![]() Author has written 1 story for Legends of Tomorrow. Hi guys! the names DarkRed101, and here's some facts about me. Age: Somewhere between birth and death. Name: DarkRed101, but you can call me Red or DR. Gender: Female. Favorite TV shows: DC's legends of tomorrow, Flash, Arrow, Merlin, Ninjago, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, I love Lucy, Avengers, Ultimate Spider Man, Young Justice, Star Trek: TOS, Scooby-Doo, My Hero Academia. Things I like to do in my spare time: Listening to music, Reading, Singing, Writing. I'd also like add my favorite authors: DietCokeIsLife, DarkestSight, Karianasan, Rookblonkorules, SunshineGirl14, Drogna, TheCartoonGoddess, OfficialUSMWriter, Write-to-you, pumkinmoose22, Jael K, XxNeonShadowsxX, Rosezelene, 72Daydreamer. Shout out: I'd like to shout out to Maddi and Grace, who are more like sisters than friends, thanks for everything guys! I really apricate your support! And I'd also like to shout out to #GuestFromFinland, a oh so kind human being who I would hug to death if I could, thank you for your amazing review that got me back into writing! Song that describes me: The way I am by Charlie Puth. Favorite Pairings: Rip and Savannah (OC) (Legends of tomorrow, do OC's count?) Jonathan and Vanessa. (From my best friend's story, Riders Of the Hunt.) Jay and Nya. (Ninjago) Oliver and Felicity. (Arrow) Sherlock and Molly. (Sherlock) 9th Doctor and Rose. (Doctor Who) Michael and Freya (The UNICORNE files, book) Mick and Amaya. (LoT) Ralph and Sue. (Flash) Spider-Girl (just a fem!Spidy) and Nova. (Ultimate Spider-Man) Kyle and Evie. (From my other best friend's story, Chemical Kid). Favorite Friendships: Arthur and Merlin. (Merlin) Mick and Ray (LoT) Cisco and Harry (Flash) Barry and Ralph (Flash) Oliver and Diggle (Arrow) Lucy and Ethel (I love Lucy) Sherlock and John. (Sherlock) Steve and Bucky. (Avengers) Favorite Characters: Gwaine. (Merlin) Cisco (Flash) Ralph (Flash) Rip Hunter (Legends of tomorrow) 9th Doctor (Doctor Who) Felicity (Arrow) Bucky (Avengers) Iron fist (Ultimate Spider-Man) Lloyd (Ninjago) John. (Sherlock) Izuku (My hero academia) Favorite quotes. "You're Legends."-Rip Hunter. "Yes, I love all of you! Now get out of my sight before I shove the lot of you out the airlock!" -Rip Hunter. ("The adventures of Time Dad." Chpt. 11.) "Why not?"-Lucy. "History is yours now my dear Legends."-Rip Hunter. "I swear I will protect you or die at your side."-Merlin. "The love bug has bitten my Freddie." -Ethel. "The love bug? I thought Fred had been vaccinated for that." -Lucy. "If they hurt you hurt 'em back, if they kill you, walk it off." -Captain America. "Do you even remember them?" -Tony. "I remember all of them." -Bucky. "What is this, my mantra?" -Dr. Strange. "The Wi-Fi password." -Mordo. "There is a mute button, and I will use it." -John "Try me, Beyoncé." -Dr. Strange. "Just go! Get out of here!" -Captain America. "No not without you!" -Bucky. "Oliver! Nice clothes. Shopping at Alien GAP?" -Nate. "Not funny." -Oliver. "What's your favorite candy?" -Jax. "Jelly beans. Why?" -Rip Hunter. "Who are you to stand up against me, Vandal Savage, destroyer of empires?" "Leonard Snart, Robber of ATMs!" "Did I do it wrong?" -Sherlock. "No, you didn't. Come here." -John. "This is a private matter." "John stays." "This is family." "That's why he stays!" -Mycroft and Sherlock. "Can you move your seat up?" -Bucky. "No." -Sam. "When Albons need is greatest, Arthur will rise again." -Kilgharrah. "Oh here we go again, every time Fred has more then ten dollars in his pocket he imagines that the entire Underworld is trailing him." -Ethel. "Great. Now the ninja of Fire has to go out in the rain, see you guys in paradise." Kai. (The Shadow's Triangles.) "Did you have a good day at school?" "No." "No?" "No!" "Gee, sounds like my school days." Lucy, Little Ricky, Ethel. "Am I being detained?" -Savannah. (Riders of the Hunt.) A Ninjago Fan Interview (copied from Verbum artis's profile) 1. Who is your favorite Ninja? I love them all but if I had to pick I would pick Lloyd. 2. What would you do if you met your favorite Ninja? Probably stutter and be awkward. 3. What would your favorite Ninja do if s/he met you? Think I'm weird. 4. What music does s/he listen to? Huh, good question. 5. Do you have an OC? hysterical laugh* dO I hAvE OcS? *gestures to my pile of almost 100 OCs* okay fine I'll pick Alexia. 6. What would your OC do if s/he met your favorite Ninja? Probably be really funny and tell some dumb jokes. 7. What crazy thing could you imagine s/he doing? Be normal lol. 9. Who is your favorite Serpentine? That one snake in the Royal Blacksmiths who was like "A singing competition? I like singing!" and totally missed the point, he spoke to me on a spiritual level. 10. What crazy thing could you imagine s/he doing? I have no clue. 11. What would your favorite Ninja and Serpentine do if they met each other? Maybe fight? but then again the Ninja and Serpentine are kinda on good terms now. 12. Who is your least favorite Ninja? Zane maybe? Like I don't dislike any of them. 13. Who is your least favorite Serpentine? Vermillion. 14. If you could marry your favorite Ninja, how many kids would you have? Uh, like, 2? I guess. 15. What is your favorite Ninjago pairing? Jaya. Hands down. 16. Have you ever called a Ninja hot? nervous chuckle* 'course not. 17. If you could be a ninja, what would it be of? Water. Or maybe Air. 18. What side would you join? Ninja. Explaining Ninjago Seasons Badly (copied from CheezPretzel): Pilot Season: Kai saves Nya from some fossils. S1: A bunch of boys fight sentient snakes lead by a nine-year-old. S2: Lloyd listens to his friends and uncle telling him to fight his dad. S3: Everyone fights a computer over screen time restrictions. S4: Magical superhero people battle a fast-food icon. S5: The Ninja preform an exorcism on Lloyd. S6: A floating orange guy tries to force Nya to marry him. DotD: Yang is a jerk and also Cole isn't a ghost anymore. S7: Time traveling twins screw everything up. S8: Evil princess leads gang members to find forgotten Halloween costumes. S9: A group of heroes get stuck in How To Train Your Dragon. S10: Ninjago gets saved for the eighty billionth time. S11: Both furries and fire snakes want REVENGE. S12: Ninjago participates in the Minecraft renaissance. Okay, so here's the part where you see my story (yes I only have one, which I'm rewriting). But before you go I'd like to thank you for reading through all of my profile (I know I have a lot on it). Now enjoy the rest of your day/night! ~DarkRed. |