryoko, Mikan, and Hajime think that it's an exaggerating thing for Chihiro to do. But they're veterans, they've dealt worse.

And to the child who's struggling in going back to his knees from Taichi's death, it's possible for his gift of programming. They expect that much to the Ex-Ultimate Programmer, and they don't mind since it was bound to happen. They also wanted Chihiro to be free from the stigma of the people from the Outside World and they 'hoped' that the boy will start anew.


Chihiro looked at the three of us adults with a determined smile on his face, "...I also want to be brave. I want to be strong."

This surprises everyone, even Junko herself blinked twice to check if she's not glitching.

"I told you I'm old to be in Team Danganronpa. I worked hard so I can help people the best way I can. I didn't even expect it to be the System Administrator of the Team. I just used my talents as a Programmer, that's all. But when members are suffering, I don't want to stay and do nothing. The Chihiro Fujisaki in the show didn't have the chance to help because he died. And now I'm here, I want to show the world who Chihiro Fujisaki truly is!"


Mikan gasped, "Chihiro..."

Hajime's shoulders relaxed, "Looks like that kid's maturing gracefully, after all."

Wow, I didn't expect for Chihiro to hold his ground like that. When we had a Casting Call in Trigger Happy Havoc, Chihiro is quiet and had his eyes on his laptop every shooting. He even had trouble acting as the 'Trap' character in the show not because he's embarrassed on pretending to be a girl, but because he doesn't know acting and was scared on getting help from the other actors on how to play as his character. All he knows is Programming, his father said that to me before. Taichi Fujisaki was the one who encouraged his son to join the Danganronpa show so he can slowly experience what the outside world is like and how to deal with different kinds of people.

Of course, we taught Chihiro on the basics of acting. While he still has lots to learn about emotions... and playing dead, he did a good job in the show. Though some of the people want Chihiro because of the 'loli' cliche, he does appreciate fans who understood his character and as an actor. Taichi was proud of him.

Team Danganronpa knew what Chihiro had gone through after that and we did our best to support him along the way... especially from what happened to his father afterward. We knew Chihiro needs some help in coping with Taichi's illness and death, but we sometimes forget that he's growing up.

Since Taichi was gone, the members of Team Danganronpa became Chihiro's guardians. He worked so hard to help people the best way he can, and I'm so proud of what he has accomplished along the way.

I was so worried about Protocol Noli that I forgot about Chihiro's growth. The Protocol is not something to be treated as a joke... and it will hurt people that it could change people's lives forever, even Chihiro. But seeing him growing to be a strong man in his way puts a smile on my face.

Junko and I smiled at Chihiro. Oh, he grows up so fast (this brings tears to my eyes, but I don't want to cry in front of him).

"We don't need to hide secrets for each other's safety anymore." Chihiro declared. "We... are a Team, right?"

Pleased with Chihiro's resolve, Mikan ran to the boy and gave him a tight hug that startles the System Programmer. "We're Team Danganronpa, Chihiro! We're a Team!" She squealed while putting Chihiro down.

Hajime placed his hands over his hips, "If someone messes one with us, they'll have to deal with us and an army of Monokumas to fight them back."

"We're not just a Team, Chihiro." I saw the chocolate milk that Hajime put down. Since he's thirsty from his (heartwarming) speech, I reached the glass and gave it to Chihiro. "We're family and we care for each other."

The boy-turned-man smiled as he took a sip of his chocolate milk.

I looked on the floor, aware of what I wasn't able to say to Chihiro when he was young. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. None of us wanted to make you worry."

Still drinking his chocolate milk, he nods without any second thoughts.

Mikan noticed Hajime looking at the script. He's already worried about this, and now he's anxious of another problem. I don't know what it is, but I... hope that all of us will live.

Putting on her crown, Junko sets her 'Queen' persona once more. "And sooner or later, the young prince will inherit the throne become a full-fledged king! A royal who is loved by many and a knight who will fight until the end!"

Chihiro chuckled, content with everyone's support.

"Dream on, Junko. Dream on." The boy replied with his lips stained with some chocolate mustache.


















Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair

Ultra Despair Girls: Danganronpa Another Episode

Danganronpa 3: End of Hope's Peak Academy

Super Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda and the World Destroyer

Next Danganronpa 4: Despair Beyond Hope

Final Danganronpa 5: Monokuma Returns

Dream Danganronpa 6: Hope's Name

Shin Danganronpa 7: Despair vs. Hope

Return of Danganronpa 8: A New Hope and Despair

Miracle Danganronpa 9: Despair's Counterattack

Anniversary Danganronpa 10: Birth of Despair

Danganronpa ZERO

Danganronpa 1 & 2: Beautiful School Days

Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer

Danganronpa: Togami

Danganronpa: Kirigiri

Ultra Despair Hagakure

Makoto Naegi Secret File

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc IF

Danganronpa Another: Another Despair Academy

Super Danganronpa Another 2: The Moon of Hope and The Sun of Despair

Danganronpa: The After

Danganronpa: Heights of Despair

Danganronpa: Shattered Hope

Danganronpa XL: Ever After

Danganronpa: Hope Restoration

Danganronpa F

Danganronpa: Blowback

Danganronpa: Kill/Cure

Danganronpa: DEADication

Danganronpa 4K

Danganronpa 20

Danganronpa 21

Danganronpa 22

Danganronpa 23

Danganronpa 24

Danganronpa 25

Danganronpa 26

Danganronpa 27

Danganronpa 28

Danganronpa 29

Danganronpa 30

Danganronpa 31

Danganronpa 32

Danganronpa 33

Danganronpa 34

Danganronpa 35

Danganronpa 36

Danganronpa 37

Danganronpa 38

Danganronpa 39

Danganronpa 40

Danganronpa 41

Danganronpa 42

Danganronpa 43

Danganronpa 44

Danganronpa 45

Danganronpa 46

Danganronpa 47

Danganronpa 48

Danganronpa 49

Danganronpa 50

Danganronpa 51

Danganronpa 52

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony

The Story is not over.

A new Killing Game will begin once more.


Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ~REWIND~: Justice Incarnate



No light. No sound.

No form. No voice.

No knowledge of who I am.


...Who I am?

Who am I?


I extend a hand.

A hand that belongs to know one.

To take hold of my existence -


In an instant, the blonde-haired girl snapped her eyes wide open as she gasped for air but ended up coughing instead.

Wh... what just happened to me?

Why can't I breathe?!
















Kaede couldn't stop coughing. No matter how much she wanted to shut her mouth, something, whatever it is, kept her from doing so. Her chest is constricting her from breathing right, her nose felt like fire, and her head is experiencing the worst migraine in her entire life. It feels like she's dying... again.


When did she think of that all of a sudden?

This is me.

My name is Kaede Akamatsu.

I just remembered who I am.

Nice to meet... me.

I'm the protagonist of this crazy story.

Fortunately, a heavy force pushes her to sit up while aiding her in clearing out her throat.

"Easy, Kaede. Just keep breathing. Tenko is here. It'll be okay."

She followed the voice of the person, named Tenko, revealing another girl wearing twin tails helping her to sit up. Next to her, the person that Tenko is leaning away from, is Rantaro who sighed in relief on Kaede's condition.

"Good. You're awake. Everyone was worried about you not waking up. It's like you're dying from being exposed to the gas for too long." He shoulders himself upwards, and then he held out his hand to Kaede. Leaving Tenko shoot the boy a sour look.


What happened to me -

Oh, right.

It...happened, didn't it?

Kaede takes Rantaro's offer of help and he lifted the girl safely... with the help of Tenko though.

Still light-headed, the recovered pianist viewed her barely conscious students. Some couldn't get up on their feet yet, while others were coughing hard. She saw Ryoma aiding Shuichi who was about to puke, they were the two people who helped her and Miu from going back before Shuichi went unconscious. Speaking of which, where is that potty-mouthed inventor?

"Miu... Where's Miu?" Kaede asked.

The pacifistic warrior answered while beckons at her 'genius' classmate using her thumb, "RANtaro gave her a CPR. She's alright, I think."

She raised a brow in question. Her eyes shifted to a corner where Miu rested. The Gorgeous Girl Genius already woke up, but she doesn't seem to be spraying any bad words like she always does. Kaede decided to let the curbed teenager be and take care of her other classmates, like the hysteric Tsumugi Shirogane. That poor girl, Kaede felt sorry for what Tsumugi had witnessed.

Kaede went to the cosplayer in concern, Tsumugi couldn't stop crying that her glasses were stained by her tears.

"Are you alright, Tsumugi? You're not hurt, are you?"

The crazed schoolgirl looked at Kaede with heavy droplets still flowing from her eyes, "Alright? ALRIGHT?! No! I'm not alright!"

I shouldn't have asked that.

"Wh - what... was that just now?!" Tsumugi stuttered while trying to find words on the situation before.

The only student who laid flat on the floor is the barely conscious Himiko, "Wh - what's going on? On the other side of the door was..."

"Where..." Kaito coughed, "...even are we? Wh - What in the world... is going on?!"

"I... I don't know..." Kaede answered softly while comforting her sniveling friend. Everything went too fast for her. She thought the door was the exit, but the other side was... horrifying for her to even describe it.

Kokichi had his hands over his head. It looks like Kaede wasn't the only one who has to suffer a bad migraine. "Ugh... I feel terrible." His body jerked and he covered his mouth as a response, "It's like I'm eating my own vomit, and it's disgusting."

"Do you HAVE to say that?!" Himiko shoots back at Kokichi's insensitive jest.

Kirumi aided Korekiyo over her shoulders, the anthropologist doesn't look good behind the mask. "Outside was... gas. It made us fallen ill and unconscious." The maid recounted what she saw earlier.

"But outside was... scary... very scary. Gonta not strong enough to breathe right." Gonta sniffled while taking care of Angie. The Artist... had it rough. She was in a frenzied state that she kept on rocking back and forth while whispering 'Atua' from her fidgeting lips.

Everyone... they're suffering from what they witnessed.

Oh! Is this a dream?

Yeah! It must be a bad dream!

I just have to pinch myself, right?

The blonde reached her free hand to the side of her cheek and tighten the grip of her fingers while pulling her skin indiscriminately. And just like what happened to her in the lockers when she first awakened, it made her aching head two times worse.

"Hey," Maki called Kaede, she's a bit weak but it looks like she doesn't want to show it. "Answer me this. Is that really the Outside World? Monokuma pushed you out of the room, remember?"

The jailbird evaluates, "It can't be some sort of prank. I saw those... those things outside."

"Things? What things?" Kaito asked when he heard Ryoma talking about a new topic.

"Those disgusting slugs that almost caught us when we went outside," Miu faced them while her hands were placed on her hips. Her bombastic attitude went desist all of a sudden. "I thought we're screwed. It's the truth."

Kaede is starting to have trouble processing what happened. She took a deep breath even though it hurts her chest a little, "Ummm... Okay, hold on a sec. Let's just stay calm and think this through."

"There is no need for thinking. All you need is despairing!"

"M - Monokuma?!" Kaede gasped.

A familiar, jolly voice alarms the fifteen students. Introducing from the corner is the so-called 'God of the New World', the Headmaster of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles.


"Puhuhuhuhu~! Gooooooood morning, everybody!" The monochrome bear greeted, "How is everyone? Good? Good?"

The loud groans from 'his students' gave him the answer, much to his disappointment. "Geez, this is quite the pity party you sadsacks are throwing for yourselves!"


Right behind Monokuma was the five Monokuma Cubs, all present in one piece.

Monophanie had her paws resting on her chest, she is the Cub who has the most concern to the kids. "Wow, you all look exhausted. Poor things. I feel sorry for you."

"Sheesh, this place is filthy. It's murder on my cashmere skin." Monotaro felt a little bit of outrage on what the place was.

Monokid pointed at the meek Monodam and bellowed, "I bet Monodam is feelin' lucky right now! His body's already a cheap piece of junk!"

Of course, Monodam remained silent even though he is clearly trying to ignore Monokid's harsh comment on him for a robot-bear.

Monosuke nudged the green Monokuma Cub's arm, "Why don'tcha respond to him, Monodam? It'll liven up the things, y'know?"

"Tch… So you guys crawled outta your holes. I guess you finally noticed what we were up to." The disheveled spaceman stomped his foot on the metal floor, angry at the 'people' that everyone assumed to be their captors.

"Noticed? You don't have to blame my precious Cubs from what you saw." Monokuma retaliates at the amateur astronaut, even tiptoeing to look more dominant than Kaito at least. "You wanted to escape to the Outside World and I granted you that wish. And what did you saw? Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. That's the truth of the Outside World."

"The truth...of the Outside World...?" Shuichi repeated what the main mascot had just declared.

"Yep! That Outside World youse people been looking for is gone. Disappear. Bye Bye. Game Over." Monosuke emphasized.

Maki glares, "What are you talking about? What do you mean... gone?"

The bespectacled Cub irritatingly pushed his glasses, "Of course, youse didn't know that. All of them didn't know that because youse didn't remember any of this!"

"We... no remember?" Gonta asks out of shock. They were trapped in the school, saw whatever was outside, and then they didn't remember a specific memory involving that?

Kaede slowly feels the anger and confusion overwhelming her mind, "W - Wha - What do you mean we didn't remember?"

There was a flash of memory that I remember when Shuichi and I met before.

I was there in a strange room, everything was too bright to see but...

I know I was there - because I saw myself doing...something.

Could it be...?

"You did something to us, didn't you?" Kaede asked Monokuma and the Monokuma Cubs. This not only alarmed his children but to the students as well.

The Cubs, however, are terrified of what the leading lady had found out.

"Eeeek!" Monotaro came near to Monokuma and begins to tug his father's paws in panic. "Father! She knew! She knew!"

"We're goin' OFF SCRIPT! How could dis be possible?!" Monosuke threw his abacus on the ground, shattering it into pieces by his anger.

The blue, punk-looking Monokuma Cub trudged towards Monodam and grabbed the vulnerable Cub by his ear. "This is all your fault, you know that? I knew you're gonna screw up before the Killing Game even started!"

Despite Monodam knows Monokid was the one who screwed up, he didn't respond.

The only Cub who is calm about the situation is Monophanie. She ignored her brothers' outrage and walked towards Kaede instead. "I'm very sorry for their behavior. But really, they don't mean any harm. We just went off script, that's all."

"So you really have done something to us?!" Maki asked the pink Cub menacingly, only to be stopped by Kaede from advancing Monophanie.

Monokuma's daughter frightfully took one step back, "I - I'm sure Daddy has a good explanation about this. Right, Daddy? Daddy?"

She looked to where her zoological patriarch is, revealing to be motionless despite Monotaro's forceful tug.

The remaining Cubs now noticed their robust father with his head hanging limply. The uneasy aura from the room and Monokuma's silence caused the students to be on their guard for whatever the mascot's tricks up on his sleeves.

After seeing what's beyond the exit, they had enough of the pranks those 'teddy bears' had come up with. First, they declared the Killing Game and wanted the students to kill each other to leave the Academy. Next, the unknown Sixteenth Student showed up and ran away which leads them to a secret room. And when they thought of the door that leads to the Outside World that almost got Kaede, Miu, Shuichi, and Ryoma died from the gas. All of them are done with the shenanigans, they want it to be over with.

Since the truth is immediately exposed right in front of their faces, Monokuma needs to explain. NOW.

Then, he faced the Ultimate Students spiritless. His eerie red eye dims as he begins to speak:

"Once upon a time, there is Hope's Peak Academy. A school where the young Ultimates, students who are very talented in their abilities were scouted. The government-funded Hope's Peak to help those Ultimates reach their dreams as their so-called 'New Generations of the Future'."

Everyone blinked. Monokuma started his explanation as if he's reading a fairytale. Of course, the Monokuma Cubs were getting spooked by their father who went 'Out-of-Character' all of a sudden, even his voice changed. It's monotonous like he's been possessed or something...

"But then... the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic in Human History happened. Destroying not only the school but the whole world. It was Humanity's true Despair from that time. War, Murder, Terrorism... it's almost as if the world has literally shattered before their very eyes."

The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic in Human History?

I didn't remember any of that!


"That tragedy was led by a single Human girl. An Ultimate who is an Embodiment of Despair, craving nothing but Despair itself. Junko Enoshima."

Maki's body twitches at that particular name. Junko Enoshima? The whole world was destroyed because of one girl? How is that possible?!

"And from that, Junko started the Killing Game to the survivors of that tragedy. The 78th class of Hope's Peak. Broadcasted from the whole world, everyone watched as the students cornered until their instinct to murder kicks in."

"Which means, this has happened before..." Ryoma glared from the revelation. So that whole Killing Game gimmick wasn't a prank at all. It's real.

Kaito, on the other hand, had his fists ready in case he had enough of Monokuma.

"But the poor, vulnerable, Junko Enoshima dies. The ending of the Killing Game influenced the world to recover from its destruction. Thus, the Future Foundation is created to get back at the monstrous Remnant of Despairs. And soon, the world restores its balance and 'Hope' has won the war. Then... comes the End of Days."

Tsumugi had her eyes awestruck by the story.

"Meteorites started to crash down on Earth. And those meteorites carried a disease that slowly kills Humanity all over the world, one by one. The government worked together with the Future Foundation in creating the secret Gofer Project. They planned to choose 16 students in the spaceship to save the end of Humanity. In reality, they were only chosen to salvage Humanity by sending them on another planet to preserve any traces of the Human race in case Earth is truly gone. Do you know who those sixteen students are?"

"It's us, isn't it?" Kirumi answered, upset in the following parts of the story.

"Correct." Monokuma 'cheered' lifelessly. "The Adams and Eves of the Gofer Project. Chosen not only because you are talented, but because you were 'immune' to the virus."

Korekiyo's eyes widened, "...How... on earth...?"

"It comes with a catch. You had to leave all of your family and friends behind. Because of that, you ran away and erased your memories so no one can detect you. But then, a certain group of people found out about the Gofer Project and decided to sabotage it. They believed that 'Humanity should go to Hell', that the Human race should be punished because they deserved it after destroying the world they live in. Ironic. To sabotage the Gofer Plan, they have to execute the people who are involved with it. And that's where - "

"The Ultimate Hunt began," Rantaro concluded. This makes everyone look at him, a bit anxious for the person who lost the memory of his talent suddenly remembered the event out of nowhere.

"The Ultimate Hunt?" The instrumentalist asked in confusion. "How did you know about that?"

"I was asking the same thing. But I don't know why you DIDN'T remember that."

Gonta raised his hand, "Wait, Gonta no remember Gophel thingy."

Tenko shook her head, "Me neither."

"Strange." The talentless lower his eyes. The thought of his classmates not remembering the only thing makes him sullen.

Monokuma continued, "Everyone began to search those 16 students, even interrogating your loved ones for the answer, going as far as torturing them to death. When it went too far, the government and the Future Foundation saved the immune students while making a cover-up that you died in an accident."

Himiko was shocked by the cruelty, the little girl could feel her insides crawling up her throat that she covered her mouth to prevent from vomiting.

"The Gofer Project was a success before Earth is completely destroyed, no oxygen or even living creatures. You were all sent to a spaceship and went to a cold sleep for hundreds of years until it could find a planet to live in."

Kokichi stood up wearily, "You mean... the spaceship - ?"

"Is the school itself, the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, is the Ark. But someone, something, messed up and caused the Ark re-route back to Earth."

Kaito is slowly realizing the truth, "Hold up! I - If we returned to Earth, that means..."

"What we just saw... that's Earth now... after a few hundred years..." Shuichi understood what the astronaut and Monokuma meant.

"Wait!" Kaede yelled. "You still hadn't answered my question! What did you do to us?! Why can't we remember about this?!"

Monokuma bluntly voiced out, "We are still in a Killing Game. We erased your memories, that's why."

The Cubs were shaking while listening to their father's story. They couldn't take a step away either. It's like Monokuma's hypnotic words froze them in place, even silencing them. However, the people who went outside; Kaede, Miu, Shuichi, and Ryoma, were confused about what the stupid bear was saying. No living creatures? But they saw those 'creatures' moving and tried to attack them, even Maki felt suspicious from that one plothole.

But still...

"The world you grew up with, the people who nurtured you as a person... are gone and erased. We only gave you the straight answer that you wanted and we told you what you want to know. This is the truth of the Outside World."

The truth of the Outside World.

Some say that the Truth will set anyone free, but it can still hurt people regardless.

They wanted to believe that Monokuma lied to them. Because it's impossible to leave Earth and went into cold sleep only to realize that the planet they lived in slowly dies until nothing was left for any living thing to at least survive from the harshest terrain. Nevertheless, everything and everyone on Earth is gone.

After a hundred years, they woke up to see the aftermath.

And just like that, the strange and utmost feeling sparked into the minds of the students. The cheerful Angie Yonaga already started that, and the truth already worsens her state. She couldn't stop praying for her 'Atua', scarcely ignoring Gonta's call on her.

"Heh... heheh…" The mischief-maker isn't laughing from all this, none of the students are. "That's a... l - l - lie... right? I... hate liars... I hate them... So it's got to be a lie..."

Himiko went stiff. But even though she is rigid, her own body starts to jitter. This alarms Tenko and tried to consult her despite the latter isn't responding.

Tsumugi had a thousand-yard stare. Despite her body became unresponsive, her voice doesn't. "Our families...our friends...all that we cared about...are dead and we will never see them ever again... This is... is..."

"Cruel, I know." Ryoma pulled back his hat, hiding his mourning eyes from the rest of the group.

The painful truth made Shuichi gave up on holding his vomit. After aiding the silent Korekiyo, Kirumi ran towards Shuichi from what happened to him. However, the composed maid isn't spared in reacting from the revelation.

Maki didn't face her classmates because of the emotion she's suffering. Her cuffed fists were tight that bleeds through her fingers.

This is a dream, right?

I'm saying it again. This is a DREAM, right?!

Because it has to be!

Everything is gone!

Everyone I know is gone!

My family... my friends... No...

How could this be?!

Kaede's eyes went blank. She could see the distorted vision from her sight. The panic, the sadness, the anger, it all mixed up into one new emotion. And she's sure everyone is experiencing the same feeling, there's no other emotion that can respond to the horrifying disaster.

That feeling...

...is Despair.

"That's what we do it for to reserve a place. It's just another part of the Human Race. That's what we do it for to reserve a space, and history is just another part of the Human Race."

- Marina and the Diamonds (Immortal)

After endlessly running away from his classmates and successfully escaping, Ki-Bo manages to sneak off into the Cyber Courtyard. It's a little bit dark for some odd reason, but there's still little light along the way.

At least the robot can use himself as a flashlight, much to his 'robophobic' annoyance...

Looks like nothing has changed.

Thank goodness, I still remember the secret passage from the last loop...

He took the time to walk around the maze-like courtyard. It does make the robot a little bit dizzy from walking back and forth, but he was able to find the place where the path leads to.

|Loop 0 - The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Danganronpa History|

The ominous feeling in the new environment startles both Shuichi and Ki-Bo a bit. However, the soft whirring of the lights and the air vents make the robot feel disturbed. It's like the robot is living inside of another robot's body. Perhaps this is what Humans feel like when they're accompanied by a robot, like Ki-Bo.

It's insulting.

"What is this place...?" Shuichi wondered out loud in the new location. The intense aura within the detective diminished as he starts using his talent to find answers.

Ki-Bo replied with his opinion about the place, "I feel like I'm on a set of a sci-fi movie. A mecha could pop out at any moment..."

Unfortunately, the whining tone of his technological brethren caused Shuichi to stay silent. But the facial expression is telling that it's either Ki-Bo tested his patience or he just wanted the robot to feel unharmed during the investigation, even if it's the former in actuality.

The detective decided to move onward and find the end of the 'sci-fi' looking maze as the robot pointed out; "This is... different from the other places we've been so far. And this maze-like hallway... Perhaps it's to defend the building that it leads to?"

Looks like Ki-Bo is on to something as Shuichi silently agrees with the robot and started to wander around the whole courtyard to see which end is the correct one.

After spending much time walking back and forth whenever there is a dead-end, the two Ultimate students finally reached the true destination of the courtyard.

|Loop 0 - The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Danganronpa History|

Right in front of Ki-Bo is a large, brown metal shutter with an electrical barrier surrounding it like a cage. But the way that the electric barrier is still active does sound apprehensive ever since he noticed the booby traps in the tunnel was not active and the courtyard lost most of its light for some unknown reason. Regardless of his observation, he's not going to bother going close to it. He already knows that before he became a Time Traveler, it's best not to repeat the same mistake since he's the one who triggered it.

Therefore, the young robot instead marched to the small control panel beside the guarded shutter. Ki-Bo could only frown at the small piece of equipment, he has the right to be angry about it. Because this is the very place where Maki, Kokichi, and Kaito fight against each other before the Supreme Leader took the suicidal plan in order to fight back against Monokuma and the mastermind of the Killing Game. The astronaut had to take the fall and sacrificed himself to save the Ultimate Assassin, to whom the latter fell in love with the former before he died from his illness that caused his Execution to backfire.

Oh, Kokichi...

Why do you have to be stupid sometimes?

I wanted to apologize to you. So, why can't you accept it?

Ki-Bo could only sigh in disappointment as he reaches for the side of his 'ear'. Once he was able to grasp ahold of it, he turned his ear like a knob and the lights installed in his body glows. The robot can hear the sound of a tape recorder rewinding itself until he was able to spot what he wants to listen to and pushed his 'ear' inwards.

The place is silent, and only the noise coming from Ki-Bo's own body echoed through the dizzying hallway.

"Puhuhu… This place is so important that it needs beefed up security. I guess while I'm here, I'll also explain that electric barrier..."

He lifted a finger, staying still above the keys of the control panel and waiting for the right moment.

"To turn it off, you gotta enter a 59-digit code in the control panel next to the shutter. I'll tell you what the code is, but only once. So make sure you memorize it."

I knew this old tape recording would come in handy.


"92617102917..." He recited while quickly punching the buttons on the control panel while wishing the code he's typing is correct.

By the time the robot pressed the 'Enter' button, he could hear the loud sound of the electric barrier deactivating. Despite still anxious of what he has to go through, this is the time where he could sigh in relief.

Now that the barrier is gone, looks like he has to put his back into opening the shutter on his own.

I'd be better off without them.

They don't need a stupid, useless robot.

"Oh no. Oh nonononono! Father said it all! He said it all!" Monotaro shrieked.

Monosuke yanked Monotaro's scarf, pulling closer to him. The yellow bear may appear to be composed, but he's already sweating in panic. "Pops said it all. The script is ruined. RUINED I TELL YA!" He yelled at the red ursine's face.

Sure, the students went in Despair as what the Monokuma family had intended to. But Monokuma himself went 'off script' for all of a sudden that the Cubs couldn't even process on what just happened.

Kaito Momota had been staring at Monokuma for so long that his fist is slowly turning white. He had enough of these pranks, and revealing the truth insensitively to his friends is where the 'teddy bear' had gone too far.

Sure, the world's gone to dust and everything they loved and knew had disappeared and they lost their memory from the disaster either. It's sad of course, but mocking the dead and the people who were affected by it is a big no-no for the Luminary of the Stars. Which is a bit hypocritical because he should be cheering his friends from the loss of their loved ones and the world they once lived in, although he's too furious to even do so. Releasing his fury against the person who kidnapped them is the only thing he could do.

But right before Kaito could open his mouth and strike his fist to Monokuma, a strong wind accelerated passed by him that the young adult almost tripped. He couldn't even believe who did what he was supposed to do first. So does the students and the Monokuma Cubs who were surprised by the person who subdued Monokuma.

The boy with green hair lifted Monokuma in the air, his hand wrapped the bear's head tight but not crushing it to pieces. It still scares the heck out of the Cubs when Rantaro, OF ALL PEOPLE, actually approached Monokuma in a threatening manner.

"R - Rantaro?!" Kaede called out the 'talentless' Ultimate by his name out of confusion.

Monophanie seems to be mad about Rantaro's sudden threatening composure, "You monster! How dare you hurt Daddy?!"

"Hey!" Tenko then shouts to the degenerate male, "Are you crazy?! What are you doi -"

She stopped when Rantaro released a menacing chuckle. He's almost not his calm and comical side of himself. Instead, he's the kind of person who has enough fun and games. Even though she doesn't want to admit it, the aikido master felt goosebumps on her skin. The classmate that she berates for being a menace started to scare her a little.

Rantaro smirked, "I'm amazed. You gave us a chance us to escape, lure us to a tunnel filled with failed booby traps, and then showed us that the world has ended years ago. Heh. So, you think you can get away with that stupid fairy tale of yours and leave us to sulk to our death? I don't think so."

He glared at the motionless Monokuma, whose 'evil eye' flashed in red.

"Only a person who is heartless enough to drive all of us to despair who can do this. The problem is, that certain person is nothing but a coward. Using a stuffed animal just to hide and get away from their crimes like this."

The degenerate male has a point, Tenko thinks from her mind. Ignoring what the black and white animal just said about the apocalypse and instead focusing on what Rantaro is doing to Monokuma. Sure, a stuffed animal doesn't have the capability of forcing everyone to kill if there's no one controlling the bear.

"Who are you? What do you want with us? And if you are the Mastermind, what do you even gain from this nonsense? Power? Insanity? Or you just wanted to feel alive by having an obsession with violence? Want my opinion? I'm not even satisfied with your 'Truth of the Outside World' cliché. And I'm not letting you go until I get the answer that I wanted."

From Rantaro's intimidation, Monokuma appears to be twitching until he's flailing from the young man's arms. And then, a glitching sound coming from the bear caught everyone's ears to listen.

"83hfk8wnuf7wp28 - "

Kaede's eyes broaden.

"WW91IG5vdGljZWQgd2F5IHRvbyBsYXRlLiBUaGVyZSdzIG5vIERhbmdhbnJvbnBhIHdpdGhvdXQgTW9ub2t1bWEu - "

"Is he alright?" Tenko pointed out the malfunctioning of Monokuma as something is not right.

"QSBoZWFydC1wb3VuZGluZyBraWxsaW5nIGdhbWUsIGJyb3VnaHQgdG8gbGlmZSBieSBVbHRpbWF0ZSBSZWFsIEZpY3Rpb24u - Failure to abide by the rules will be punished - "

"EEP! Father?!" Monotaro yelped in surprise.

The father didn't hear his son's cries. Instead, he began to thrash himself around in the air while Rantaro stood still, completely unfazed on Monokuma's sudden behavior.

Regardless, the headmaster looks ticked.

"Rantaro Amami, you young man! Unhand me this instant or I'll call Gungnir to finish you off!"

The other Monokuma Cubs, except Monodam, charged the talentless student. But Ryoma, Maki, and Kaito were able to catch Monokid, Monotaro, Monophanie, and Monosuke, having to face the same situation as their Father.

"And then? What's gonna happen next? That this story of ours will end just because we got our hopes up too much? Like we're some dumb babies that you can take our candy? That is so immature of you, Monokuma," Rantaro taunted.

Monokuma doesn't understand whatever the heck was going on. First, he saw his students lying around after they discovered the false exit and now, almost all of the ursine family got captured by the meddling kids he was trying to inflict Despair with. To him, everything went blank all of a sudden right before Rantaro yanked his head up.

Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

He would have asked so many questions if he was Human or even a robot with at least have some humanity in his programming. There was something he could not understand based on their unpredictable actions.

"You still haven't answered my question, Monokuma."

The uncanny voice makes him 'unconsciously' freeze as his captor's dark eyes penetrate Monokuma from the inside out, torturing the headmaster without even twisting a single limb because he doesn't need to. His children, the Monokuma Cubs, are even terrified of what's going on.

The prey becomes the predator. The hunter becomes the hunted. Humans were bound by their emotions if there is an event that they could not understand from their perspective. Soon, they thought of every worst-case scenario they could think of just to at least fathom of what is happening to their environment. Regardless, their emotions overwhelmed them and they only have two options to solve such a 'simple' problem; It's either they run and hide, or fight until they survive.

Yes, one of the pinnacles of Hope - Survival, one of the unpredictable Human traits in history back in the early days. They don't care what they were doing, Humans do what they only want to do - to survive.

Those actions, Rantaro's actions, have shown deep resentment over the Despair that he had to suffer because he saw the Truth. However, it did not stop him. Despair did not stop him from succumbing to it because of Rantaro's desire for Survival. He doesn't show it to his classmates, but those eyes did not silence the cries of Survival. Rantaro wants to survive, even if it means breaking the rules by torturing the perpetrator to get what he needs.

It's who he is, after all. Yet, Monokuma did not predict it since he underestimated Rantaro's abilities despite being a student without any Ultimate Talent to begin with.

And for the first time, that kind of unpredictability sparks Monokuma within him, one that he could never comprehend beyond his programming.

It's not Despair nor Hope.

It's Fear.

"O - o - okay! I yield! I YIELD! Please don't destroy me, I beg of YOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!" Monokuma instantly cried the heck out of his voice box so Rantaro would at least hear from his sinister composure.

The Monokuma Cubs, however, were just plain dumbfounded. No explanation needed.

A smile crept on Rantaro's lips as he slowly lowers the bear to the solid floor, "Now that's a good bear."

To be honest, Rantaro still hadn't let his guard down when putting down the shaken mascot. He took note that the minuscule figure is still the 'Headmaster' and admitted that the father and his children kidnapped them. Underestimation and overconfidence could be deadly. Rantaro even carefully beckoned the three who pinned the other Monokuma Cubs to free them, considering they still don't know what they are capable of.

But to his amazement, Monokuma had kept his word.

"So um... What was the question again?"

Sort of.

Good thing Rantaro is patient enough to reinstate his question.

Without any signs of his previous surge of insanity, he playfully poked Monokuma's red eye and asked "I just want to see who is controlling you behind the camera. Can you take ALL of us to them?"

He could hear Kaito screaming 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!' in the distance. The green-haired teenager couldn't help but roll his eyes in dismay, what a way to ruin his thunder. Luckily, Monokuma had his thumb held up much to the Cubs' fear.

"Okie Dokie! But only because you said 'please'." The bear delightfully approved Rantaro's request out of the blue, weird. Rantaro didn't even say 'please' to Monokuma. He decided to let the Mastermind's puppet slide do its thing for a little while.

Monokuma began marching where the exit of the supposedly booby-trapped tunnel while the rest of the Monokuma Cubs followed him babbling on what their ignoring father just did against their desires. Meanwhile, Rantaro noticed the still weakened students standing up and began walking to where Monokuma is heading even though they're showing signs of struggling even though some helped them in taking a single step.

As Kaede and Ryoma helped the sick Ultimate Detective out, only Rantaro and Tenko remained in the room.

"Hey, Rantaro." The aikido practitioner called out.

He turned around to see the girl not in her fighting stance as if she's completely off guard despite they're the only ones standing. The talentless boy is confused at first, but he guessed the twin-tailed girl will probably say some 'degenerate male' comments again.

Despite the early judgment, Rantaro gently replied "Yes?"

"About what you did there a while ago..." Tenko strut close to the degenerate male, her unguarded stance remains. Instead, it replaces with her sincerity towards him. As in, blind, and naïve kind of sincerity.

"Go on..." Rantaro does the same thing. Though, from the inside, he does feel a - rather - tingling sensation that he doesn't let it show from his face.

"It's just..."

"I'm listening."

"About the..."


"W - what I was trying to say - "

"I have my ears cleaned."

"Seriously - "

"I respect your opinions."

"Well - "

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"Are you - "

"Everything will be al - GUH!"

The least he expects it, Tenko's waraji is planted on top of his shoe. The girl really showed her strength as she has her shoulders hunched, like pushing an unknown source below her without even the need of using her Aikido skills. Rantaro doesn't want to admit, but...

… that honestly hurt. No lies there.

"Ow." Rantaro 'yelped' in a monotone voice, almost sounded like he's being sarcastic towards the young martial artist. As a result of the mistaken approach, Tenko took it as something offensive and pressed her foot further to the degenerate male's toes for a few seconds before hurriedly remove it. He would rather stay silent from the awkward conversation but felt disappointed that he wasn't able to hear what Tenko was about to say to him. From her face, Rantaro thinks of it as something very important and probably vital to the scene of the crime committed by the unidentified Mastermind.

While watching Tenko about to leave, he took a mental note to ask her 'nicely' about what she was trying to communicate for a degenerate male like him.

But as he took a step forward to catch up to her, a red light flashed to his vision and an alarming sound raises his guard along with Tenko.



"Intruder Alert?" Kirumi repeated the harrowing announcement that caused the maid to stop dead in her tracks while she was carrying the exhausted Himiko. The others froze when the dim light of the empty tunnel glowed red.

Meanwhile, the father of the Monokuma Cubs stood still and halted anyone who passed him. Unlike before, he wasn't in a weird trance. Instead, the bear's shoulders were arched, his paws shaking as if he has fists formed, and his tone of voice is seethed with anger. The Cubs took a step back and cowered with each other in fear, knowing their father's legitimate rage would to disastrous results for them.

"Oooohhhh dear," Monotaro whimpered "Father is gonna be so mad!"

Monosuke had his paws pinning on his glasses, "OF CAWHSE HE'S GONNA BLOW A FUSE! What'cha expect from an Intruder Alert? A club rave or what?!"

When Monokuma turned around towards the Cubs, the eerie red eye on his face glowed in red as the mismatched lips crept with uneasiness to the four sans Monodam, to which the father had his sight directly towards the robotic child.


"YES, FATHER?" Monodam spoke.

The bear asked, "Do you have any coordinates of where the intruder is?"


"And who is that certain traitor who barged in?"

Monokuma's harsh voice startles everyone but Monodam as he responded to the obvious answer.


Kirumi, along with the other students, were right from their silent guess. As for the maid herself, although still in shock of what she saw outside, she needs to calm down and think about what is happening around her. She cannot let her emotions cloud her judgment. Rantaro is right about the Mastermind and they need to find out who is controlling each and everyone behind the scenes. However, the maiden also wonders about the existence of the 'sixteenth student' and probably her classmates were suspecting about him too despite the ruckus occurred a while ago.

The frightened voice from the poor student gave her a sense of sympathy for him. Which is odd since she just saw him for the first time when Kaede Akamatsu was able to talk the 'sixteenth student' out at first. But then again, he is a student just like her. All of them were kidnapped after all, and learning the truth of the Outside World doesn't help anyone either. Of course, she's scared to the point of being frozen in fear when she got a glimpse of the blood-red sky before passing out. To think that if the 'sixteenth student' saw beyond the steel gate, who knows what would happen next. And now that the mysterious boy is doing something reckless once more, Kirumi is more concerned about him than ever.

"Now what is that boy up to this time?"

Thankfully, Korekiyo's voice eased her focus on the situation.

"DOES IT MATTER?! He's causing a lot of trouble from being on the loose in this school and now he's at it again! I am angry! I'M SOOOO ANGRY RIGHT NOW!" Unlike Monokuma, who is fumed with anger when Monodam mentioned the 'sixteenth student' he has been raging about ever since the gathering of the other fifteen.

Kaede feels offended by Monokuma's judgment. In fact, why would the hypocrite complaining about someone he thinks as a criminal when the bear himself committed a legit crime like kidnapping.

I'd say karma.

"Well, what should we do then, Papa?" Monophanie asked while not taking a step further to the ranting father.

"We get him, of course!"

"Why?" The blonde-haired pianist heard Rantaro's voice coming from behind, seeing him walking out of the room where she would rather not return. "You said you will take us to the Mastermind."

"The boy first! Mastermind later!" Monokuma replied.

Tenko, on the other hand, ran to where the magician is. Thanking the maid who took care of the young mage's weakened state. "And you know what?" She also faced towards Monokuma, "If this is just a lying excuse so we won't know the Mastermind, I might as well have to throw you out of the bridge!"

But the bear is unthreatened by her warning, "But if you threw me, then you lose the chance of meeting with the Mastermind while at it. So I still win!"

"And besides," Monokuma continued "have you ever wondered why would he even running around the school instead of being with you guys?"

The students begin to wonder, which is what Monokuma had wanted. "Come on, fellas! Think about it. Why did he run away to where the Boiler Room is in the first place?"

Kaede soon remembered the conversation her classmates had.

But that's where we saw the...


"Now that you mention it," Tsumugi, of all people, spoke, "the 'sixteenth student' does look like he WANTED to be chased."

Miu looked at the blue-haired girl, "What makes you say that? He was scared as heck in the tunnels before."

"It's just a guess, Miu. But something tells me he knows what he's doing before..."

Is she trying to say that he's -

No, that can't be.

Monosuke pointed his paw towards the cosplayer, "The girl's right, ya know? All ta more reason we have ta check it out."

"What are we waiting for?!" Monokuma called out "Let's get him! OR I'LL NEVER SHOW THE MASTERMIND!"

Kaede's eyes widened in confusion and dismay. Did he just threaten them with a rebuttal?

"Hey wait!" She yelled at the Monokuma family who sprinted away from the students who, to some, are still exhausted to walk yet. Regardless, looks like they have to follow them if they want to know the Mastermind.

Rantaro glared at Monokuma's threat. That's all he could do at the moment since he had his mouth shut, it was the moment of truth and the Headmaster dared to shift the request he demanded. Is Monokuma trying to waste their precious time? Not knowing what the Mastermind would even do to everyone. Heck, he even TORTURED Monokuma just so he will imprint the Mastermind's head not to mess with Rantaro Amami as well as the Ultimate Students.

So what now? Is he going to refute or stay silent again? Will Monokuma even keep his word of proving the Mastermind's existence?

The heck should he know? He couldn't even remember his Ultimate Talent.

The best option Rantaro could do now is to cooperate. He has to catch up with the others if he wants to restate his point to Monokuma again.

"Oh no..." Ki-Bo struggled in speaking up when gawking at the bewitching red light.



The booming sound makes him uncomfortable that his hands started to tremble, the said hands were holding pieces of electric wires with little sparks still flying out.

How come I forgot about this?!

The Killing Game isn't starting yet!

Should I... give up?

The robot stared at the cables that he recently has torn, then he looked around the Hangar.

Ki-Bo is not entirely sure whether he should be proud of himself or be ashamed of the mess he made, particularly the cluttered pieces of broken metal shards, scattered nuts, bolts, along with ammunition, unplugged tubes, and more ripped wires that came from the EXISALS OF ALL THINGS.

If there is something he had to confess, he never thought of going this far in dismantling the Exisals several loops ago. All he did was to study the anatomy of the defense vehicle so he could at least use it against Monokuma but he wasn't able to. Tsumugi and Team Danganronpa had their ways to prohibit Ki-Bo in accessing the Exisals for all of the thirty time loops he had been. Right now, looks like the best way he could do is to destroy it. He's not that sure of how capable they are now that he arrived the Hangar early on his own.

Looks like the result had come to trigger the alarm. Ki-Bo is already panicking from the inside because he doesn't know when or where he activated the alarm, he was very careful enough not to do anything stupid!

Stressed on the unanticipated outcome, the self-learning boy bit his lip, "What now...? What am I supposed to do...?"

When he is still holding the wires he remembered on what he was about to commit before the alarm, and the answer lies from the hydraulic press he's been taking a glance to.

|Loop 0 - The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Danganronpa History|

Shuichi couldn't hide his fear when Ki-Bo set himself at the bottom of the hydraulic press. Seriously, what on earth is the robot doing himself?!

"Shuichi, please!" Ki-Bo's voice snapped the dazed detective a bit.

Though, Shuichi still questions on the robot's commands, "Please, what?!"

Seeing that his human companion confused on what he wanted, the Ultimate Robot glanced at the Safety Notice for further clarifications.

"If a press comes to a stop when it detects a person, what will happen if it detects me? Let's find out!"

Instead of being excited, Shuichi had his eyes open wide at Ki-Bo's absurdity.

|Loop 0 - The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Danganronpa History|

Ki-Bo just realized that not only he dismantled the Exisals, but he also stripped the circuits of the hydraulic press' control panel.

Now he is more ashamed of the mess he made! This is where Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader, gruesomely died!

Forget it! He went this far! So he couldn't stop now with just a mere security alarm!

As he began tying up the other ends of the electric lines, the robot couldn't help but take a peek on the inactive machine. He couldn't even help but to think about the splattered blood staining the humongous murder weapon.

Despite being teased by the liar for being a robot, he just couldn't help at what his last wishes were before performing the almost unsolvable murder with the help of the Luminary of the Stars. He knows Kokichi wasn't lying about his wish. The supreme leader admitted it, he was scared. Scared enough to make a lie towards everyone including himself to end the good-for-nothing killing game. Ki-Bo witnessed it with his own eyes after all.

|Loop 12|

His metallic hand touched the cold, pink liquid that heavily blotched the parts of the hydraulic press. The robot wasn't so sure if he should be glad he didn't have to know what Kokichi's corpse would look like since Kaito had already disabled any controls that would lift the press again. Perhaps this is for the best if they wanted Kokichi's plan to work.

But still... Kokichi is dead.

Crushed by the press in front of their eyes, even without any warning on how disgusting it would feel afterward.

Ki-Bo couldn't even move from his spot once it's over. It's too bad when he wasn't able to finish his written speech for the supreme leader, only to witness Maki assaulting him.

It's that cursed Flashback Light's fault! Team Danganronpa wanted this to happen just because Kokichi's in their way of the show! And he was SO CLOSE to save them all...

"Ki-Bo," Kaito's voice snapped the robot out of his trance and faced the recovered Astronaut when he was able to drink the antidote.

"Kaito," Ki-Bo stood up already lost the motivation to look at Kokichi's remains "Are you... still continuing Kokichi's plan? Because regardless of what you'll do... you still die."

The man with the goatee peered at the thick script and the other documents related to the proposed plan. The Luminary of the Stars could only nod, but still hiding his stubbornness on what he's about to do. Ki-Bo couldn't agree more on the risks if it wasn't for Maki, though.

"Of course, I am!"

When he looked at Kaito again, the Human had his smile beaming over his face, which shocks the Ultimate Hope. Then again, he shouldn't be surprised because it's inevitable now.

|Loop 12|

"Okay... There we go!" Ki-Bo finished combining the wires. He doesn't bother putting back the control panel now that he's made a mess in the whole Hangar anyway.

He carefully stepped down the stairs and walked towards the inactive hydraulic press, still careful not to step any shards, bullets, or wires. The robotic juvenile backed up when he hears a soft humming sound that came from the press itself, the robot could only nod at his small achievement.

Just little time left.

Assuring that he'll have enough time to finish the job and disregarding any noise that would only distract him in his plans. He didn't even bother to care if the security alarm went silenced for unknown reasons! It's now to finish what he was working on.

Whatever the heck he's doing, that is...

Ki-Bo took a deep breath, even if he's an artificial being that doesn't need oxygen to survive, and prepared himself to take a single step onto the hydraulic press' platform -


That voice! It can't be -

The scared robot slowly turned his mechanical head to notice that the metal gate is wide open. What's worse is that not just the fifteen students that he ran away from having found the place but also the rest of the Monokuma family, with the head being very, VERY FURIOUS on what Ki-Bo did.

Evidenced on some of the surprised faces from his classmates, it's pretty clear that he's in BIG trouble.

Kaede had her mouth closed by her clasped hands while Miu's face showed legitimate disappointment. That's it, she's just really disappointed.

"Wait a minute," Ryoma muttered, "aren't those the Exisals?"

Kaito nodded, "Yeah... But how did it get here?"

"More importantly, how on earth was he able to decimate them?" Korekiyo added.

Rantaro quickly takes many glances of the new location that Monokuma has navigated to everyone. Seeing the dismantled Exisals remained disabled while the seemingly looking mess that the 'sixteenth student' made would come from the metal giant.

The Ultimate Supreme Leader couldn't help but hold his laughter. He has never seen a smart plan created by having the most dangerous weapons, that would have killed the whole class in just a snap, ended up becoming a mess just to flip Monokuma off. It's like a prank gone horribly right and it's hilarious. To be honest, he is a bit impressed if only the perpetrator wasn't a hunk of junk.

Meanwhile, the Monokuma Cubs are also angry just like their father.

"You!" Monotaro unsheathed his shurikens, "How dare you destroyed our Exisals?!"

"Dat idiot doesn't know how much those tings cost!" Monosuke shook his fist towards the sixteenth student.

Monophanie bitterly stomped her foot on the floor, "That is our Daddy's hard work! He gave it to us as a gift, you... you MONSTER!"

Ki-Bo completely faced everyone in complete shock.


Everyone went against him AGAIN?!

For goodness sakes! How many times since every single classmate of his intended to work together in ending his life?!

Oh dear, he would rather not reminisce the last time loop… So many bad memories turned into nightmares...


I'm not going to end up like what happened the last time!

Monokuma pointed his paw at Ki-Bo with his red eye glowed in ferocity, "You, young man, had gone far enough to MY SCHOOL and MY KILLING GAME! And now, I am going to punish you for violating the school property!"

"ALRIGHT! HE IS GOING TO BE BUSTEEEED~!" Monokid roughly strums his electric guitar as he is excited for his Father's punishment towards the Rulebreaker.

I won't let them hurt me...


Unbeknownst to the students and the bears, Ki-Bo could hear the faint creaking coming from the piston of the hydraulic press going louder. He was almost close to finishing what he's doing until they came along. The robot knew he couldn't continue his plan, the only logical solution he could think of is to run. AGAIN.

But I can't run away forever...

When the 'sixteenth student' is distracted by either his guilt or truly surrendering, it was Monokuma's chance to end the troublemaker's menace. There can only be one bad guy in the Killing Game and that will be the Headmaster of the Academy himself!

Imagining as a muscular ursine, the black and white bear charged at the student at full speed. The Cubs, sans the silent Monodam, were cheering from the background. However, the rest of the fifteen could only stand and watch the show...


At the same time where the piston drops at a significant speed, and everything went slow... for Kaede.

Because of her classmates were frightened to see the unknown machine turned on by itself, she didn't notice the 'sixteenth student' managed to DODGE Monokuma without the headmaster learning... he was being lured to a death trap.

Monokuma was too fast and too angry that he didn't realize the hydraulic press is activated. So when the 'sixteenth student' evaded Monokuma's grasp, the bear instead fell because of the force he exerted before.

And the least everyone including the 'sixteenth student' has expected it, the piston slammed onto the platform... to where Monokuma had landed.



The 'sixteenth student', however, escaped everyone again and ran away from the Hangar. But the students and the Monokuma Cubs weren't able to even speak or move from what they have just witnessed.

From the already created mess, there is more 'junk' being piled up. When the dust had settled, there were additional broken pieces of robotic parts flew almost everywhere. The mentioned robotic parts that were once belonged to Monokuma.

"EEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Monophanie's scream has broken everyone's frozen reactions.

The rest of the Monokuma Cubs scuttled towards any of their father's remains in desperation.

Monotaro shrieks as he tried to process what on earth has happened, "F-Father?! WHAT HAPPENED TO FATHER?!"

"Daddy got turned into a scrap metal!" Monophanie concluded before spewing pink liquid from her mouth.

While gripping Monokuma's charred and severed arm, Monosuke asked his siblings "Please tell me dis is de only model of Pops..."

"IT IS THE ONLY MODEL!" Monokid shook his yellow-clad brother out of panic. Good thing he didn't hurt Monodam this time around.

Upon seeing the hysterical faces of the Cubs, the students should be happy that the headmaster is gone, but they knew that they shouldn't celebrate early. Rantaro could only grit his teeth, silently infuriated on the fact that his one chance of meeting the Mastermind has been blown to bits. The fact that his classmates didn't have the same thought also vexes him.

Tsumugi, meanwhile, learned something that is not right in the aftermath.

"Guys?" The cosplayer's call makes her classmates face towards her, "W-where is he?!"

Now that she mentioned that, where is the 'sixteenth student'? They must have been too focused on Monokuma getting crushed that they didn't realize he escaped them once again.




However, the shell-shocked Angie Yonaga was able to catch sight of the 'sixteenth student'. Silently walking a few meters away from the others, the traumatized oracle lets her Atua control her legs until she has the strength to walk on her own. If scarier happenings appear more then she might explode.

Ever since Monokuma spilled the truth of the Outside World, her own body couldn't even respond to her commands. Not even speak or move. And the thought of being frozen like a statue while staring at the once peaceful world without looking away or closing her eyes... horrifies her.

Just like the other students, her loved ones are also living there. Or rather, WERE. They're gone. Her friends, her family, her followers... her people are gone by the disaster. When learning that scary truth she could only call out that one 'person' she thinks is still out there somewhere, believing He is alive; Atua.

Yes, that great and powerful Atua who is always there when she needed the most. The one who chose her as the messenger of the Gods. The one who gave her the power to become the Ultimate Artist she is recognized.


~Yes, He is here. And He's not dead...~

~I really am blessed, am I not?~

~I am not alone and I will never be alone.~

Coming to realize that she zoned out again, Angie was about to return to her classmates until saw a small sight of HIM leaning against the wall, presumably taking a rest from all the running.

The 'sixteenth student'. Cold, exhausted, and alone. How dare he complained about his troubled state when he's the one started the whole ruckus in the first place? That student should be thankful he's still alive. If he wanted to run away from them he should have left the school and die in the Outside World instead.

Seeing his tired state caused her hands to curl into a fist.


Hearing the familiar voice Ki-Bo saw this coming, but he didn't expect ANGIE of all people to catch him off guard. His 'camera lens' reflected Angie's dull and dead eyes, it's not the cheery Ultimate Artist he knows about.

"Angie... Angie, I can explain," The robot raised his hands in front of the Artist. Seeing her 'off-character' state still worries him despite witnessing her breakdowns several loops ago.

However, the young girl is unfazed and began to strut towards Ki-Bo with a lifted finger directly pointed at him, "You... You... You... Y̷̰͍̤͚͇̍̓o̸̢̘̦͉͒͌̽u̸̞͒ͅ.̴͖͕̪̼̝̎̂̀.̷̨̗͕͎̐̀̂͑͝.̷̧͖͆͐ "

What have I done to her?!


The worse comes to worst when Tsumugi saw him and Angie. Not only that, she had the students following her!

Ugh! It just HAD to happen, huh? Good thing the Monokuma Cubs were absent, but still.

Without any second to talk, Ki-Bo dashes through the maze-like hallway as fast as he can. Leaving the quiet Angie behind, not knowing that she sent him a deadly stare.




"He's getting away!" Kaito grunted in frustration.

"At this rate, we will never be able to see him again." Kirumi agrees with the Astronaut while also worried about the consequences.

Then again, for some, it fascinates them that the 'sixteenth student' was able to run fast and can only take a break in just a second. But can't that boy at least stop running for five minutes? His classmates were still humans, after all. More precisely, the last of all humanity.

Tsumugi turned to her 'Fearless Leader', "What's your plan, Kaede? We tried talking, and then cornering him..."

"But he's just keeping on running," Himiko finished the cosplayer's thoughts, "It's becoming a big pain if we kept on chasing him."

Kaede slows her pace and had her eyes on the entomologist, the astronaut, the maid, and the child caregiver. However, her expression is not as upbeat as it seems. To her admission, she is also getting impatient with her classmate making them going around in circles, and the part where they saw the Outside World already ruins her mood. Not to mention, Monokuma got crushed by the hydraulic press so they need to stop the 'sixteenth student' from pushing them away before more damages he could cause.

As a matter of fact, I don't want to push everyone further...

The pianist gave her classmates a distressing look. And by the facial response from them, it's not going to be pretty.

After rewiring many circuits for the umpteenth time, Ki-Bo managed to push the heavy metal hatch open and crawled out even with the little gap. The robot assured that the students will have a hard time opening the passageway, Gonta might even struggle in spreading the gap since it's still mechanically controlled by electricity. However that doesn't mean he was bragging his plans, it was more like a little... 'Hope' he had to cling on to for a while.

"Alright, guys! Remember the plan." Kaede prompted her classmates who had themselves ready for anything. They have to use this amount of time to get the 'sixteenth student' in their hands before Monokuma spring up again.

Kaito and Tenko answered with a thumbs up. Meanwhile, Korekiyo, Kirumi, and Miu are huddled together like they are up to something.

Even they're tired and about to faint, the students were actually anticipated for Kaede's plan. If they were able to succeed, they can finally rest.

Though, not all were excited to do it. Especially for Miu...

"Yeah, sure. Everyone's soooo pumped up like heck," Miu sarcastically muttered, "But if I have to ask, WHY ME?"

Kaede shrugged, "Well, you're the person who invents stuff so it's pretty obvious that we need you to make something for the plan."

"No! I mean why did you have to choose my precious belts for this?" The inventor rephrased her question showing that she wasn't wearing any of her belts, now only wearing her usual uniform, although her socks were slowly dropping from the lack of any support. "The creeper's rope is much stronger than mine."

"But heavier," Korekiyo reprimand "If we try to throw our trap towards the 'sixteenth student', it won't be fast enough to stop his legs."

Kirumi nodded in agreement, "And he will get injured because of the weight placed on the ends."

The inventor could only roll her eyes as she finishes the so-called 'gag weapon' considering it was only built by some of the Exisal parts and her BELT of all things. She wonders why she had to do that job since that thing could be built by anyone. After completing the gag weapon, she proceeds in fixing the big door that the 'sixteenth student' imprudently rewired.

Meanwhile, the rest were discussing the plan for clarifications.

"So, we need someone strong and fast enough to throw the weapon to him," Tsumugi asked out loud "Which one of us can do that?"

Shuichi ponders the cosplayer's question, "Kaito and Tenko had their jobs assigned if the 'sixteenth student' attempts to use physical combat. Gonta has to open the door, so only a few of us can get out of this room to go after him."

"Maki and I will go," Ryoma suggested, "If Maki can't reach him, then I will be the backup."

Both Tsumugi and Shuichi looked at each other in question.

Out of worry, Tsumugi asks "A-Are you sure, Ryoma? Wouldn't that make you feel uncomfortable to use your - "

The 'former' tennis pro huffs, "It's not for the sake of talent. But I will be willing to use my life just to finish the job."

"And don't worry, I've dealt with kids who run faster than any adults," Maki added while releasing small air out from her lips

"You know what, Kaede?" Kokichi tapped the floor with slight glee, "I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it!"

The talentless student's face is filled with concern, "You're staying here, Kokichi. Just so you know they're just going to CAPTURE him, not HURT him."

Once she was able to fix the wires, Miu calls out everyone. "Alright, Crackheads. Here's the drill. Once your Gorgeous Girl Genius connects the last wires, the door will unlock but it won't be fast enough to open by itself. So, Gonta will have to push them so there will be a bigger gap for any of us will insert ourselves with."

"Maki will come out first with the trap Miu built, but Ryoma will be next if anything goes wrong." Kirumi follows the process.

Korekiyo readies the red-colored rope that he unknowingly kept with him, "Kaito and Tenko will corner the student. The chances of using physical force are inevitable."

Himiko raised her hand, "I'll sit this one out. I'm too tired to run..."

"Actually, most of us can't leave just yet," Tsumugi muttered while glancing at the quiet Angie. She wondered what on earth happened to the artist...

The time is now. The students who volunteered are waiting outside of the gigantic door, with Maki being the first one to go while gripping the trap weapon tight. Upon Kaede's signal, Miu joined the two wires together. The connection released a small spark as the door's lock is slowly released. Of course, they don't have to wait.

"Gonta, do it!"

The entomologist nodded at Kaede's command and used his bare hands to push both sides of the door. Seeing how Gonta is struggling when splitting the door, it shows that lifting a heavy manhole and opening an even heavier door is different for him.

Not wanting for Gonta to strain himself any longer, Maki dashed towards the slightly open door that fits her perfectly to go through.

\/Everything is a LiE\/

- Tetsuya Idabashi

Ki-Bo is not entirely sure whether or not the writings on the rock slab seems true. Or rather, it makes perfect sense since he's stuck in a television show for too long. Approximately for thirty-one loops and he is forced to be the Audience Surrogate along with being their disgusting cameraman, he's now in conflict to believe which ones were true or not.

Even the writer's surname is insulting.

Idabashi. How immoral! How revolting! How STUPID this show can be?!

Decided to ignore the hateful message, the robot brisked his way towards the school. However, the ringing sound starts to bother him to find the source of the noise.

To Ki-Bo's shock, Maki is approaching him close to lightspeed?!


The young boy was about to leave when the horrible memories of the Ultimate Assassin flashed to his mind.

Those awful, AWFUL memories of her pink eyes and her bloodied state...

He just doesn't want to see her now! He will not suffer the same fate as the last time.

Immediately, he evaded Maki when the girl was about to grab him. And since she has the physical prowess, the hidden assassin continues to chase him without breaking a sweat. She also had her hands a strange object that would seem heavy if she wasn't showing any difficulties swinging the thing above her head. What on earth is she doing?

He quickly found out when she threw her weapon not directly to him, but she was targeting his legs. Ki-Bo is fortunate enough to jump and avoid getting any of his legs to get tangled up by the trap. He guessed it must have been Miu's doing upon seeing the familiar accessories used. Unfortunately, when one of his legs landed on the ground, the robot felt a force that trips him off balance.

Ki-Bo learned Ryoma's presence considering the Ultimate Tennis Pro became the one who can pass through the gap and is also fast enough to catch up with him. He didn't expect to be the one who uses a backup trap similar to Maki's.

The robot quickly untangled the belt lose, he's still impressed that it succeed when it worked but failed to completely catch him at the precise moment. Ki-Bo discarded the trap weapon with ease but the boy didn't notice he entrapped Maki while on the run.

"Shoot!" He could hear the child caregiver-slash-assassin's rage.

It's an accident! Ki-Bo should be thankful that Ryoma stopped and helped free Maki from the trap. Regrettably, the Tennis Pro is not pleased with what he unconsciously committed. Not only that, it seems what he did to Maki ticked Kaito and Tenko off.

"That little brat!"

"Let's teach that one a lesson, fellow Degenerate!"

From Ki-Bo's memory banks, Tenko and Kaito are one of the students that not only are fast enough to run but also capable of throwing a punch to their opponent. Looks like not only he has to outrun and outsmart them, but he also has to outfight them despite his physical witness. Great.

The robot's feet glided on the ground that slows his speed. Meanwhile, his mind began to search any possible way to either dodge or knock Kaito and Tenko out without hurting them. The problem is that he's a robot, a being made of metal and other things. So...

Kaito caught up with Ki-Bo as he raised his fist above his head, "TAKE THIS!"

The robot uses his whole momentum in lifting his leg as high as he can, not only preventing the space trainee's punch from reaching its target but create a suitable distance from himself and the attacker, performing a merciful head kick. Ki-Bo performed another kick that would knock the astronaut out if he didn't dodge.

"Woah!" Kaito balanced himself to process what the 'sixteenth student' has done to him. The man looked at his hand, the one that he uses to attack the student, and noticed that there is a small dry scratch on his little bruised skin. Thankfully it's not fatal to cause any wounds or fractures but it still hurt, like he's been lightly hit with a padded metal pipe. "That kid can FIGHT?!" he asked himself out loud.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Kaito! I'm -" Ki-Bo just yelled out the trainee's name in the open which shocks Kaito.

"Kaito?" The Luminary of the Stars repeated what the student called him "Wait, you know my name?!"

The robot felt a pang inside his systems. He must have forgotten both of them never introduced themselves yet. It's too late to even stop himself to talk more.

Ki-Bo tried to apologize, "I - I..."

But he saw Tenko shoved Kaito to the side and began yelling at the failed attacker, "Ugh! You Degenerate males weren't even that good enough to take him down!"

Right, she's a Neo-Aikido Practitioner. Ki-Bo sometimes feared Tenko because of her defense mechanisms reacted a lot on impulse, so getting near her is like facing a lion one on one. She's unpredictable, she never attacks her opponent first after all. The female martial artist just waited for the right moment to turn the table against the enemy. It became different whenever he came to her in the other loops before this. It is unbelievable when Tenko actually threw a PUNCH at Shuichi since Loop 14! It's hard to figure her out in battle, she either stands still or it's all for nothing. The solitary weakness that the aikido master has is that she doesn't know how and when to stop and has low pain tolerance. So the logical way to stop her is to STOP her, whatever means necessary.

"HIIIIYYYAAAAAHHHH!" She's coming towards Ki-Bo fast! She has her hands ready to defeat the sixteenth student once and for all.

Once she thrusts her hand, the robot lashed his wrist, effectively blocked the startled Tenko's assault. While the fighter's failed attack is still engaged, Ki-Bo sidestepped to prevent himself from receiving a counterattack and then he GRABBED the arm that was supposed to hit the target. At this point, Tenko should have thrown the degenerate off, but the speed on how the 'sixteenth student' avoided her punch upsettingly mystifies her. If he is her classmate, then what kind of Ultimate is he?

After weighing Tenko down, Ki-Bo followed by striking her arm.

"Oof!" Tenko did not foresee how powerful and painful it was. Unfortunately, neither does Ki-Bo when he kicked Kaito.

When she saw the 'sixteenth student' is about to hit her again, she hastily tried to come up with a counter. But Tenko also knew that it was too late when she realized her neck is exposed to her white-haired classmate. And that's when she unknowingly froze...

"At last, at last, at long last..."

Suddenly, her fingers twitched and her heart starts to beat fast.

"Will the guard dog run far away?"

She looked at the 'sixteenth student', the calm blue eyes give an unsettling feeling that gave her a chill on her spine. Something is not right in her and she knows it! But why can't she move or do anything?! Why can't she scream at her classmate to stop him?! And why... is her nape cold all of a sudden?

"Or did it eat the little girl?"

Tenko saw his arm brought down. Even though she's a tough girl, she still couldn't help but flinch. She closed her eyes and prepared for the nerve chop to knock her out.

But it didn't happen.

The cold sensation in her nape diminishes as she opened her eyes to check what happened to her. The young girl's eyes met with the 'sixteenth student's eyes that has fear replaced his calm look. It's like he's seen a ghost all of a sudden.

Not only that but Tenko noticed his trembling arm was inches close to her cheeks, she could also hear the metal rattling in it.

Ki-Bo, on the other hand, is visibly terrified of what he's about to do. The robot was so close in knocking Tenko out until he saw where his attack is going to strike, even the girl is shown to be perturbed during their fight.

"What have I done?" Ki-Bo started to lose his grip on Tenko's arm "Tenko, I never wanted this to happen..."

Her brows furrowed when he called her out by her name.

Tenko took a few steps back while her other hand unconsciously touched her neck, probably to check any injuries.

"You," She spoke softly, not having any tone of anger in her voice "My name. How do you know my name is Tenko?"

Darn it, he did the same mistake again! What is he going to do? What will he say? How is he gonna explain that he's a good-for-nothing Time Traveler who went back from the past thirty times?! Oh wait, HE CAN'T!

Maki, Ryoma, and Kaito arrived with concern to the lifeless Tenko, even the pint-sized student's question has left the girl giving him a lazy nod. All of them could only look at Ki-Bo as the robot slowly backed away from his classmates. They probably saw how he almost struck Tenko down and Kaito probably told Maki and Ryoma about his situation too. The robot could have explained that it was for self-defense. After all, they attacked him first without even giving him a chance to talk. Then again, he did hurt Maki first... but she was the one who threw the trap... but Ryoma also did that as payback - He is so confused right now.

Also, it's unusual that his classmates kept on staring at him without making a move. Not a step or a punch. They're just standing there.

Why aren't they doing anything?

What's going on?

Ki-Bo's suspicion is answered when he felt a warm weight behind his back, as well as the familiar voice that dreads him.


Kiyo is right behind him.

The robot's instincts led him to punch the 'serial killer' from behind. But Korekiyo dodged the punch and appears behind Ki-Bo again, and the 'sixteenth student' attempted the same attack that the Ultimate Anthropologist evaded from.

Now how did Kiyo got out this time?

No, how on earth did he get himself fall into their trap?!

The least he expects it, he felt the heavyweight tripping him. He didn't see how fast Maki and Ryoma threw the trap weapon to his legs especially they each equipped one, led Ki-Bo to become immobile.

And just as he's about to hit the ground, there's a glint of red hurled towards him. There were so many that he what was thrown and he couldn't count how many of them until he realized those red things were ropes.

Everything makes sense now.

One by one, the ropes strapped on Ki-Bo's body. Arms, wrists, his waist, even his neck got caught by the rope. Thank goodness he's a robot or he'll get choked to death from strangulation. He soon experienced the hard tug of the ropes, leaving the robot in a restricted position that he couldn't move an inch. And because of his neck getting tied up, he was forced to bend his back. Thus, facing the person who thinks binding their rope on his neck was a good idea.

And the idiot hunter is none other than the Ultimate Detective himself, who somehow learned his mistake a little too late.

Even though Ki-Bo can see the Detective upside down, the thought of Shuichi committed this... still hurts him.

The robot shifted his eyes to see his other classmates pulling the ropes, including Tsumugi and Himiko.


Why did it have to be them?

Being the last person to escape at the Cyber Courtyard along with Gonta, Kaede arrived to see the volunteers present safe and sound while the others were reliable enough to make sure the sixteenth student will stay in one place.

Gonta pointed out his classmates' whereabouts, "Friends! Over there, Kaede!"

"Guys!" She called out her friends.

Tenko turned around and smiled, "We did it, Kaede! We got him!"

"Are you alright?" The pianist asked when she noticed how exhausted they were.

Kaito scratched his head with his slightly injured hand, "Just some little scratches here and there. Never thought he can actually fight."

"He was even faster than I am," Ryoma agreed.

"Sorry," Gonta apologizes "Not there to help others."

Maki brushes off the remaining dust in her skirt, "Just never mind about that, Gonta. What matters now is that Kaede's plan is a success."

"Yeah!" Miu howled while not letting go of her rope "This guy totally fell for it!"

They... worked together?

Kokichi laughs, "See, Himiko? I told you this plan would work!"

"What?!" Himiko yelped as both the Magician and the Supreme Leader had to be together to restrain the 'sixteenth student' despite their weak bodyweight. "You're the one who said it won't!"

"Oh yeah?"


"Oh yeah~?"




Even though his hands were dripping in sweat when he was holding his rope, Rantaro could only smile while jokingly roll his eyes, "Well, it's all thanks for Kaede that we were able to catch him."

"I agree," Kirumi nods behind Rantaro "I am very impressed on how you led a number of people to enact this cooperative strategy."

"No matter how big or little our contribution, you see it as an important part of the plan," Korekiyo stated his observation.

Tsumugi smiles while giving full support of her rope along with Angie, "You even believed in us even though we said we couldn't. That's so sweet of you, Kaede!"

"Kaede very good leader!" Gonta beamed from ear to ear, seeing how he helped people by opening the big metal door.

Hearing those compliments makes the 'Fearless Leader' flush in red. Still, she doesn't forget that they were in a Killing Game. But seeing how her classmates were worried and anxious, she wants to cheer them up and cheer them on as much as she can. Too bad she couldn't find a piano to play music with, yet she always has a plan to make everyone happy. Considering the situation they have right now, it is Kaede's job to unite her classmates.

She could only give a small smile, "You know, I couldn't have done this if it wasn't for you. All of you."

Shuichi looked at Kaede in the distance while listening to her speech.

"All of us worked together. We know what we're good at and we used that as our strength. And even though we're weak, even though we're alone, we never give up. Because if we did, then we're just giving the Mastermind what they want," Her amethyst eyes are glittering with feisty optimism that thinking about the truth of the Outside World is just bad news, "Killing Game or not, I will not let that happen to us! Not ever!"


I miss your voice so much.

Ki-Bo couldn't stop staring at Shuichi, and that's not because of having his neck pulled by the detective. Shuichi, on the other hand, is starting to feel uncomfortable with his troublesome classmate looking like that. Maybe he should have thrown the rope early, it'll be also his fault if the sixteenth student ended up choking to death but he couldn't let the white-haired boy run away again.

And so, the two had their eyes on each other.

The Ultimate Detective is starting to get tired of playing 'Staring Contest'. But there is something within his mind that doesn't him look away.

Those blue eyes... mesmerizing but why are they hypnotizing at the same time? He just doesn't get why the 'sixteenth student' intrigues him. They both meet each other for the first time, they always 'ran' each other, and just passed by in the end. Aside from the 'sixteenth student's eyes, the strange physique is more acquaint unlike the other quirky-looking classmates of his. In fact...

It's like he's seen that person before.

No. That's not possible. It's probably just his imagination.

From that conclusion, Shuichi now has the strength to look away from the mysterious boy.

"Maybe it's just my imagination, but...

have we met before?"

- Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)

Since Shuichi still has his cap on, Ki-Bo had to watch the detective block his eyesight using the cap's brim. The former Danganronpa fanatic doesn't know how it pains Ki-Bo in doing such action.

Tsumugi wrote Shuichi as the weak Ultimate Detective who develops into a stronger character by having him forcefully watch his friends die one by one. That dastard cosplayer killed Rantaro and framed Kaede! That's how far she would go just to have the show continue. All for her love for Danganronpa. No matter how many loops he had to go back, he will never forget what Tsumugi had done to everyone including Shuichi.

It's the reason why he can't lose Hope. He's the Ultimate Hope, he can't leave his friends to suffer at the Mastermind's hands.

But why?

Why is he looking away... from me?

Shuichi's grip on the rope is getting tighter.

Shuichi, look at me!

For some reason, his whole body started to tremble and his vision started to 'glitch'.

When are his classmates going to stop smiling like nothing happened? What are they going to do to him? How is he going to restart the loop? Why aren't they letting go?

...Why aren't they letting go?

The ropes. They're starting to etch through his skin.

But Ki-Bo is a robot, any hunk of junk can't feel pain! But... he could have sworn the wires in this body start to break.

It's so, SO uncomfortable to be restrained like this!

They need to let go. They HAVE to let go!

No, no, no! He doesn't want to be trapped like this! Not again!

Not like the last time! And the other time... and the other time... and the other time -

Ki-Bo wants to be free! He wants to move again on his own will. He wants to speak whatever his mind pleases to be. He wants to feel like how Humans feel in their hearts.


Why is he having a hard time hearing?

Now his body is not only trembling but also feeling heavy...

He's not malfunctioning, is he?

|Loop 30|

His vision regained focus once more, not surrendering to Despair, he pushed the floor to gain balance. But by the time he went up to his knees, both of his arms were grabbed and were tugged from behind. When he looked at the back, he saw Maki and Himiko were subduing him by pulling his arms so he wouldn't move and run away anymore.

"Himiko?! Maki?! What are you doing?! Let go! Let me go! Please!" He cried as he tried to pull his arms away, but no avail. Suddenly, a hand touched his synthetic hair and was yanked painfully, he knew that Shuichi could have done this to him.

He couldn't move. Three of his remaining friends turned against him for no reason, and now they restrained him with no chance of escaping anymore. Three pairs of radiant pink eyes were staring at him, it was intense enough to dig them deep into his data.




Despite his efforts to escape the chains that were chasing him, its shackles were able to bind his legs, arms, waist, feet, and wrists altogether. Ki-Bo then felt a strong pull that dragged him towards the dark hatch, his arms even tried to reach out even though he knew it's futile now that the three pairs of pink eyes and one pair of blue eyes were staring below him as the darkness had finally swallowed him.

He felt like he was falling to a deep realm until the hard impact from the ground stops him from falling, and it was painful too. Just as he got the sense to rise, the chains were restraining him from even moving. His arms were bound from the sides while his feet were bound together, almost looked like as if he was literally crucified on the ground.

|Loop 30|

When the capturers were distracted in their conversation, they suddenly begin to feel their ropes getting dragged in. To their surprise, the 'sixteenth student' is strong enough to pull the ropes that were held by more than two people.

Rantaro is the first to notice the roped classmate of his, "Shoot! He's still fighting!"

The young man's cries now have everyone's attention as they witness the 'sixteenth student's struggling out from his binds.

Shuichi, being the person who doesn't have someone to anchor the ropes, snapped his sight to the captured. And the sight is agitating to see, especially if the detective puts himself in the 'sixteenth student's shoes, he'll be sure to feel what his classmate is distressing right now.

When the capped teenager takes a look at the white-haired boy, all he could describe from the imprisoned is trepidation. It is clear that something is wrong with the 'sixteenth student'.

"Something... Something is wrong with him!" Shuichi calls out.

Kaito cracks his knuckles, "Coming back for more, huh?"

"Let's get ready then," Maki immediately replied.

The previous volunteers stood their stance just in case of retaliation.

Gonta stood in front of Kaede, "Stay behind Gonta!"

The leader had no choice but to peek behind her protector. To her concern, she noticed her mysterious classmate not feeling right like what Shuichi said just now. It worries her how the boy kept on running away from them. From her. She just wanted to be his friend, and she just wants to understand why he's acting like that.

"EVERYONE HEAVE!" Miu commanded the rest of the students.

Miu and the others had their heels pinned to the ground as the 'sixteenth student' struggles further. Unfortunately, the more they pulled the ropes the more he is starting to break the binds. Literally.

The pianist released a silent gasp. The ropes were starting to hurt him!

And from her distance, she could have sworn the stowaway trying to say something based on hearing the recognizing voice.

"L-l-let... g-go..."

She heard it.

"Let go?" Kaede probingly repeated.

"...Let go," The sixteenth student hoarsely pleaded to his captors, "P-please... I can't - I can't..."

Korekiyo realized the damage a little too late, "Good grief, he's breaking out!"

"Let go... let go let go let go letgoletgoletgo -" The 'sixteenth student's pleas became louder.

"Oh no," Shuichi could only look at his musical friend, "Kae - "

"I said LET GO!"

His ear-splitting scream makes all of the students painfully wince, including Kaede due to her sensitive hearing. The 'sixteenth student' began to lash out against his weakened bonds.

"Let go of me! LET GO OF ME! Why aren't you even listening?! Why can't you just leave me alone?! I don't want to be here anymore!" He cried out. Screaming more and more pleas just to make everything stop.

It seems that the cries made most of his classmates suffer. Shuichi could only describe it as something that could make anyone puke just by listening to it.

Because of the noise, the people who hold the ropes had weakened their grip since they don't want to let the 'sixteenth student' go despite the begging. It didn't take long either that the ropes finally snapped broken. Shuichi and his teammates had fallen to the ground because of their exertion after the ropes broke.

The 'sixteenth student', meanwhile, also falls when he severed the binds. However, he was starting to show exhaustion and is now vulnerable since his legs were still trapped.

Kaede is able to remove her cupped ears when the 'sixteenth student' stopped screaming. The pianist was going to ask if her classmates are okay until she saw him trying to stand up. The 'sixteenth student' is crawling towards the girl! She wasn't sure if she should be happy that he's reaching out or be scared if he might hurt her.

Weakly, the 'sixteenth student' extends his hand to Kaede. His face shows helplessness, almost look like he's about to tear up. He didn't need to speak as Kaede knew just by looking through his innocent eyes. She understands now.

But just as Kaede is about to reach out, Maki suddenly KICKED the 'sixteenth student'. The force is enough for him to get sprawled to the ground.

"Maki!" Kaede calls out, "What are you..."

The custodian ignores Kaede as she menacingly walked to the sixteenth student. Maki is ready to land a punch on him when she noticed him freaking out on her than anyone else.

He holds out his hands in defense, "Maki! please don't - "

"YOU BRAT!" Maki instantly brought her fist to his face. Of course, this shocks everyone including the student who is skilled in martial arts.

Kaito was about to stop Maki from causing more damage to the sixteenth student, but the way the caretaker expresses her anger made him hesitate. Gonta was having a hard time whether he should help the young lady or his runaway classmate.

She continued to chastise, "You think this is all fun and games? Huh? No! You can't just run away from your problems while everyone else is suffering because of you! We're already tired and sick. And there's already a Killing Game we were forced to participate in. Then there's you... mocking us in the shadows. Do you think it will make you happy after what we saw back there? Have you planned this from the start? What do you even want from us? How long are you going to hurt us like this?"

Tsumugi, meanwhile, having to recover from the sickening scream, had her eyes on the 'sixteenth student'. She'll admit that Maki is right. All of what they've been through is because of the 'sixteenth student' doing something stupid, and she's glad that Maki indirectly agreed to her suspicion of their mysterious classmate.

She was right all along...

That coward ruined everything! He hurt Kaede when she was just being nice to him, he forced his classmates to see the Outside World, and the chances to meet the Mastermind is destroyed! It's all his fault!

Unable to handle her rage, her hand unconsciously picked up a nearby object.

When the 'sixteenth student' was about to lift himself again, he didn't notice what Tsumugi has thrown to him, though he guessed it was a stone. The heavy object didn't hit him in the face but his head hurt. And then he saw a tint of blue liquid dripping...

Maki was surprised. And she could have gotten herself hurt when she was about to beat the sixteenth student again, yet the way Tsumugi threw the stone somehow urged her to stop. Miu quickly restrained the blue-haired girl stood up before she could do more damage, but that doesn't stop the cosplayer from spitting words.

"How dare you..." Tsumugi shot an exasperated look, "How dare you treat your friends like this?!"

The 'sixteenth student's eyes filled with terror when he heard her voice.

"Don't you see where we are right now? We're in a Killing Game and you didn't care if you get us all killed!" Tears begin to stain her glasses "The world's been destroyed... and we're the only ones left alive! Rantaro tried his best to talk to Monokuma. We were about to meet the Mastermind and end the Killing Game. BUT WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Kaede just listened to the cries of her classmate. She couldn't help but feel sorry for what her friends had been through. The 'Fearless Leader' was even heartbroken when she also learned the Outside World. Kaede wanted to express her anger also because this isn't fair to her and the other students. They had so much to live for and the truth hurts them so much that everyone went in complete despair for a moment.

She could only stare at her classmates. Gonta, being the gentleman, still does his job to protect Kaede. Kaito, Korekiyo, Ryoma, and Tenko were still staggered on Maki's actions. Kirumi was comforting Kokichi when the latter pukes, much to Himiko's disgust as Rantaro helps the magician to distance themselves from the feud. Angie and Shuichi were frozen still, they couldn't take their eyes off from the argument.

Everything is a mess now.

"Hold your tongue, Tsumugi!" Miu scolded her classmate while being stressed on pulling Tsumugi away from the 'sixteenth student' but the cosplayer is not listening.

"You ruined EVERYTHING!" Tsumugi sobbed as she unsuccessfully wiping the tears on her eyes "I don't even know what's wrong with you! You hurt Kaede... You hurt my friends..."


"You should be locked up and die instead."

Hearing those hurtful words, the 'sixteenth student' could only look at Tsumugi's tearful rage poured onto him. He was about to open his mouth until he looked at his classmates around him.

Some people were sick, tired, and hurt. Others were shell-shocked to the point they stood in silence as it is the only thing they could cope as of this moment. Most of them could only stare at him in pity, and yet he was the one who should feel sorry for the suffering he caused.

The way he shook his head says it all. After all that he has done, maybe they were right.

He should disappear.

The 'sixteenth student' crawled away from the students. Escape is the option he could think of.

Looking at the boy who still has the determination to flee ticks the caregiver off.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Maki snatched the 'sixteenth student' by his hair. Of course with the pain he received along with the head wound, he would have screamed again if she didn't pin him to the ground. The long-haired brunette could hear him whimpering when his arms were uncomfortably restrained. As much as Maki wanted to smirk, she could only glare at him.

Upon his observations from the crowd, Rantaro had enough.

Not because the feud is getting out of hand for everyone, but younger children are getting affected as well. Kokichi still feels sick and Himiko is shaking for goodness sakes! The 'Fearless Leader' wasn't doing anything, she probably was still in shock like everyone else. With the Ultimate Magician, he was doing the same thing as Gonta does, standing in front of her being the shield. Himiko couldn't help but grab the hem of the man's striped shirt tight because she couldn't stop shivering while cowering herself behind him.

"Can't... stop… shaking," She stuttered "This is... becoming a... p-p-pain."

The talentless student patted Himiko's head even though her hat covers it, "It's going to be alright."

He gently holds one of the little girl's hands as a sign of comfort. Rantaro looked around the campus to find a place where it's quiet, like the courtyard he saw from afar.

"Come on. Let's take a breather first, okay?"

Himiko nods, "Okay."

Just as the two walked out, Tenko rushed towards them.

"What are you going to do with Himiko, male?!"

Rantaro holds himself from glaring, "I'm taking Himiko somewhere quiet. She's already panicking. One more commotion and she'll pass out."

"Himiko, you should have come to me instead of going with that degenerate male - "

"Tenko, just s-s-stop. Please. I just want to get out for a while," Himiko continued to stutter "And you'll end up... b-b-being t-too nois-s-sy anyways..."

"But - "

"Maki, I think that's enough. He's already down." Kaito's voice cuts her off when he now has the time to at least let the child caregiver go of the 'sixteenth student'.

Maki glared at the astronaut, "I wouldn't take that dare for a second."

"We're all tired," Ryoma chimes in. "I hate to say it 'cause I'm a criminal, but we have to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid again."

Korekiyo nodded, "Not to mention our classmates are not in a healthy state."

"Well, Fearless Leader?" Miu asked before Tsumugi elbowed her in the face "Cut it off, Six Eyes!"

Kaede was a bit startled when the inventor called her. She didn't even notice that she was biting her lip, looks like the stress has gotten into her. They already got the sixteenth student, that's one goal down. Now, they wanted to lock him up? The 'Fearless Leader' wasn't so sure after what he screamed about, but Maki and Tsumugi also got a point. He could at least have consideration for his classmates. The 'sixteenth student' wasn't being fair to her either, always running away when she just wanted to help.

"I..." She stopped herself from speaking.

I just wanted to help, that's all.

It's like he doesn't even trust me.

And that hurts...

Gonta is concerned, "Kaede? You okay?"

"I'm fine. Just fine," Kaede answered while holding her head "I just need some time to think about this. Sure, he did something bad. But don't you think locking him is too much?"

"Goo muk?!" Kokichi screeched despite his situation almost made him inaudible to hear what he's saying "He... bas da wan wu id goo mu -"

The teenage supreme leader's words were cut when he regurgitates again, Kirumi patted his back to ease the pain.

It became an unfortunate time when Kokichi fainted straightaway.

"Kaede..." Angie suddenly speaks up softly yet ominously "You must remember... The world has ended... We are the last of Humanity... There is no one left but us and Atua… We have to show our classmate about the consequences of his actions."

She shook her head, "The world ended, sure. But the only way we can do now is live together. We can't just hate a classmate because of what he did."

Maki then glares at the pianist, "Are you out of your mind? You were outside. You and Miu almost DIED if it wasn't for Ryoma and Shuichi saving both of you. Are you just going to let this idiot get away with that?"

"I knew it," Miu chided "You were suspicious of him? Hey, if there's someone who is to blame it's the one who started the whole mess -"

"So you're blaming Kaede?! What did she even do?!" Kaito asked the inventor who released the upset Tsumugi.

I'm not surprised yet she has a point.

It was the wrong answer thankfully, "I'm not talking about her! It's that stupid bear! He was the one who pushed Kaeidiot to the Outside World, Dum-dums!"

"And..." Shuichi stood up "There is still a possibility of the Killing Game will continue."

Kaede's brow rose, "You mean..."

"I'm not so sure when exactly Monokuma will come back. Even if he's truly destroyed, the Monokuma Kubs might take his place."

"Regardless of the situation, we're still doomed," Ryoma spoke "Either by the Killing Game or the Outside World."

"If that's the case then we can't leave him like this! Who knows what Monokuma will do to him," The 'Fearless Leader' struggles to make the other side agree.

We are what's left on the planet now.

Murdering another of our kind makes us a hypocrite.

"But what if he's working for Monokuma?" Tsumugi asked out of the blue.

"Pardon the interruption, but what is the basis of your statement?" While everyone else has different suspicions about the sixteenth student, Kirumi still questions the blue-haired lady.

"It's like I said before! He looks like he wanted to be chased!"

And when she said it, the restrained 'sixteenth student' unsuccessfully moved his body. So he was listening to their conversation, and he might object what Tsumugi accused him of.

Miu rolled her eyes, "He was scared! Even I would do something stupid if someone threatened me."

"Tsumugi," Shuichi calls the bespectacled girl, "I'm sorry to say this, but we can't jump into conclusions without any evidence."

"It doesn't matter!" Tsumugi suddenly raises her voice "Don't you forget what he did to us, Shuichi? To Kaede? You want to him get away with that?"

The detective could only look at Kaede, hoping for her to make a decision as soon as possible. Not to mention, Tsumugi is getting intense by the minute. He could see the cosplayer's eyes distorting...

What should I do...?

"Kaede! You're our leader, right? You gotta do something about this!" Tsumugi still pursues her argument as she walked to the pianist.

"Do what?" Kaede asked with doubts.

"Choose!" The tense cosplayer exclaimed, "Are you willing to forgive that... that THING and let him roam free or do you want him to be punished as payback?"

The 'Fearless Leader' sincerely looked at Tsumugi, "I - I... Tsumugi, I know how angry you were at him. And I'm glad you're considerate of everyone including me, but I don't think it's the right time to point fingers. Others are sick, so we should focus on them first and then we'll think about what we have to do with him."

"But that's so... unfair!" The soft-spoken girl is getting tired of repeating her statement. "Think about it, Kaede! Think about how Monokuma pushed you to the Outside World, how all of us were sad that our families and friends are dead, how we are forced to play the Killing Game. Are you going to be okay with that? And what would happen if the sixteenth student is really working for Monokuma? All of us are going to be killed because of him!"

Kaede stayed silent while thinking through of what Tsumugi pleaded. Of course, she remembered the Outside World, the way Monokuma mocked all of her classmates while telling the whole truth. If Shuichi is right about the Killing Game, then everyone is still in danger no matter where they go.

And I was a pushover to my friends, I thought we're going to be free.

I thought all of us are going to be friends. Of course, I'm not going to be okay, none of us are!

How did this happen?

"Please, Kaede! You're our only hope!"


When was the last time she heard that word?

It sounds weird but beautiful at the same time.

Kaede looked at Tsumugi, a cosplaying friend of hers who is a bit weird but very kind in return. The pianist even believed in her abilities and led the way, experiencing to feel like a leader is a goal for Tsumugi and understands what she had went through. The thought of seeing the apocalypse is like a slap in the face. No one should suffer the painful and taunting truth of the Outside World.

Afterwards, she looked at the 'sixteenth student'. Chased, beaten, and subdued. How could the innocent boy make such a mess like this? Everything began when Kaede saw him in the school. Her friendly approach to the strange-looking person has turned into a crazy chase of a lifetime. Things went worse after that. Because of what he did to Monokuma, they missed the chance of stopping the Mastermind from continuing the Killing Game.

Everything happened because of him.

The one that started it all...

When will Monokuma return? When will the Killing Game start? When will their suffering end?

What would happen if everything is a Lie? Everything they did was part of the Mastermind's plans, didn't it? Is the Mastermind laughing at them in the shadows?

She has to stop this somehow.

Kaede gave her classmates a nod. While others understood her decision especially Tsumugi, some stayed silent but their reactions were mixed.

At the end of the debate, the 'sixteenth student' could only stare at whatever Kaede is going to do with him. He didn't bother against his captor's tight grip, he just let her weight do its thing to him. The young boy just... gave up. Perhaps Maki and Tsumugi's lecture must have gotten into his brain, marking him as the bad guy without any second thoughts.

Before the pianist tells everyone her plan in dealing with the situation, she noticed something that paused her for a while.

From the 'sixteenth student', there was a small glint of light that shines on porcelain skin. At first, she doesn't know what it was until the tiny light falls to the ground and disappeared into millions of tiny drops. The light she saw was water reflected from the moonlight. It's certainly not the blue 'paint' on his head.

Kaede realized the water flowing was actually his tears.

He was crying.

"Kaede?" The long pause concerns Gonta as well as the others, not sure if the 'Fearless Leader' is okay or not.

Tsumugi was about to nudge Kaede but the latter started walking passed her, ignoring the others' call of her name.


The named character is bewildered when Kaede stood in front of her but stayed silent even though she knows what the other is going to say.

"Maki, you can let go of him now."

The custodian sighed, "What are you going to do with him?"

"I'm just going to talk to him, that's all," Kaede answered.

The way Kaede looked at her is getting hard to read. Just what the heck is she scheming?

"If I let go and he runs, it'll be all your fault." Maki persisted.

Her leader paused before shrugging, "After all that is happening to us, I'm really expecting the worse. But for now... I just don't care."

All of the conscious students were taken aback from her words.

"Everything happened because I wanted to make friends with the 'sixteenth student'," Kaede explained "We chased him wherever he goes. Whenever he locked any doors, we break it open. But I guess we shouldn't open all doors, I know all of us were still shocked about the Outside World. I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" Maki asked as Kaede knelt to her level.

The girl with an ahoge smiled "I started all of this, so I'm taking the responsibility of what happens next."

"But Kaede," Shuichi calls her "None of this isn't your fault!"

"It's fine, don't worry," Kaede reassures without looking back to the detective "Maki, may I?"

Having no choice but to follow the pianist's request, Maki reluctantly released the 'sixteenth student'. The child caregiver took a few steps away from the two but she remains on guard just in case another manhunt occurs.

The young boy has his eyes leaking in tears and remained laying on the ground despite Maki letting him go. He didn't want to cry too loud or everyone will notice and judge him.

"Hello there," The 'sixteenth student' heard the girl's melodic voice as he saw Kaede reaching her hand. Even though he is getting weaker, he accepted Kaede's offer. Though the others are keeping an eye on their 'Fearless Leader' if anything goes wrong.

His weakened state shows more when he couldn't even bring himself to stand, prompting Kaede to help the 'sixteenth student' sit up. The snapped ropes make his body feel heavier than usual, and his legs were still tied up by the trap weapons.

"Are you okay?" Kaede asked him.

But it seems like he didn't hear her, mostly because his attention is directed to the small water droplets falling to his hand.

What are these?

Am I leaking?

How is this possible?

I'm not malfunctioning, am I?

Whatever the reason the frail boy is crying, Kaede is shameful for what she has done even though Shuichi said there was nothing she is at fault for.

Just as her hand touched his face, he immediately flinched and looked away from Kaede. Evidenced by the shaking from his arms, he is still attempting to push her away but is worried of insulting her. Her classmates will not tolerate that kind of behavior also.

"You're hurt."

"Stay away," He softly uttered. Oh, so he finally spoke without being scared?

His voice is soft.

For some reason, he sounds very... familiar.

"It's okay," Kaede soothes "No one is going to hurt you."

"But I will hurt YOU again!" He snapped, facing Kaede with a panicked look.

She shook her head, "No! No, you're not. We just had a misunderstanding before. You didn't hurt me."

The 'sixteenth student' closed his eyes and hung his head. He questioned himself if she's telling the truth or not, but the boy knows everything that happened is his fault. He struggles not to cry in front of the 'Fearless Leader', not because he's been defeated but for accepting the punishment. He deserves it.

Her hand once again cupped the sixteenth student's face when he wasn't showing any resistance, she gently raises his head so he can look at her.

"I'm your friend," She introduces herself "My name is Kaede Akamatsu."

He blinked, "Fr... F-Friend?"

"You didn't hurt me and I would never hurt you. I'm sorry for dragging you to a mess like this." Kaede apologized.


"I know you're scared and I know you don't trust anyone. But I just want you to know that I can help you, all of us can help you," The pianist spoke softly as she wiped the glistening dew in his eyes. However this also makes her tearing up too, "We only got each other now, everyone else in the Outside World is already dead. Our friends, our family... they're all gone."

She continues, "That's why we have to work together so we can end this Killing Game."

Is he aware of the Killing Game? Or maybe he doesn't know what he's getting into when Monokuma comes back. What would the 'sixteenth student' saw that's beyond the school's doors? Will he freak out? Will he kill his classmates? Will he truly work for the mastermind?

Drying her eyes off, it's concluded that the main character doesn't want any of those happen to him or her classmates.

"I'll do whatever I can to make everyone safe, even you. It's a promise and I swear on it. So please!" Kaede grasp both of the boy's hands "Let me help you!"

Her pleas make more of the tears dripping out.

Since when did I cry?

Did Miu installed this function to me?

I thought I remembered everything, but why did I forget other things?

What makes the 'sixteenth student' cry like this? Kaede didn't get to know him properly, that doesn't mean she has the right to judge him over his tears. Kaede pitied her classmate. Surely there must be a reason he's acting like this, he just needs to speak up but she doesn't want to rush him. She doesn't know what to say next or has the remaining energy to decide whether she'll punish the 'sixteenth student' or not. Nevertheless, he needs comfort, it's the first symbol of trust. Because he will need it soon if he needs to survive and fight against the common enemy.

Kaede opens her arms and does the only thing she could think of.

A hug.

The young boy is surprised. After everything he had done to Kaede and her classmates, she still has the will to sympathize with him. His arms remained limp, unsure if the girl is telling truth. The boy is more worried if he's going to hurt Kaede again. He wanted to trust her. She's the only person who is kind enough to reach out and talk. Everyone else was either hostile or just plain don't care. When he saw how the students worked together to overcome any obstacles they faced, they were able to reach the goal.

Deep inside, he wanted to make friends with everyone. Forget the past and start anew. If they reached out, he will do the same.

So why is he crying?

|Loop 15|


Kaede jumped when an unsuspecting student called her from behind, revealing Ki-Bo infiltrating her hiding place. Of course, she wasn't thinking well, she could pick any place just to conceal herself while having the chance to burst into tears. She never thought it would be the Ultimate Robot would found her in a vulnerable state, but she has doubts he can kill her.

"Oh, Ki-Bo," She hurriedly rubs her eyes "What brings you here?"

"I apologize for not stopping the argument between you and Miu. I'm pretty sure there is a logical explanation for her behavior like that." Ki-Bo reasons with the pianist even though the inventor has said the words that cross everyone's lines.

It makes sense. Miu was scared and getting paranoid. Not to mention her frail ego is getting in the way to make that potty-mouthed girl say anything clean for once.

Even though he's a robot, Ki-Bo still has the compassion to understand the feelings of others. It envies her a lot.

Kaede forces a smile, "Oh that? It's just the usual talk between humans. This is normal, Ki-Bo. I'm fi -"

"Then why are you crying?"

The blonde-haired girl bit her lip, trying her best not to make any of her tears fall.

"That kind of body language suspects you of lying," Ki-Bo pressed on, demanding that a robot can have empathy also.

She can't forget that the robot has the inability to lie.

Kaede lets the dam of tears flow, "I'm just sad."

"Sad from what? Miu? Rantaro?" The robot wonders the possibilities of making Kaede cry.

"Everything, Ki-Bo. Everything!" She sobs "I'm sad because everyone had to kill each other. I'm sad because I kept on breaking promises. I'm sad because we didn't deserve to suffer like this. And... and..."

Kaede opens her arms wide and embraced Ki-Bo by surprise.

"I'm sad because...I want to be sad, Ki-Bo."

He doesn't want to say anything rude, but he is confused. His artificial arms remained limp, a bit culture-shocked in this type of human affection.


"What do you mean 'what'?"

"I mean it's not your fault. None of it does," Ki-Bo pressed "You have the right to defend yourself against Miu because you didn't do anything wrong!"

Kaede listens while not letting go of her hug.

"I just don't understand, Kaede. A lot of our classmates were in favor of you and I wholeheartedly agree with your statement, everything is okay after that. I'm just confused about why you willingly want to feel miserable."

She couldn't help but laugh. Even though he's a robot, Ki-Bo was able to understand her feelings. Kaede would have asked why, but he would rant about Robophobia again.

"After everything Monokuma did to our friends, I kept on saying to myself that I can't give in to his plans. I have to be strong for everyone so none of us will kill each other. You know what happens after that. And now, I feel the school isn't a prison anymore like I thought it was... but I do."

Kaede is trapped in her own cage. How ironic, but this is very bad news for the robot.

The shorter boy rests his head over the pianist's shoulder, a logical way of comforting Kaede at times like this.

"Do you feel pressured or lonely?" The boy asked.

"Are you reading my mind or something?"

"I just calculated."

"Sometimes crying makes you feel better."

He raised his brow, "That sounds... wrong."

"It's okay to cry, Ki-Bo," Kaede chuckled as she releases the hug so she can face the robot "When you feel very heavy inside, all your worries and fear. The only way you can release it is to cry."

|Loop 15|

Impulsively, the 'sixteenth student' lifts his arms and slowly wrapped them around Kaede.

"I-I'm... s-sorry..." He whispered that only the girl can hear.

His classmates were looking at him like a zoo animal and he wanted to run away from their harsh eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

But at the same time, he's scared... and sad.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

He doesn't know why he has these heavy feelings weighing inside him. The more scared and sad he was, the heavier it will be.

"I was... s-scared," The 'sixteenth student' explained "I'm... so scared... I did-didn't know what t-to do..."

The boy wanted the leaking to stop but he can't, his body forced him to do so. Or so he thought.

"I-I n-never wanted to h-h-hurt everyone. I d... d-don't w-want to hurt... y-y-you again..." He struggles to say words when he felt something blocking his throat.

The pianist understood what he was saying. He didn't lie, she knows that. What he said is the truth.

"Then cry," Kaede utters as her tender arms calm the shaken boy "I'm here. You don't have to be scared anymore."

His sobs become louder for the students to hear.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay," She faithfully swore as her gentle smile grew.

The 'sixteenth student' no longer has the desire to run away. Instead, he seeks comfort from a friend. That's all that is needed to end the chase.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." His clenched fist tightens as he fought the burdening weight that is about to break from the inside.

But if Kaede said it's okay to cry, then maybe he can let those feelings to break without worries. She swore on it. He can trust her because she promised.

He has to cry. He has to.

"I'm... sorry... I'm - "

The fragile glass shatters and the wave of imprisoned emotions ruptured into a storm.

Thus, he finally burst.

As the inner barricade that blocked his voice erupted, a rasping wail is released.

His well of tears gushed out from his eyes and soaked Kaede's sweater wet. It didn't matter for the pianist as long as her classmate cry and cry until there's nothing left.

The crying storm has echoed to the students like tress that's been swaying in the wind, some collapsed in relief as their hardships have been rewarded.

Kaito had to sit down on the ground while ignoring the fact that he might get dirt in his pants or his coat. He would have probably gone to the courtyard and sit on a bench nearby, but he still had to keep an eye on Kaede.

While the three were watching from a distance, Himiko's convulse is slowly reduced. This makes Tenko gratified on the mage's recovery before she remembered a certain degenerate male is with Himiko…

Kokichi is, unfortunately, still unconscious in the situation. Maybe he should have loosened his lunch earlier instead of holding them in. Looks like Kirumi has to medicate the supreme leader, she can't lose any more people. When she saw Gonta from afar, she did not hesitate to call the bug-loving gentleman.

Meanwhile, others stayed strong waiting for the next storm to come at any time.

Ryoma sighed in odd satisfaction. Although the convict doesn't know why he is content in the aftermath, he would rather have his concern about the truth of the Outside World. Adjusting his beanie, he looked up in the caged sky. Wondering if the twinkling stars were real or just a disguise.

The silent Angie, who only watched the whole conversation unfold, has her eyes grimly leered to the weeping 'sixteenth student'. She did not notice Kiyo was doing the same thing, but he is focused on Kaede more than the boy.

Shuichi approached Maki who is still having her guard to the two students. The detective placed a hand over her shoulder, she didn't budge but only shifted her eyes to him.



"If what you said about the Killing Game is true," Maki pondered "What do you think Monokuma is up to right now?"

He wished he could move his mouth to say his answer, saying that the Killing Game won't end. With the truth of the Outside World revealed, the Mastermind might come up with a way to prevent any acts of rebellion against them. And that's the problem, the Mastermind might be lurking somewhere nearby with their mascot being temporarily out of the stage. Whatever he is going to say adds a bullet to the hitlist, his title is already a painted target on his back.

The brunette could only give Maki a weary look, "I don't know."

"You don't know?!" The disgruntled Miu overheard Shuichi's answer, "You were the one who told us that Monokuma will come back and you said 'you don't know'? What? You're taking it back or maybe you're the one who's scheming?"

Shuichi shook his head, "Please, Miu. Not now - "

"An unreliable Detective turned Killer? I wouldn't be surprised." The inventor turned away from Shuichi and gazed at Kaede, confident in her thoughts as she smirks without a care on the detective's feelings.

The hat-wearing boy couldn't care less on Miu's sudden judgment on him ever since they first met. She belittled him for wearing a hat, now she's misjudging Shuichi for being useless even though he has a valid Ultimate title. Then again, maybe he wasn't that helpful at all. Rantaro was even the one who does the interrogating, something that anyone with forensic experiences would do. He didn't even last long to help Kaede and Miu, it looks like she has a grudge on him for that.

Fidgeting his cap, Shuichi could only initiate his hypothesis in his concealed mind.

The chase for the 'sixteenth student' is over, the truth of the Outside World is revealed, and the Killing Game is postponed... for now. Such anomalies like this make the Mastermind very, VERY ticked.

It made Tsumugi very, VERY ticked.


Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony's Mastermind, Tsumugi Shirogane. The Executive Producer of the reality show, the self-proclaimed 'writer' of the V3 kids, and the Ultimate Cosplayer in disguise.

Ki-Bo, our protagonist meanwhile, is the Ultimate I-D-I-O-T. The audience has no idea how ballistic Tsumugi felt when that stupid robot ruined half of the show's plot. He shut the Death Road of Despair down, led the students to know the truth of the Outside World too early, almost had her life threatened when Rantaro forced Monokuma to make the Mastermind appear, dismantled EVERY SINGLE EXISALS, and destroyed MONOKUMA HIMSELF.

Anger. As in, blood-boiling rage beyond her character. She's not lying, well, some of them were truths.

The part where she threw the rock, that's real. The part where she said all those 'hurtful' words to Ki-Bo, that's real too. He really ruined everything. She's not kidding about locking him up, just so she can torture him in the shadows. The only piece of information she didn't tell is her status as the Mastermind of the game. What kind of a fool would reveal their reputation that early? Tsumugi can't do that! The fun's just getting started until Ki-Bo came into existence. It seems likely that she has nothing to do but to go with the flow.

The Mastermind has to admit, she has her faults. She underestimated the characters a little too much, Kaede was able to lead all fifteen students with her optimism and the disgusting Rantaro almost killed her self-esteem because of his threat. Okay, maybe she should thank the hunk of junk for destroying Monokuma before the situation gets worse for her. Her option was to wait for the fire to die out before coming up with a plan to continue the Killing Game. She even has to check if the Motherkuma is still active despite the power problem, though calling Mr. Soda to fix the Exisals is like kicking her bucket before the show truly begins.


...the 53rd Ultimate Hope, the new mascot of Team Danganronpa and a representative as the 'Heart' of the Danganronpa show. Tsumugi may be a contributor in creating the robot, but she doesn't treat him the same 'love' that the staff has been given before the game.

Long story short, at the time of rebranding the company, Makoto was given orders to make a mascot as a counterpart of Monokuma and it has to be in the image of 'what the Ultimate Hope is meant to be'. The Director stupidly did the exact order, Ki-Bo is created, and the rest is a broken history by the time the robot became a contestant in V3. Up until now, she couldn't understand what has gotten into Makoto's mind when doing the most ridiculous act she's ever witnessed.

The current Ultimate Hope was once a thorn in her side from the past 'episodes', now he has gotten this far to almost blowing her show to smithereens. She was going to give Ki-Bo mercy for being late to the class gathering, but the result of everything he did in one day has crossed the line. No more Mrs. Nice Shirogane!

This is unforgivable.

As for punishment, she now has plans, a ruse, enough to enrage even the most integrable, one fitting for the Ultimate Hope...

...that is Despairing enough just to SPITE him.


REMEDY this situation?



"The wonders of Imagination. Welcome home, dear friend! Oh, how long have we've been waitin'?

Let's create a masterpiece, breathe life into your dreams! All you gotta do, is start up the machine."

- JT Music (Can't be erased)

Time Outcomes: Loop 31 - Prologue (ULTIMATE REVIVAL)

1. Ki-Bo unconsciously shut down all electricity in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles.

Result: The gathering of the students and meeting with the Monokuma family gets delayed. He also shut down the Death Road of Despair by accident.

2. Kaede discovered Ki-Bo.

Result: Ki-Bo accidentally shocks Kaede and ran away from his classmates. Causing the robot to lead them to the Boiler Room.

3. As a result of making a temporary power outage in the Academy, the functions of the Death Road of Despair is disabled.

Result: Kaede and the others were able to reach the 'Exit' in just one try. This also prevented Kokichi and the others from blaming Kaede, thus prevented any pressure given to her. Within the two chapters (this and Chapter 7), the value of teamwork is given emphasis and importance unlike what happened in the game.

4. The whole class, 'except' Ki-Bo, knows the Truth of the Outside World.

Result: Rantaro interrogated Monokuma and demanded the mascot to show the Mastermind of the Killing Game Semester.

5. Ki-Bo used his tape recording function to unlock the Exisal Hangar.

Result: He dismantled the Exisals and rewired the hydraulic press. Ki-Bo also accidentally destroyed Monokuma 'early' in this chapter.

6. Rantaro defied Monokuma

Result: Monokuma agreed until Ki-Bo triggered an alarm. This causes Monokuma to get destroyed while Rantaro's foot stepped on by Tenko, preventing the Aikido Master to say something important to him.

7. Everyone 'survived' on their first day.

Result: Everything is a LiE - Tetsuya Idabashi.

8. Kaede is not blamed after what happened in the Death Road of Despair.

Result: They instead point their fingers to Ki-Bo who has Tsumugi's suspicions.

9. Ki-Bo's actions triggered a Butterfly Effect and/or Ripple Effect

Result: The character's personalities were affected and it also angered Tsumugi Shirogane.

Fun Shout Outs:

1. RandomRex6's Three-Point Shot. Chihiro talked about 'disassembling' Tsumugi, which references her "All Dolled Up" execution. I'm still happy Tsumugi got what she deserved in that story. For new readers, this is one of the fanfictions that is a must-read in the V3 Era along with I'd Trade My Life For Yours.

2. grayimperia's I'd Trade My Life For Yours. Mostly mentioning Miu's execution called "Ages of Invention: Reinventing the Wheel". I just heard this year that their fanfiction just ended. Congratulations to the author by the way.

3. Big Hero 6. But this time, both Hamada brothers and Callaghan are dead.

4. Corpse Party. No supernatural involvement there. Just a cry for justice.

5. Junko does the 'think, think, think' pose from the Winnie the Pooh series.

6. The Careless Whisper song. It's one of my favorites.

7. Rovelae's Machine. It's not somehow referenced, but this is one of the fanfictions gave me the motivation to write at least. It's on Archive On Our Own, it's actually nice to read especially when it talked about Tsumugi's attempted 'plotline' in the last Class Trial of the game.

8. The 'Noli' of Protocol 92617 - Noli originates from Dr. Jose Rizal's book called Noli Me Tangere. Literally means 'Touch Me Not'. What would happen if it initiates? You gonna have to find out. The number 92617 is the English release date of this game.

9. After Danganronpa 10 were the fangames listed as Honorable Mentions (so they're not technically connected to this story, they're like Easter Eggs) except for Miwashiba's Danganronpa: Re:Birth since there are rules. So to be sure, I didn't put the title for now. But maybe one day.

10. The novels mentioned in the list will be CANON in this universe. Including IF and they will be counted in the Seasons list.

11. The word 'Justice Incarnate' came from Dust: An Elysian Tail. This is the video game where Lucien Dodge stars in as Dust, Mr. Dodge is also Ki-Bo's voice actor.

12. The 92617102917 is linked to the dates of two events. 92617 is the English release date of V3 while 102917 Ki-Bo's birthday. There is a reason why Team Danganronpa placed his birthday in-universe, though it won't show right now.

13. The 'gibberish' words that Monokuma said (along with a little piece in the Team Danganronpa segment) were actually Base64 codes. You can decipher it online.

14. The 'trap weapon' Miu and the others built is actually called a Bola. It's a weapon used to trap the hunter's prey by throwing the Bola directly to the legs. Which makes running impossible and would give time for the hunter to catch the prey.

15. Kokichi's "I love this plan. I'm excited to be a part of it." line is from the Ghostbusters movie.

16. Tetsuya Idabashi is the 'fan' name of Ki-Bo or probably his creator. Tetsuya came from his actor named Tetsuya Kakihara, known as Fairy Tail's Natsu Dragneel and Gundam Unicorn's Angelo Sauper. He is also Ki-Bo's voice actor in the Japanese version.

Author's Note (Please read):

Allow me to quote a famous line in Mulan.






How long have I been 'out'?!

And the words... 34,750...and above?

First of all, I am so SO sorry for this... kind of scenario. I really did not expect I would finish a chapter like this in a year in a half? So many things had happened like school thesis and psychotherapy because of a certain trauma that happened to me last time.

I tried a lot to get my passion for writing back, A LOT. However, whenever I tried to make a word in this document, my hands were shaking. This means my trauma was still there and it's not helpful that I ended up doing nothing day by day. Recovery is hard, I already have three attempts of making my research thesis on my own while trying to write this chapter at the same time. I'm fine being solo, but the guilt of what happened is still there.

I've been thinking if doing schoolwork during my fourth year in college would help reboot my mind, though I've been busy doing those a lot. The good news is that I gained some perfect grades at some subjects like Web Design and Film, and yeah, my course is mostly involved with the Media. That's technically one of the ideas on how I created Team Danganronpa as a team of people working in a broadcast production. The time I published this, it's supposed to be last week. But I heard about the Kyoto Animation arson attack a few weeks ago so I decided to delay this as respect and then revise when the time is right. I hope justice prevails and may the souls rest in peace.

Because of the year long Writers Block and the number of words in this document, I think this might be one of my least favorite chapters to write along with so many revisions of the story like the Junko scene. I am actually not confident in the chapter, I'm not even sure if my writing style looks weird or something because it's been a while for me to write. I still need to re-read over and over in case there's an error nearby.

But I want to thank the people who supported me along the way when writing this chapter; my family, my friends, my therapists, even the people who read this story, everyone. This chapter becomes a therapeutic way to get over my fear of writing even if it's a little thing to do.

Fun stuff, this chapter is released when the Pinoy Big Brother Otso winners were announced. Congratulations to the first four winners and good luck to the Big 4 tomorrow.

Shoutout to 2na_milk, if I spelled it right, she's the one who wrote one of my favorite (BTS) stories titled "Together We Fall". I want to say congratulations to the completion of her fanfic.

So, for clarifications of some parts of the chapter:

Ryoko mentioned something about her revised script. Okay, so the 'sort of' part she mentioned has something to do with their 'rusty' relationship between her and Junko for some reason that will be tackled in the future chapters... hopefully. To clarify, the Junko in Team Danganronpa is now an A.I but she's still -Alive- in someway. Most of the staff had some slight dislike to her since she's the bad guy of the series. I've had multiple attempts and deleted scenes involving Junko's appearance. Junko was supposed to be Ryoko's split personality but that FLOPPED and I didn't feel like it would work. So I decided that I want Ryoko and Junko will be in their individual selves and not together.

And yes, Taichi Fujisaki is dead. I'm setting up the Major Character Death tag in the AO3 version of this too because there will be deaths (Taichi is included in the count). It's just not the people you would imagine and it's not just within the Danganronpa show but also in the Outside World. Chihiro's reaction to the Protocol is really intentional there, apologies for the pacing.

Despite the struggle, I still have fun writing the V3 cast. What's interesting is that I can experiment with the character's personalities, roles, and their reactions especially there are multiple interactions from multiple characters 30 loops ago, loop 31 is the recent. The cause of that is obviously Ki-Bo's butterfly and/or ripple effect, the students did have a point that he's... "inconsiderate" in a way. I can say that his actions affect the characters and the plot BIG TIME, the worst part is that he didn't notice it ever since he went through time. Remember Makoto saying "Idabashi doesn't exist"? Tetsuya Idabashi is one of the mysteries that is to be solved.

The Danganronpa show's name is "Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ~REWIND~: Justice Incarnate", the fanfiction title is still The Ultimate Punishment. This is kinda like what happened in IF.

I placed a trigger warning concerning the Panic Attack in the first segment along with the other content. I was going to edit or delete that part, but then I think I should try, take the risk, and see what is the end result to see if I did it right or I need to be more sensitive and fix it. If there are some inaccuracies, I really apologize. If there are any concerns, private message me so there will be some revisions.

*Other than that, I'm beginning to wonder whether I should change the dialogues of the previous chapters into the localized versions or keep it since Chapters 1 to 5 were published before the English version release dates so I relied on my gut feelings and translations to understand what they were saying years ago. What do you think?

To be honest, I did not expect to write this whole story concept this far. Like, I wrote this story as a what-if scenario and it now became a series. I kept on re-reading the chapters and I'm still surprised that I did this and there are people who... liked it? I'm surprised too. Okay, I am getting curious, what were your expectations in this story before and after the 'Time Traveling' twist revealed?*

Okay, so announcements.

The first one is that I'm going to create a tumblr side blog for this fanfiction. Gonna put some future announcements, asks and answers, Deleted Scenes, Trivia, MMD CGs like in the game, profiles of the characters, the lore of the Outside World, and other stuff I could think of. Along with that, I'm gonna update the 'book cover' using MMD and photoshop too. It's gonna release on the day of the next chapter... I just hope I can finish that part.

The second one is that I have now two more active fanfictions that I am also writing on; 灯火の星 ALTERNATE「正義の炎」and 3016 TIME SLIP ON. After this, I might as well both this chapter and publish the second chapter of ALTERNATE... Actually, I'm not sure how this would go, but I will do my best to unleash my imagination or something. I'm not so sure if I'm okay to announce a Hiatus because I have a college thesis to write to graduate. I'm still thinking about that...

The third one is that I am placing the Archive on Our Own version of T.U.P under 'minor' editing maintenance. Chapters 1 to 7 will be affected. Just fixing the spelling errors and such but not many, though I still have to inform in case.

Again, I REALLY apologize for the year and a half-long update, I did not expect that this would take long either. When will I update? I don't know when, but I'm not going to cancel this story.