Hello my dear readers and character volunteers! It's been a longtime, hasn't it?

I've never forgotten about this story and I have been trying to finish it, life just hasn't been in my team during this. I thought about it and i decided you guys deserve a update on why exactly i haven't written anything in nearly six months, why i havent woroed on this story in a year and other things.

One of the big factors was a i stupidly deleted the app i had the rest of chapter one on off of my kindle and that made me super upset. I had about three thousand more words and the app never saved it to my google drive for some reason. However i have saved the beggining of it on Ao3 so thats a win.

Another thing is I kind of lost hope for this story and felt like i wasnt strong enough to write it, that everything was overwhelming to me. But now im evej more determined to finish this fic and prove to myself i can. I do own a discord server now thats pretty hefty but i can manage.

Also errrr other things that still got me mentally screwed but i will explain that later.

I can't promise a update before the summer but there will be one, i can say that.