A/N: Finally! The last chapter. About time, too; I can only imagine how many readers I've lost because of my slow updates. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy. :D
~ "You're acting like a dead zombie, or like those lazy lions you see in the zoo," she commented, poking him repeatedly in the side. ~
Z. - Zoo
Aqua shook her head when she finally spotted Terra, lying on the dry grass. Of course he'd be near the lake, doing absolutely nothing useful. It seemed that today's chores had took their toll on him.
One part of her thought, Well good for him. Serves him right for making those sexist remarks he calls 'jokes'. Another part of her (the part that was crushing badly on the dark-haired Keybearer) felt bad for him. Maybe it was time to apologize.
With that thought in mind, she decided to approach him.
"You're acting like a dead zombie, or like those lazy lions you see in the zoo," she commented, poking him repeatedly in the side after sitting down next to him. Terra growled and snatched her wrist before she could poke a hole in his arm.
"Are you going to stop now, or do you want me to hold onto your wrist for the rest of the day?" Cracking one eye open, he could see the answer written in her eyes. "The second one. I already thought so."
"No, Terra!"
"That's for telling me I couldn't do it," he added grumpily.
Aqua was silent for a moment, but then... "Okay, I'm sorry."
"...I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said that girls had it easier back then."
"It's fine... If you let go of my hand, that is."
He let out a hearty laugh at that and did as she asked.
A/N: Thanks for reading this! Hope you've enjoyed it. ^_^ Back when I started this collection, I hadn't even finished BBS. But now... Who's looking forward to KH3? :D
So which one was your favorite? :)
REVIEW SHOUT-OUT: Pms Akali, Kisdota-The Freak Gamer, PumpkinQuartz, Dream Adept, NonupdatingUser, Spiritual Wolf, Respect the Hobos, Daughter-of-Light13, XemnasForceXIII, xAshbellax, idunno, LeakySneakyOprichniki, MonMonCandie, zenbon zakura, JackDarkStone, Amulet Misty, XxX-SparklingEyes-XxX, ireneotaku, FallenStars21, DestinyCrusader, Starry Requiem, Chandramukhi, The Punch Lord, ZalelTribal, HeartofFyrwinde, Walker of Nothing, AuthoressSai, MizGlazses, 7th Scale, tennisdesi91, RealmOfDawn, roobaby2011, Child Of The West Wind, SeeUNextTuesday, A, ArcanineTales, Petite Noir, musicbox's will, CatharticVevina, and everyone who might review after this. :)