RWBY: The Hunter from Earth
Chapter 1: It Started with the Package
Disclaimer: RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth. I own nothing but myself.
Hey There Guys and Gals! TTOA here with my first Chapter! I will have difficulty uploading these due to summer classes kicking my ass. I am now using a new way to type up my Chapters (I used Word, but I am now using OpenOffice). I hope this Chapter turns out well. Let's get to it!
(January 24, 2016) Decided to change the formatting of the Chapters. There will be more updates done to my other stories as well.
Opening Narration (but some chapters will be a recap of the previous chapter based on my Log)
X-X-X – Scene change
Now this would be the part where I tell you my back-story as to who exactly I am and what I do. But it wouldn't be a good story if I gave you all of my information about me in only a few chapters. Here is what I will say; if you were to tell me that I would become a warrior to fight creatures of darkness, I would laugh in your face at your stupidity. My life was pretty average, until the package came.
Earth – Unknown day.
Damn I'm bored. I am currently sitting in my parents' house with nothing to do. Most of my friends were busy and I had played Skyrim for about four hours straight before I got bored. I got up out of my leather chair I dubbed the Spy-Action-Movie-Villain-Chair or SAMVC (pronounced sam vick). I decided to go in my room and write in my journal (THIS ISN'T A DAIRY! IT'S A LOG). After a quick write I placed it in my pocket sat in my bed for about two minutes.
"I should go for a walk around the neighborhood," I mumbled to myself in the empty house. With my journal still in my pocket, I decided to put my plain black zipper hoodie on with my favorite pair of regular dark blue jeans and headed out through the garage.
Here I am once again contemplating my life as I walk. I need a new hobby or at least something interesting to do. The sky got dark all of a sudden and I saw some water droplets begin to fall around me. Crapbaskets. Why does it have to rain now? I'm barely three houses away! I turned around and started to head back home before I would get soaked. As the driveway got into view, I saw a mysterious black pick-up truck roll out of it and speed off. Some idiot; probably got mixed up or something. I got to the house and saw there was a package in front of the garage. Well that's odd. I wasn't told there would be a package coming by today. It better not be something stupid. Walking over to it, I picked it up and it was surprisingly light in my hands. Must not be much inside. Turning it over, I saw that it had a symbol in what looked like a broken moon. My brow furrowed. I swear to God I've seen this before, but it's probably not important. I shrugged my shoulders and got inside realizing that it was getting ready to storm.
Bringing the package in my room, I thought about whether or not I should open it. Screw it. I'm opening it. After staring at it for 10 minutes due to seer curiosity, I carefully opened it and inside was a whitish crystal-like object. I wasn't very large, barely fitting in the palm of my hand, and it was surprisingly warm; almost as if it was flowing with energy. Why does this seem so familiar? Damn it all! What am I missing?! I squeezed the crystal in my hand in frustration and it started to glow. Glancing at it, my eyes widened.
"What the f-" Lightning struck what I thought was outside and in an instant, I was gone leaving only a small amount of smoke behind.
Unknown location
"uck?!" I yelped. I stopped and checked myself before checking my surroundings.
Okay: Still clothed, which is good; body seems to be unharmed, but I feel different somehow as if I feel animated; hold on… okay, journal is still with me thank God. Crystal. I fumbled in my pockets for the strange crystal, but it was nowhere to be found. God Damn it all! Pinching the bridge of my nose and taking in a deep breath, I looked up to the sky and saw that it was what I assumed to be nighttime. But the thing was there were thousands of stars in the sky. There were constellations I did not recognize at all, but the scariest thing of all was the moon. The moon I was currently staring at in awe was shattered, but it still had a large amount of luminosity as if it was the equivalent to a full moon. I am defiantly not in Kansas anymore; or Earth for that matter. But the question remains...
"Where the hell am I?" I mumbled under my breath. As if my question was heard by some otherworldly being, I heard someone call me.
"Young man! What are you doing out here and instead of in your dorm?" I heard a mature feminine voice speak to me.
Dorms? I must be at a school of sorts. I turned around and I saw the person who spoke to me was approaching and that was when I was in awe for a second time, but also terrified. The thing that put me in awe was the building I was staring at. It looked like something straight out of fantasy. This castle had a kind of Gothic-styled architecture, with a really tall tower being the most notable feature. The peak of the tower had a clock and was surrounded by shining greens lights emitting from it; a beacon of sorts. If this is a school, then it kicks ass! But then I was reminded of what was terrifying me; the woman approaching me. Upon closer inspection, she appeared to be middle-aged with light-blonde hair tied back in what appeared to be a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her eyes were bright green and wearing a thin pair of glasses. She was wearing hanging earrings with a small bead identical to her earrings on her collar. Her attire consisted of a white long-sleeved suit that exposes part of her chest (which I wasn't glancing at since I'm not indecent), and puffy sleeves that tighten near her wrist before spreading back out near her hands. Her lower body had a dark colored business skirt with buttons running in a vertical line up the front of it and lighter colored stockings, but due to the darkness – and my eyes still adjusting – I couldn't determine the exact color She was also wearing colored heeled boots, but I still couldn't determine the color. She also appeared to be holding what looked like a riding crop, and she was really, REALLY pissed at me.
"What are you doing out here?!" she asked irritably.
Not wanting to get my ass kicked, I replied, "Sorry Miss. I don't really know where I am or how I got here. From what I can see, you appear to have a large amount of authority here at what I assume is an academy. I am actually not a student here, but if I could please make a request to speak with either you or whoever your boss is, I may be able to answer some of your questions and shed some light on my predicament." I flinched, waiting for some sort of reaction, but all she did was glare at me.
"At least he has some manners." she seemed to mumble under her breath. "Alright, if you are not a student here, then how did you get here? You do understand that this is a restricted area to non-Beacon students."
Beacon? Another familiar name… "I completely understand and I assure you I mean no ill intent. I was at my home, and I got a package that had a picture of a shattered moon on it and inside the package was a crystal-looking object that felt like lightning. I squeezed it in my hand and I was gone if a flash of light, which I believe came from the crystal. I then found myself here."
She looked at me to see if I was lying. "Well, that explains the sudden thunderstorm from earlier." she spoke to herself. "Come with me. The Headmaster would like to speak with you."
Sighing in relief that I wasn't going to get hurt, I followed the woman as we headed to see the Headmaster.
Headmaster's Office
As we headed up the elevator, I was nervous beyond belief. I was constantly looking around not knowing what will happen. I decided to ease my mind a bit by asking the woman a simple question.
"I know this may seem weird, but may I ask you your name; or at least your last name so I can know how to properly address you?"
"You may refer to me as Miss Goodwitch" she replied not even looking at me. "We have arrived at the Headmaster's office, please follow me," she said.
Following her orders, I went ahead and stepped into the office, and I was surprised for a third time. The office was what I expected from a typical Headmaster's office: a wooden desk with some papers, a filing cabinet, and other things I didn't really care about. The thing that had me amazed was what was above me. There were tons of gears rotating in the ceiling as if the clock was directly above this office.
"Woooaaaahhh" I said. I was then interrupted when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked at the direction of the noise, and that was when I saw who I assumed to be the Headmaster.
He was a middle-aged man with tousled gray hair and thin brown eyes covered by shaded glass spectacles and donned a dark-green scarf with a small, purple, cross-shaped emblem on it. Attire consisted of an unzipped black suit over a black-buttoned vest, with a green undershirt underneath. I assumed he also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants to match the rest of his outfit, but being he was sitting down I couldn't really determine that. He also had a cane by his right side and a mug of what I guessed to be coffee in his left hand. I could immediately tell to not get on this man's bad side, but he also had an air of understanding and wisdom.
"So you are the one that appeared on our campus uninvited?" he inquired behind his mug gesturing me to sit down.
I reluctantly sat down across from him and replied, "I believe I am Headmaster sir."
"Sir? How quaint." Taking a sip from his mug, "I would like to ask you a few questions if it is alright with you. Just some basic information is all I need."
"It's fine sir. My name is Sherman Perkins; however, you will not find any information in your databases. Not my name; no phone number; place of residence; not even a birth certificate. Nor do you have any facial profiles of me. I am not really from around here." I told him scratching the back of my head.
The Headmaster slightly furrowed his brow and looked to Miss Goodwitch for confirmation.
"He's not lying sir. There really is no information about him. I even checked the databases of the other kingdoms, and there is nothing about him anywhere."
The Headmaster looked at me closely and asked me if he could have a sample of my blood taken. I hesitated at first, but I told him it was fine. Miss Goodwitch took some of my blood and left the office. I sat there awkwardly and shifted uncomfortably in my seat. The Headmaster just kept looking at me as if he was analyzing me under a microscope and I felt myself getting smaller. Miss Goodwitch came back a few minutes later to reveal the results.
"Sir, you are not going to believe this. According to his blood sample, he has a very little amount of Dust, but his actual blood is something I have never seen before. There are also no traces of Aura at all. The only amount of Dust I can gather from this was from what he described to be a Lightning Dust crystal."
The Headmaster said, "You mean to tell me that he has Lightning Dust inside his body, and that is the only Dust inside him?"
"Yes Sir. He seemed to have infused himself with lightning Dust. I know of theories that it is possible for people to absorb Dust into their bodies, but to actually see someone do this it's amazing."
I looked between the two of them as they talked, and I asked, "Excuse me sir for interrupting. If you don't mind me asking, who exactly are you?"
The adults turned toward me and seemed surprised at the question as if I lived under a rock. The Headmaster replied, "I am Ozpin, and I am the Headmaster of Beacon Academy."
It was then I pieced everything together, and I realized where exactly I was. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! How could I have been so STUPID?! I should have realized it sooner!" I yelled slapping myself about to tear my hair out in anger. I'm on Remnant! I have been taken the world of RWBY! "Dammit!" Ozpin looked at me with a bit of concern at my sudden outburst.
"Are you alright young man?" he asked me.
Calming down and taking a deep breath, "What are your thoughts on other worlds, dimensions and alternate universes?" I asked.
Both Ozpin and Miss Goodwitch looked at me with raised eyebrows. Ozpin said, "I have not given it much thought, but I do believe that other worlds have a possibility of existing. Are you saying you are not from Remnant?"
"I am not from Remnant sir. I am from a place called Earth. It is very different from what I know about Remnant. My world doesn't have a lot of the technology Remnant has or any of this worlds' abilities."
"And how do you know about Remnant?" Miss Goodwitch asked me.
I broke eye contact from them. Do I tell them about the show? You know what? Damage is already done. I am going to mess up the canon anyway. "On my world, Remnant exists as a popular web series created by Monty Oum and RoosterTeeth. I know about some things that are going to happen in the future, but there is no point in trying to make them happen the way they did in the show since my presence here alone is making changes. Plus I have no idea when those events are going to take place. I don't expect you to believe me"
A few silent minutes pass before Ozpin spoke,"I don't" he paused to take another sip from his mug. "But I do believe you are not from Remnant based on what we know about you from the blood sample and your appearance. I am going to ask you a question Mr. Perkins –"
"Please call me Sherman. I'm not really one for formalities."
"Very well; Sherman, do you want to attend my school?"
I looked at Ozpin stunned as if he would even consider me attending Beacon Academy. Miss Goodwitch looked equally stunned as well.
"Sir, are you actually considering this boy—"
"Glynda let him speak."
I thought about it for a solid minute, and I then came to my decision. "Headmaster Ozpin, as much as it is an honor for this once-in-a-lifetime offer, I simply cannot accept."
Both Ozpin and Goodwitch were surprised by my answer. Ozpin asked me, "I can't imagine your decision, but care to explain why you think this?"
With a look of new found determination on my face, I said, "I am not ready for this level of combat; I have no prior combat training at all; I'm not even sure if I have an Aura or a Semblance; the people of this world would obliterate me regardless if said person has an Aura; I also cannot live with the fact that you would accept someone who is the equivalent of a civilian into the most prestigious academy this world offers with no prior combat experience. I am also incredibly weak and I do not think even the four years at Beacon would make me into Huntsman material. I also have no natural resistance against Dust capable weapons. I do not want to arouse suspicion about myself and jeopardize your reputation. Sure I would receive a place to live and food to eat, but it will be something I will have to live without for awhile until I think I am even remotely ready for your school. Plus, I am 19 years old. I would be too old to be a first-year student."
Ozpin looked at me from behind his mug. Taking another sip he replied, "It is unfortunate that you have come to that decision, but your reasoning is understandable. What do you plan to do in the meantime?"
Thinking about it for a bit, "Give me two years. Then I will accept your invitation to join Beacon. I understand that I will be even older than I am now, but I would rather be older with a bit of combat experience as a first-year student than attend while being older with no combat experience at all. Do you know where I can find a smithy that has Dust resistant material? Even if my Aura was unlock, assuming I even have one to begin with, one Dust powered object would leave me dead. So I am going to need an extra layer of protection."
Ozpin nodded and took out a pen and paper and wrote down an address. He handed it to me and directed me where I would need to go. He said I needed to speak with Blacksmith Sathrall for my request; saying he was the best smith in Vale. He also gave me a scroll with his and Miss Goodwitch's contact info for any emergencies or further questions.
"Now I understand you like your Earthly name or Terran name, as you refer to yourself in our world, but I need to give you a different name that fits ours. What do you wish to be called?" Ozpin asked me.
Thinking again for another minute, I came up with something. "I'll do this; I will let those I trust to know my Earth name, but I would like to be known as Opallios Stone."
Ozpin, satisfied with my choice, put the name in the scroll and had a hint of a smile. "Well then Mr. Stone, good luck on your journey and I will see you in two years. I expect great things from you. Oh, and give Sathrall my regards."
"Thank you sir; I will." I said smiling. I got up from the chair, exited Beacon, and proceeded to Vale via airship. Well then, looks like my new life will be interesting. I thought as Vale came into view after writing a quick entry in my journal.
Terms – Loose Definitions
Opallios – Greek word that means to change [of color]. It's where the word Opal comes from, which is my Birthstone.
I would have never been able to properly describe character appearances without it because I have a terrible fashion sense. I hoped I did decent with Ozpin and Goodwitchs' personalities.
I declined getting into Beacon and decided to go get two years of training before I consider going. My new life begins.
I want to thank chiufan95 for giving me a heads up on the differences between the people of Remnant and Terrains as well as the recommendations of two very good fanfics: "Emergence" and "Aliens Among Us" both by chris7221. These two fics gave me an idea on what someone like me would be experiencing on Remnant and you really should read them.
This has been TTOA, and I will see you in Chapter 2!