Reviews for The Ultimate Punishment
mochaa chapter 3 . 3/28
Fallenstreet01 chapter 8 . 8/5/2019
Oh my god, it's so nice to have you back! And with a super length-y chapter!
Not gonna lie, I had to re-read the previous two chapters to make sure I didn't forget anything, which is why it took me so long to review.
Now, onto the story... Oh boy, such a juicy chapter!
Naegi's clear anxiety issues and his past with Ryouko, Junko AI, Protocol Noil, the Thing, Chihiro desire to get stronger, so many promising foreshadows on this side!
But V3 side does take the cake this time! The cat is out of the box and it sure caused some impact; Rantaro is SUPER scary and ULTRA shippeable, Kaede is getting the hang of how to be a good leader, Ki-Bo is a poor cinnamon roll who deserves none of this crap, Tsumugi is a two-faced bitch who really knows how to pull the strings from behind, and Kiyo and Angie are too unpredictable and mentaly unstable and that's never a good thing for anyone near them.
Well, it's good to see you haven't given up on this story and keep going with your life despite of whatever trauma that you had to go through; stay strong and if you need something, even if it's just venting up on a bad day, you will always find an open ear here!
Wait chapter 4 . 7/26/2019
"Mi Ultimo Adios"

Me: *turns head quickly*
*Jose Rizal flashbacks*
Mr.Vegerott23 chapter 7 . 4/14/2019
Cool story.
imnotraven16 chapter 7 . 3/8/2018
awesome chapter
Fallenstreet01 chapter 7 . 2/23/2018
Oh my gosh, you're back!
And with one hell of a chapter! Don't worry, I'd even wait five hundred years just to read a story with interesting plot and good grammar.
And look who took the main role, Jun-er Ryoko is quite a troll, isn't she? Still quite a couple of foreshadows she threw this time, she and Makoto definitely have some sort of dark past that now got me really hooked in... and that killer kick! Poor Hinata, I feel him. (Not really, and I seriously hope to never feel what he felt today.)
And as for the V3 cast, their teamwork was truly admirable (my shipping soul can't stop from making couples!), a real shame that all of that was crushed by the heavy weight of reality. Still, I wonder what will they do now, and where Kiibo is?
So many questions, I'm so thrilled for this great chapter! Please make the next one soon!
Fallenstreet01 chapter 6 . 8/15/2017
Hey there!
I'm glad you enjoyed Steins;Gate! It's pretty neat, right?
Poor Makoto, I know a few people who are just like him and I can tell this... you portraited him very accuratedly. Good for him that he has such a good pals around him.
And V3's AU has started! I won't lie, I came here originally to watch Kibo being crushed into smitterns, but you ended up giving me something better.
Hopefully this fic will bring justice to the poorly treated Amami. My shipping mind is already pairing him with Tenko~
And as much as I'd like to pretend to be a better man, I think I'm slightly more inclined to the Punishment Side.
Anyway, excellent chapter. I'm looking forward for the real first chapter of this!
mayurie chapter 6 . 8/14/2017
I'm weirded out by myself because I'm loving this Naegi more and more! And Ryoko too, I love them both XD Anyway, everyone is back and Kiibo gonna suffer again, yay! Slow update is fine, you're doing great so far honestly-the words, it's so many that I keep squealing in happiness when this updated XD Looking forward to the next one!
Putain de Plagieur chapter 6 . 8/13/2017
Poor guy... may we be with you.

God, this was good. everything is perfect.
Hiya chapter 5 . 8/1/2017
mayurie chapter 5 . 7/31/2017
Whaa, time travel!? We're gonna see everyone again!? Kiibo is not gonna suffer (hopefully) again!? I can see Amami again!? Maki is still the best girl!? Hell yeah! Maybe I mentioned this before, but Naegi was so different with the whole Ultimate Hope in the canon that I'm starting to like this personality of his in this story better XD I can't wait to see you continue this, so good luck writing!
Fallenstreet01 chapter 5 . 7/30/2017
Oh man, Makoto sure has it hard!
I guess being the person he is, is really exhausting. I certainly don't envy him.. well, maybe just the part where Ryoko held his hand, that was nice and heart-warming.
Kiibo is alive! And...
Wait, what?
Hold it, then you mean that, if we had chosen the Hope's Route, it'd have still ended like this?
Well, this is not a bad idea, and this old man Kamukura fits the villian role more than Naegi or Tsumugi, so I guess it's fine.
I alao have a recommendation: if you're into time travel's stuff, I strongly advice you to watch and/or play Steins:Gate. It's a fantastic anime and it has the perfect balance between comedy and drama, you should watch it!
Putain de Plagieur chapter 5 . 7/30/2017
So cool man!
artgenius04 chapter 5 . 7/30/2017
Fallenstreet01 chapter 4 . 7/25/2017
That was real despair-inducing high quality!
So Naegi and Ryouko are buddies in real life, huh? It makes sense, after all everything began around those two.
I wonder how deep is their relationship? Just friends? Co-workers? Former-acting pals? Or something even closer? I'll let my my shipping imagination do its job!
And man, that execution was really harsh!
I felt it for Ki-bo, it was crude and raw despair right from the beginning til the end, though I didn't understand why Tsumugi was killed as well. I got why the other but not her, I hope you can explain that in a future chapter.
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