Reviews for AU Gorizilla (Adrien Akumatized)
Guest chapter 6 . 1/2
Don’t be sorry! Thanks for sharing the chapters you wrote with us!
Guest chapter 6 . 1/25/2019
This is great! I am sad that you are not going to be writing it anymore, but thanks so much for leaving a note exsplaining at you aren’t writing more chapters for now and why stopes. That was very kind of you. Many times I will read a great story like this one and then it will come to an abrupt stop and I will look at the last post date and find that the author stopped writing like two years ago. When that happens most of the time they never left a note or anything and you are left hoping the author is just fine and didn’t die or anything else bad. So thanks for the kind note. I hope you get though you writing block and finish this great story, but I understand you cannot.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/12/2018
This was sooooooooo interesting I haven't watched it and so was hoping you would love to finish the remaining of the story but I guess I was wrong cause I love it so much.
Bleach power chapter 4 . 5/5/2018
I like this for your question where should you thke this story have you thought about Adrien fighting for dominance with Chat Blanc when he comes home maybe Ladybug could help him win that fight by teling him how she is by wispering her name to him.
Anonymous Person chapter 2 . 3/26/2018
The bit about destroying Billboards reminds me of another fic called "Trouble in White". Have you read it? Also, I definitely agree with Plagg when he says that even in an akumatized state the chance of Adrien causing physical harm to people is probably beyond small. Fundamentally he's quite the gentle person and I sorta of doubt being an akuma is gonna change that fundamental trait too much. The only person whom I'm not sure whether or not he'd physically harm is his own father actually. After all, he might blame his father for his akumatized state in the first place.
EyeH8Lyfe chapter 2 . 3/25/2018
OMG this sounds so cool!
I love how you wrote the moment he transformed
I haven't read many good Chat Blanc fic so I can't wait to see how you pull this off
Great plot so far, I wonder what Gabriel would have said had Adrien not given him the ring but I guess thats for another fanfic
The girls must have asked Marrinette a whole lot more questions seeing as Adrien is Chat (did they even have time to swim?)
I hope you update soon
Grapefruit101 chapter 2 . 3/25/2018
please continue this story i really like it
Scoobyfan4ever chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
Purrincesseawah chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
tbh I wouldn't know how to continue this story cause it seems like a dead end. But don't worry you can do it!
Anonymous Person chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
I imagine that Ladybug/Marinette is gonna have a hell of a time trying to cleanse an akumatized Chat. Probably a combination of the fact he's pretty much her equal in comabt and the fact that Marinette has a HUGE crush on Adrien who she now knows is Chat. At the same time his biggest reason for accepting the deal seemed to be more about protecting Ladybug than actually getting her miraculous like most akumas. Actually the only "evil" thing that Hawkmoth actually said was "[getting] back at those who did this to you?" Frankly, I'm quite confused at who the "those" actually refers to. Since the reason Adrien had to transform in front of everyone was because of an akuma. Who causes Akumas? Hawkmoth. With that logic shouldn't the "those" refer to Hawkmoth and only Hawkmoth?
I do hope the speculation/thoughts made sense...
Guest chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
I loved that summary.."to save himself from going 'splat' on the ground"
Its probably the reason I stayed for the rest of the awesome story too.
DragonEmperor999 chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
Uh oh.

Nice job thought