Reviews for Class 78th Watches the Future
Ashenulus chapter 40 . 18h
I'm blaming Spirit Soldier for what they've been experiencing. :(
Night06Reader chapter 70 . 7/22
I love this thank you so much and I look forward for the next update 3
s0ul chapter 70 . 7/20
Please give us an update if your able continue the story or your focusing on online class atm.
Ashenulus chapter 26 . 7/22
Lucky Soldier must be a psychic as well :o...
Ashenulus chapter 24 . 7/22
It's probably also one of the reasons why Junko decided to erase this memories.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
Amazing plss don't give up on this and I know it's hard but can you do alternate stories and how they react to it like what if Naegi gets kidnapped by the remnants of despair, Naegi stuck in a time loop or Him dying at the trial? I wonder how they'll react to that's but anyways I love your fic pls update more frequently.
Herallix chapter 70 . 7/20
pls update! i've been enjoying your story so much! and have been reading it a lot of times, i hope you finish this until the end. fighting author-san!
Ashenulus chapter 70 . 7/19
So many people are going to pissed at Hiro for living
getalife1000 chapter 70 . 7/16
oh! and dont forget to read Nagito's full wiki to understand him!
getalife1000 chapter 70 . 7/9
I have a request. Can you use the songs sang by Makoto for them to react to in this? If you do not want to, you can use it in a separate fic. I just like the reactions you give the characters and I would like to see them!
CyanSoap chapter 70 . 6/24
I do hope you can try finishing this.
Guest chapter 70 . 6/22
Don't worry guys, he is taking homework for virtual class.
Guest chapter 70 . 6/20
Please update.
augustussanchez42 chapter 9 . 6/6
Can't wait for future updates!
HeroicRebellion chapter 68 . 6/5
Honestly surprised you didn't mention the time Kyoko teamed up with Santa to take down evil alien rodents and her evil clone who Santa turned and made love to under the sakura tree...

...what? I'm serious, this actually happened...
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