![]() Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. Username: MoonlightsWings (Previously: WingsandAutumnLeaves) Name: Aera, Wings, Moon, that annoying author who literally won't shut up... Nationality: N/A Gender: female Occupation: College student & part-timer Favorite color: Yellow Favorite season: Autumn Favorite genres: I like to read a variety of genres but writing comes easier for me with drama, angst, humor, friendship, horror, mystery, action, etc. I’m a huge romantic though so you’ll catch me reading that genre the most xD but ironically I don’t write it very often. 00000 MHA: Shadows in the Sunrise - Fools of the Crooked Young Blacklisted Quirks: Dual quirks (ex: Todoroki Shoto's ice and fire), All for One, One for All, anything carbon copy of original characters, god-level abilities, long-distance time travel, quirkless OCs (you MUST have some type of quirk). Check the character list page for more. After the war a 23-year-old Izuku waged against the darkness known as the villain association, Japan underwent devastation but because of his sacrifices, a new world was born but at the price of a hero's life. Due to dangerous circumstances, U.A. was forced to shut down for fear of child prosecution by villains. Now, sixteen years later U.A. reopens with some new rules and traditions for a new generation along with Izuku's forgotten child. Full Summary: After Deku dies during his fight with the villain association, he unknowingly leaves behind a pregnant Ochako and a world built from the ruins of devastation. Because of his sacrifices the world can continue on with a newfound era of peace with a downslope of heroes declining in population due to the minimal crime rate. What is left of heroes are now thought of as the military defense necessary to battle evil and protect civilization. Right and wrong are separated from duty and following orders is critical. When crime suddenly skyrockets out of the blue, what is Japan to do with such a low number of heroes in their ranks? In order to ensure unity and safety of Japan, the prestigious U.A. was opened again under new management just a few years after Izuku's death for new generation heroes to attend. But unlike the comradery that was once nurtured in UA and the carefree, do-gooding of good-natured individuals wanting to go out of their way to help others are turned on its head in the strictly cutthroat atmosphere has only one goal in mind, to raise only the best of the best to conquer the world. 00000 Rules- 1. Please only submit your OC through PM. The subject of your pm should be your OC name and affiliation. For example: Midoriya Izuku - Hero student. 2. You do not have to follow or favorite, these are optional, though please try to keep up with my updates. I'd appreciate you following at least though so you don't miss anything. 3. NO MARY-SUES OR GARY STUS. Try to be realistic when creating your OC. No one is perfect, so don't let your OC seem like that unless it's part of your character development/arc. And DON'T SEND ME CARBON COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL CAST! 5. This won't be first come first serve, so please keep this in mind and try your best. 6. I don't want super overpowered OCs with literally no weakness. You will not be accepted if this is the case. These are teens, they're young and still developing their skills so they all aren't going to be the greatest yet and that's okay. They can grow over time. 7. You MAY be related to canon characters. If so, do not send me exact copies of original characters. Feel free to check with me on this if you have an idea or if you're not sure your character will fit these guidelines. If you choose to be related to a canon character, please let me know before submitting. 8. JAPANESE CHARACTERS ONLY. Keep in mind that this story takes place in Japan, so your character must speak Japanese, etc. If you have a foreign exchange student, then please give me a good explanation for how they were able to attend UA/reasons for being in Japan. If you guys have questions of any kind, please let me know. I really don't mind at all, so either comment below or shoot me a PM. I'm very happy to help! Student Form Full Name: Nickname(s): Hero Name: Gender: Age: Sexuality: Quirk Name: Quirk Type: Quirk Description & Effects: Strengths: Weaknesses: Techniques/Moves: Character Appearance (What does your OC look like? Include facial features, body build, eye color/shape, hair color and style, height, weight, skin color, etc. Anything relevant to their appearance that makes them stand out. Keep height realistic for a teenager!): Apparel/fashion: (Casual wear, formal wear, sleepwear, swimwear, etc. You may include a description of their overall style or list concrete outfits.) Hero Costume: Accessories/Tech: (Anything gadgets, weapons, etc your OC uses when in costume.) Personality: (This is one of the most important sections of the form that will be a huge factor in your acceptance. Give me a detailed description here of personality, traits, ticks, and etc, of who your OC is. I will not accept just a few sentences or a list of traits. I need substance, please! At least a paragraph of eight sentences but preferably more. Think about the original characters and their balance of negative and positive traits, as well as neutral. No one is perfect, you must have negative traits/points as well as positive! Mary Sues/Gary Stus will not be accepted!) Background: Likes: Dislikes: Hobbies: Fears: Family: Motivations/Goals? (Do you want to be a hero or are you just wanting military/national benefits? Maybe you want glory or are seeking power. Whatever your motivational reasons or future goals, put them here): Fighting style: Type of hero you want to be/Specialization (Hero unit specialization here. Frontline hero, search and rescue, recovery, combat specialist, etc.): Stats - Physical power - ?/5 Quirk power - ?/5 Technique - ?/5 Intelligence - ?/5 Cooperation - ?/5 Stealth - ?/5 Stamina - ?/5 Quote(s): Plot points: (optional!) Love interest? (Do you want one? What kind of person would fit the bill? What person would they not want to be with? This is an entirely optional section!): Theme Song: Voice actor: (Optional) Reasons for attending UA: What do you think of the 'new' UA?: Anything Else: (Anything not mentioned, put it here!) 00000 Villain Form Full Name: Nickname(s): Villain Name: Gender: Age: Quirk Name: Quirk Type: Quirk Description & Effects: Strengths: Weaknesses: Techniques/Moves: Character Appearance (What does your OC look like? Include facial features, body build, eye color/shape, hair color and style, height, weight, skin color, etc. Anything relevant to their appearance that makes them stand out.): Apparel/fashion: (Casual wear, formal wear, sleepwear, swimwear, etc. You may include a description of their overall style or list concrete outfits.) Villain Costume: Accessories/Tech: (Anything gadgets, weapons, etc your OC uses when in costume.) Personality: (This is one of the most important sections of the form that will be a huge factor in your acceptance. Give me a detailed description here of personality, traits, ticks, and etc, of who your OC is. I will not accept just a few sentences or a list of traits. I need substance, please! At least a paragraph of eight sentences but preferably more. Think about the original characters and their balance of negative and positive traits, as well as neutral. No one is perfect, you must have negative traits/points as well as positive! Mary Sues/Gary Stus will not be accepted!) Background: Likes: Dislikes: Hobbies: Fears: Family: Motivations/Goals? (Whatever your motivational reasons or future goals, put them here): Fighting style: Stats - Physical power - ?/5 Quirk power - ?/5 Technique - ?/5 Intelligence - ?/5 Cooperation - ?/5 Stealth - ?/5 Stamina - ?/5 Quote(s): Plot points: (optional!) Theme Song: Voice actor: (Optional) Why did you decide to become a villain? (Was there a specific situation that really pushed you towards this path? What are you beliefs/reasons?): Anything Else: (Anything not mentioned, put it here!) 00000 As if it's your last Rules- 1. Please only submit your OC through PM only. That's the only way your OC will get accepted. And OC names need to be only Japanese, so please don't name your OC a westerner name, so nothing English. The subject of your pm should be your OC name and the story title. Example: Naruto Uzumaki - As If It's Your Last 2. You do not have to follow or favorite, these are optional, though please try to keep up with my updates. I'd appreciate you following at least though so you don't miss anything. 3. I only want active readers for this story, so please try to review every 2 to 3 chapters if your oc is chosen. If you skip several chapters, I'll have to remove your OC unless you let me know beforehand. 4. NO MARY-SUES OR GARY STUS. Try to be realistic when creating your OC. No one is perfect, so don't let your OC seem like that unless it's part of your character development/arc. And DON'T SEND ME CARBON COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL CAST! 5. This won't be first come first serve, so please keep this in mind and try your best. 6. You can be related to canon characters since this is a next gen, but try to be realistic about it. That goes for just about any OC, but if you have questions regarding this, then let me know. 7. I don't want super overpowered OCs with literally no weakness. You will not be accepted if this is the case. These are children, they're young and still developing their skills so they all aren't going to be the greatest yet and that's okay. They can grow overtime. 8. Love interests are optional, you do not have to have one, but if you decide to it can be anyone. But remember most of the OCs will be Genin level, which means they'll be around 11 to 13, so most romances won't really come into play until they're older. If you guys have questions of any kind, please let me know. I really don't mind at all, so either comment below or shoot me a PM. I'm very happy to help! OC Form Full Name: Nickname(s): Optional Gender: Sexuality: Age (age 11 and up): Birthdate: Village/Affiliation: Clan: (If any, you may also make one up or use an existing. This is optional.) Ninja Status: Kekkei Genkai: (Optional, only for those in clans.) Nature Type: (Maximum of two) Appearance (eye color, hair color, style, weight, height, skin, face shape, body type, etc. Please be detailed! Also, make sure to include where they wear their forehead protector. You may also describe what they may look like as an older teen if you'd like.): Markings (Include any piercings, defining scars, and etc.): Clothing & Accessories (Include school clothing, casual, formal, sleepwear, etc.): Personality (Please be very descriptive. This is where you break down and explain/elaborate on what your oc is like, what makes them tick, their actions, etc. Include whatever you would like here but please include at least a minimum of 12 sentences or more.): Tools/Weapons/Equipment: (Include anything they may have on their person, such a knives, etc.) Strengths: (This may include anything. You could use skills as strengths, such as physical abilities, or you could use something mental, like conversing, etc.) Weaknesses: Fears: Likes: Dislikes: Hobbies: Quirks: (Optional) Goal: (This is your overall goal in the story, you may have more than one, or not even one at all. This is optional and it can be anything at all.) Place of Residence/Housing (Describe where your character lives and the location, as well as a brief description of their room): Family (Can be related to canon characters. I need a brief explanation of each family member and their interactions/closeness with your oc): History/Backstory (Include everything important that has happened to your OC, their home life, etc.): Jutsu list: (You may add to this list as you go. Keep in mind that these are young Genin to begin with so they won't know everything, however, as they age they will learn more. You may include the ones they learn in the future as well, but make a note of those. You don't have to add Substitution or Transformation since those are beginners jutsu. You may also include a signature jutsu that they might be known for.) Ratings- (1 being the worst and 5 being the best. Please don't go over 42 points total if you're a genin, though you may have more if you're older. If you have 5 out of 5 in every category I will not accept your oc. Be realistic here) Fighting Style: Friends (who would they get along with?): Enemies (what characters would they not like?): Love interest: (Yes or no? And if so, what type of character do you see your oc with? If the answer is yes, make sure to include how your OC acts around their love interest.) Are you okay with character death?: Quotes (Optional): Story ideas (Optional) Anything else I need to know?: |